Him and their stars

Chapter 1250 I surrendered again

Now the lady climbed out from under a collapsed mountain in disgrace. She was stumbling, breathless, and the nano-mecha on her body was flowing like liquid. These are tiny nanomachines repairing the damage to the armor. However, while these machines were flowing, electric sparks would jump from time to time, and then they would break away from the cluster and fall to the ground. After a few flashes, there would be no movement. It really looked like a fly that had been sprayed to death by insecticide.

However, the trauma suffered by the nano-armor is only on the equipment, but the greater trauma is mental. She is also an old devil with a big name, the leader of the World Serpent, a high-ranking psyker with power comparable to the devil, but she is covered by bombardment from orbit. Then, like a fly, it was swatted down from the sky and crashed into the mountains.

What a miserable and miserable situation! Now the lady is so emotional. But at this time, he actually didn't feel too obvious sadness, and even wanted to laugh a little bit.

She thought of Charlie, who was pulled by her gravity control and hit directly to the ground. It seemed that she had been in the same situation before. This worldly reward must have come too quickly.

So, she wanted to laugh a little, so she laughed, then dragged her tired body to float up, and slowly moved across to a relatively complete mountain top.

She glanced around, and saw large tracts of mountains that were falling apart and collapsing in all directions, as if the Creator was knocking down the mountains that he had built little by little, like building blocks. The terrain is completely different from what it was three minutes ago.

Well, fortunately, she finally escaped the bombing of those three-phase bombs with her well-honed waist and combat skills. Unfortunately, while she had to avoid the pursuit of missiles behind her, she also had to guard against the continuous bombardment and interception of the warship in the sky.

Yes, by this time, she could no longer regard the Qingqiu as a scientific research ship. A ship capable of orbital bombing, carrying countless powerful advanced hive missiles, and possessing energy and orbital main guns, what else could it be but a battleship?

But, then again, this is still unscientific! Missiles and orbital bombardment cabins are just that. Such powerful main guns are large special equipment. Once installed on the ship, it will definitely bring about structural changes in the appearance of the ship. However, the Qingqiu still has a round and smooth olive shape, and it doesn't look like a combat ship at all.

This is because... what unknown shipbuilding techniques did the Qingqiu actually use? Or is it that the ship itself uses very sophisticated technology?

She thought while letting the enemy approach. There were thousands of drones of different sizes and models, each with an evil shape and murderous aura. They were all typical murder weapons. If they were seen by some late-developed civilized races that have not yet reached the industrial age, they would definitely think that they were a group of murderous evil spirits who had escaped from hell.

So, who is the villain?

In fact, in the pursuit just now, she had torn apart hundreds of drones, but the pursuers behind her did not decrease at all, and the number actually became larger.

Well, in addition to the main guns, there are even hangars for drones. You are clearly a special aircraft carrier.

Now the lady looked at the drone aiming at her muzzle and sighed. The nano-mecha on her body stopped flowing and began to decompose automatically. It soon shattered into a large mosaic and was peeled off from her body.

This is already a signal of surrender.

Of course, the drone swarm did not disperse, and still maintained an airtight encirclement. However, they behaved quite well and raised their weapons one after another. The tips of the heat ray cannons that had begun to accumulate strong light dimmed again.

Immediately afterwards, two sparrow-sized drones flew over, threw out traction rays with a restraining effect, grabbed the nano-mecha that had lost its owner, and began to climb. They were indeed small in size, but their power was still great. They quickly pulled the nano-mecha and flew high into the sky, and soon became silent.

Now the lady saw that her own weapons had become the other party's trophy, her face was full of pain, as if she was about to cry.

Then, another skateboard-shaped drone broke away from the formation and moved more than a hundred meters in the direction of the lady. The facilities on its panels cast light in the air, and soon a bright shadow unfolded in the shadow of the foggy air.

Wearing casual clothes, the face of Amida Senge Berenkeist appeared on the air projection screen, with an interested smile, as if she was admiring a bird that had just emerged from the maze. hamster.

"...I never thought that the Rainbow Rose family would actually change the way they do things." She stared at the girl and said quietly: "Why do you want to attack me as a dreadnought? Shouldn't you activate the Book of the Sun God? , do you want to face me openly and openly? Princess of the Rainbow Rose family, don’t you think this is very unethical?”

