Him and their stars

Chapter 1269 Our master and disciple must have the same awareness

Of course Yang Xiyi understood what these three people meant, which was why he had to invite these three "masters" to participate in this small meeting. In this era, the only thing that can counteract occultism is occultism.

Now, the facts prove that this judgment is not wrong. If these few people had not come, who would have thought that the majestic leader of the Astral Knights, Duke Sartolan, who disappeared vaguely before the Battle of the Dawn Star Territory started, would have been hiding in this fortress silently. ?

Could it be that in this starry sky, which is far away from the mainland of the Milky Way and has been "decorated" by enlightened beings, I can comprehend some great way of heaven and man?

Haha, I really don’t understand how their psychics operate.

By this time, he had completely confirmed his guess, but inexplicably felt a shuddering chill in this constant-temperature room.

He smiled and said: "I have prepared a surprise attack plan, but I don't expect it to have much effect. After all, this is a method that can only be used on mediocre people. Besides, we are trying to find the complete star map of this fortress. It should be the same. We are preparing for a sneak attack, how can the empire do it? In this case, who can really find a flaw?" If it really comes to the point where you can't bear to speak, you must do things to the extreme. This Only then can it be possible to surprise the opponent. "

The three psychics looked at each other.

Natalya Elinko was amazed: "So it is you, the strategists who play tactics, who are dirty. Although I have no idea what you want to do, I already feel dirty!"

Sonny Grant said with a solemn expression: "But, General Yang, no matter what plan you have. We can think about it, but we can't do it."

Talai Jin said quietly: "An eight-ring demigod is sitting here. He cannot sense everything that happens in this fortress, but he must be able to feel the gathering of extreme emotions."

As we all know, the most extreme emotion is naturally the murderous spirit of soldiers preparing for battle. And a group of murderous warriors gathering together will inevitably amplify this emotion to the extreme.

Any fledgling psyker who has only undergone the most basic training has the ability to sense murderous intent, let alone the grand leader of the Astral Knights.

Yang Xiyi also showed a heavy expression: "I understand. So I only hope that the empire is really looking forward to peace. Duke Sadolan is just here to escape from the world and understand the path of heaven and man."

Erinko chuckled: "He is indeed comprehending the Great Way of Heaven and Humanity. Duke Sadolan's realm has been advancing rapidly during this period!"

"Thousands of miles in a day? So sharp?" Yang Xiyi suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

"Yes, this is what my mentor said." Mr. Jin said with a smile.

"That's really gratifying!" Yang Xiyi showed a blessing expression. By now, the trembling chill in his heart could no longer be felt.

In a dark room on the other side of the Unity Fortress, Duke Sadolan sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at his closed disciple with a pleased look, his expression as kind as an old father who saw his son returning home: "Escort work Thank you for your hard work. During this period, our fleet was either withdrawing into the country or sleeping near the Ring of Miracles, but your fleet almost ran back and forth from the Gate of Glory to the Ring of Miracles."

The Duke's close disciple and commander of the Third Guard Fleet affiliated with the Empire's Dawn Military Intelligence, Commodore Yeager Soback quickly lowered his head and said: "Responsibility is what it is, and I really don't dare to talk about hard work."

"Responsibility is natural, and hard work is of course there. There is no need to pretend in front of me." Duke Sadolan paused and said casually: "What do you think of these two new groups?"

How fresh! Jaeger Soback thought, haven't you never paid attention to "worldly affairs"? You actually ask this kind of question?

Soback answered very cautiously: "The empire did not pay much attention to this kind of robot unit operated by the engineer battalion before, and its combat effectiveness may not be better than the transferred stormtrooper divisions."

"You compare the combat power of two regiments and three divisions, which itself shows an attitude." Duke Sartolan smiled.

"Yes, I originally thought that the empire would rather use mind-controlled fantasy beasts and not pay much attention to robots, but I never expected that it would master this kind of technology."

