Him and their stars

Chapter 1220 There is no absolute defense circle

Brünnhilt put his hands on his hips and said: "Lian Qing, the malice of your words is obvious. Count Tatier is one of the knight commanders and the chief martial arts instructor of the Forbidden Army. Strictly speaking, all of us here are He is considered his student."

"Well, I've heard of a kind of teacher. When Emperor Yiwenya entered the Heaven Realm, Drekello, the leader of the contemporary Astral Knights who was beheaded by her, must have also been her former teacher."

"This malice is getting more and more direct! Lian Qing, I am most disgusted with this kind of yin and yang tone. If it were someone else, I would probably let him pull out his tongue and roast it, and then let him Swallow it." King Suliuka shook his head with a smile.

"I guessed it. And compared to most people in the Chenxi royal family, you are kind." Yu Lian nodded and said: "I heard that King Bedo would throw prisoners of war into the wilderness and play with wild beasts. Escape. And then treat them as prey that can be shot?"

"It's nothing. You wouldn't believe this kind of rumor if you have any brains, right? King Bedo is a guy who is obsessed with artistic support and doesn't like hunting." Brynhilt shook his head.

"I also heard that the Tamil king would buy slaves, kidnap gangsters and mercenaries, collect them to play underground competitive killing games, and also sell tickets to big shots?"

"This kind of rumor is even more outlandish. What you are talking about is nothing more than a copycat version of the God of War Festival. Even if this kind of event is not polished during the broadcast and the brains are knocked out, it is impossible to be as exciting as the God of War Festival. How many people are watching? And, Lian Qing, don’t you know that the gambling handicap for the God of War Festival is really run by the Canaan Chamber of Commerce of Uncle Tamil."

Yu Lian raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Such a big handicap, just give it to the Tamil King?"

"It's the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, not the Tamil King alone. After all, it's a royal enterprise, and all of us get dividends. Besides, gambling sounds a bit depraved after all. It can't be directly brought up by the Prime Minister's Office, right? "King Suliuka said.

"...I also heard that King Wilente would collect boys and girls from the streets and take them home to use as consumables for inexplicable experiments." Yu Lian bared his teeth.

Brunhild couldn't help but nodded: "This is very possible... Hey, you are talking nonsense again. Lian Qing, not making or spreading rumors is the basic quality of a mentally sound adult. !”

"I understand that the consequences of slandering the emperor will be very serious. It's just a matter of spreading rumors. Anyway, for the Dragon King Sect, scandals are never negative news..."

"Well, the peach scandal actually has a certain impact. For a pure and innocent girl like me, it is still a bit hurt. That is because I have a strong will, so I survived." Brynhilt waved his hand: "You have to know, Lian Qing, those tabloids have been closed down by me. Of course, because when they reported, the words they used were not explicit, not obscene, and even the writing was very beautiful, I just assigned those reporters to The helots have gone to dig coal."

Why do I feel more like I have been subsumed by you? But Yu Lian still said seriously: "Peachy news is one thing, but slandering the Dragon King's sense of honor is another thing."

"This is a serious crime." King Suliuka said solemnly, with a slightly solemn expression.

"But that's what I said!" Yu Lian said proudly. At this moment, he felt that his whole body was filled with a sense of glorious mission without regrets. He can prove to the world that even if someone wants to have ill intentions towards him, he can definitely embrace it with glory.

"...If it's you, okay, just keep saying what you want to say. If you really feel unbalanced, you can actually say a few more words." She shook her head with a doting smile, acting like a sister. He is just open-minded and not as knowledgeable as a naughty kid like you.

Then, the queen called the Kuolan judge again: "So, Lord Xunfeng, how is Count Tatieri doing now?"

Judge Xunfeng nodded: "In the past, I actually implanted virtual commands under the skin of several of his outer bodies. In this way, the aura of the virtual realm can be hidden to the greatest extent, and it will also catch people off guard when activated. Now that the Duke of Past has fallen, with the ability of Knight Commander Tatier, he should be able to get out of trouble.

"It's hard to say. Your Excellency, the Knight Commander, is a master of martial arts, but not a master of techniques. His knowledge of virtual realm and space operations is only average. In addition, we cannot rule out the possibility of him encountering the virtual realm lord by chance." Chief of Staff The lady said.

Yu Lian said helplessly: "Admit it, you do have a bad relationship with Knight Commander Tatier."

