Him and their stars

Chapter 1206 Slowly hack him to death

Having said this, a look of shame flashed across the face of the "past father-in-law": "You are right. In the final analysis, I am really just a martial artist. Before I joined the organization and accepted the teachings of my mentor, I was just a stupid warrior. The mercenaries will only use mercenary methods to solve problems."

Yu Lian raised his eyebrows: "Mercenary? Now I immediately thought of that poor beloved relative and friend No. 1. It's more like a cult."

"To be precise, it is a cult-like mercenary organization, or a mercenary-type cult. In this way, a usable combat force can be created. In the Shura field where I live, I need such a force ." He seemed to have fallen into deep and painful remembrance, and an emotion of compassion flashed across his face:

"But later, I met my mentor. He told me that cult-like organizations have limits. Yes, in my short career as a cultist, I learned one thing. The more I manipulate people's hearts, The more you look at the dark side of things, the more you realize that this approach has its limits after all.”

"So you've transcended the cult? That's disrespectful!" Yu Lian clasped his fists.

"No, I haven't transcended the cult. After all, I have developed path dependence and can only accumulate strength for the organization in my own way. I am destined not to be my mentor."

He paused and looked at Yu Lian with expectant eyes: "But, someone can do it. Someone should even be able to do better than my mentor."

Yu Lian pretended not to understand what the other party meant, and just nodded calmly: "Well, now aunt, yes, the aunt named Lily, although she is also a bitch, at least she has better looks than you. So I think he is more righteous than you, and he should be able to do better than you."

Before the other party could answer, Yu Lian added: "So, since he is your mentor, he can only be the legendary 'Future Master', right? Although he is a mystic, even his nest is about to be destroyed. Subverted, but still not ready to show up?”

The true leader of the World Serpent, the legendary "Future Lord", is indeed the most mysterious figure in the universe. Neither the snake head nor the snake's enemies dare to deny his existence, but who he is, how old he is, what race he is, and what gender he is, all seem to be covered with a veil. Even in another timeline, Yu Lian didn't have any reliable information.

The eredar elf smiled: "You should be able to know Him when necessary."

It means that now is not the necessary time. Yu Lian sneered and lowered his face on the spot.

"But you are wrong, young man. My mentor is not the 'Future Duke', but the 'past' before me, the last head of the famous Earl Salvin family in the empire."

Yu Lian said that this was indeed the first time he had heard the news. Although on the surface he still had an expression of "Who are you talking about?", in his heart it was inevitable that he was starting to feel turbulent.

"He once said that the stagnation of the universe comes from our laziness. We have received too many gifts before we climbed out of the cradle, but we have never really tried to climb the mountains with our own strength. Pioneers We should be guided to learn to use our own power. However, before that, some people have been telling everyone that the gifts of the enlightened are an indispensable part of our civilization. They are addicted to this era, enjoy this era, and dominate this era. Young man, since you want to change the world, don’t you think that the banner set up by such people should be cut down?”

Yu Lian stood there, looking at the other person with indifferent eyes, and the sarcasm on his lips became more direct: "If you want to transcend the cult, you will change from a cult mercenary to a cult terrorist."

"I have already said that I am not a pioneer after all, but just a lazy warrior who only does things in his own way. But you are different. You are really promoting our era in your own way, right? You are exploring And examine our era and seek down-to-earth solutions." He smiled:

"This is why we are so optimistic about you. What else? Three of our comrades who have worked side by side for many years have died in your hands, but we still hope that you can become a member of the World Serpent. Is it just that Because you are a genius psyker? As a psyker, you are certainly amazing, but you are not unique. In the past history, there are actually many psykers who are more amazing than you."

Yu Lian nodded. He has always been a very humble person.

"I thought it was because I was handsome." He said seriously: "I have always felt that although I am not a stunningly talented psychic, I must be a handsome man who dominates the world."

The eredar elf coughed and said without changing his face: "But no matter what plans you have for your youth club, the Pioneer Party, the community, or your own life, the activities of the World Serpent are all There’s no conflict.”

Yu Lian tilted his head and thought for a moment, half believing it. After all, the World Serpent did sound like a loosely structured club-like trouble-making organization, but he thought about it carefully and didn't believe it.

"Hahaha, how can there be no conflict? What if the snake-headed one among you is the chosen emperor of the empire? He wants to be the emperor and is going to use your heads as military merit?"


"Oh, by the way, I forgot. Every generation of Rainbow Rose leaders who want to make a difference will sacrifice you to heaven. You should be very used to this feeling." Yu Lian shrugged: "Since you are all willing to give to the Alliance Having sex, it doesn’t seem strange to be fucked by the empire. One servant and two masters, this is also the trend."

The eredar elf old man showed a vicissitudes of life and an optimistic smile: "Actually, one servant and three masters are also acceptable. If you can successfully become the head of the Blue Star Community, we can also discuss it in detail. Anyway, in the world, The snake will always survive. By then, your hostility may be lifted."

Come on, when a person has no moral integrity, you can't attack the other person from a moral perspective.

At this time, I heard the other party say again: "Young man, you are also studying politics. So, can you tell me, what is the most unstable political structure in the world?"

Yu Lian had no interest in this kind of nutritious rhetoric about building a political power, so he said: "Well, this is actually a relative concept. If you think it is an absolute concept, there must be something seriously wrong. Yes, there is a serious illness in the cult. That’s how you think about things.”

The eredar elf smiled and said: "However, an absolute monarchy that is supposed to be the most unstable has actually established the most powerful military empire in the universe. Don't you think this is against common sense?"

Who says monarchies are the most unstable? Yu Lian wanted to complain and ridicule the other party, but he also knew that now was not the time to argue. The other party obviously didn't mean this.

