Him and their stars

Chapter 1275 Damn it, you betrayed the working class

It is now the sixteenth day for these guerrillas who have retreated into the forest. As early as when the strike movement in Ice Valley City took a turn for the worse, Mr. Guimo, who had experienced many battles, had already sensed the danger and quickly organized the sons of Loha and the backbones of the union to retreat. As a result, more than 3,000 people followed Mr. Guimo and retreated into the dense jungle before the alliance security forces and the security guards of large companies surrounded them.

However, the real rulers of this country will never let them go. Actually,

In the eyes of the military industrial conglomerates such as Hearth and Thor, the "Sons of Lohar" who joined forces with the unionists and began to organize peaceful strikes were far more dangerous than the "Sons of Lohar" who organized terrorist organizations.

Even if the coalition government fails to make a decision for a while due to the quarrel between politicians, large companies will definitely regard Guimo as the primary target for exclusion in advance.

Therefore, in the past two weeks, the rebels who retreated into the Great Forest had to face the heavily armed pursuers of Hearth Castle before they encountered the Alliance army. These mercenaries are not regular soldiers, but they possess all the weapons of the regular army except for a few heavy weapons and alchemy equipment. What's more important is that they don't know martial ethics, let alone the law, and their methods are naturally much more ruthless than those of the regular army.

Although a team of more than 3,000 people could barely rely on the dense virgin jungle and changing terrain to monitor deserters, the target was still too big.

So, as a last resort, Guimo issued an order to disperse and evacuate.

"What they want is me. If you can escape, just one, you can always save some seeds."

In fact, no one can tell what kind of seeds they are, and Mr. Guimo himself can't tell, but that's all he can do. If there is no hope at all, everyone's spirit will be dissipated. Even if it is just the "hope" imagined by oneself.

"Let's continue walking with you." Taina said to Mr. Guimo: "I am a reporter, and I must record it to the end in order to record all the truth."

"Reality? Miss Taina, does anyone still care about reality?"

"Someone cares. I care. History cares too!" Taina Mohn said seriously.

She looked at Ash Stern beside her again: "Besides, I can carry the camera and I can also carry the gun."

If you want to carry a gun or something, just carry it? What do you want me to do? Ash's heart was filled with chills. He had actually wanted to run away for a long time. As a psychic with unique skills and the Noble Phantasm of the Enlightened One, he would have been able to escape long ago as long as he was alone on the road. But I don't know why, but he never ran away.

"...Hahaha, your will is free, I can't control what you want to do. However, you must remember, young people, the battlefield that belongs to you is not here. Your time has not come yet. ." Mr. Guimo laughed.

After everyone was reduced to pieces, there were only more than a hundred people left around Gui Mo.

His guess was correct. Most of the pursuers actually came looking for them based on their scent, and a battle soon broke out. Every time everyone repelled a wave of enemies, more enemies would soon come over. After hearing the news, it was as if all the hounds raised by Hearth Industry had gathered in this forest.

"We can retreat to the deepest part of the jungle." Taina Mohn suggested.

Seeing that everyone was confused, she explained that this large forest has natural building trees and rich zero-element mineral veins. The deeper you go, the stronger the spiritual factors become. During the alliance's ancient royal rule, this magical Forest of the Holy Spirit was the most famous spiritual practice holy land on the planet.

Those strong spiritual factors will always form a lot of supernatural phenomena, which can protect everyone from leaving.

"Very good, at least we have a retreat direction." Mr. Guimo laughed.

Having said that, in the early stages of retreat, it is almost unrealistic to completely get rid of the pursuers. In just two weeks, seven battles took place. Each time the pursuers encountered were sometimes more than 20, and sometimes more than one reinforced company, with armored airships and drones assisting.

Mr. Guimo always fights on the front line and is always the last one to evacuate. However, in every battle, he is the target of the mercenaries' fire, and he always accumulates the most pain and fatigue.

But even so, he still maintained a very optimistic mood.

"In other words, mercenaries only know how to fight in small groups. If it were government troops, even the security forces of foreign colonial stars, they would not engage in such a stupid fuel war."

