Him and their stars

Chapter 1309 Declaration of War

In the universe at this time, the moon was dark, the wind was high, and everything was silent. Everyone didn't know it at this time, but an unknown battle that took place in the corner of the Grand Sea Channel area had come to an end on August 7. The Holy Galactic Empire, full of martial virtue, also suffered its most painful defeat in centuries on this day.

However, as Yu Lian and his friends judged, since the Galactic Empire wants to launch an attack, it is absolutely impossible to play idle chess.

First, let’s rewind time back to twenty-four hours ago for now. At that time, the returning fleet led by Yu Lian (actually Admiral Ferragut) had just entered the terminal of Hanwang Star Gorge, and there was a period of communication interruption.

In the vast universe, hyperspace communication can only be carried out by relying on the Enlightenment's black technology such as seismic waves. There will always be long or short communication interruption times due to cosmic radiation, space changes, channel occupation, etc. , this is actually a completely understandable situation.

Then, at 10 a.m. on August 6, in the Sederberg Fortress, the third negotiation meeting on this border conflict was about to begin.

On one side is the Blue Star Community. The leader of the delegation is Mr. Charles Marvin, who has become the director of the National Policy Planning Department of the Foreign Affairs Committee. The deputy leader is the former chief counselor of the embassy in Tianyu, and has now returned to the country. Mr. Rom Brins, who serves in the Liaison Division of the Committee. The other side is a rather large joint delegation. The Galactic Empire, the Kingdom of Cathay and the Republic of Bakvi each account for one-third of this group.

Speaking of which, the previous border conflict was obviously only an issue between the Catai and Bakwe people, but instead the empire seemed to be the protagonist. This probably only shows that the empire is still very resistant to trouble. The so-called troubles in the vassal country mean that the suzerain country has trouble. This is what it means.

The negotiations have actually been going on for two rounds for a week. Although no general consensus has been reached, the overall atmosphere is actually very pleasant. At least, everyone has reached an agreement on the issue of compensation for the current exchange of fire - the Cathay people who fired first must pay compensation equivalent to the death pension to all the casualties of the Earth's officers and soldiers.

Both Marvin and Bullins felt that if they worked harder, they might be able to get both countries to hand over the officers who ordered the firing. That would be a huge diplomatic victory.

"In the final analysis, the empire wants to help the younger brother, and we just need to give him enough face. They have many business contracts with us that are being followed up, and it is impossible to fall out." This is the instruction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Earth. .

Sure enough, at the beginning of today's meeting, the head of the imperial delegation, Viscount Wharton, said this.

"As for the border conflict between your country and Bakvi, as well as the Kingdom of Cathay, this is actually a matter between you. I just hope that you will exercise restraint and reach a consensus within the framework of the Galactic Civilization Parliament and international conventions. "

The representative from the Earth side was secretly happy, and wanted to interpret these words as a sign of submission based on conventional diplomatic logic.

However, he heard the other party say: "Then, the next step we have to discuss is the issue of our defectors. We have reiterated many times that Herrito Hewen has committed twelve crimes in his country. He is a serious criminal and has already committed treason. Again, I hope you can extradite him."

Sure enough, it came. Brins thought.

He remembered that when Mr. Rancher, who had been promoted to the third-ranked vice-chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, had discussed with him before, he believed that the only space the empire wanted to find to launch an attack could only be those who had defected. .

But the problem is, if Vice Chairman Ranche had the final say on this matter, he would definitely send these hot potato gifts out of the country. But the key point is that many Gonggun princes believe that even high-ranking officials from the empire have defected to them. Doesn't this mean that the influence of the Blue Star Community has reached a new stage. In the future, we will not only be the third largest military power, but we may also be able to remove the "military" prefix.

"If we send back Herrito River and those freedom fighters who defected to the Beacon of Democracy, no one will ever believe in the strength of the community again." Someone said.

"Yes, we are no longer qualified to promote the superiority of our own system." Another person said.

However, what really made President Nikita and the cabinet make up their mind was a member of the Co-Prosperity Party who said: "If we really send him back, will the empire think we are afraid of him? We finally had peace and harmony." The Empire has equal opportunities to develop the Ring of Miracles and the entire Dawn Star Territory. If it shows its cowardice, the Dragon Kings will pounce on it and devour it, right?"

The ruling bigwigs who decided the fate of the Blue Star Community all felt that this was so reasonable.

Before the Dawn Crusade, your empire bullied me, and after the Dawn Crusade, the empire bullied me again. Then wouldn’t this 2 million light-year expedition, which used almost all the mobile power in the country, be in vain?

More importantly, at this juncture, the Alliance also communicated with the Empire through informal channels. The general meaning is that your community must hold on and wait for this period of time to calm down a little, and then our alliance will pick him up. Let's share the information He Wen brought, and you can make a lot of money here.

In this case, you can only imagine how the Gongun guilds in the center of the earth would react.

