Him and their stars

Chapter 1211 Although you are young, you are quite a knight.

The knight commander wearing a heraldry machine is no longer using an exaggerated spiral blaster this time, but a dark red atomic light spear that is standard for the Astral Knights. He kept attacking the opponent, stabbing, slashing, and provoking movements without a hint of fireworks, while constantly changing direction through movement. His steps were like a ghost, as if he was wearing a light single coat instead of a heraldic machine weighing at least half a ton.

Yu Lian quickly recognized that what Count Tatier was using now was "Twilight", which was a secret psychic martial skill of the imperial court. It was said to originate from the classical mythology of the empire. In mythology, the sun god Rui suppresses and executes the evil spirits in the world at dusk before giving the world to the moon god. So, at dusk in the evening, when night is about to fall, the sun leaves only the sunset glow on the horizon, which looks the most insubstantial, but is also the most powerful and dangerous.

This set of "Twilight" is such a sword style. Every time his sword blade rotates and dances, there is no trace of fireworks. However, along the path of the sword blade, the air completes the state of burning, exploding and even ionizing in an instant. As a result, thousands of ions were rubbing against each other, and a crisp sound like the cries of thousands of birds immediately sounded.

However, that was no ordinary lightning. It is the charge naturally generated by the extremely high temperature dissolved air. The destructive power generated in an instant alone has even exceeded the ion main gun of the battleship. However, such shocking destructive power was really only concentrated in the trajectory of the attack, and did not spread to the surroundings at all.

Yu Lian still has some understanding of this so-called "twilight". He knew that as long as he was not directly hit by the ionized roar, even ordinary people would be unscathed. Although the ionized glare could be seen with the naked eye, the body surface would not even feel a slight increase in temperature. arrive. However, once hit, the body is directly reduced to a particle state by the strong pressure of ions, even before it is evaporated by the high temperature of compression.

Being able to use dusk and having the courage to use dusk at the same time is naturally a reflection of the knight commander's outstanding martial arts and top psychic control.

However, his opponent also performed at the same level. However, Yu Lian only saw this eredar elf wearing golden armor holding a trident to block the situation. However, facing the continuous offensive of the leading martial arts master in the Astral Knights, he will inevitably be caught in a flaw. The ions drawn by the atomic light spear will always break through the defense circle and hit his body. At first glance, it is indeed a dangerous situation.

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that although Count Tatier's attacks can always break through the opponent's arrival, the trajectory brought out by the ion disintegration is always half an inch away from touching the opponent. However, it is always absorbed by the energy field that cannot be discerned by the naked eye, and the glare and ionization disappear together, as if it has fallen into an endless abyss.

Yu Lian observed on the spot for seven or eight seconds, and suddenly let out a breathtaking sound of admiration.

In terms of martial arts alone, or even in terms of frontal combat effectiveness, "The Past Master" is probably no match for Knight Commander Tatier. However, he is an even better master of psychic techniques. When facing an almost unstoppable attack from his opponent, he didn't think he could completely block it, so he simply used his body as a medium to turn himself into a high-dimensional material that could absorb and neutralize high-intensity energy.

The "element cells" in psychic techniques and the advanced abilities from "stone skin" to "mithril skin" are actually based on this principle. In a sense, what he is using now should be a combination of these two techniques. At this moment, every acupuncture point in his body may contain a force field vortex that absorbs energy.

It is estimated that even if you are facing a star explosion, you can use this trick to survive.

This is the true divine skill of Gou Dao! Yu Lian was so emotional. If I really join the snake, "past man" will definitely teach me, right?

...It’s just that this kind of invincible Taoist skill must be very taxing on the body and mind, right? When I played Elemental Cell and drilled into the sewer once, I almost passed through it.

...Hey, "The God of the Past" has a heavy burden on his Goudao magical skills. Doesn't it mean that if the Knight Commander uses dusk to compress the power of the battleship's main gun level to a point and a line, it won't be a big burden?

In a sense, this big boss is clearly using his "internal power" to deal with Bobby. Yu Lian suddenly felt relaxed when he thought of this. He felt that they estimated that it would be a while before the winner was decided. Before that, I even had time to think about the situation just now...

Yes, King Valente's retainers are dead, and his own life and death are unknown and there is no trace at all. Yu Lian felt that if he told Count Tatieri the news now, the old man's extremely fast "Dusk" might not be able to maintain, and the "past" might catch the flaw and kill him.

Yu Lian thought about it seriously and decided that it would be better not to tell the other party first.

He felt that he should not disturb the other party for the time being and give priority to sorting out his own thoughts.