Having said that, yesterday, the enemy they faced was not only a reinforced company of mercenaries, but also a psyker wearing a heraldry machine.

"Can this kind of thing go into the hands of the private security team?" Taina Mohn couldn't accept it at all.

"How novel, there are even lightsabers on the black market!" Ya Xiu felt that the other party was rare and strange.

"Are there any heraldic machines on the black market?"

"...That's not true. The target is too big."

However, now is no longer the time to worry about such problems. Whether the security mercenaries of Hearth Industry have a family or a heraldic machine in their hands, even if they have a dreadnought, it has little to do with them.

Now, all they need is to survive as best they can. Or, let someone else live.

After a great battle, everyone finally completely defeated the pursuers. More importantly, three of the four armored airships were shot down, the heraldic machine was finally destroyed, and the remaining mercenaries had no choice but to flee.

Even if Hearth and Thunder God's family were big and powerful, such a loss would be crippling. For a long time, it should be difficult for them to organize a pursuit force of the same size. In a sense, these rebels were safe for the time being.

However, the price they paid was the sacrifice of half of their companions. These people are basically the backbone of the rebel army brought by Mr. Guimo, and they are all old brothers who have followed him for more than ten years.

Ash also suffered a lot of injuries. He was almost certain that if his New World group hadn't grown a lot and still had the Noble Phantasm of the Enlightened One given to him by the remaining companies, he would have been dead long ago.

The only reporter who is relatively safe. Probably because everyone was trying to protect her, or probably because the bullets fired by the mercenaries were avoiding her.

However, the biggest loss was their leader. After losing two legs and an arm, Mr. Guimo desperately tore open the shield of the heraldry machine, giving Ash a chance to kill with one hit, but he was penetrated by the mercenary's final counterattack. of the chest. In the dense forest where there is little medical treatment, even for psychics, it is a fatal injury that is difficult to treat.

Everyone sadly carried Mr. Guimo forward, but they could only watch his life force drain away little by little, but there was nothing they could do.

"But, so what? I killed so happily!" The rebel leader, who was only half-stretched, looked up to the sky and laughed surrounded by his exhausted comrades, as if he had let out a lifetime of depression.

"Oh hehehe, if I could show this ability when I was serving before, and now I have worn the star, right? Then I might not have embarked on this path."

After laughing, he couldn't help but sigh: "So, Miss Reporter, you've seen it too! Rick is really not a hero at heart, he just wants to do something big and see. In essence, he is afraid that the world will not be the same." A chaotic rebel. Yes, we are a rebel, and a half-baked rebel at that."

Tyna Moen certainly knew what he meant. In fact, during the two weeks of escaping, Guimo has been reviewing his gains and losses.

The strike in Ice Valley City failed, of course, because bad guys got involved, and it was certainly used by other shady forces, but aside from that, wasn't it also because of my own weakness?

"In the past, when people engaged in terrorist activities, they thought that this would allow the big shots above to hear such voices. But I felt that this would only hurt ordinary people, but not the big shots. So I cleaned up the Sons of Loha. radicals, many of whom were my old brothers. Later, I wanted to learn from the strike action in Lone Night City, but I didn’t want everyone to bleed like that. But in the end, the blood they shed even exceeded Workers in Guye City. Now, I have discovered that the most blood in my hands actually belongs to my own people."

The leader of the rebel army looked tired and sour: "I am such a coward! A rebel born as a warrior, I am not as good as the students who dedicated their blood in Guye City. In the end, I just ended up in this dense forest. A meaningless life. Miss Taina, my life really sounds like a joke!"

Taina Moen looked deeply at the rebel leader who was about to expire, and whispered: "Long ago in the Alliance's royal rule, before we embarked on the age of interstellar navigation, countless battles took place in this dense forest. The ancestors of the fourteen so-called alliance families now lie dead here."

Gui Mo couldn't help but be stunned, then smiled and said: "...Are you trying to say that I will turn into withered bones like them?"

"I want to say that they established the current structure of the alliance, and your words... Sir, I don't know what the future will be like. However, in the future history, you will either be a great rebel who will be infamous for thousands of years. Or he must be a pioneer. Just like the dead students and workers in Lonely Night City. How can we say that life is worthless? "

"Ah hahaha, it's really you, Miss Taina, you are much better than me, you are always very good at talking."

