Him and their stars

Chapter 1307 Coordinating the backup plan of the ministerial state

The military governor of Turank's coordinating ministerial state, the old man named Tuhan, named Marshal Tanbo, is in good spirits now. After all, he is also a marshal, and he is an old man after all, so he still needs to be treated with some dignity.

So, when Yu Lian saw him, he was staying in the back cabin, facing a large table of dishes in front of him, hunkering down at his desk and eating. The Tuhan people have a mild taste, and the fats and proteins needed by the body are obtained from plants and fungi. They are indeed a herbivorous people in the direct sense. Therefore, the large table of dishes in front of him was indeed green and white, making people's eyes jump at the sight.

But even so, these dishes were carefully prepared by the chefs in the high-ranking officer's kitchen on the Fuxi. Although they were bland, they were at least delicious. Anyway, Marshal Tanbo ate them happily.

Looking at his appetite and appearance, those who didn't know better thought he was a middle-aged man eating his last meal.

Yu Lian just smiled and watched the old marshal from Tuhan finish his meal, and in the process he also sipped a lollipop and a cigar.

Finally, the old man Tu Han put down the tableware and showed an optimistic smile: "I'm really sorry, the old man was actually very nervous before doing this. He didn't eat any water or rice for nearly a day and night."

"Oh, what about this?" Yu Lian smiled.

"Yes, of course it is such a despicable thing. Obviously, the old man was a decent person before, but he was forced to reduce himself to a terrorist. Yes, the old man is despicable and despicable. He is simply worse than an amoeba. A despicable subspace worm." He cursed himself so openly and loudly, his temperament still elegant and upright.

If you didn't know that this guy was scolding yourself, you would have thought that he was a dignified and upright gentleman scolding a traitor.

Well, since this person has reduced his personality to the level of a mollusk, Yu Lian couldn't scold him for a while, and just said: "Not only that, you also betrayed the trust of my old friend Admiral Feiragu. ah!"

"Ferragu?" Old Man Tuhan twitched his translucent eyelids. He was confused for a few seconds and then showed a sudden expression: "I personally think that the word friend is quite formal. We have only been friends for a while. It's just a partner. When I was the military attache stationed in the Community, I was still very popular on Earth. I went to Mr. Ferragu's restaurant to have a meal to promote it, and he stuffed me with 1 million. This was mutual benefit, and everyone benefited. So happy."

Yu Lian held a silence for three seconds for the unconscious General Ferragut, but said: "Moreover, this is not just your matter, but a matter of Turan's Coordinating Minister State. You have completely violated it. The most basic international conventions and diplomatic credibility have now fallen into a black hole. Even the natives of the New World are more like a group that you can contact than you."

The old man suddenly showed a desolate and sad look, as if he had really turned into an empty-nest old man who had been defrauded of all his insurance money.

"But, I am no longer the military governor coordinating the ministerial state."

"This is a bit interesting." Yu Lian suddenly showed a bright smile.

"The moment I boarded your ship, all of us lost our ministerial duties. That is to say, we are now just ordinary people."

Yu Lian's smile became even brighter, even looking a little sunny.

"Moreover, we have now been accused of treason by the Coordinating Minister. Of course, whether we will announce it to the entire galaxy later depends on the outcome of this battle."

"So, this is the attitude of Turanc's coordinating ministers? Who can be deceived by this?"

"You still don't understand! Young man, if you lose this battle, I will have already turned into cosmic dust along with the Fuxi. This is in the center of the Hanwang Channel, and all transportation and communications have been blocked. , there will be no evidence left. Of course...if you win, this will still be the territory of the Coordinating Minister State of Turan! Since you appear here, it should be the latter."

Having said this, the marshal of the Tuhan people expressed his astonishing approval: "It's really unbelievable. However, heroes descended from the sky can always create miracles. The old man has staked the history of his life, but he actually became The background board of history. Hahahaha, this is the mystery of the universe!"

Yu Lian could feel that after the other party said so much, the emotion in this sentence was the most real.

"Indeed, the dignified empire actually launched a sneak attack. The dignified marshal of a country actually reduced himself to a terrorist. He used such despicable methods for fear that he would not be able to kill us. You probably think that even if we win, the fleet will The loss will not be too small. And it is still within the territory of the Coordinating Minister State, maybe we will have to suffer this dumb loss?"