"No matter what technology it is, the empire can use it, but it cannot live without it. I just think that robots only look sophisticated and efficient, but at critical moments they are not even as reliable as hounds. Haha, this is not an ancient religious prejudice, but mine Speaking from experience... Hey? Boy, what's your expression? Do you think I am really the kind of magician who only knows about extraordinary cultivation? The magician can be the chief of the Hoshimi Pavilion, but he will never be the leader of the Knights. Leader! So that you know, when I was young, I also studied civil engineering and materials science."

Jaeger Soback was in awe. He didn't know whether Teacher Cheap was boasting or telling the truth, but that didn't stop him from showing his true admiration.

"Of course, my major is information cybernetics. That's why I know that robots are unreliable."

"Teacher, so you are opposed to the dismantling of the troops here..."

"I agree. The engineer battalions of the two regiments were ordered by me through the Generalissimo's House. At this time, unreliable robots can give full play to their best advantages."

Yeager Soback suddenly felt a little confused. However, before he asked back, Duke Sadolan had already changed the topic:

"You should have got your own new ship this time, right? Hahaha, you haven't reached thirty yet, and you have the latest battle cruiser as your flagship. When I was young, I didn't get such treatment as you. "

Isn't this because you have always been an Astral Knight and have never been a captain or a squadron admiral? It's not like me. I climbed up from the bottom step by step. Every step was so solid. I was in the company of old sailors every day.

Just as this impolite thought flashed through his mind, Duke Sadolan said: "Very good. When you are young, you spend more time with veterans and old sailors, which is the true way to be a famous general. In this aspect, I am not as good as You, Viscount Charmaine, are not as good as you."

Soback forced out an awkward smile. Finally, he knew that such high-end mind-reading skills did not exist in the field of mysticism, otherwise he would have passed by now.

But at this time, I heard Duke Sadolan say again: "However, after all, you are also an astral knight, and the extraordinary way is also your true profession. But after half a year of not seeing each other, you kid has not made any progress at all?"

The corner of Soback's mouth twitched, thinking that you can't always regard me as a genius like Shameen! It's only been less than half a year, how far can you expect me, a mortal, to progress? I don’t even know where the end of the universe is, so you still expect me to practice while fighting?

Moreover, I have been working so hard in the war, so instead of telling me to rest, I am still allowed to practice? You don't treat people as human beings.

However, he didn't even think for a moment, and simply changed from kneeling to prostrate, lamenting: "Disciple is incompetent."

Duke Sartolan said angrily: "Get up and speak! The Star Knights are the warriors of the empire who protect the country, not anyone's slaves! Have you watched too many costume dramas at eight o'clock recently?"

"Well, I actually watched "Cold Hill" produced by the Alliance. The empire seemed to be like this at that time..." Soback muttered quietly, but just enough for the other party to hear.

Duke Sartolan pretended that he had not heard this and just shook his head with hatred, but once again switched to a pleasant expression and said: "That's all, I can't blame you entirely. In the past six months, You are following His Royal Highness King Suliuka to conquer the east and west again, and you are responsible for cruising the New World Highway. Then you are forced to return to the Gate of Glory to accept new warships, and then you are on the escort mission again. Day and night, you are entangled in mundane affairs. , I can totally understand.”

Sobek was moved. Although he knew that Master Cheap was in KFC himself, he was still very moved.

"But, hasn't your old enemy been traveling around all this time? Diplomatic activities, shipbuilding supervision, and special military operations. But in the battle at the Snake Lair, he was invincible, and the world's snake was invincible. None of the thousands of demon disciples can stop him. Even the past fell into his hands..."

"That one, wasn't he killed by His Royal Highness King Suliuka?"

"This is not the point. The point is that Lan Jiufeng's young disciples have now reached a state that is difficult for you to approach. Soback, is it true that the so-called Wolf of Dawn cannot compare to the Dragon of Dawn?"

Soback thought to himself, who gave this nickname in the first place? Even my shame is a bit unbearable! His head was covered with sweat, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only say nothing.

