Him and their stars

Chapter 1244 Tragedy and comedy everywhere

Bernard felt that Mr. Qi was still a little worried. He probably had the problem of being too meticulous as he got older.

But you must know that the star district government, the People's Federation, the young ladies and young masters of the Lao Bai family, and even the bosses of the Spiritual Research Association have been keeping an eye on that laboratory. Who dares to tamper with it here!

He said: "Don't worry. The procurement and transportation of all equipment in the laboratory was taken over by the People's Federation Foundation. Now more than half of the construction work has been completed. Research on the gas giant planet Tianshu 3 has also been carried out. It’s moving forward. Speaking of which, have you read the report sent by Professor Zinov?”

"This is so sad. I can't understand it at all. Liberal arts students are really useless." Mr. Qi shrugged.

Mr. Bernard Woolley, who is also a liberal arts student, felt like he had been shot in the knee, but he had to admit that at least in this context, what the other party said really made sense.

"However, I know that this should involve national defense secrets and must not be exposed. Bernard, this is the top secret of the sector government, do you understand?"

"...Sir, the People's Federation and the Spiritual Research Association should also have seen it."

"Oh. The People's Federation Foundation is one of the builders and managers. In the final analysis, they, our Pioneer Party's party assets... ah no, allies, are trustworthy."

"There are also spiritual seminars."

"An expert told me that occultism and science are two sides of the same coin. The masters of the Spiritual Research Society are also researchers. They should know. Don't you think so?"

Mr. Bernard Woolley was silent for a moment, and his voice was a little dry: "Sir, I don't know if it's my imagination... I always feel that in such an era when everyone is praising peace, our new China is a little out of place. ”

His voice was low, as if he was worried about someone eavesdropping.

However, Mr. Qi was silent for a moment, and then smiled: "Bernard, it's not just me who is out of date, right? Because of this, I started my own political life after ending my artistic life. !”

What they didn't know was that a small triangular aircraft, the size of an individual fighter plane, was passing leisurely over Bai Yujing, the capital of the New China Star Region, at an ultra-low speed like a stroll in a garden.

Rather than an aircraft, it is actually a cluster of cell-sized nanomachines. When it moves silently, sunlight, starlight and cosmic radiation seep through the gaps between the cells without being blocked or reflected at all. Therefore, not to mention the radar at the current technological level, even the naked eye cannot detect His trajectory at a very close distance.

Of course, well-trained psychics may be able to pick up some clues through perception and intuition, but there is no evidence.

As a result, the aircraft passed by an immigration ship, but it did not disturb the laughter of the passengers on the ship. The passengers were filled with excitement as they listened to the civil servants from the district government describing their new life.

"Public housing?"

"Yes, yes, low-cost public housing can still be purchased at cost price after ten years."


"There are some. Baichuan, Xinlerang, and even Baiyujing all have a lot of land that can be reclaimed. Once it is reclaimed, it will be yours. You can ask the local civil servants for details."

“I used to work with saws in a factory, but I don’t know how to farm!”

"Ah hahaha, I'm good at swinging a saw! I'm great at swinging a saw! I'm not kidding you, there are a lot of new factories being built, and there are job opportunities everywhere! As long as you are willing to work, how can you not support your whole family?"

"Well, I actually have a criminal record."

"Case record? Won't Shibao's immigrants not be able to arrive until at least October?"

"What Ten Treasures? I'm talking about Guye City. I participated in the uprising."

"Uprising? Hahahaha, we in New China need talents like you! I'm not kidding you! He who is brave is a good man! The security fleet is recruiting people, are you interested?"

In short, conversations like this happened on almost every immigrant ship during this period. If it were New China a few years ago, there would be no way to receive civilians of this size at this frequency. However, such a vibrant transformation has already begun quietly.

The operator of the Nano Group, who claims to be the omnipotent civilization leader intelligent AI, is called "Little Gray" by someone. He is looking through the porthole of the passenger ship with great interest, looking at the uneasy but hopeful and longing expressions of the immigrants. . As a result, her flawless face, full of sculptural beauty, was suddenly covered with a humane smile.

"Isn't this very exciting? So, you guy, are you going to regard this as your basic game, or as a casual move? Yes, it is only in this way that the universe can be considered to be moving." Xiao Hui said to himself Said to himself.

At this time, she suddenly stopped smiling and looked at the porthole in the third row on the side of the ship. There, a little boy who looked to be only one year old at most was staring blankly in his direction with a pair of big eyes, as moist and dynamic as obsidian. His long eyelashes were flashing, but Not even a blink of an eye with affection.

