Him and their stars

Chapter 125 Eleanor is addicted to fishing

Also on this day, at noon on February 3, 830 in the common calendar of the Milky Way, millions of light-years away from the earth, there was a remote place in the Andromeda Galaxy that was not recorded on the star map, and even a scientific research ship came to In a star field that only comes a few times a year.

Admiral of the Thirteenth Guard Fleet of the Blue Star Community's "New World" garrison, Captain Eleanor Bonaparte sneezed loudly on the bridge of her ship. She twitched her beautifully shaped nose, played with her braids with her fingers, looked at the unfamiliar stars outside the window, and shook her head inexplicably.

A battle has just ended. One destroyer and three assault ships under her Fourth Guard Fleet all had only minor scratches. But not far from them, there was a messy scene.

A destroyer-sized modified ship was broken into two pieces and suspended in the air, turning into space junk. Two dilapidated armed merchant ships were missing parts, as if they had been chewed by indescribable monsters. There are five other ships in perfect condition, but their engines, shields, and all weapons have been completely shut down, just like a few salted fish smashed to the ground with their eyes closed and waiting to die.

"Captain Naruk at the front reported that the fighting has stopped, all pirate ships have been suppressed, and all enemies have surrendered!" The speaker was Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu, who was over fifty years old. Born as a navy veteran, he is also the second-in-command of this small guard fleet. As a veteran of the Navy, of course he was not very satisfied with the eldest lady who was half his age, but that was something that happened before. After several victories, coupled with this almost perfect battle of winning more with less, some dissatisfaction and doubts naturally disappeared.

In the military field, especially office politics in front-line combat troops, it can be said to be difficult or simple, as long as you lead your subordinates to win the war.

"Where's the black hat mountain monk? Don't tell me that just a pirate will die with the ship!" Eleanor said.

"Captain Naruk is checking. Don't worry, if he is alive, he will not be able to escape."

Eleanor nodded, and then shouted to the lower level of the bridge: "Ina, thank you for your hard work. Check the condition of the main gun. We may need it later. In addition, I heard that there is something wrong with San Mengji. Good thing, it’s yours.”

On the lowest level of the bridge, Lieutenant Ina Sirica, currently serving as the main gunner and firepower team leader of the fleet flagship, the destroyer Fletcher 211, showed his head from his seat and gestured to Eleanor. OK action.

"Are you going to knock down another pirate ship? Maybe like this, the black hat will come out and surrender himself!"

"It's not necessary! These are our trophies now! It's a matter of whether we can pay the balance of the two rangers!" Eleanor said loudly.

It’s really the age of the Valkyrie! Kong Qingyu looked at these two young and beautiful girls, watching them conversing without any thought like sisters, and was filled with emotion.

The biggest contributors to this battle were indeed these two girls.

First, Eleanor Bonaparte, as the supreme commander, defeated two fleets belonging to the Black Hat Pirate Group, and soon detected the recent area of ​​operations of Black Hat Mountain Monge.

Shan Mengji is also a famous and powerful pirate in the "New World". His bounty reaches 25 million stars, and there are several whose bounties exceed 10 million. Not to mention those "squadrons", his main fleet included a modified old destroyer, four assault ships, and three armed merchant ships. There were also thousands of pirates, large and small. In terms of combat effectiveness on paper, their fleet would be more than twice that of the Thirteenth Guard Fleet.

"Because of this, there is no way he will let us go. So, we called in, and the CD487 galaxy is on standby, just wait for them to come!" Eleanor said.

"But, I heard that Shan Mengzhi is a very cautious and cunning pirate. Wouldn't you guess that we have set a trap?" Kong Qingyu objected. Even he doubted that the young officer would have any backup, let alone that it would arrive.

"We just need to hang the statue of the pirate ship we just destroyed on the back. They will definitely appear."

This demonic goat-headed statue is the bow of the Black Iron Mason, Sanmonji's first pirate ship. Later, it was gradually regarded as the symbol of the Black Hat Pirates.

Later, as the size of the fleet expanded, he transferred the flagship to a larger and better destroyer, then handed over the Black Iron Mason to his cronies and established a squadron.

Unexpectedly, the squadron had not even conducted business a few times, but was blocked by Miss Eleanor Bonaparte, who was "aiming to suppress bandits and restore a bright world to the New World."

"If we humiliate the symbol of their pirate group in this way, if San Mengji doesn't come out, he should stop wandering on the road. However, if he really has such determination and endurance, then I will also obey him and treat him as a I’m taking everyone here for cruise training.” Eleanor explained to everyone.

If Shan Mengzhi really had such determination, the hearts of his men would be scattered. Needless to say more about the ending of a pirate leader who has lost his heart, right?

