Him and their stars

Chapter 1267 As expected, the fight started

Brunhildt, who was the host of the reception, just left. Of course, all the dignitaries present expressed their emotional stability, and no one thought this was a rude move.

After all, he is the most beautiful His Highness in the universe. Since ancient times, beauty has been privileged.

Of course, even though Her Highness, the most beautiful lady in the universe, had left with her group of female knights, the atmosphere at the scene was still lively...or rather, it seemed a lot more lively.

No, I saw Lieutenant General Minontai, the newly appointed garrison commander of the Unity Fortress (on the empire side), saying: "Okay, it's almost midnight. From now on, regardless of military affairs or official business, it's all about us. Our friendship lasts forever!”

He clapped his hands vigorously, and a large number of graceful Twi'lek dancers came in, dancing in the hall to the music.

It can be seen that each of these slender and enchanting alien beauties is well trained. Although they were dancing an imperial court dance, as the music suddenly picked up the rhythm, their movements suddenly became faster, creating a somewhat light and charming rhythm to the elegant court dance. .

I have to say that the music and the dancers were very well executed. After all, the people present are all respectable gentlemen from all over the galaxy, and what they pay attention to is such a style that is half-hidden with a pipa...

As for whether they will do anything else after the cocktail party, this is the gentleman's private time. Anyway, Nuo Da is a big fortress. At most, there are more than a million people stationed here. After more than half a year, the industry that should be there has already been established.

An empire with abundant military virtue will never exclude some service industries from taking root in the place where the army is located, let alone other countries.

Yang Xiyi once again confirmed that the newly appointed commander of the Imperial Army was a capable and demanding person. As a social tycoon, he actually envied this all-around social bull type.

Lieutenant General Carter on the side also smiled and said: "If the person in charge of the empire is replaced by this person, it will be easier for you to get along, right?"

Yang Xiyi smiled and said: "Indeed. Lieutenant General Minontai is a generous and noble gentleman. On the first day he took office last month, he invited all the garrison troops in the fortress to have a big party. We also exchanged gifts. He gave me a pistol with a dragon tooth handle inlaid with emeralds, and I returned the gift with a director's cut collector's edition of "Cold Hill", which also came with the signatures of the director and the leading actress, as well as Mr. Qi's signature."

"'Cold Hill'? Isn't it a banned film in the empire?" Lieutenant General Carter couldn't help but be startled.

"Just because it is a banned film, it has collectible value. What's more, I can also get the autographs of the director, the heroine, and Mr. Qi. Minong Taizhong was so moved on the spot that he even invited me to go fishing and hunting. "

"Fishing? Hunting?" Lieutenant General Carter carefully sorted out his understanding of the nearby star map, and felt that there was no such natural environment within a few hundred light years.

Yang Xiyi smiled and said: "Planet No. 4 in this galaxy is now renamed 'Chaoxiang'. It is an Earth-like planet. Although the atmosphere is thin, there are ice caps at the poles, and it is easier to modify the environment. The empire handed over the development rights to the Jialan Chamber of Commerce. They spent two months building a dome resort on it. There are forests, ecological gardens, fish ponds, and it is said that they have even built a casino and nightclub."

"Really, really..." The simple Lieutenant General Carter showed an indescribably complicated expression, but he didn't know whether he was expressing envy, jealousy and hatred for the empire's extravagance, or expressing shock and fear for their financial resources.

However, when the general thought about it again, he felt that this was a good thing. The empire has begun to build its tourist center in the Eye of Dawn. Doesn't it mean that the situation is developing in a positive direction?

"A month or two ago, the Dawn Star Territory was still tense. I could smell the gunpowder in the Dawn Star Territory in New Yumen, and I didn't dare to relax at all. The newly built arsenal was working overtime day and night, and the local police force was even reorganized. Nearly ten divisions have been dispatched and they are training every day. As an old man, I can only work overtime every day. Now I have almost become the governor of the New World. No, I dare say that all the previous governors of the New World will definitely not I'm so busy." Lieutenant General Carter shook his head and sighed, his face seemed to be tired, but Yang Xiyi could clearly see some happiness and fulfillment in the other person's face.

"Xiyi, tell me, how come I, a mediocre person who used to serve in the National Defense Committee, became the governor of the New World?"

"You are being modest. Your Excellency, at least you have been a very successful financial auditor."

"Yes! It was because of this that he offended many people and was driven to the New World."