"The history of the Dawn Dynasty can be traced back to the pioneering era of the empire's home planet. The Dragon King ruled the Tirero people, then conquered the ancient Meiya people, and then conquered half of the galaxy. The one who wears the Void Crown is always the Dragon King of Dawn Everyone. The emperors of each generation of the Galaxy Empire are wise, courageous, talented and wise kings. Do you think this is reasonable?"

If you were a die-hard loyalist of the empire, you would definitely write a paper of hundreds of thousands of words explaining the advanced nature of the imperial election system from the aspects of society, history, civilization changes, etc., so as to ensure that each generation can sit upright. Those who sit on the throne must be the best people of the generation of the Chenxi royal family.

In fact, there are indeed too many people who believe that members of the Dawn Royal Family are born nobles. They are born to be great and noble, and they are also born to lead the Galactic Empire and all galactic civilizations in this generation.

"But, are they born noble so they can always rule? Or are they born noble because they are always ruling?" Past Gong Youyou said.

Yu Lian sighed: "Well, I personally do think that the monarchy is the source of decay and all evil. But the Chenxi royal family has indeed been a wise king for generations. From leading the Tiruluo people to destroying the ancient Meiya people on the opposite side, they also marched towards the founding of the universe. Counting from the era of the great emperor, there has never been any dark master or mediocre master."

Yes, although these imperial emperors also have high and low talents, the lowest level is a conservative king who lacks a little personality, but does not lack skill, determination and insight. In the history of any imperial era, he can be regarded as a wise king. The Holy Lord, who can be called the "Great Emperor", has reached double digits. This is how the so-called ten generations of divine kings came about.

"Although it is very unscientific, I must say that it is also a virtue to recognize the excellence of others." Yu Lian shrugged.

Then, after the nearly two-century-long era of Emperor Elithel ended, before everyone had time to take a breath, the era of the even more aggressive Queen Brunhilt was about to begin.

...Yes, despite what Brunhilt looks like, he is indeed a person who pays great attention to honor. His overall moral cultivation and outlook on life can be considered upright, but he is indeed an ambitious type.

"But, young man, is it really a good thing that half of the galaxy is always in the hands of the so-called saint kings?" The Eredar Elf said: "Is this situation really a natural occurrence? "

Yu Lian frowned slightly: "...As far as I know, Count Salvin is an old rebel of the Galaxy Empire. He was rebelling before Emperor Elithel ascended the throne."

"You are well informed."

"It's just that in the superficial history, he suffered from type three space radiation disease and died of a sudden illness. Earl Salvin died, and the territory was directly managed by the central government. Haha, the Dawn Royal Family is still reserved for Earl Salvin. A lot of respectability.”

"After all, it is a famous family with a long history. Count Salvin's ancestors have produced many famous ministers."

"I also know that Count Salvin is actually a master mystic scholar and environmental biologist. It is impossible for a scientist who knows martial arts to rebel without being prepared at all."

The eredar elf nodded in agreement: "He has never been a reckless person who showed off his courage, unlike an unworthy disciple like me."

"There is no need to be modest. From what other executive officers and Thirteenth Mian have done, you at least play a role in maintaining discipline." Yu Lian waved his hand, and then his tone suddenly became sharp: "I want to The rebellious Count Salvin should theoretically have prepared some research results that could threaten the imperial power of the empire. However, he and his family retained the last bit of dignity, and they have not heard of anything the empire has to do with its descendants. A thorough search...can I think that his last legacy has actually been swallowed up by your world-wide snake?"

The eredar elf did not answer immediately, but looked at Yu Lian with a careful look, and said with a smile: "You have encountered many things, which gives you the opportunity to grow, and also gives you the qualification to doubt everything."

"Just some reasonable doubts." Yu Lian laughed: "You just wanted to say that the Dragons of Dawn dominate another universe. They have become the culprits of the stagnation of this universe and need to be chopped down. The villain banner? So, what does the other universe say?"

The eredar elf blinked and smiled: "Isn't that what you are doing on the other side of the universe? We World Snakes are used to being fucked by Rainbow Rose! In a sense, they are actually better than Chen Xi The dragon is even more dangerous, and we have lost all ability to resist. Because of this, we need your joining!"

He extended a hand to Yu Lian: "Join us. We will only be your helpers. The future is yours! The universe will also be yours."

"Is this a pun? Or a joke?" Yu Lian sneered.

"Perhaps, both?" Past Master also gave an unprecedented snarky smile.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, as if they had finally figured out the punchline of the joke, and at the same time they burst out laughing wildly like a hero, even laughing so hard that they were about to shed tears.

"Damn it, it's like you are mentally retarded!" Yu Lian laughed and raised his atomic light spear. He didn't glance at the "past man" in front of him, it was nothing more than a projection. However, in such an unnatural space, the movements, words, and demeanor of the projection can form certain subtle fluctuations, which can become clues for him to find the other side of the passage and the location of the enemy's true body.

At Yu Lian's feet, the fragrant garden seemed to begin to swim on its own. His body was suddenly stretched, and he disappeared immediately, as if a battleship had entered a jump channel.

However, Yu Lian himself has always clearly captured all of this. In an instant, he had arrived in a wilderness, and his light spear slashed directly at the golden-armored Eredar Elf.

Yu Lian knew that that was the real owner.

"Hey, slow down, Major General Yu Lian, this is my prey!" A voice sounded.

It was an astral knight wearing an imperial crimson coat of arms, but it was none other than Count Tatier. This powerful knight captain was carrying a four-meter-long impact spear, which collided with the trident in the hand of "Past Master". The two were wrestling, and for a moment it seemed that neither could do anything to the other.

"It's okay, I'll chop him to death slowly. You don't have to be polite." Yu Lian said seriously.

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