Him and their stars

Chapter 1296 The First Shot

It only took five minutes for the four dreadnoughts and more than ten escorting ships to complete the re-formation, which far exceeded the expectations of the commanding officers.

This is of course because the crew members are well-trained elites, and it is also a reflection of the battleship's performance. Of course, it is also related to a certain inhuman "supervision army" who caused a small alarm once every three days and a major exercise every five days. All officers and soldiers were almost trained to have a Pavlovian reaction.

During the formation reorganization process, the embassy ship leaning on the side of the Fuxi ship was bounced away by the sailors using gravity tractors early on. Its close-range explosion immediately smeared a particularly ugly stain on the Fuxi's fluid outer armor, but that was all.

At this time, the bows of the battleships were already facing the direction of the sun of this galaxy, and the silver brilliance was shining in the blue nebula, as if they were adding mysterious lace to the vast waves. However, at the edge of the silver glow, there seemed to be an ominous black spot appearing.

At the same time, the active gravity source radar on the Fuxi also began to issue early warning.

"Five o'clock direction! An unknown fleet was discovered!" the observation sergeant replied loudly. This dedicated petty officer, like their captain, stuck to his post from the beginning and was not affected by the brief battle on the bridge at all.

After another half minute, the dedicated sergeant reported more information: the fleet included ten large battleships with the same specifications as the Lord God class, and had now arrived 1.5 astronomical units away.

"It must be the imperial fleet! The imperial devils betrayed us again!" Chief of Staff Mkawa said.

Those Astral Knights wearing heraldic machines have proven this.

"Maybe there is a fleet of Tuhan people! This is a trap!" Captain Tovey said.

At this time, the chaos in the bridge was finally over, and order was finally restored in the bridge.

Those dead Tuhan soldiers disguised as diplomatic missions were immediately shot down by the arriving bridge guards, and eighteen of them were killed on the spot. The remaining five people, including Marshal Tan Bo, were seriously injured and captured. In fact, the highest military governor of the Coordinating Minister State did not hesitate to let go of Ferragu when the Astral Knights teleported in. Jiang squatted down on the ground holding his head, and put a layer of steel skin on himself.

If the psyker who "guards" the star ring makes up his mind and squats on defense, he will not be easily killed by the aftermath of the battle.

The four Astral Knights who broke into the bridge jumped onto the ship in a rather majestic manner, but within half a minute, three were killed and one was injured.

This sneak attack completely exceeded everyone's imagination. The only loss caused to the Community task force was probably Admiral Ferragut.

Of course, the Commander is still alive, but he was hit by the Astral Knight who appeared through the jump. His head hit the hard armor of the heraldry machine, and he fainted on the spot.

Later, when the Astral Knight who was decapitated by Yu Lian fell to the ground, half of his body fell on Admiral Ferragut, crushing several of the latter's bones on the spot.

The seventy-year-old general suffered more pain than the life of an elderly person could bear, and he fainted even more completely.

However, the medical soldiers quickly dug the general out of the pile of corpses and quickly sent him to the medical cabin. Current feedback says that the situation is fairly stable, so please don’t worry. Of course, Admiral Ferragut's injuries were not only physical, but also mental. When the old man will wake up depends on how his own spirit reaches a consensus with himself.

Marshal Tan Bo and the living Astral Knight have been disarmed and put on restraints. Their injuries were not too serious and they were not taken away for treatment for the time being.

Yu Lian looked at the shocked expressions of the two people and almost guessed the other party's intentions without any knowledge.

Needless to say, Marshal Tanbo was just trying to attract attention, and he only held Admiral Ferragut hostage because he was the closest and full of flaws. During this process, the dead soldiers hidden in the attaché will use the Noble Phantasm to activate the space array and teleport the astral knights hidden on the ambassador's ship to the bridge of the Fuxi.

A group of four Astral Knights happens to be a complete combat unit. Of course, it is impossible for them to seize a dreadnought with such a small number of people, but they are enough to cause maximum damage to the command level on the bridge and cause disorder in the command of the entire fleet. At this time, if the fleet ambushing in this galaxy suddenly arrives, it will be able to complete a fatal blow.

Yes, even if he were present, it would be difficult to prevent these psykers from causing huge damage to the bridge. If he hadn't caught them off guard with his "Whirlpool of Will", he might have actually tricked them.

However, even if they succeeded, wouldn't these astral knights play the role of dead warriors?

"Why do you, a majestic star knight, have to practice himself as a first-rate assassin? Don't you think it's a shame?" Yu Lian sneered.

