Him and their stars

Chapter 1214 Who said you have a grudge against the empire?

Looking at the intact body of the eredar elf, Yu Lian thought for a moment that it should be another clone. However, if you take a closer look, you will see that only half of the guy's golden armor is left, hanging loosely on his torso like a beggar's uniform. Isn't this the wound caused by the Knight Commander just now?

What's more, this "past man" no longer hides his power. He even seemed to be showing off his strength. Just standing there, the air around him was already shaking.

Yu Lian had no doubt that as long as the other party was willing, he could create an aerial earthquake at the scene with his thoughts.

...He has completely returned to his peak state, even beyond it.

Well, although it was difficult to tell the age of the eredar elf, or even his appearance, Yu Lian did have the feeling that this guy was at least a hundred years younger.

"What a miracle!" Xunfeng, whose physical strength seemed to be completely exhausted, was lying on the fence, his eyes hidden under the trembling feathers, but his voice was filled with excitement and fascination.

"I didn't expect that the first person to witness the miracle was not the future father-in-law, the current lady, nor the other colleagues, but me," he said.

"You are qualified to witness all this." The Eredar Elf said: "If you witness it, you will witness it on behalf of the rest of the people."

"Is this the so-called time? The so-called only thing worth starting a war?" Yu Lian was horrified, but he kept a flawless poker face and looked at the other party up and down with a scrutinizing gaze: "So, you Is it true that I have regained my youth, or is it just temporary?”

He showed a narrow smile, which immediately made him look younger: "Who knows? This is my first time to receive such a baptism. Anyway, I feel very good now, both physically and mentally, as if I have returned to a hundred years ago. Years ago.”

Yu Lian showed a look of surprise: "So, more than a hundred years ago? Well, when you stabbed Count Salvin in the back, right?"

"We did not stab him in the back. We inherited his ideals." The Eredar Elf said solemnly: "Now, we are carrying forward his ideals and challenging the deepest darkness in the universe."

"Relying on this, I don't know if there are any side effects of rejuvenation?" Yu Lian sneered: "Then, what is the price?"

He went over and looked at the genetic diagnosis and treatment cabin behind him. When the three clones were lying in the treatment chamber, the lid automatically popped up, revealing the mummy lying inside.

Those eredar elf clones whose physical strength is comparable to that of high-ranking psykers and who can also carry powerful spiritual abilities have all the flesh, flesh and nutrients in their bodies gone, leaving only a shriveled corpse, like It seems that it has been hidden in a cave in the desert for hundreds of years.

"If there is a third party here, they will only think that you are the deepest darkness, right?" Yu Lian said quietly.

"You put it that way, I am still somewhat injured. The spirituality of the clone was created by my external body method, and the body is the latest clone product, which is extremely expensive. The genius brother of the earth, I am not like in the movie Like the devil king, he deliberately sucks the lives of ordinary people, let alone eats boys and girls to extend his life." The Eredar Elf said.

Yu Lian realized that this was indeed the case, and immediately clasped his fists in greeting: "Disrespect, disrespect! In other words, these clones are actually poured into your flesh and blood?"

In the past, Mr. Gong felt that something was wrong, so he did not take up the issue. He just smiled and said: "Ordinary people will store their own stem cells and frozen blood to save lives at critical moments. This is actually the same nature."

Well, if you have to explain it from this perspective, it does sound of the same nature.

It must be admitted that although the World Snake is a villain and a terrorist, in terms of not being a human being, he is actually a little bit of a human being.

Probably sensing the change in Yu Lian's mood, the Eredar Elf's face had a warm, even kind smile:

"Yes, our enemy is actually the abyss parasitic in the universe, which is more powerful than we imagine. We need to do too much step-by-step, and it is indeed only one aspect. The power of time is not our purpose , or our weapons. And weapons always have to be used before they can change from unstable to stable."

Yu Lian sneered: "Really? What other weapons are there? That artificial population that looks like a swarm of bees? They are the legacy left by Count Salvin, right?"