The old man nodded and put on a helpless expression on his flat facial features: "Actually, although Mr. Ferragu and I are not close friends, I also know that he is actually a very realistic gentleman. As for you In other words, although you are a hero who became famous at a young age, you are actually wiser and calmer than your peers."

The implication is that sensible people like Yu Lian and Admiral Ferragut should know how to choose.

Marshal Tanbo said cautiously: "Actually, you don't have to worry so much. The Coordinating Minister State has not yet joined the empire, and the Tuhan people are not the lackeys of the Tirero people yet. We were just frightened and had to do something It’s just some choices that go against your will.”

Yu Lian chuckled and glanced at the adjutant Luo Zeshi who had been acting as a backdrop next to him.

So, the latter stood at attention and saluted, took a step forward, and opened the electronic document like a qualified tool man: "So that you know, in the battle just now, our side still achieved a complete victory despite facing a sneak attack from the Galaxy Empire. At present, Preliminary statistics are as follows..."

While Yu Lian was waiting for the marshal to eat, the friends who were still responsible for the follow-up command also completed the follow-up cleaning work.

Facts have proved that the God-class dreadnought equipped with a neutrino engine will not be left behind by a lighter aircraft carrier even if it is racing. What's more, those White Devil fighters equipped with light wings said that they are more capable when they do not need to engage in tug-of-war with superior enemy forces and only need to pursue and harass.

Therefore, the sacrifices of the Shining Knight and the Instant Eagle only saved the lives of their comrades for less than an hour.

Subsequently, in addition to the Fuxi, the other three dreadnoughts also started fighting one after another, turning their prey into pieces of cosmic garbage.

After completing the pursuit, they swaggered back along the same route, and dealt the final fatal blow to General Anguo and the Titanium City.

Interestingly, these two Flame Dragons were the first battleships to engage in artillery battles with the Earth Fleet, but they were also the last two to survive.

By this time, all six Yanlong-class dreadnoughts and four Phoenix-class strike aircraft carriers had been sunk.

Of course, what is admirable is that these ten battleships, even in desperate situations, would rather self-destruct than surrender, which can somewhat highlight the fierceness of a Tirello soldier.

Such a large group of empires ended up with a half-disabled Holy Shield, an Apocalypse Eagle, and a maintenance work ship, with a combined crew of less than 2,000 people, and finally laid down their weapons and decided to surrender. This is probably because the captains of these auxiliary ships are not human.

If it were in the past, Yu Lian would definitely order the hulls of these imperial battleships to be towed to Nantianmen for display, but now they are still on the march after all, and after all, they still cannot let the Lord God condescend to be a tugboat. work. However, Chief of Staff Mkawa probably saw the character of Commander Dai, so he ordered the prows and coats of arms of the Flame Dragon and the Phoenix to be knocked down.

In a sense, the coat of arms and prow of a capital ship are equivalent to the flag of a legion. As long as they can bring these things back, they can prove their glorious achievements.

There is a saying, in the past century, no one has been able to take away the bow statues of ten imperial capital ships in one battle. As a result, even an old-fashioned and cautious butler-type uncle like Chief of Staff Mkawa could not help but feel excited.

Yu Lian always felt that this operation was a bit like pickling the enemy general's head and bringing it back to the public, but after all, everyone was good at it these days, so of course he followed suit.

In addition, our own loss statistics have also been released.

The final statistics of the battle report were that for the battleship, only seven shellings in total penetrated the shield and hit the hull. Among them, Zeus 2, Nuwa 1, Amon 1, and the most hated flagship Fuxi 3. However, the imperial fleet never entered the planned bombardment area and was suppressed from beginning to end. The so-called counterattacks were all routine in nature. But none of them caused effective damage.

The most violent one was when a positron cannon hit the reactive armor on the side. However, this beam only caused the automatic energy neutralization of the mirror fluid armor, and at most it only detonated a dozen maintenance robots. The subsequent energy reaction will of course be unable to penetrate the last two layers of armor of the battleship.

In comparison, the losses of the attached ships were even greater. One County-class cruiser and two Fletcher-class destroyers were damaged.

As for the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry formation, since it was carrying out a critical strike mission, it would inevitably suffer losses. Although they creatively opened the space bubble when breaking through the enemy's battleship's close defense network, catching the Imperials off guard, after all, they were dropping bombs face-to-face, and it was inevitable that they would encounter enemies who were unable to evade and ran into the fire net. Condition.