Bullins looked at the leader, Mr. Marvin, and saw that his eyebrows twitched slightly, seeming helpless. However, as a diplomat, he still said with a correct attitude and a calm and loud voice: "Mr. He Wen said that he had been unfairly treated and persecuted, and he also had some evidence of humanitarian disasters in his hands. Of course we are more willing to believe your country, but the charges listed by your country are not very convincing. In this case, it is better to introduce the Galactic Civilization Parliament and let the interstellar court make the final decision."

The Empire's Viscount Wharton was silent for half a minute. Just when the Earth representative on the opposite side thought he would get angry, he said: "In any case, Herrito River is an official of our country and holds many of our country's national defense secrets. If we want the Interstellar Court to decide, we hope to let the elders of the Ethereal Temple take turns to review it. Moreover, I also have to talk to Hewen himself. Of course, right here."

Logically speaking, people who flee and seek political asylum should not meet with senior officials of their country. But once something involves national defense secrets, it's another matter. What's more, the target is the domineering Galaxy Empire.

But this time, the empire's attitude was indeed very upright, so upright that it could be called self-restraint and propriety. It's so bad that even the Earth side feels a little embarrassed.

Therefore, Mr. Marvin said that a special talking room could be arranged.

At this time, people from the Bakwi Republic and the Kingdom of Katai took the opportunity to express their desire to meet their own personnel, but were rejected without hesitation by the Earth side.

Mr. Bullins said that even cats and birds can rub against each other? The so-called national defense secrets only exist in the empire, but you guys who are supporting the Dragon King are making a fool of yourself too? No way, right? You don’t really think that you have any so-called military secrets worthy of our earthly people’s attention, do you?

As a well-trained diplomat, Mr. Bullings certainly wouldn't say what he said in such a heart-wrenching way, but that's basically what he meant.

The meeting we were in was still held at the Seder Fortress. This is the largest space fortress on Earl Star Gap. After the completion of the Red Maple Factory, it also carried out three rounds of expansion by taking advantage of the first-come-first-serve advantage of being close to the water. Now, it is the second home port of the Ninth Fleet besides Xin Shengtian, and it is also the main fortification to defend the far shore nebula.

Of course, with the expansion of the fortress, many facilities have also been completed, including a commercial area dedicated to serving military personnel.

As Mr. Hewen and his entourage were fighters who defected to freedom, the Ninth Fleet would certainly not put them in a cell. Instead, they chose a secluded and comfortable hotel between the business district and the military district to put them under house arrest. Every day was good. Provide food and drink.

The people of the Ninth Fleet were ready to invite someone, but only an hour later, they came back with expressions full of doubts about life.

"What? Herrito Hewen is missing?" After hearing the news brought by the other party, Captain Marvin couldn't help but start to doubt his life.

On the other hand, Deputy Commander Brins acted much calmer: "Why is he missing? Where was the last time you saw him? When?"

"It was when I was delivering lunch to him, just an hour ago. But now, he just disappeared from the room. Our guards have been on duty 24 hours a day, and there are sentries at all entrances and exits. No one looked at it. No one came in or out. Then, when I went to help him put away the dishes, the person disappeared."

"Bring out all the surveillance cameras, and invite the fleet's occult consultants. We need to investigate from the beginning!" Mr. Brins added: "Also, ask the military police to block the port. That He Wen is... No matter what occult method was used, at least he couldn't escape from the fortress."

However, at this time, the Ninth Fleet and Mr. Bullins no longer have the opportunity to guest star as detectives. Soon, the empire issued several more prompts in succession.

When the empire urged for the fifth time, seeing that the Earth side was still making peace, Viscount Wharton completely suppressed all his friendliness and smile, and threatened: "Everyone on Earth, please bring down Herrito... Bring it to He Wen, otherwise we will have to look for it directly."

But Fortress Seder is so big that even if the Ninth Fleet is given a whole day, it will be difficult to find people.

By this time, anyone with a discerning eye knew that this guy was here to cause trouble.

Sure enough, I heard Viscount Wharton say: "I can't see any sincerity from you now, but only malice towards the empire! If what I expected is correct, He Wen is not here at all, or has been sent to the earth, or even It's sent to Nephi. Don't you understand what kind of behavior this is?"

He ignored the Earth side's excuse and took out the document with the seal of the heraldry machine from the attaché's hand: "Fortunately, before setting off, I had already obtained the authorization from the Privy Council and knew what to do in this situation. Deal with it! Then, I officially declare that from now on, the Empire and the Blue Star Community have entered a state of war!"

He handed over the document with both hands, and his calm words seemed to be filled with gold and iron.

When Mr. Marvin tremblingly finished the other side's declaration of war, the lights of countless battleships flashed on the other side of Earl Star Gap.

This moment is 16:25 on August 6, 833 in the Common Calendar, and there are still 4 hours before the Battle of Hanwang Star Gorge officially begins. Of course, it did happen before the blazing beacons all over the universe were completely ignited.

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