Taina Moen let out a rough breath: "There is someone who can really speak better than me. I just think that if I might face that person one day, I can't help but tremble now."

"Isn't that similar to what we are doing now?"

Taina fell into a brief silence. All kinds of emotions flashed through her heart, and finally she nodded inaudibly.

"It was really nice, everything was just so nice."

The rebel leader's vision began to blur, but his expression gradually became relaxed. At that time, light seemed to appear in his dilated pupils. When life and soul left his body, both light and smile froze on his face at the same time.

Everyone silently watched the last leader of the Sons of Loha leave, and then silently burned his body and scattered it in the mountains and rivers of the Forest of the Holy Spirit.

"Miss Moen, what should we do next?" asked a Lothar rebel captain.

Taina Moen silently looked at the stream at the foot of the mountain, watching Mr. Guimo's ashes slowly flow into the mountain stream, and a trace of confusion flashed across her face: "...I, I don't know."

The remaining rebel members looked at each other and were relatively speechless for a while.

Ash gritted his teeth and wanted to say something more, but Taina spoke again. Her voice became clear and firm: "However, we always have to find hope. The road ahead will be difficult, and I only hope that I can continue to walk with everyone."

Taina looked at everyone with bright and persistent eyes.

The rebels clearly felt that they saw the same light in the eyes of this pitiful young lady: "Our enemy is very powerful, but we will never fight alone!"

Everyone started to hit the road one after another. At this time, they didn't know where they were going, but they finally felt a glimmer of strength and hope.

At the East Gate Station of the Sea City, a light rail train preparing to head to the Southern Continent issued a boarding reminder.

Passengers carrying large and small bags began to line up to get on the bus. A young man wearing a hoodie, denim shorts, and carrying a schoolbag, who looked like an ordinary college student, stood at the end of the queue.

The Sea City is the "ancient capital" of the Alliance and a famous university town. No one would pay attention to such an ordinary college student.

After all, this is a main road that spans the two continents of Nephi and the central Sea of ​​Fallen Stars. It connects the metropolises on the coasts of the two continents, and will also cross the sea capital. It will also pass by the orbital elevator located on the equator of the planet. .

For such an arterial road, the passenger flow can be imagined. Although it is not a holiday, the platform is still crowded with people.

Of course, with today's technology, there is actually no need for special checkpoints and manpower to check tickets. The electronic eye hanging from the platform ceiling recorded the appearance of all the crowded people in half a second, and it took another half second to complete the comparison with the passenger information in the database.

This kind of inspection method is advanced and fast, but in an era when occultism is prevalent and black technology is excessive, it may not be completely accurate. However, rail transit managers don't care. They all feel that people who master psychic powers and black technology should not compromise their identities to escape from a 10-yuan train ticket. As long as they try to ensure that passengers do not bring dangerous goods onto the train, they will be worthy of the fare.

Today's guests are all model guests, at least the automatic inspection agency did not detect any dangerous atmosphere.

Of course they wouldn't mind, but the ordinary-looking college student who was originally at the end of the queue never got on the bus.

In fact, just when the train started checking tickets, the "college student" already felt that he was being pinched from the left to the right. A voice sounded in his ear.

"Bold...you did something wrong."

He was really familiar with this voice, but if it sounded at this time, it would only make him lose his mind.

He felt that his legs were weak and he could not walk. He was forced to cross the crowd against the current between two people, exited the platform, and walked out of the inconspicuous side door of the station, avoiding all surveillance.

When the man known as "Bold" regained consciousness, he only saw a tall figure standing in the shadow of the dim light in a remote alley. His pitch-black body seemed to have absorbed all the light sources, and only the carapace trembling slightly on half of his face could be seen. What a ferocious and majestic figure it was, like a vengeful demon crawling out of hell.

"B-Brother Babalu..." Bold closed the corners of his mouth, wanting to say something to beg for mercy, but for a moment he just felt that his mind was blank.

"Don't call me brother! You bitch, you betrayed the working class!"

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