Yani suddenly showed an expression of "I have never seen such a shameless person", but smiled: "In the battle at the Snake Lair, my Heroic Spirit Machine was unscathed. There are also six members of the St. Clair Security Company on this ship. Special security officer. If you are talking about martial ethics, you actually prefer to be besieged by us?"

"Yes, I would rather be besieged by you...wait a minute, isn't St. Clair's special security officer a retainer of the Berenkeist family?"

"I am a lifelong employee of St. Clair and a legal tax-paying citizen of the Alliance. In a few years, I can retire to a management position. Maybe I can return to my hometown to run for city council. We are a glorious republic and we do not have retainers. That's the trick." Yani shrugged under the other party's disdainful gaze and smiled: "As for the bombing just now, it was indeed a bit shocking, but in the final analysis it was just a small attempt."

"Try?" Now the lady couldn't help but be startled.

"Yes, it's just an attempt. After all, we are in this era. Do we still need to talk about the martial ethics of the Stone Age? The wisest thing to do is to bomb people to death. After all, the mass destruction produced in the factory There are as many sexual weapons as you want, but high-ranking psychics don't always have them. To put it bluntly, if I can beat my enemies to death with money, wouldn't I be invincible?" Yani looked at the current lady, whose face became increasingly ugly. The smile on his face became even more wicked. .

"There's no need to look like you're about to be abandoned by the times, Lily. This doesn't mean that times have really changed."

"...Tsk, no big or small." Now the lady muttered in a voice that only she could hear.

Yani added: "High-ranking psychics always have the ability to appear and disappear, always refresh the boundaries of occult knowledge, and use unscientific means to avoid the power of reality caused by science. I don't expect to be able to use the power of mortals right away. The weapon left you alive. However, I am very satisfied with the effect of this round of attacks. Your nano-armor that can travel across the galaxy was destroyed, and most of your ability to escape was lost. Your body suffered serious internal injuries. Most of the physical and spiritual energy is also consumed.”

"Yes, I know you did it beautifully. No need to repeat it many times." Now the lady clapped vigorously.

"But even so, you have not completely lost the ability to fight. Why did you give up like that?"

Now the lady showed an innocent expression of harmlessness: "I am not a person who is willing to die. If I continue to fight, maybe I can escape, but it is more likely that I will be really killed by a three-phase bomb... Then, I should be This is the first saint killed by a thermonuclear weapon in this century. It sounds very embarrassing."

"Oh, wouldn't it be shameful to surrender?"

"This kind of thing is ultimately a relative concept. As long as you don't feel embarrassed, others will be embarrassed."

"That's right, this shameless look suits your style. Anyway, it's been a long time since I last saw you. I'm very happy to see that although you are a little unhealthy, you are at least still alive and well." Yani, it seems, there is nothing wrong with you. He didn't realize that he was the one who almost crippled the other party.

"The last time we met was when I just graduated from Ocean University. That was ten years ago, right?"

"Have you discovered me?" Now the lady couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes. I took the stage to speak as the outstanding graduate representative. You were in the audience, mixed in the press box. You thought you were observing in secret. But, you were observing me, and I was observing you. I knew you were there, and I I thought you knew I knew you were here. Unfortunately, Lily, it turns out that so-called tacit understanding was actually just a figment of my imagination." Yamida shook her head, seeming a little sad.

Now the lady sighed, and like a magic trick, she took out a folding fan and unfolded it with a breath, with the words "miserable, miserable, miserable" written on it. She wiped away the non-existent tears and said faintly: "The saddest thing is the cold weather. I am so haggard and unspeakable! I am sad and drunk. It is better to lie down high and eat more!"

"Don't you think that this kind of combination without excessiveness will really look very elegant?"

"I have always believed that whether it is poetry, music, or any art, you must first like it yourself before you can convince others. This is poetry to express my ambition," she said solemnly.

"Oh, what kind of ambition is that?" Yani smiled, as if she was still a qualified compliment.

Now the lady put away the folding fan and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Miss, you must have been thinking about it for a long time, right? Holding the old man Ereda in the snake's den with one hand, the other hand is still here waiting for me. So, what about the alliance you represent? What’s the purpose?”

