Him and their stars

Chapter 127 News Eighteen Years Later

Yu Lian didn't know whether Yang Xiyi had caused a bloody storm in Lumina; nor did he know whether Eleanor was obsessed with fishing and treasure hunting in the New World, or whether she was recruiting refugees to secretly expand her army. He said that he was just an ordinary student waiting to graduate. What could those major events have to do with him?

Of course, if you treat some of the things from later generations as rumors you heard occasionally and revealed them to your senior sister, then it is really just a mouthful when eating charcoal-grilled woodchuck. There is no need to tell the elderly when young boys and girls communicate about their feelings while eating.

To Yu Lian's confused expression, the old marshal just snorted noncommittally. Taking this opportunity, Feifei had already put down the tea and appetizing snacks, and gave Yu Lian an unclear look.

As soon as the girl left, the old marshal took a sip of tea and frowned slightly. It seemed that he might not be used to this kind of pure Chinese tea, but he still carefully experienced the taste on his lips and teeth, and then said with a smile: "Your wife ?”

Yu Lian rolled his eyes and changed the subject directly: "So, wouldn't it be nice for you to go to the Military Research Institute now, instead of the National Defense Integration Headquarters, and just live a few days of leisure in comfort?"

"I originally thought that was the case. However, Case kept begging me again and again, hoping that I could help him again. I was so entangled that I had no choice but to relent, so I agreed, and I got a part-time job as a military counselor in the cabinet and parliament. After receiving so many salaries, I can only wait until my old bones are still intact and work hard to do something more. Now, I have a copy of the latest military information received by the National Defense Strategy Headquarters, the General Staff Headquarters, and the Cabinet. .That boy Keith is really not afraid of exhausting me to death!"

Although he seemed to be complaining, his face was filled with an exciting sense of being needed and respected, and even a sense of mission that a soldier would die for his confidant.

Yu Lian also sighed. It is really understandable that the Chairman of the National Defense Committee will have so many people supporting him in the future.

Yu Lian was helpless and could not tell the marshal that it was just an embroidered pillow. You must not be fooled.

Duke Zhou was afraid of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the time!

When Yu Lian was struggling, he heard the old man say again: "The reason Yang Xiyi was able to find the location of Tuckers and his separatist rebels was because your classmate, Horatio Wayne, learned from Rumi when he was the third officer. Information captured from rebel ships."

Subsequently, Brigadier General Yang Xiyi, who was the intelligence director of the Outer Rim Fleet and the Outer Rim Military Region, made a prompt decision. After consulting the newly appointed commander, Admiral Bonaparte, he quickly mobilized the nearest Hell Parachute Division to rush to the scene and conduct an orbital airborne landing. battle, destroying the main force of the separatist rebels in one fell swoop.

"Well, this is good news. It's worth celebrating for Mr. Yang... General Yang! Congratulations for the Hell Parachute Division!"

"You really didn't play any role here?"

"Who do you think I am!" Yu Lian really felt wronged this time.

What's more, the mere Rumina Mantis, no matter how loud it is, is at the level of a terrorist. Do I still need to take care of it? Do they have such a high profile?

"Then, there is the New World. After Eleanor Bonaparte led her fleet to leave New Port Arthur, there has been no news for almost a week. The New World is not like the mainland of the Milky Way. There are not so many source wave centers and communication centers. Inconvenient. I have seen the little girl from the Bonaparte family. She has an overly radical temperament. I just hope that she will not cause any trouble. Although the New World is far away from the mainland of the Milky Way, it is considered a power vacuum zone for various countries, but it is precisely this that makes it too chaotic. . It is precisely in this way that it is possible to influence the whole body! The current international situation is very delicate, and I really don’t want any more troubles to happen.”

Who was that super tough old man who said he had the "right to active self-defense" and directly attacked the fleet that was undergoing "exercises" - at least legally speaking -?

Sure enough, butts still decide the position?

"So, this has nothing to do with us..." This time, Yu Lian felt a little guilty.

"I also think I might have thought too much. As I get older, I will always be suspicious. I hope you understand." Marshal Paris glanced at Yu Lian, still not completely relieved.

"...Your Excellency, you are not here to raise an army to punish me, are you?"

"No, I'm really here to accept your invitation and taste something that is said to be delicious for 1,500 years. After all, I am just a consultant. It is reasonable to squeeze out some time to look around and participate in some activities. Well. The girls in Jincheng are as famous as the food in Jincheng, and they are well-deserved. Who are you, that pretty little girl just now?" The old marshal chuckled, his smile getting saltier and saltier. Wet.

A few minutes later, six cold meals, eight hot dishes and four snacks prepared by my uncle were served one after another. Marshal Paris picked up the chopsticks and prepared to start the banquet.

"Aren't you going to come together?" Yu Lian started to greet others again.

This time, five soldiers appeared with Marshal Paris. A lieutenant colonel, two lieutenants and two non-commissioned officers should be his assistant secretary, bodyguard and health doctor. A dignified marshal, even if he is just a consultant without military power, this level of pomp is not an exaggeration.

Considering that all soldiers can eat it, six cold dishes, eight hot dishes, four snacks and two soups are just enough and will not be wasted.

"We are the assistants and bodyguards who escorted the marshal here... for inspection! We won't eat!" They loudly expressed their refusal.

You might as well just start yelling!