The Duke shook his head and said: "Well, I can't blame you. That guy is indeed a genius that is rare to see in a century. Not to mention you, Shameen is far behind in terms of talent alone."

Soback felt that the teacher was right. As long as you don't expect me to be a genius, you won't be disappointed, you should still be able to maintain your peace of mind, and you will definitely live a long life. Maybe we can still look forward to the legendary supreme realm.

But at this time, I heard Duke Sadolan say again: "So, what is your next step? Continue to hunt down pirates?"

Soback nodded: "The fleet compiled by my disciple has always been a high-speed battleship. My next task is to patrol the waterway between the Ring of Miracles and the Gate of Glory, and track down the whereabouts of the Black Snake pirate group. By passing from According to the information obtained from the Snake Den, the leader of the Black Snake pirate group, Sparrow Sanz Plank XII, is indeed the remnant of the World Serpent."

The Duke said: "I have heard of this name. It seems that my ancestor was a big pirate in the era of the alliance's home star."

"He was also operating nearby in the past. Moreover, the last time we went to dig for treasure... ah no, when we went to explore the new galaxy, we also met people from the World Snake. This is enough to show that the Snake Organization has long been established in the New World. Business has begun. His Royal Highness King Suliuka believes that although the main force of the predators has been eliminated, the remnants still exist. Now it has been proven that the predators and the World Serpent have long colluded. The remnants of the two families gathered together, It may pose a security risk to the smooth flow of trade routes. This should be the next military focus of the New World."

"Military focus?" Duke Sadolan showed a malicious smile: "However, you now have a battle cruiser, three heavy cruisers, and all your troops are elite soldiers. To deal with pirates, it is a bit fussy. !”

There's nothing wrong with making a fuss about this. At least it sounds safe. But, it would be nice if I really only had to deal with pirates.

Yeager Soback smiled bitterly.

Of course he knew his orders. Suppressing pirates, clearing shipping lanes, and tracking down the (possibly) uncaptured top looters and snakeheads were only one aspect. However, the Chief of Staff, who looked like a kind and elegant female professor from the liberal arts college with a smile, told him that he and his mobile fleet still had other important tasks.

For example, it would be better to "cooperate" with the Community's Thirteenth Fleet, which is also responsible for patrolling the waterway. When necessary, you can also discuss with the other party about joint bandit suppression operations.

"Of course, when necessary, I also need you to be able to fulfill your duties as fleet admiral and make appropriate decisions. I believe you have this ability. Right? General Soback?" Miss Chief of Staff said again. .

Yeager Soback thought to himself that all of you staff officers are really dirty, and you can’t even explain yourself clearly. If I really make a decision then, and you don't recognize it, wouldn't it be those of us who are doing the work below who will take the blame?

Duke Sartolan gave his disciple a meaningful look. He must have guessed something, but he didn’t say much, but mused: “Since you are the head of a snake and you are born into a famous family with a long history, you really need to be careful.

Soback hurriedly said: "Don't worry. Just be careful and don't worry, the disciple still has a lot of experience."

"It just so happens that during this period of time, I have been observing the stars and enlightening myself. In fact, I have finally gained a lot of insights. Once I have fully digested the gains from the battle against the ancient guardian, it will be time to prepare to move closer to the truth."

However, before challenging the side of truth, there is still a real knot that needs to be dealt with. If he didn't do it well, he would never be able to cross the chasm that had troubled him for decades.

Hahaha, I'll be ready soon. my old friend! So should you, right?

Of course Soback couldn't see what was going on in the Grand Master's mind. It took him nearly ten seconds to realize something, but before he could organize any words of blessing, the other party suddenly said: "There is still some time before you set off, enough for me to teach you something new. "

Soback's face suddenly turned pale - he had less than forty-eight hours until his next departure, and he was planning to go to a newly opened wine shop to have a good rest, play music, drink and dance. What.

"It only takes so long, if you can't learn..."

"Then go to hell." Duke Sartolan touched his chin and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Yeager, I have come to an understanding, and you must also have this understanding."

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