In the end, all sixteen Tiger and Leopard Cavalry ships returned safely, but they all suffered a lot of injuries. Among them, the most tragic No. 08 was that when he was about to leave the battle line after firing his own torpedoes, he was stared at by a red-eyed Imperial X12 fighter.

After the space bubble of Tiger Leopard Cavalry 08 failed, this fighter jet escaped while the opponent had not unfolded its light wings, and immediately pounced on it and fired a series of ion cannons.

This brave fighter was then killed by a White Devil that came over. However, the last series of shots fired before his death also penetrated the rear cabin. Half of the gunner-mechanic team that every Tiger and Leopard was equipped with was wiped out on the spot, and the driver and co-pilot were also seriously injured and fell into a coma.

In this case, the gunner squad leader, who had only driven the simulator a few times, actually successfully drove the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry back to the main ship. It is definitely an epic plot that can be called a movie.

The largest casualties among the Community fleet were still pilots. Although they have more advanced White Devil fighters, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The strangulation with the Imperial fighters is definitely the only hard battle that can be considered evenly matched in this battle.

In the first 20-minute strangled battle, the Community lost twelve fighter planes and thirty-one drones, and also caused equal casualties to the opposite empire.

However, when the battlefield situation was determined, the imperial fighter planes immediately lost their fighting spirit and could only scatter in all directions. The ensuing battle turned into a one-sided pursuit.

During this process, the pilots of three White Devil fighter jets relied on the explosive power provided by the light wings to become ace pilots by pursuing them.

In terms of personnel losses, it is currently confirmed that 127 people in the Community fleet have been killed or missing, and more than 300 people have been injured. The empire on the opposite side, including just the four Phoenixes, had at least 100,000 elite stormtroopers. They died in the cold space coffins before they had time to show their prowess.

In addition, it is conceivable that since they can carry out such an amazing expedition, these imperial soldiers must also be the most elite sailors. Now, they have all become records of glorious military exploits on Earth.

When Luo Zeshi reported these records in a tool-like tone, Yu Lian admired Marshal Tan Bo's expression with great interest. Watch him go from being a slut with a knife, to a question mark face full of disbelief, to a shock of doubting life, to an unacceptable collapse, and finally to a despairing desolation.

His desolation just now may have been faked, but now it's a bit real this time.

"The battle is over. Whether you accept it or not, we are almost unscathed. I don't know what agreement you have with the empire, but we can already treat Turank's Coordinating Minister State as a belligerent. Now, we are in your country. According to I know that there is a channel in the KL50 star system in Hanwangxingxia that can go directly to Tubota, the capital of your country. Even if it is just to solve the danger of Nantianmen being attacked from both sides, we must first solve the threat of your country."

Yu Lian knocked on the table with his finger, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face: "The Lord God class can kill six Flame Dragons and four Phoenixes in two hours. How will your country's seven battle cruisers deal with it?"

In fact, the waterway that can go straight from Hanwangxing Gorge to the capital of the Minister Kingdom is also one of the most important military points for the Tuhan people. The waterways there are also dotted lines on the star map, and the waterway information is in the hands of the Tuhan military, and even a large-scale fortress has been built.

Yu Lian thought about it carefully and realized that for information about the waterway, he could ask the omnipotent Xiao Hui. Although she claims to be fair, as long as she says a few nice things, she should still give it to herself. But even so, it is extremely difficult to break through these defense lines with four Lord God-class ships.

What's more, his current mission is still to reach Nantianmen before October.

He really wanted to find Tuhan's place, but unfortunately, now was really not the time.

However, it is just strategic blackmail anyway, and it doesn’t cost anything to try it.

Then, Marshal Tan Bo pondered for a moment and sighed: "I understand, we can only adopt the final backup plan."

"Oh?" It sounded threatening, and Yu Lian became a little distracted.

"We have placed some of the supplies you need in the KL50 system. They include 1,200 D-type energy packs for warships, 2,000 standard railgun shells, 100,000 tons of high-abundance nuclear materials for thermonuclear missiles, and 2,000 tons of antimatter materials. "

Luo Zeshi already showed an O expression.

"Our processing level of antimatter materials is not high, so please forgive me. However, our Tuhan people's D-type energy pack can charge the battleship's energy main gun and engine, and its quality is well-known." Old Tuhan said again. .

"What do you and Turanke want to coordinate the ministerial state?" Yu Lian showed a puzzled expression for the first time.

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