The master from the alliance, Mr. Aisuotu Burning Sword, died in the battle. A top master who had worked hard in the realm of the Sixth Ring for at least ten years, and who was also a "Blood Road" with thick flesh and blood, was just silently killed. He was beheaded, and he didn't even have time to warn. In addition, the two retainers of King Wilente, Viscount Job and Baron Hutar, one with four rings and the other with three rings, are also veteran astral knights who have been famous for at least twenty years.

As for King Wilent himself, I have indeed never heard of any reputation for bravery, but after all, he is the elected emperor and a direct descendant of the Dawn royal family. His strength is at least above the average of the Astral Knights, and he must have many mysterious powers. Royal treasure.

However, facing such a lineup, even if they meet another Time Lord, they shouldn't be defeated so quietly, right?

...More importantly, since everyone else is dead, there is no reason why King Valente should receive preferential treatment, right?

The snakeheads don't think that capturing a chosen emperor alive can threaten the empire to withdraw its troops, right?

There is a saying that the Chenxi Royal Family has never lacked people who can inherit the throne. For the Tiruiro people who are full of martial virtue, a captured emperor is equivalent to losing the legal reason to sit on the throne.

Everyone felt that if the emperor was captured, the Imperial Privy Council and the Senate would definitely elect a new emperor as soon as possible - although with the martial virtues of the Chenxi royal family, such a thing had never happened.

In short, ordinary nobles and even ordinary members of the royal family can also consider ransom or something, but when electing emperors and emperors, there are only two choices: victory and death in battle.

What's more, even if this group of imperial troops really loves King Wilente and values ​​his life so much that they have to withdraw, the Alliance and the Community have no obligation to King Wilente.

So, the question becomes, where is this guy’s body?

Yu Lian began to sort out the information he knew about snakes. A strong person like "Past Master" who is strong in the seventh ring or weak in the eighth ring is very rare even among the masters of the snakes in the world. Ms. "Now" should be counted as one, but to be honest, the aunt who is very good at acting is actually still young, and she is still a little behind compared to the experienced veteran like "past father-in-law".

Then, there is the "law breaker" who has been serving as the chief among the thirteen faces. This person seems to have always played the role of double red stick and leader, and occasionally plays a role like a disciplinary committee member. The organization of the World Snake is actually very loose, but many of the joint actions of the snake leaders are personally organized by this "lawbreaker".

The organizational structure of a loose club like Snake is similar to that of a primitive tribe in a sense. People with prestige must be good at fighting.

Yu Lian knew that the "lawbreaker" was still alive and kicking half a century later in another timeline. At that time, he was already the "Deep Space Warden" of the Eighth Ring. In comparison, the famous "Hunter", "Fuohuo", and "Dead Soul Captain" in later generations are just juniors, and even the mysterious and powerful "Red King" lacks a lot of oppression.

Well, if the "law breaker" and the "now" aunt take action together, defeating these people will not be a big problem, but how can they do it silently?

Yes, even if all the snake heads come on stage and attack together, it is impossible to achieve this.

One possibility is that the snake heads used a method to block all the fighting aura from escaping. This is actually a very common technique, and the space channel we just saw is one. Yani has already brought a group of mechanical heroic spirits over there to open Wushuang, and there is no movement here.

Another possibility is a sneak attack by an expert, and the sneak attack is someone that the dead will not defend themselves against.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the mysterious "Future Master" really appears and takes action directly?

Yu Lian always felt that this speculation seemed to lack a sense of reality. There was always a feeling that if the "Future Master" really appeared and took action, his ability would be lost.

In addition, if it is really the "Future Duke", he can definitely kill King Wilente's group of people and then come over and kill Count Tatier. There is no reason why King Wilente disappeared without a trace like this.

All in all, after eliminating all possibilities, no matter how absurd the possibility is, it is very likely to be the only truth.

So that’s it, King Wilente is the future! Yu Lian knocked his palms with his fists, as if he suddenly realized something.

...It's like being mentally retarded.

If King Wilente's old dog becomes the "future", then Feifei must be the emperor's illegitimate daughter, and this hero must be the reincarnation of the spirit of the universe. Yu Lian thought so.

However, it is indeed very possible that the old dog has some connection with the World Serpent. If you think about it carefully, snakes have become Rainbow Rose's black gloves. If you want to survive more comfortably, it is possible to develop some downlines from Dawn Royal.

The more Yu Lian thought about it, the more he felt that this kind of speculation was very possible, but he really didn't have any evidence, and he didn't have enough to tell others. Then, we should continue to move forward and find the core of the fortress, or the location of King Wilente's and other snake heads.