"I can't represent the alliance. I'm just an ordinary new inspector of the Extraordinary Administration. This time is strictly a vacation after completing an anti-terrorism mission. I only used a private ship, so I can only represent myself. La."

"So, what is your purpose?"

Yamada smiled instead of getting angry: "Lily, I should be the one asking the question now."

"Is this your name as well? It sounds disgusting to me!" Now the lady seemed to have finally been able to bear it no longer and curled her lips in annoyance.

"Okay, then what should I call you? Mother? Mom? Mommy?" Yamida smiled.

Now the lady shuddered: "Legal speaking, Mrs. Erna is your mother."

"Yes, even though we are not related by blood, I am very sincere when I call her mother. But when I call you, of course, I am being weird."

Now the lady pressed her temples and sighed: "I am not qualified to accompany Princess Rainbow Rose, nor am I qualified to interfere with your growth. I can only leave. Yani, it is understandable that you have resentment towards me. .”

“Has the conversation turned into an ethical issue?”

Yani clicked her tongue in surprise, her eyes once again showed the expression "I have never seen such a shameless person", and waved her hand: "Ah, yes, yes, I am very resentful. I covered you with firepower just now, and I am also full of resentment. Taking revenge. Okay, Lily, now you can tell me, what is this planet? What are these swarm-like alien species? What are those little things rolling in the swamp ocean? "

Now the corners of the lady's mouth closed, and she let out a few dry laughs. She seemed to be ready to seriously tilt the building, but the drones gathered around her had once again crossed their weapons, and the thousands of muzzles were pointed at her vital points again.

The snake head quickly raised his hand: "Okay, okay, I have surrendered, and I am naturally willing to tell the story. Well, where do I start? I thought you knew everything."

Yamida still maintained an impeccable smile: "Last warning, Lily. Now, I am asking you."

"Okay, let's start with the discoverer? Do you know the last Count Salvin? He was actually a military and political all-rounder, a top scientist, an alchemist and a psyker. He was also extremely talented. An archaeologist with great vision and good luck. He should have been able to create a lot of achievements, but it is a pity that his reputation will not be known throughout his life."

Yamida smiled and said nothing, as if she was preparing to be the perfect listener. However, the lady opposite me always felt that the other person was making fun of her.

"He is a noble elite of the empire. His greatest ideal is to become a general and prime minister to make the Galactic Empire greater."

Yamida immediately understood the current situation as soon as she rolled her eyes: "He later became a snake head, right?"

"Yes, he became the head of a snake, and he was also the 'Past Duke' of the previous generation. He was also the political enemy of Emperor Elithel. Perhaps this is the reason why his reputation was not obvious and the Salvin family was extinct. .”

Princess Rainbow Rose nodded: "This is also what I know. However, my intuition tells me that it is not just a political opponent, right?"

Is this really what your gut is telling you? Now the lady looked at the other party suspiciously and said helplessly: "This is not something I can know. After all, it happened two centuries ago. Except for the future father-in-law, only this generation has passed. He is the one who knows the truth. Disciple of Count Salvin.”

"I see. The Eredar elves are originally immortal species, which makes sense."

"You can ask him directly." Now the lady said.

Yanni shrugged: "What a pity. He is already dead."

The snakehead on the opposite side did not show any surprise, but showed a trace of genuine sadness. He sighed in a low voice: "Really? However, this is also his choice to be kind and be kind."

"It is said that he is very brave. He is not like a terrorist leader, but more like a real soldier." Yani followed up with a compliment: "Let's go back to the topic just now."

Now the lady pondered for a moment, and then said: "... Those are also relics of the previous era. The genius Count Salvin discovered them. No, it should be it. It is like the core of a swarming population. We It is still unclear whether this creature was created by previous civilizations or whether it was born naturally."

"That is to say, Count Salvin dug up an ant queen who was sleeping from the previous generation." Yani said.

The other party nodded, but then shook his head: "If you put aside the level of life, it is indeed the case. Fortunately, the queen ant has never been the type to be tyrannical. When it just woke up from its billions of years of slumber, When facing death threats, he knows how to compromise and exchange."

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