Brünnhilt still maintained a reserved smile and said: "I can only say that the relationship between me and all the active knight captains is not close. After all, they are only in their twenties, and they are not of the same generation. They, the old star knights, actually don’t want to see a little girl who has an affair with a foreigner ascend to the throne.”

Yu Lian blinked his eyes and showed a confused expression, as if he had no idea who this so-called "foreigner" with the scandal was.

"Of course, but there's no bad feeling. As one of the leaders of the Knights, he can at least be completely fair. As a teacher, he taught me his whole heart and never had any reservations. If you throw it away Despite our minor discord on the stage, our relationship in private is very good. As long as Count Tatier does not make a choice that is obviously against his will on the throne, he is my friend. Hahaha, only evil intentions Only those who hate people who distinguish between public and private affairs, I will try my best not to let myself fall to this point."

"Am I allowed to listen to this kind of thing?" Yu Lian said in a confused tone.

"Okay! Lian Qing, remember I said it a long time ago. I can hide it from you at most, but I won't lie to you. Now that the topic has reached this point, there is nothing that can't be said to others when a majestic empire chooses an emperor. Woolen cloth?"

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, and finally decided not to pretend to be stupid, and said directly: "So, is it a deliberate plan for you and everyone to show up at such a critical time?"

Faced with this direct problem, Brünnhilt also smiled happily and said directly: "The world-wide snake is the urticaria of the universe. It cannot be cured and will always break out. It must be suppressed at any time. It won’t work without suppressing it.”

Yu Lian was startled for a moment, then immediately began to applaud, feeling that these words were particularly convincing. Of course, if there is a snake head standing here, it should be particularly effective.

The queen ignored him and continued: "I made some arrangements in advance. Maybe they will be used immediately, maybe they will not be used in a lifetime. When Qing Xunfeng returns to the snake lair as the thirteenth face, you can Start taking action. Based on the traces that you step on in the passage of the snake den every day, you can form a hidden array. Once activated through the medium, you can form an extremely stable subspace exit and get in touch with us. In fact, the passage The other end is still in the New World. I'll have to rush back after the things here are settled."

Yu Lian was speechless. In fact, he was not too surprised - the Rainbow Rose family could build a laboratory in the virtual realm and even mass-produce blue brand virtual spirits, and the snake heads could also open up their own domain in the etheric sea. There was no reason for the Chenxi royal family to You will lose to them - but this kind of operation is indeed beyond your imagination.

Yu Lian couldn't help but salute King Suliuka, and said with sincerity: "I really admire you. For you, there is no absolute defense circle in the world that cannot be broken through!"

Of course, the person he wanted to pay tribute to more was Judge Swift Wind. Using your own legs to draw an array in the fortress is naturally extremely concealable, but the burden and pressure on people can be imagined. However, he really completed it. With this unshakable determination and will, he is at least qualified to be a chancellor or even to enter the Privy Council to take charge of a country's judicial department. The mere investigating judge is indeed an incompetent person.

However, Brunhilt narrowed his eyes slightly, and for the first time there was a hint of danger in his voice: "Speaking of which, Lian Qing, besides the Dragon of Dawn, who else are there among those you mentioned? "

"Well, did I tell you?" Yu Lian blinked and continued to act stupid.

"Lian Qing, what annoys me more than spreading rumors and personal attacks is pretending to be stupid and insulting my IQ. However, since you said it... Hey, you know, it's always hard for me to get angry with you. Brünnhilt flicked a charming eye, shook his head helplessly, and said: "I just think that in the concept of occultism, there is no absolute defense circle. I have always felt that the more mysterious it is, the more mysterious it is." , the more suspended it becomes. The reason why the World Snake is so fragile in front of us is that it fails in this aspect."

Yu Lian shrugged: "You are the victors now and are qualified to comment on everything. However, I have to remind you that the World Snake has no lack of experience in being besieged in history."

Brynhildr nodded: "Yes, it's still the same sentence. The snake of the world needs to be suppressed at any time, and it will not work unless it is suppressed."

Before Yu Lian could sneer and applaud, she ordered again: "Ostana, adjust the Xing Douchen light flag to Yuhe mode and give him the coordinates."

The chief of staff obeyed the order and knocked the flag on the ground four times in a row. Then, the starlight surrounding the cabin began to circle, creating a very rhythmic trajectory. The twinkling stars seemed to have organically formed a very neat geometric figure.

