Him and their stars

Chapter 1284 The bond between bear and insect is immortal

There is one thing to say, although Feanor Berenkeist's private life can be regarded as the disgrace of the world. Compared with him, Astri, who is a slut at heart, can only be regarded as a junior player, and Krell, who is superficial, is even a rookie who has never been out. But perhaps it is precisely because too much energy is put into worldly enjoyment that even if one is extremely talented, he will never be able to reach the pinnacle on the path to being a transcendent.

Princess Rainbow Rose certainly has little respect left for such a father. However, after hearing her father's answer, she still smiled.

Although he is such a biological father who cannot be respected, he has received higher education after all. With the help of his old friend Tatos, he also obtained a doctorate from Ocean University, and worked in the Standard Shipping Association. He has been a top figure on the board of directors for thirty years. Even if he is a scumbag, he must be the overlord among scumbags.

Yani also knows that although this guy is usually unreliable, once he makes a promise, he will definitely work hard to complete it, and he will definitely be able to achieve results beyond imagination.

"Then I'll be relieved. Dad, I'll be waiting for your good news in the Lotak sector."

"Hehehe, just wait for the good news from dad."

As soon as he said these words, Feinuo suddenly realized that his words sounded a bit like he was expressing his determination to the leader.

"Speaking of which...Yani, can you tell dad what you are planning to do in Lotak?"

"My private vacation villa? Didn't I tell you a long time ago? Although the universe is huge, it is not easy to find such a milky white beach tens of thousands of meters long."

"There are many milky white beaches... there is one on Paradise Star that is more than 20 kilometers long. Although a little artificial adjustment has been used, it is really no different from the natural one." Feinuo said gloomily.

"Yes, the beach is easy to find. However, it is not easy to find a lush forest oxygen tank near the beach and a natural hot spring located in the forest."

"I remember...that kid likes hot springs very much."

Yani seemed not to understand her father's words at all, and added: "In addition, since the planet Lotak is going to be turned into a tourist attraction, I have already prepared to build a marine-themed Universal Paradise on the other side of the sea. Things like amusement parks, It can be repaired at any time. An ocean theme park is best equipped with a yacht dock."

"I also remember...that boy also liked Universal Paradise."

Yani smiled: "Don't you like it too?"

"So, Yani's villa left a room for dad?" There was a hint of excitement in Feinuo's voice.

"Well, I left you an attic for your retirement."

Feanor Berenkeist no longer knew whether he should cry or laugh. At this time, the Qingqiu had completely entered the dock of the star port.

When the door of the cabin opened, Yamida also directly severed the spiritual link and walked out of the cabin door. In front of her, a Lotak-style plush woven carpet had been laid out on the trestle.

Princess Rainbow Rose just glanced at the carpet and knew that this gorgeous and fine knitting technique was definitely done by hand by the top craftsmen. In the ancient Kingdom of Lothar people, all carpet weavers of this level could be regarded as "carpet weavers" enshrined by the palace.

As for the complicated abstract lines above, they constitute a rather magnificent coat of arms, representing the ancient Lothar people's understanding of the universe and nature. They are also done by hand from design to paint.

Yani stepped onto the carpet without any hesitation. She looked at the long-awaited local officials, celebrities, and reporters under the trestle, and showed an impeccable business smile.

During the royal period, this type of handmade velvet rug was hung in the palace as a totem and royal flag by the Lothar kings in the past. As long as others used it, it could only be regarded as trespassing.

Now, she has been stepped on by the princess of Rainbow Rose.

Of course, there were many local Luosa "village sages" among the welcoming crowd. However, they were mixed in with celebrities from all walks of life, smiling brightly, and standing like humble minions.

But even if you are a minion, you must be in a comfortable mood now, full of emotions, and full of hope for the future.

The native snakes on this planet know very well what it means for Princess Rainbow Rose to arrive here. In comparison, what does the pride of the ancient Lothar people count?

The reporters wanted to rush over, but were quickly blocked by a human wall of powerful security guards. Miss Pei's secretaries originally wanted to talk about business clichés such as "committed to local industrial development," "deepening diverse cooperation," and "building commercial projects with the characteristics of Lothar's classical civilization." The law failed, but Miss Bei seemed to have just remembered something. She turned her delicate and beautiful profile to the reporters' cameras and said to the local celebrities: "I heard that the new Wanle Palace is about to be built. Has it opened in Arashihara City?"