"They will eat after we finish. These good guys are all from the Security Bureau. In theory, it is working time now, so they still pay attention to these things! Little guy, you can sit down too." The old marshal said while taking the He picked up the chopsticks and carefully picked up a slice of beef that was as thin as cicada wings. He was a little surprised.

"I know, this should be the boiled beef in Sichuan cuisine, right?"

"You are knowledgeable." Yu Lian praised sincerely.

"But, so thin?"

"Yes, even though it's called boiling, the best way to make this dish is to scald the beef with boiling oil!"

Marshal Paris nodded with sincerity and put the beef into his mouth.

Of course, this is not a gourmet worldview, so there will be no reactions like crying, getting dressed, or being coquettish, as if someone had taken an aphrodisiac, but Yu Lian can still feel that the old man's spirit seems to have been filled. Happiness.

After the dinner was over, the old man was obviously not ready to leave yet, looking as if he was very excited and wanted to tease Yu Lianfa.

Yu Lian had no choice but to chase them away, so he found a place by the window, made a pot of tea for the old man, and started playing chess with him. Anyway, he was used to doing this kind of thing on Blue Swan, so it was not unfamiliar at all.

At this moment, Rongxialou and Fu Street have also returned to their former liveliness, with guests coming and going, and a lively flow of people.

The old man seemed to enjoy this feeling, holding the teacup in one hand and the chess piece in the other, squinting his eyes and shaking his head. If he hadn't always taken the next step after a few minutes, Yu Lian might have thought he had fallen asleep.

"Yesterday, Keyes finally won everyone's support in Congress, and the nature of the West End System Battle has been determined. All soldiers who died in the battle will receive state funerals, medals, and generous pensions. In addition, those who have performed meritorious services will receive corresponding rewards based on their merits. Medals, and all soldiers who participated in the war will also receive War Memorial Medals."

However, it is another matter if Congress takes the opportunity to ask the National Defense Commission and the Military Command Headquarters to take back all "active self-defense rights." The old man was not prepared to say anything.

"Finally, we didn't let the tragedy of New Paris eighteen years ago happen again!" The old marshal sighed, but thinking of Yu Lian's life experience, he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, when people get older, they will start to say stupid things. Woolen cloth."

Yu Lian shook his head and said he didn't mind. What he was a little confused about was, where did the so-called "tragedy" begin? His mother died in battle, but the military still provided her with a full pension and various honors. In that incident, wasn't this the treatment for all those who died in battle?

"I'm talking about Lieutenant General Minqi Vincent. I just met him last week. Eighteen years have really changed a person... At that time, he was a very high-spirited and courageous person. The champion and the third army seem to be full of warriors with endless energy! But now, he is a bit like a businessman." It took the old marshal a long time to finally find a relatively positive review. It seemed that the current image of "Lieutenant General Vincent" had a huge impact on him.

Yu Lian buried his head to hide his eyes. He really didn't expect that he would hear this name at this time. However, he still said calmly in a voice that was so calm and calm that he was surprised: "Oh, he showed up? Lieutenant General Vincent, I remember that he disappeared after the New Paris Incident?"

"Yes, we initially thought that he did not dare to take responsibility and defected. He and all the crew members on the Wallenstein were regarded as defectors... But now we know that they actually fought to the end For a moment, he was forced to surrender until he ran out of ammunition and food. Lieutenant General Vincent was imprisoned by the looters for several years, and finally escaped. At that time, he was the only one of our soldiers who was imprisoned with him. He was the last one. But when he escaped, he was imprisoned by the empire on suspicion of being a predator and a spy. It was only recently that we got news about him!"

"...Isn't this the same as the empire rudely detaining our general?" Yu Lian had finished managing his expression, raised his head, and sighed empathetically.

"The empire said that everything was a misunderstanding and agreed to compensate Lieutenant General Vincent for all his mental losses and paid a large sum of money. Then, it said that in order to fight against the predators, it is understandable to be careful. I hope we can understand... It’s such a pity that such a famous star will end up like this for the rest of his life.”

"...Is the empire still saying that everything is the fault of the predators? Now that the tragedy has occurred, I hope we can arrange it properly. We can't let the unyielding heroes shed blood and then shed tears?" Yu Lian sneered.

The marshal also sneered, but he was somewhat helpless.

"But now that he's back, he doesn't have much of a role, right?"

"Yes, although his reputation has been restored, his medal and all his salary for more than ten years have been reissued, and he will still have a general's annual salary every year in the future, but there is really no position that can be placed. He has applied for retirement, saying that he wants to To do something for veterans like him, he decided to form a charity mutual aid organization or something. He hoped to get my help. So, the day after tomorrow, he planned to hold a party in the foggy city. He invited me, Marshal Guerrero, oh, and There are some political and business celebrities.”

Yu Lian secretly clenched his fists under the table, but on the surface he was smiling: "This is a good thing!"

"Yu Lian, the reason why I tell you is that I hope you can understand... the new Paris incident in 18 years is not the responsibility of Lieutenant General Vincent."

"Don't worry. I won't blame him. If that mutual aid organization can be set up, I'm quite willing to do what I can." Yu Lian smiled with relief, as if he had already given up.

yes! I have known the whole story and the truth of the New Paris Incident, and of course I will not blame him for it.

It's just that I want to kill him for other reasons!

The mastermind of the "July 26 Incident", which theoretically would not happen until the year after tomorrow, showed up so soon? Then die early!

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