"Based on Count Tatier's combat experience, he will definitely leave a little spiritual factor here before he is sent away, and he should be able to feel the space beacon we have drawn. By that time, he can even tear it open with brute force The shackles between the virtual world and the material world." King Suliuka showed a nostalgic look:

"I once saw the magnificent scene where he used his fists to drive the etheric tide in the virtual realm."

Giafel smiled and said: "That is not called brute force, but the so-called ultimate intention of martial arts. Of course, I personally think that Count Tatier is still a little far away from this realm. The so-called phenomenon of triggering the etheric tide , should be the effect of a combination of martial arts and will, and it must not be daily."

"Oh, that means our respected teacher actually blew his lips." The Queen was happy: "So, Gilly, what about you?"

Giafel bowed his head humbly, but there was no fear in his tone: "I will work hard in that direction. However, you don't have to worry, even if Teacher Tatier cannot use brute force to tear apart the virtual world and The barrier between reality, he does not lack the Noble Phantasm to cross the etheric sea.”

Ostana Barr smiled and said: "Yes, provided that he does not encounter the Lord of the Void Realm by chance."

Well, Yu Lian can't tell whether King Suliuka and His Excellency the Knight Commander are enemies or friends, but he is sure that the Chief of Staff must not have a good relationship with him.

At this time, Judge Xunfeng had already done his own thing, walked to King Suliuka, and whispered: "However, Count Tatier did not know that I am your retainer. He should also think that I am treason now." After a while, should I avoid it again?"

"No one in the entire empire knows that you are my retainer. However, from today on, there is no need to keep it a secret. Qing Xunfeng, you can live an upright life. There is no need to avoid anyone." Su Liu King Ka smiled.

"...But, after all, I joined the Snake Den because of your assignment."

"When you become the chief judge of the Tribunal, you also have my job. But so what? I just did it. Do I need my subordinates to take the blame for me?" King Suliuka said matter-of-factly: "Judgement The court also believes that this is an interference by the Emperor-Elect Palace on the central law enforcement agency, so it can apply for a ruling from the Privy Council and the Senate. To be honest, which serious prince in the empire has not filed a lawsuit with the central agency?"

"But the winning rate is only 22%." Ostana said with a smile and a smooth pronunciation.

"Ah? There is still 22%? If I were the central government, I wouldn't even give 5%." Yu Lian showed a shocked expression.

Brünnhilt pretended not to understand the latter's sarcasm and nodded: "That sounds more interesting. To be honest, for us rookies in the third and fourth rings to sneak attack on the 'Past Public', the winning rate is actually It’s not even 20% yet, right? Isn’t it a victory?”

"I have actually reached the fifth ring. After going through the New World Battle, I have already found an opportunity for a breakthrough." Giafel raised his hand.

Yu Lian shook his head secretly. On this timeline, if the "Scarlet Comet" reaches the fifth ring, it will be two or three years happier than in the previous life. This may be an uncontrollable aspect of the butterfly effect.

"And the 20% does not include Judge Swift Wind and Major General Yu Lian. With them and the Dragon of Dawn fully recognizing you, the winning rate is already over 60%." Ostana analyzed seriously. road.

Brunhild still pretended not to hear, and continued: "Ostana, when you go back, let everyone write a report to the Heraldry Institute and apply for medals and titles to Lord Xunfeng. People who have made great contributions to the empire. , you should get the rewards you deserve at all times.”

"First Class Ruby Coat of Arms, hereditary Viscount Cocalant. The report to the Heraldry Institute has been written long ago." Miss Chief of Staff said.

The eyes of the Kuolan judge are now filled with extremely complex emotions. However, among his identifiable emotions was a very obvious touch. Yu Lian said that he could completely understand.

A leader who is generous and will not take the blame from his subordinates is the best leader in the eyes of many people. If this leader also has very rare talent attributes such as high talent, high knowledge, good looks, high charisma and high execution ability, he will have the qualities to make heroes work for him.

King Brunhilt of Sulyuka indeed has all the conditions to become the ideal "Philosopher King". The history of another timeline also proves that she did not live up to these qualities.

As a result, even people like Xunfeng who claimed to have read "Yuan Lun" began to struggle.

...Well, he should have read it, otherwise there would be no need to worry about it.

It was at this moment that the spiritual light flowing on the corpse of the "past man" slowly dimmed. Finally, the high-purity zero element crystal finally emerged from the condensation.

Yu Lian looked at the purest and most brilliant zero-element light he had ever seen in his life, and felt relaxed and happy.

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