The sector commander's doubts flashed through his eyes, and he still maintained a reserved and humble smile: "It will be next week. From now on, this rural place can also enjoy the most top-notch and most popular food trends in the galaxy."

Yamida smiled and said: "The trend of gourmet food must be combined with the customs of various places. Because of the Wanle Palace, any chain restaurant opened in any part of the galaxy must have delicacies that match the local products. Although I am not a gourmet, But I have close friends who are proficient in cooking and can be regarded as quite tasteful gourmets. Then, next week, I will host a banquet at Wanle Palace to welcome you all."

Princess Rainbow Rose, who had just arrived on Lotak, left the locals with a first impression of being dignified and beautiful, full of mystery and power. That almost flawless side face was also transmitted to the TV screens of thousands of households on the planet Lotak through the lenses of reporters.

Of course, no one present would notice that a small paper crane, whose figure was covered with spiritual light, was emerging from the cabin of the Rose Princess, fluttering its wings and passing through the crowd, and in a flash it had entered the star. There was no trace in Hong Kong.

Everyone’s attention was only focused on the smile of Miss Amida Berenkeste.

So, on Lotak, in an inconspicuous ranch, bear rancher Bean Baca and his cowboys were eating, and they also saw this scene on the TV news.

"Uh, boss... why are we watching the news today? Don't you usually watch "Baga Bala Little Witch" when you eat?" Young Cowboy A looked at his bear boss suspiciously.

"We only have so much rest time every day! Do you want to ruthlessly take away even this little bit of happiness?" Cowboy B, who looked underage, held his head and shouted loudly.

Cowboy C, who looked like he had come before, shook his finger: "Yes, I admit that she is a great beauty, but what does this kind of princess have to do with us? In comparison, she is still our "Baga Bala Little Princess" "Witch" is good."

The cowboys nodded in agreement. The princess of Rainbow Rose is really far away from ordinary people like them, and in comparison, the young and beautiful little witch in the special series at 7 o'clock is their destiny.

Although the little witch is a Lothar, and her appearance does not match the "universal" beauty of the galaxy, and her influence is destined to be impossible to spread to places other than Lotak, she is still everyone's idol.

Before the bear boss said anything, his daughter Sonia had already laughed out loud.

"Why do you think that the little witch in the tokusatsu drama has something to do with you?" Little Bear Girl said.

The cowboys felt that they had been hit hard one after another, and for a while, even the beef soup and steaks on their plates no longer smelled good.

"So you are still too young and superficial!" The bear boss put his hands on his hips and said in a pointing tone: "In this era, even ordinary people like us can interpret policies by watching the news."

The cowboys looked at each other, and then they all showed expressions of "Damn it, he got it".

"So, what did Dad decipher?" Little Bear Girl Sonia asked curiously. She was not so much asking as she was complimenting her on her high emotional intelligence.

The rancher said proudly: "When I was just laying the foundation of Wanle Palace, I brought our live cattle there. They signed a three-year supply contract with us in one fell swoop."

The cowboys present suddenly became interested.

"I guess, this time the princess may use our black cow to entertain guests. Yes, we will print some more brochures tomorrow." The bear man began to think about it.

Cowboy C, who looked the most mature, thought thoughtfully: "I wonder why today's food is so good, and we were given three days off."

"Oh ho ho ho, that means you can get a salary increase next year?" Cowboy A's face was filled with excitement.

"Or can we also eat black cattle?" Cowboy B cheered.

"Don't think about it. With the virtue of our boss, if there are any black cattle, he will definitely use them for supply." Cowboy C sneered.

"Those who raise black cows will never be able to eat black cows, right?" Cowboy B began to burst into tears.

The bear boss was furious and slapped the table hard: "Is my bonus given to ghosts? You are just a stick of woodchuck, and I gave you a black cow. Can you eat it?"

After everyone thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the truth, and they all became happy again.

This is the case for simple-minded manual workers. Whether it is sadness or joy, it is still very time-sensitive, and it will come and go as soon as it is called.