"This is a sacred war. A knight is an honorary status, but when I swore allegiance to the great cause of the empire under the dragon flag, I have already decided to treat myself as a tool." The Star Knight showed a martyr-like calmness but aloofness. A fierce smile: "Kill me. There are countless mediocre people like me in the Knights. For a mediocre person like me, in exchange for the life of the Dragon of Dawn, there is a better deal in the galaxy. ?"

He then showed a sad and impressed expression: "But, I never expected that one of our fully armed combat units, calculated mentally and unintentionally, did not even take a turn in front of you. What's more, I didn't expect that all of them used their treasures. Even though Ju Zi died, he still didn’t hurt you at all.”

No, the self-destruction of the war hammer just now shocked me. If I hadn't switched to the etheric body in an instant, I might have been blown into a first-level disability.

However, an operation like my own that directly jumps from inside the bridge into the vacuum of space, resists a Noble Phantasm to self-destruct, and then jumps back again is indeed not an operation that a normal person can think of.

"Now, you have failed! The whole universe will know about the undeclared war of the Galactic Empire!" Chief of Staff Mkawa shouted loudly.

"No, the whole universe will soon know that it was you who started the war first." The knight sneered: "As for the battle that happened here, no one will know about it for a long time after it ends."

The urgent voice of the communications sergeant immediately sounded: "Sir, the hyperspace source wave communication has been interfered with. Our communication with outside the galaxy has been interrupted."

Luo Zeshi analyzed: "The empire's ambush fleet should have buried a deep space interference device at the entrance of the channel. When their sneak attack was launched, the device was activated at the right time."

He added: "However, this situation cannot last long. Whether it is strong photons or gravitational diffusion waves, their impact on the source wave is limited."

Yu Lian snorted coldly: "Perhaps they think that in this limited time, they can really intercept and kill us?"

The Astral Knight closed his eyes, as if he was preparing to die generously. On the other hand, Marshal Tan Bo next to him had his head raised, as if he was waiting to be asked, as if he had a lot to say.

Yu Lian ignored the man's reaction and just stood up and said loudly: "Make sure all units in the system are well connected! The entire fleet is ready for battle! The entire fleet is ready for battle! Repeat, this is not a drill. !”

Amidst the sirens blaring in the ship, he repeated his order again, and then said: "Issue an order to Vice Admiral Kuransov on the Zeus and tell him that the commander is no longer able to perform his duties. In order. position, he will take over the command of the entire fleet!"

A few seconds later, the communications sergeant reported new news: "Lieutenant Admiral Kuransov said that Fuxi has the most complete flagship command equipment. He requested that Fuxi continue to perform bridge work."

Everyone in the bridge focused their attention on Yu Lian, so much so that he actually got goosebumps all over his body.

If you think about it carefully, Master Yu Lian has fought a lot of battles in his two lifetimes. However, he has commanded gang-hopping charges, stronghold attack and defense, special operations, single-ship operations and pirate exterminations, but a serious fleet decisive battle seems to be the first time in his life.

Yes, his record in simulated battles is pretty good. He can basically hold a 50-50 draw against Wayne and Senior Sister, and he has a 20-30 chance of winning against Teacher Yang. But simulation and actual combat are different after all.

But what's the point? This is how a man grows up step by step, just do it! Thinking of this, Yu Lian suddenly felt that his fighting spirit was high and his blood was surging. It is estimated that even if he were to fight against Emperor Elisir in a one-on-one battle, he would still be in this mental state.

Of course, despite being high-spirited, he still maintained the most basic calmness on the surface, and ordered in a deep voice: "Keep the current formation, continue to move forward, and the course speed remains unchanged."

Chief of Staff Mkawa and Lieutenant Colonel Rozeshi watched all this. The two quickly exchanged a look, and then quickly switched working modes.

The former quickly returned to the staff room on the third floor and summoned all the officers in the staff room to start the star map operation - now he was still more than 1 astronomical unit away from the enemy fleet, and he could also do preparatory work before both sides entered the effective range. .

As for the latter, he walked up to Yu Lian and repeated the other party's orders loudly, exactly like a well-trained lieutenant.

As time passed, the fleets of both sides began to approach in a relatively stable manner, as if two knights dueling began to approach slowly. Except for necessary orders, no one spoke anymore on the bridge, and the atmosphere seemed to have solidified.

The two important prisoners had also been gagged and taken away.