"...Perhaps they are stealing people hoping to reuse you, so they want you to get some military glory? You have a beauty in your heart, and now it's finally time to bloom." Yang Xiyi raised his glass in praise.

"Come on, I'm going to be sixty years old soon, what else do you want to show off? When you were skipping classes at the military school and I got a record of you, that's how you behaved when you begged me to cancel the record." Lieutenant General Carter said angrily. .

"Yes. So when I caught Yu Lian skipping class and going out to drink, I let him go. Teacher Carter, this is inheritance!"

"It turns out that the military of the Blue Star Community inherits such a glorious tradition!" Lieutenant General Carter glared at his student. Although he is a good old man, he is also a lifelong military veteran, and his straight face is still a bit intimidating.

Yang Xiyi looked proud instead of ashamed.

Lieutenant General Carter said: "However, the "New World Peace Treaty" and the "Dawn Star Territory Development Treaty" were finally signed, and the atmosphere has eased. Didn't the Secretary of State of the Alliance say so? They have brought a generation of People’s peace. Now that Open Banking and the Shipping Chamber of Commerce have been officially established, the New World should be able to settle down. We have also achieved some achievements that can be boasted about by future generations. "

Yang Xiyi shook his wine glass and fell into a brief silence.

The general did not notice the student's abnormal reaction, and added: "Anyway, this trip was not in vain. Just now, I talked with business representatives from several countries, and the Republic of Minran and France We have decided to send people to inspect the investment environment of Xinyumen and New Lushun. If everything goes well, we may be able to introduce the constant temperature barrier technology from France. This can create a more comfortable wetland in Xinyumen, and also New Lushun will create a larger underwater city."

Aren't you a very competent "Governor"? Yang Xiyi thought.

Yang Xiyi pondered for a moment and smiled: "This is also my earnest expectation. However, up to now, the "New World War Readiness Limited Treaty" has not been fully restored. In addition, the remnants of the predators are still at large, and piracy activities are even more frequent than before. . I just hope that the production of armaments in Xinyumen will not stop."

Lieutenant General Carter shrugged: "I am just an acting governor. At most I do a little coordination of production. Organize the factories and workers in production. Anyway, the Xinyumen warehouse on site is already filled with all kinds of ordnance. It's really strange. If the factory is full of products but not sold, won’t it go bankrupt in the long run?”

Yang Xiyi also shrugged: "I don't understand this either. Perhaps economists will study the so-called Red Maple Factory model in the future?"

"Hahaha, I am also very interested in this. As you know, I also have a doctorate in economics." Lieutenant General Carter showed a longing smile: "However, this is something that will happen after returning to China. When things here are done, I will apply for retirement and go to teach in a university. It is a serious university, not a military academy."

"I thought you were planning to enter politics after retiring. Although you don't even have a title as acting governor, you are actually the third best local chief executive I have ever seen."

Lieutenant General Carter did not ask who was first and second, but just smiled and said: "Why not? I think I am still young. I can teach for a few years before entering politics. You can also ask Mr. Qi, they The Pioneer Party can no longer accept new members.”

He looked up at his student: "It's you, Xiyi, you are still young. However, you have been taking office in the New World since the raiders invaded, right? You haven't seen your family in nearly two years, right? Here. It’s the New World, and it’s almost impossible to communicate without delay!”

"This... my overall mood is quite stable. The ancients also said that you will join the army at the age of fifteen, and you will not return until you are eighty."

"If this kind of rubbish comes from other people's mouth, I will definitely get angry. But if it were you, I wouldn't be able to get angry at all." Lieutenant General Carter shook his head: "It's over here. I will be in class tomorrow." I have been preparing to return to New Yumen for a long time. Haha, although I am the logistics director of the expedition fleet, until now, I am actually the closest to the core of the Dawn Star Territory."

"No matter how fertile the Dawn Star Territory is, it is still an unexploited land. Only when you sit in New Yumen will we feel at ease." Yang Xiyi said quickly.

"Are you saying that I can't go to the front line? Teacher, my score for live-fire training was higher than yours."

"...Is this a standard to be proud of? Students think that as a soldier, you have to have backbone and you must not be inferior to others."

Lieutenant General Carter couldn't help but look at his students in amazement. Sure enough, once a person sacrifices his shame, nothing can shake his spirit.