However, I am alone now, and it would still be very dangerous if I really meet the master who killed Aisotu and his group.

Therefore, the top priority is to kill one by one.

Yu Lian looked at the knight commander and the "past prince" who were still fighting in an inseparable battle, and began to think about which direction he should intervene. At this time, Count Tatieri was heard shouting: "Come and help!"

...Uh, did I hear correctly just now? A dignified astral knight captain, who was using a mysterious skill like "Twilight" to beat the "past man" to the point where he could hardly lift his head, was asking me for help.

"Yes, come here to help! Attack his back!" The knight commander said in a magnanimous tone: "We are just between the two of us, plus you, we should be a little bit higher than him. Kill him, then you can The entire fortress was captured through his authority."

Yu Lian feels that you are too humble. You know, you attacked ten times and only defended once. You almost always suppressed the opponent and attacked again. And now you have the ability to speak, which means you must be much higher than "in the past".

But in fact, Count Tatier's current situation is really not good. He indeed seemed to have beaten the opponent to the point where he almost lost the ability to fight back, but just as Yu Lian guessed, a martial art like "Dusk" that combines speed, power and control is very taxing on the body. , a greater burden on weapons.

The knight commander knew very well that if he fought for a few more minutes, the atomic light spear in his hand would probably break before his body was overwhelmed and injured.

If the enemy's turtle shell can be broken before then, then the world will be at peace. If it doesn't work, I'm afraid I'll be the one running away.

...But, can I really escape?

In the battle just now, although the opponent was beaten by him and was almost unable to fight back, he still managed to respond a few times. As the top martial arts master in the Astral Knights, Count Tatier had already sensed a very dangerous aura from the opponent's few thrusts and thrusts.

This is a spear technique that I have never seen before, but judging from the flow of spiritual energy, it is extremely explosive, as if it is hiding a black hole. If a flaw is revealed, it is really possible for him to fight back.

"I'm under a lot of pressure right now." The knight commander said: "Kill him from behind."

"His turtle shell is indeed very hard. I'm not sure how long it will take to cut it open." Yu Lian walked towards the platform where the two were fighting, and once again showed the golden flame of light.

"Sooner or later, it will be possible. Protracted battles are far more spiritually tempered than any kind of battle." Count Tatier pressed the opponent's weapon with his light spear, raised it lightly, and then separated the trident's blade. At the same time, he also pulled out a bolt of lightning on the chest of the eredar elf.

"Maybe we can learn each other's martial arts through this battle." The knight commander smiled: "If he fights back a few times, I will see it. When the time comes, I can also leave it to you."

Yu Lian thinks this deal is quite good.

At this time, the eredar elf had already cast a myriad of emotions at Yu Lian from the corner of his eyes: "You are not his subordinate. Only you can decide the outcome of this war. Now, we are the only ones here, and you are the only one qualified to decide the outcome. .”

This guy is obviously speechless due to nervousness and fatigue, but his eyes are so rich in drama and his appeal is so expressive.

Yu Lian could only lament that even if there was a difference in strength between the clone and the original body, at least their styles were similar. He didn't hesitate any longer and jumped to the platform where the battlefield was.

However, as soon as he stood still, the platform under his feet began to sink. He led the three people to leave this level of the fortress on the spot and began to dive deeper.

Yu Lian wanted to laugh a little. There is no psychic array on this platform, only the most basic anti-gravity and levitation equipment. To put it bluntly, it is just an ordinary levitation elevator. But just because it was so simple and ordinary, it was actually ignored by me.

However, so what? Can this restore my martial ethics? Yu Lian laughed loudly, ignored the other party's eyes, and rushed over. The golden flames spewed out by Lin Guang became the last straw, finally breaking through the force field vortex that covered his entire body. The destructive force penetrated his shield and armor, spreading from his flesh.

"A beautiful blow!" Count Tatier praised loudly: "Although your noble officer is young, he is already a model of knights!"

At this time, the eredar elf's purple skin began to slide like oil. It was the force field entangling it that ignited the muscles under his skin. The leader of the World Serpent made a painful groan for the first time, but it turned into crazy laughter: "Hurry up, I'm about to be killed! Hahahaha, hurry up!"

Yu Lian didn't think this guy was crazy, but he was probably sending a message to his companions.

You know, at this time, this platform is already connected to the passage on another level of the fortress. On both sides of the passage, several figures appeared again.

Those were clones belonging to the "past" male. They were all Eredar elves wearing golden armor, holding swords, guns, swords and halberds. They were in perfect condition and had a sharp breath.

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