Then, they began to think about how to use the bonus.

Then Cowboy A lowered his voice and said, "Speaking of which, I heard that this Wan Le Palace actually has a casino?"

"It's a resort area after all. There's a hotel next to it, and the beach is two steps away."

"No, no, not just a casino, but also a meat market."

"Meat? Hahahaha, our place is a pasture, isn't it supposed to be a place for meat?"

"Well, the black cow was used for meat. Why does it sound weird?" Cowboy A showed an ugly smile full of bad taste.

"What's the matter? The current mayors of Baibei City are all minotaurs." Cowboy C still looked like an experienced driver, and his whole body was filled with the greasy superiority of a middle-aged man. .

"People can't, at least they shouldn't!"

"Yes! Just thinking in this direction is considered a kind of blasphemy!"

"XXX! You and this XXX, what on earth are you talking about in front of an underage girl?" It was the rancher Baka who finally ended the topic.

The strong bear man stretched out his big hands like cattail leaf fans, grabbed the heads of Cowboy A and Cowboy B like chickens, and then bumped them together.

The two people immediately fell to the ground "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaw.

"Anyway, the three-year contract has been signed. Today is the time to celebrate! After the holidays, everyone will work harder and get our brochures down!"

"Oh, then I want to watch the Celestial Republic Cup match today, Nephi Silver Bullets versus Lotak Giants."

"You want to see being slaughtered?"

"I want to drink while watching the blood flow!"

The bear ranchers and cowboys all felt that this was a man's game, and even cowboys A and C who had fainted on the ground woke up immediately.

Baka then shouted: "Sonia, bring the wine quickly!"

The little bear girl brought everyone a large barrel of ale and prepared snacks, and then started to clean up the dining table and kitchen.

She has always been such a virtuous and energetic good girl. During this period, my health gradually improved, and I became more lively, as if I had endless energy.

By the time she put away all the dishes and cleaned the messy kitchen, it was almost eight o'clock. In the living room, Dad and the Cowboys were indeed watching the celestial ball game while cursing and drinking. Looking at the score again, it was already 14-0. In the celestial game, this is indeed a tragic massacre.

"...So, what's so exciting about a game in which the home team was slaughtered? Wouldn't it be better to surrender from the beginning?" The Little Bear Girl couldn't understand. If you were the owner of the team, you would definitely tell the other party about surrendering and losing half.

Sonia shook her head and gave these bored men a girlish look, and then went out in the moonlight without them having any clues.

She stepped on her balancing car and drove out of the yard with a huff.

Ten minutes later, when the little girl was sure that she had left the range of her ranch and the range of the security robot's surveillance camera, she got off the balance car again.

She put the car on her shoulders and ran towards the snow-capped mountains ahead. Her movements were full of extraordinary strength and speed. She was clearly climbing in the mountains and forests, but her speed was faster than the magnetic levitation balance car that was traveling on the flat ground just now.

This little girl, who was tortured by a basic genetic disease and was dying a few years ago, only took half an hour to reach the platform halfway up the mountain. Just talking about this mountain climbing movement, it was much faster than her bear-man father who had won medals for his brute strength and physical fitness.

The little girl stood on the platform, emptied her spirit, and followed the method taught by a friend who no longer knew her whereabouts, allowing her psychic energy to run for ten cycles within the range she could sense.

In the process, the spiritual energy also nourished her body. Those cells that began to become deformed due to incomplete genes quickly regained their vitality under the nourishment of the power of mysticism, and were even more vigorous than the cells of healthy people.

Sonia let out a heavy breath, feeling as if she had vomited out a lot of waste in her body, and her whole body became more energetic.

She looked toward the stars in the sky, finally showed a sad expression, and murmured: "This is the 108th day since Charlie left. I miss her."

As Little Bear said, she took out three cigarettes from the cowboys, lit them side by side, and carefully inserted them into the ground.

"Don't worry about me, Charlie, I'm in good health now. Are you okay now in the sky?"

Sonia's prayer finally received a staccato response: "I, I told you...it's Goddess Charlie!"

"Okay, Charlie, no problem Charlie...uh, you're back?"

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