She looked at her subordinates who suddenly understood and were eager to try, but she didn't tell everyone that she really didn't have any backup.

Eleanor was right. She waited in the star field with the Thirteenth Guard Fleet for less than a day, and Shan Mengji led his main fleet to kill them in a chaotic manner.

Then, the Thirteenth Guard Fleet, which had long been prepared and ready, chose a combat method that was beyond common sense. Eleanor ordered the formation to disband from the beginning, letting the three assault ships leave the formation and make a gesture of escape, leaving only the lone destroyer Fletcher 211.

The pirates probably thought that these navies were frightened and became even more arrogant. The flagship, assault ship and the armed merchant ships behind them even formed a disconnect in the formation.

"Capture this ship! I will put a black iron sheep's head on her! I will name her the new Black Iron Mason! As for all the goods on the ship, the crew, especially the female crew members, are yours!" "Shan Mengzhi encouraged the pirates, which immediately aroused excited cheers from his men.

In this universe, there will definitely be some differences between ethnic reproductive isolation and sexual aesthetics, so the pirates are really not necessarily excited because of that. However, in this universe, slavery still exists. Human slaves are the most valuable, and human female slaves are more valuable than male slaves. This is also common sense among pirates!

In short, no matter what the reason was, the morale of the pirates suddenly exploded.

Then, a heavy blow from the Fletcher's main gun hit the flagship Black Devil directly, as if someone punched you in the nose through a hundred meters. The pirates were stunned on the spot.

The front of the flagship Black Devil was hit hard, and half of the ship's capital was dented. What made Shan Mengzhi even more distressed was the prow statue of the Black Dragon King that he bought on the black market with a lot of money and was said to have special and mysterious functions. You know, in just such an instant, the Dragon King's head disappeared.

However, the pirates didn't even have time to open the shield.

"What kind of cannon is that? It hits so accurately? No, why does it hit so far?" San Mengji and the pirates were confused.

At this time, he saw that Fletcher 211 began to retreat slowly, widening the distance from the enemy fleet, and fired another shot.

This time it didn't hit the flagship, but it hit a very powerful assault ship next to it.

The third and fourth rounds finally missed the target, but the shells that passed by the fleet finally triggered the energy response of the shield. The pirates belatedly opened the shield. In the magnetic reaction of energy entanglement, some sharp-eyed pirates finally saw the cone-headed projectile.

"Is it a railgun?"

"Nonsense, where can a rail gun have such a range?"

“It should be a new model, right?

"Well, if it's a new model, that's not surprising..."

"How strange! Why are new ships and new guns used in the New World?"

There is a considerable gap between the community and the two empires in terms of shipbuilding technology, and many technical problems cannot be overcome. After losing the legacy left by the empire, it was impossible to even build a dreadnought. However, Earthlings have always been very good in the development and research of some ship accessories, and are especially good at playing with various cannons.

Coupled with the comprehensive cooperation with the alliance in recent years, a lot of good things have indeed been produced.

For example, the Fletcher 211-class destroyer, which has just completed sea trials, and the new orbital main gun and gamma laser main gun carried on it are recent achievements.

In the pirates' concept, if there are new ships and new weapons, shouldn't they all be in service at home? There is really no reason to come to this new continent!

But who is Eleanor? The eldest lady of the Bonaparte family! She has now begun to command the security fleet, so isn't it reasonable and not illegal at all to assign a new ship to her as a flagship through the family's influence?

In addition, it is also very reasonable and legal to find ways to transfer some mature and steady old officers to the squadron.

But in any case, Eleanor Bonaparte's fishing tactics were a great success. Lieutenant Ina Sirica, who became the main gunner on Fletcher 211, even had the help of God, and the kite-flying tactic was also a great success.

The formation of the pirate fleet was completely out of sync. The armed merchant ship was left behind, but was blocked by the navy assault ship that suddenly came over.

The firepower on the assault ship is indeed not strong, but it is too easy to deal with armed merchant ships.

On the other side, the Black Devil suffered too much damage and was completely intercepted by a rail artillery shell.

In this case, the pirates finally couldn't bear it anymore and had no choice but to surrender.

Under the coercion of the guard fleet, the pirate ship shut down its engines, shields, and all weapon ports, and all pirates were rushed to the cargo hold for inspection.

By the end of the battle, only 3 people of the 13th Guard Fleet were killed and 10 injured. All the ships suffered some minor scratches, which could be repaired by the fleet's maintenance team alone.

In addition, let alone the bounties offered by these pirates. The cargo and ship on board are now everyone's spoils of war.

Just when Eleanor was thinking about where to go to sell the stolen goods, she heard a report from the charge leader Captain Naruk.

"Colonel, we have discovered Shan Mengzhi. He has expressed his willingness to surrender and has important matters to report to you in person."

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