"Forget it, if I really get to the front of the Circle of Miracles, am I going to fight for power with Conneris and Tivington? I'm not good at doing this kind of thing, so it's best to do things at the rear. I It is estimated that if nothing unexpected happens, the expedition fleet base camp will not be maintained for too long. You, the garrison commander of the Unity Fortress, will still have to be the garrison commander for a while, and do a good job of connecting and transferring the main force of the fleet returning home. "

Yang Xiyi didn't have any special reaction this time. He smiled and said, "I will try my best."

He paused and then said, "But who is responsible for the training and command of the local troops in Xinyumen?"

"Of course, I, the acting governor, personally commanded it. After all, I am also a lieutenant general!" Lieutenant General Carter said with his head held high.


"However, each division has its own commander. In addition, I have appointed Colonel Shashak of Lumina as the director of training. Also, the Varangi Division has temporarily returned to Xinyumen for reorganization, and should also be transferred back Domestic. I asked the division commander, Brigadier General Orog, to concurrently serve as the colonial chief of security for a period of time."

"Then I'll be completely relieved." Yang Xiyi smiled.

Lieutenant General Carter glanced at the other party suspiciously, always feeling that he was being manipulated by the other party again.

Thus, this business dinner that praised the peace of civilization across the galaxy ended happily. The investors received recognition and blessings from His Highness Brünnhilt and found many business opportunities; the soldiers who had been stationed on the front lines of the New World for nearly two years also saw the hope of returning home. Everyone will have a bright future.

Early the next morning, Lieutenant General Carter said goodbye and returned to Xinyumen.

Yang Xiyi once again declined the invitation from the opposite Lieutenant General Minongtai to go to "Chao Xiang" for a vacation, saying that he still had some guests to socialize with.

"Oh, are they guests from the Community?" Lieutenant General Minontai of Sheniu still behaved like a drunkard.

"Of course they are guests from the mainland. We are all from the New World now. If we come from the colony in the New World, we are not guests." Yang Xiyi showed an expression of ambiguity and expectation.

"So, are you a proud guest from the local area?" Lieutenant General Minontai seemed to have been fooled, and indeed he showed an ambiguous expression.

"I don't understand such elegance as a proud guest. But beauty is a must." Yang Xiyi said firmly.

The imperial general pondered for a moment: "I remember, it has been almost two years since Brother Yang came to serve in the New World, right?"

Yang Xiyi nodded slightly, revealing a well-covered wry smile.

"Thank you for your hard work." He patted Yang Xiyi's shoulder hard, with sympathy on his face.

As a result, the two of them exchanged a bitter smile that only middle-aged people could understand. For a moment, they both felt that the distance between them had narrowed a lot again. As long as we exchange our thoughts a few more times, we will definitely become spiritual friends.

After bidding farewell to Lieutenant General Minontai, Yang Xiyi returned directly to the part of the fortress area controlled by the community. He passed through a large area that had been converted into barracks and armories, entered the lower space of the fortress from the passage between the life support department and the command department, and then passed through a large construction site that was still being renovated before arriving. An inconspicuous cabin.

In fact, Yang Xiyi really didn't lie. At this time, the person standing guard at the door of the cabin, waiting for Yang Xiyi to come, is really a rare beauty.

She has neat and sassy short silver hair, a tall and strong figure, and delicate and clear facial features. This is a typical androgynous beauty who transcends gender, and this type of beauty is often the least likely to be shackled by time.

Of course, all the above descriptions are based on the premise of excluding the fierce expression of the other party.

Yang Xiyi nodded slightly: "Master Erinke."

"Hey, Lao Yang, I haven't seen you for a while, but you are still in good health." The youngest of the seven Lingyan children, but also the most capable "Red Shura" Natalya Elenko grinned.

Yang Xiyi inexplicably saw a hint of blood in the other person's smile.

"The fight started," she said.


"The Cathays shelled our forward outpost at Earl Star Gap 20 hours ago."


"The Far Coast Sector and the Ninth Fleet have carried out general mobilization. The Gibraltar Military District and the Outer Rim Fleet have also begun to cancel their vacations."


"You don't seem surprised at all?"

"Because I know that accidents will always happen, either here or there. Unfortunately, there are too many hidden dangers in this universe that can cause accidents."

Natalia Erinko suddenly became happy: "Are all so-called strategists mystical type like you?"

"I personally believe that all psykers have no right to accuse mortals of mysticism."

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