Immediately afterwards, the little boy clapped his hands vigorously and chuckled happily.

Xiao Hui knew that he was indeed looking at him. However, children of this age will only be amazed by the wonderful sights they have never seen before, and their aesthetics are the simplest and purest.

If he had been a few years older and had been tainted by knowledge, he might actually have exclaimed "the ghost of the universe" loudly.

Xiao Hui's emotion simulation unit told himself that he should be surprised at this time. However, she really didn't feel this way. Instead, after a brief silence, she smiled with relief: "So, isn't this universe and the civilization of this generation inherently interesting?"

The baby's babbling didn't attract his parents' attention. At this time, Xiao Hui began to accelerate, distanced himself from the immigrant ship, and headed towards the galaxy further away.

She has done all the things she can do in Xinyumen, and it's time to go and play with the psychic monkey who likes to face the sun and wind waves. As for her new friends in the Tianshu Galaxy, she believed that with the abilities of those people and the tips she left, she should be able to unlock the last lock.

that's the truth. At this moment, the Orbital High Energy Physics Laboratory established in the Tianshu Galaxy, although most of the sophisticated equipment is not yet in place, some basic frameworks and functions have been established. Professor Zinov and his team are also preparing to stay here permanently.

There are two people on duty today. They are Dr. Roman Paschenko, chief researcher of Red Star Office, a doctor of astrophysics and a space engineer. He is 33 years old and is also a student of Professor Zinov; Bai Ziya, who has obtained a master's degree from Xinshengjing University of Science and Technology through distance teaching at the age of 20.

For scholars who study astrophysics, all the changes that have taken place in this Tianshu galaxy are as wonderful as the peerless enchantress undressing Luo Shang in front of him...ah, it is so magnificent that it is as if a god has used his invisible paintbrush to fall into the sky. The mortal world is the same as the outlined works of art.

However, no matter how beautiful the goddess is, if Luo Shang explains too much and does not get into the topic, everyone will definitely get tired. Dr. Paschenko felt this way now. He was bored and watching the enchanting changes of the blue gas giant planet, twitching his nose as if he had smelled the smell of methane.

The doctor sighed and took out his private collection of vodka from the drawer, but Bai Ziya next to him had already handed him a cup of strong tea.

"Let's change to this one. It would be terrible if the professor smells the smell of alcohol." Xiaobai said: "The last senior brother has been assigned to Baichuan Star to manage the maintenance department of the artificial sun."

"Even if you go to the arsenal in Shanhaiguan to manage the assembly line of new space torpedoes, it will be more valuable than now!" Dr. Paschenko sighed, but still put away the vodka and took Xiaobai's hot tea.

Since the last time, there were strange changes in the thick atmosphere on the surface of this giant planet, they have been holding on here for several months, but no more changes have occurred. Everyone has almost lost patience.

However, just as Dr. Paschenko was hiding the vodka angrily, the buzzer that prompted the flash of light rang.

The two hurriedly threw away the teacups and rushed to the monitor screen, scanning the new data like owls looking for prey.

The two stared blankly at each other for a few seconds. Xiaobai reacted first, turned on the source wave communicator next to him, and used telecommunications to photograph the new data changes to the earth thousands of light-years away, where the red star was. 's headquarters.

At the same time, Dr. Paschenko has quickly opened the terminal and called out to his mentor. He didn't care that Professor Zinov had just gone to bed last night and drank a whole bottle of vodka after training all night long.

In fact, in order to ensure the calculation quality and research progress, the laboratory did spend a lot of money to specially build an encrypted source mass wave channel from Tianshu to the Earth, which is used to directly communicate with the scientific research "auxiliary team" at the headquarters of the Red Star Institute. communicate.

At this time, the headquarters of Red Star Design Institute has been developed into a huge industrial park, and its defense is comparable to that of a military focus. At this time, they already looked like a super enterprise. However, old employees and executives all know that the core of the company is the three-story building located in the northeast corner of the industrial park.

However, what most old employees and executives don't know is that the real core is actually the space underneath the three-story building, which is large enough to be used as a shelter against orbital bombing.

There, a large number of precision sensors operate day and night, feeding back information from the ecological water world in the center of the underground space. Hundreds of thousands of tons of clean water with improved water quality and nutrients have formed an ecological water world with a beautiful environment. It is not a problem to open it directly as a large aquarium.

But in fact, the space slugs whose race has officially surpassed the threshold of ten thousand "insects" are living peacefully in this water world specially created for them. Their biological neuron network constitutes the "best performing" "research computer" of the Red Star Institute and even the entire community.