He responded with a meaningful look: "You already know a lot of secrets. Some are by chance, and some are because of your persistence and intelligence. At this point, do you still think that you have no chance with us? If you can join us , a few fragments can be turned into stable clues. Hahahaha, I seem to have said this many times today."

"Yes. I have said it three times, but if you keep insisting on it, won't you look poor? Aren't you worried about damaging your own style?"

"The style is composed of mystery and intimidation, but this is just a personality used to deal with the world. But if it is still like this to like-minded comrades, it will become a shady cult."

You are quite shady, and the only thing you are missing from the cult is a few missionaries who preach eschatology. Yu Lian thought.

"Today's opportunity is rare, and I hope that person can persuade me a few more times. How about it? Young man, are you really not interested in these things about me? Even most of the Thirteen Sides friends are. I don’t know. But these are secrets I can share with you.”

"I can testify that I really don't know anything." Xunfeng added: "I joined the organization just to borrow their power and slap the empire in the face. As for the more secret information, there is nothing Got it."

The past man laughed and said: "A person's position in this world actually depends on the amount of information he has. Don't you think so?"

Yu Lian felt that what he said was somewhat philosophical.

So, can I join, deceive you into getting these secret information, and then quit?

Although he wanted to say this, but considering the beloved relative and friend No. 1 who turned into a virtual beast on the spot, he suddenly felt that he was still not suitable for such a godly organization.

This hero, Yushu Linfeng, is chic and suave. He is very satisfied with his skin as a human being, but he doesn’t want someone to implant something disharmonious into his head. Even if he dies, he must die as a human being! He showed a silent smile, stretched out his hand, and Dawn Sword Pills spread out beside him with a cold light.

"Hehehehe, this is a young man full of energy." The Eredar elf still showed no sign of anger. Instead, he looked like a parent who had no choice but to deal with the stubborn and rebellious juniors, and then said: "I told you, We are the only ones here now. Even if you join, it will not affect your main business. My colleague General Black can prove it."

"Yes, I even made a lot of achievements relying on the organization's intelligence." The Kuolan man's voice seemed to be filled with gratitude.

"Then where do you put "I Have a Dream"?"

The Kuolan judge laughed: "Young general, is it possible? I have been the chief investigating judge of the trial court for twenty years. Is it possible that, even without the help of the organization, sooner or later I will Can I climb to that position? I can only climb to that position?"

"It's hard to talk nonsense about things that have never happened. However, seeing how you swear so emphatically, I'll just take it as such." Yu Lian replied slowly: "In short, I have witnessed the miracle happening here, and I am very Satisfied. So, that’s it…”

He wanted to flicker away with the force field, but he could already feel the stagnation of spiritual energy around him.

Unknowingly, the spiritual energy of the "past man" had seeped into this huge cabin. They become part of the air, but they also become part of the space.

A completely closed space cage has been formed.

No, not just space. Even the flow of time is controlled.

And now, he is deeply involved. He is about to be swallowed up by the closure of space and the torrent of time and dislocation. In such a world, he has almost no way to resist.

This is what Yu Lian's senses told him, and he decided to trust his intuition.

He watched as the smiling eredar elf floated up like a weightless ghost and landed in front of him again. At this time, the opponent was unarmed, and the gold armor he wore was half-dressed like a beggar even looked a bit ridiculous. Obviously, the past father quickly noticed this, and quickly peeled off his armor, revealing a purple suit with a spiritual light. tendon meat.

"...Wearing gay purple, it looks like he was hit by nuclear radiation, and he was hit while playing with the human centipede." Yu Lian let out a sigh, and once again flashed the golden energy flame.

In his sight, he saw a smiling but shirtless purple muscular gay, but in his senses, he saw a dark human shape, as if every pore was the entrance and exit of a black hole. Indescribable spiritual power flowed around his body, as if he was accumulating power, and then letting it spurt out like a strong wind.

At this moment, the eredar elves rushed over with the strong wind. He still didn't show any weapons, but just let all his body turn into darkness.

At this moment, any trace of breath flowing through the body of the past male can constitute the tide of fighting impact.