Probably because he was worried that the commander would be too nervous, Luo Zeshi smiled and said: "If it is really a duel between knights, the Lord God class should be higher than any type of active dreadnought in the empire, at least that's what the alliance says."

"Hahahaha, we used to think that the knights of the empire were very virtuous, but now we see that even in terms of their character, we think too highly of them." Yu Lian laughed loudly: "I'm looking forward to it now. Give the Tirello people in the next game a little earth-shaking."

"Today, half a century later, we must be the first batch to shock the empire's masters, right?" Captain Tovey agreed with a smile.

"So, gentlemen, hold your chests high and prepare to accept this honor!"

Laughter suddenly erupted on the bridge, because the previous sneak attack and the tension generated by the approach of a powerful enemy disappeared.

And this kind of laughter was also transmitted to all the battleships through signals.

With this atmosphere, Yu Lian's subsequent series of orders were executed in an orderly manner.

"All dreadnoughts, activate active gravity source radar."

"All dreadnoughts, turn on the active gravity source radar!"

"Where's the autonomous probe on the Swift's light carrier?"

"We set off five minutes ago."

"Has the antimatter fuel started pouring in?"

"... Approved, but the special ammunition supply channel cannot be separated. The deflection shield can be replaced with an electromagnetic, and the spare capacitor of the orbital main gun can be left on standby. It will definitely not be enough in a real fight. Don't think, I want I think!"

When the battleship was ready and all the crew members returned to their respective posts, the radar finally captured the outline of the opponent's ship.

"Determine the formation of the enemy fleet! 6 Yanlong-class dreadnoughts, 4 Phoenix-class aircraft carriers, 6 Aegis-class light cruisers, and 12 Apocalypse Eagle destroyers." The lookout sergeant reported loudly. He paused and added: "No arsenal ship or assault ship was found. A supply ship was found."

"It is indeed the Imperial Guard Fleet." Chief of Staff Mkawa said.

Because the Flame Dragon class and the Phoenix class are relatively new main battleships of the empire, they are not for sale to the outside world.

"The good news is that we finally didn't see any Titans. The bad news is that they are all high-speed battleships." Luo Zeshi said: "...As a result, our plan B may not be easy to implement."

"Plan B?" Yu Lianqi asked.

"Ignore this imperial fleet and move towards the exit of Hanwang Star Gorge. Use the Grand Sea Starfield as soon as possible to rush to Nantianmen to meet with the outer ring fleet." Luo Zeshi added: "After all, we have Tuhan people on board. Prisoners, if you use some tricks, you can always get them to hand over information about the waterway."

Yu Lian was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect it at all...ah, no, the place is unfamiliar. There are unfamiliar channels in front, and there are chasing troops behind. If you are not careful, the whole army may be wiped out. Xiang Compared to this, I would rather defeat the enemy in front of me first."

"Yes, so the official just put forward some immature opinions. However, the channel information of Hanwangxing Gorge always needs to be mastered." Luo Zeshi said.

Yu Lian agreed, feeling that Luo Zeshi was indeed one of the famous generals of the 830 Party in the previous timeline. Isn't this very forward-looking?

"We can start collecting information now." Luo Zeshi said.

Yu Lian nodded and said to Colonel Mia Walter: "Look, Lieutenant Colonel Rozes said that we can start collecting intelligence."

Colonel Walter made an OK gesture with his right thumb and index finger: "One of the members of Xianguan's team used to be a gardener. There are at least nine ways to make him talk! At least nine!"

She hesitated and said, "It's just that the war is about to begin. Don't we psychics need to be on standby on the bridge?"

"The enemy has four Phoenix-class ships. Each ship can carry at least 20,000 armored grenadiers and stormtroopers. It is my job to prevent the outcome of the battle from turning into gang-hopping."

Colonel Walter didn't know whether he understood it or not, but he still accepted the order and retreated. Anyway, after the Battle of Snake Lair, these old subordinates are already very accustomed to obeying Yu Lian's orders.

However, less than five minutes after the colonel left, the detection sergeant sent the latest news: "The enemy fleet has begun to accelerate! It is expected to enter the first attack speed within one minute."

"What a fast pace..." Luo Zeshi sighed, shook his head and said, "The imperial army may not know yet that their surprise attack has failed."

"Maybe they already know, but the master's mission must be completed."

Before he finished speaking, a high-energy reaction flashed in front of him. With both fleets still maintaining an astronomical unit, the imperial fleet began the first wave of ultra-long-range artillery fire.

Well, it wasn't me who fired the shot this time. Yu Lian thought.

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