"So, apart from the distortion of gravity, what else is there?" Professor Zinov has arrived at the scene and directly asked the slugs about their calculation results through source mass wave communication.

The representative of space slugs, a large slug named Shi AA by someone, shook his small tentacles very humanely: "In the gravitational field, elementary particles were found, but there is no mass. This is what caused the problem. The reason for the monitoring alert.”

"So, it's a neutrino?"

"No, it is actually a more basic particle, but this is beyond the scope of our current understanding of basic physics." Shi AA said: "We have sorted out one hundred and twenty-seven formulas, which may help us A deeper understanding of the universe.”

Doesn't it mean that our mastery of this particle means that we can develop technology that is more powerful than the Alliance's neutrino engine? Xiaobai, who was listening in, suddenly had a very materialistic association. Is it possible for us to build a warship stronger than the God-class dreadnought? At least there are prerequisites.

Professor Zinov is also very satisfied. He felt that even a fraction of the 127 formulas were worth the 10 billion invested by the district government.

Shi AA said: "However, we have seen similar twelve formulas elsewhere. They are at least 80% similar."

"What are you referring to?" Professor Zinov subconsciously felt that this surprise might be bigger than he thought, big enough to cover his waist.

"The public report of Research Institute No. 7." Shi AA said.

Xiaobai felt his breathing quicken. He knows that the so-called Research Institute No. 7 is not the specialized research institution of the Community located in the orbit of Nantianmen?

At this moment, all people and organizations in the universe are moving forward step by step. Either for peaceful daily life, or for a prosperous future, or for burning ambition.

At least, on June 18, 833 in the Common Calendar, the rest of the universe outside of Nephi had not learned about some small disturbances that occurred in an industrial city in the capital of the Alliance, nor did they know what the Alliance Commander had encountered. That little incident.

...Or, even if you know it, what can you do?

The small waves of individual struggle will eventually merge into the changing tide of the times. Then, the blossoming waves dissipated, but the tide is always here.

On June 18, at 11:25 standard time, in the Canchuan galaxy 15,000 light-years away from Nephi, Yu Lian finally ended the tedious follow-up affairs at the Snake Cave Fortress and returned to his loyal ship Fuxi.

At this time, of course, he had no idea that the tragedies and comedies that were happening all over the universe made this era even more lively.

At least at this time, he actually returned to his loyal dreadnought Fuxi as a victor. When he was still thinking about holding a celebration banquet with everyone on the ship, he discovered that the two and three people on the fleet But the expressions of Captain Tovey and Chief of Staff Mkawa always had a bit of a forced smile.

"What's going on? Did the remnants of the Snake hit the Fuxi's vitals with a desperate shot, or did the pirates of the Spiral Cross jump back again?" Yu Lian laughed.

"Your Excellency, Commander, is very funny. However, if this kind of thing really happens, I will not have the face to see you." Captain Tovey, who is also the deputy commander of the fleet, explained in a cautious tone: "The pirates have already followed the instructions in advance. Arrangements are made to stand by in the orbit of the fourth planet and accept reorganization. The Allied Forces Command has arranged supplies for them."

"The existence of the Allied Forces Command can be measured in hours, but it can still do business." Yu Lian said with a smile.

All in all, these mountain kings who gathered in the mountains and forests in the spiral nebula have been recruited and will be eating royal food from now on, so they must be reorganized. However, except for the Shibao Ship Group, which had already completed the deal with Yu Lian, the other armed groups have not even decided on their next home.

Yu Lian estimated that this alone was enough to keep the three countries at odds with each other for several months.

However, this kind of wrangling work should not be done by oneself.

Chief of Staff Mkawa also forced a smile: "Since the National Defense Committee has approved the results of our discussion with the palace leader, there will be no changes. In fact, two hours ago, the bandits who moved to New China ...Ah no, the new immigrants' fleet has already set off towards New China. The escort work has also been arranged."

Yu Lian smiled and said: "It's really hard work. I always feel at ease when you do things."

The chief of staff's smile became even more ugly: "It's just that... the National Defense Committee said that they hope you will leave as soon as possible. After borrowing a passage from the alliance to meet with the other three Lord God-class ships, you will return home immediately. This is the timetable."

Yu Lian raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then got the bound document from Colonel Singer. Although it looked like it was printed with the ship's printer and was even a bit warm, it was paper after all, and it also had the seals of the National Defense Commission and Congress, which really gave it a formal sense of ceremony.

It's just that the National Defense Committee's seal is nothing more than the seal. What the hell is Congress? It's not like I was awarded the Marshal's Scepter. Is it necessary to have such a big battle?

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