Yu Lian suddenly realized that at this moment he was playing the role of Count Tatier. However, the opponent he had to face was stronger and more energetic than he was just now. He knew that combat experience and skills alone would definitely not be able to bridge the gap in hard power between the two sides.

If "past father-in-law" hadn't always had expectations for him, he might have been able to stick to ten moves at most. But even so, he who is currently waving the light and dawn is like a beacon struggling in the huge storm that swallows the world. Anyone who is distracted for even a second will be completely swallowed up by its vast power in an instant.

"Feel the pain. Experience the pain. Accept the pain." The eredar elf laughed wildly, as harshly as the sharp wind tearing apart the trees.

"Then, you can feel our sincerity. My former mentor said that children who are unwilling to accept the truth and listen to our words can be beaten until they listen."

Yu Lian felt that these words had made him mentally polluted, so he snorted and simply let his emotions relax.

He allowed himself to let nature take its course without the intervention of his brain. Whether it's the confrontation between Linguang's golden flames and the black mist, or the dimensional slash that sweeps at the opponent at dawn, there is a reaction force that can make the body move. He let his steps move along with the reaction force. When his shoulders and arms rotated freely in the process, the weapons flickered without fireworks, but instead created a counterattack.

The eredar elves no longer concealed their appreciation: "You deserve all our praise! You should..."

He suddenly stopped talking.

In the past, Gongben had been able to determine that his psychic energy had formed countless ghost images and dense networks in this space. But the young man full of hope was like a gorgeous butterfly, no matter how he resisted, he was just struggling in the spider web.

No matter how long it takes, he will always be exhausted.

In this field composed of space and time dislocation, the last thing everyone lacks is time.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the only gap in the secret network. The Eredar Elf was then surprised to find that Swift Wind, who thought it had run out of gas, had reached the end of the platform at some point.

"You are right, mentor, we are the only ones here."

He took out a crystal from his arms.

Even with the knowledge of the eredar elves, they still couldn't recognize the origin of the crystal. However, he could feel the power of some kind of subspace law that transcended the virtual realm.

"You made the wrong choice," he shouted.

The Kuolan man let out a painful groan. Indescribable tentacles seemed to emerge from under his feathers, and a heart-stopping black mist overflowed from his pores.

This is the manifestation of the spiritual factor of the psyker degenerating and about to be devoured and turned into a virtual beast.

"Mr. Past" has never been a typical mentor, and he will never be able to completely let down his guard against a "colleague" who has just returned to the headquarters.

However, before these strange things swallowed up the Kuolan people, he had already crushed the crystal. Under the sudden flash of white light, those indescribable shadows and tentacles immediately began to dissipate like sewage irradiated by the sun.

Yu Lian had already seen that a tall figure wearing armor with dragon wings spread out behind his back had appeared on the scene. She stood here, the light turning into a sun disk behind her head, like a ray of sunshine reflecting the haze. She turned her face and smiled brightly like the rising sun towards Yu Lian: "Is that so? Lian Qing, long time no see."

"Actually, it didn't take long, just over half a year...wait, why are you here!" Yu Lian said loudly.

"Well, yes? Why? Probably because the snake's den is right here!" She puffed up her chest and said proudly. Well, even with this lady's proud curves, wearing a coat of arms does not show off her figure, but she can't stand up to others taking it for granted and showing off her domineering attitude.

Of course, after she was done with her domineering attitude, she regained her solemn posture and winked playfully at Yu Lian: "Of course, it could also be because, Qing Lian, you are here too."

The visitor is naturally the owner of the Dawn Angel, the youngest of the elected emperors, Sulyuka King Brunhilt, the true chosen daughter of the Holy Galactic Empire.

However, until now, no one has realized this fact. They only know that she is the face of the younger generation of the Chenxi royal family. Some people even regard her as a vase and mascot.

Yu Lian quickly looked at the Kuolan judge over there. But at this time, the other party was really exhausted, and slowly sat on the ground, tired. But at the end, he actually knocked his chest in the direction of King Suliuka, as if I dedicated my loyal heart to you.

Hey hey hey, who was it that just said that he had a grudge against the empire?

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