Him and their stars

Chapter 1311 Follow me into battle

Communication was interrupted.

Duke Sadolan stood up slowly and opened his eyes. When he regained his vision, he was still greeted by a large deep gray fog.

This is of course the virtual realm, the shadow of the universe where space and time are chaotically intertwined, a forbidden realm that only the top extraordinary psychics can enter and exit.

This is a stage that suits you.

The old Duke Sadolan smiled and began his last battle meditation. Let the power of spirituality accompany the blood and stretch out again in your body full of old wounds and in your spiritual world. Those indescribable spiritual powers flow through countless cycles in one's own spiritual world.

When the meditation ended, the grand leader of the Astral Knights, who had always been known to the public as an old man, suddenly stood up straight, as if he had become fifty years younger in an instant.

My time has finally come.

90 years of practice, training, meditation and exploration, 40 years of smooth sailing as the chosen one, and 50 years of nightmares day and night after the disastrous defeat have all become the flame that tempers my soul.

In the end, it all led to this unique moment. He suddenly felt that the only purpose of his life was not to become the leader of the Astral Knights. It seemed that it was all for this moment today.

He adjusted the angle of the sword on his waist. This thing seems to be just a ceremonial sword issued by the imperial military to senior officers. Of course, it cannot be said to be a weapon. However, Duke Sartolan was still very careful and carefully adjusted the upper end of the sword hilt to the best position for unsheathing.

At this time, he was full of honor, full of sincerity, without fear, anger or hatred, and strode towards the biggest battlefield in his life.

Soon, two figures appeared beside him, as if they were walking directly out of the fog.

Those were his deputy captain, Verro Andus, Duke of Macedo, and Lady Elroyes, the Duke of Temint of the Grand Inquisition. They are all dressed in military uniforms and look full of energy.

The Duchess smiled and said: "I have known you for fifty years, and you are the most youthful and energetic I have ever seen."

The deputy leader also said: "Maybe it's because you are fifty years younger."

The Duchess said: "That's not all. Your Excellency Sadulan, with such a youthful body and spirit, actually reminds me of His Majesty."

"Hahaha, madam, I must have watched you grow up, but this is the first time I have heard such a rare and pleasant speech!" Duke Sartolan burst into laughter.

Duchess Themint added: "However, with all due respect, you should know that you have already reached your twilight years. This state is not ordinary. If you cross that threshold, all this will be eternity. If you cannot cross it, eternity It’s just a phantom.”

"I have realized this a long time ago. I am extremely grateful that you are willing to accompany me on this adventure." Duke Sadolan said.

"It's not about taking risks, it's just about fulfilling your duties. I'm a soldier." Deputy Commander Duke Macedo said.

"It's not an adventure, it's a leap. I also have delusions that transcend the mundane and are on the side of truth, and I always need to take action." Grand Judge Duke Themint said.

Three extraordinary men, who can be called the strongest men in the empire, marched side by side like this. In this strange space that is different from the normal material world, they seem to have crossed thousands of rivers and mountains with a single step.

Immediately afterwards, a large lush and vibrant scene came into the eyes of the three people. It was a side of undulating mountains, with curves that seemed more charming and elegant than the girl's body, wrapped in a lush green forest. At that moment, they were clearly in the virtual realm. They all smelled the fragrance of trees and grass, saw birds and pine trees dancing in the branches, and even heard the gurgling rhythm of streams.

"This one really knows how to enjoy it." Duchess Temint said with a smile.

"According to the culture of the earth, the dojo of an expert should be like this. The so-called bamboos are interspersed with green screens, and wild flowers fall on the fence at all times. This should be the artistic conception." Duke Macedo said.

Seeing that both of them wanted to look at him, the deputy leader of the knights added: "Hahaha, I am currently studying "The Epic of Three Kingdoms". It is said to be a historical novel, but it is said to contain the earth. The essence of man's art of war lies in it. I repeat, after all, I am a soldier."

Duke Sadolan laughed.

In laughter, they crossed the mountains and soon came to a platform. Then, they saw the man named Lan Jiufeng, the extraordinary person who had killed the entire empire during the War of Independence half a century ago, and was known as the invincible God of Death under the Nine Rings.

Duke Macedo sighed with regret. During the Revolutionary War, he was still a knight apprentice and had never really met Lan Jiufeng.

He always felt that since he was the Martial God of the Blue Star Community, shouldn't he be wearing a crane cloak and silk scarf and playing the guqin to look like that?

But now, that trendy old man wearing a floral shirt, beach pants and flip-flops, holding a dumbbell with one hand and doing bicep curls, and playing with skewers on the baking sheet with the other hand, who is he? Which one?

Of course, this old, trendy man who looked very shady at first glance had naturally felt the aura of everyone arriving and couldn't help but sigh.

"Welcoming guests! Let me tell you first, I have not prepared any food for you."

Duke Sadolan smiled slightly, his aura was neither humble nor arrogant, and his smile was neither happy nor sad: "Brother Lan, I am here after all."

"You don't need to repeat what has already happened." Lan Jiufeng changed the direction of the skewers with deft skills.

Duke Macedo smelled the aroma of grilled skewers and suddenly felt saliva secreting. His sense of freshness suddenly aroused. You know, he is a majestic eight-ring psychic, a demigod who can become pure by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and now he actually feels appetite because of the aroma of grilled skewers.

Thinking of this, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

As for the Duchess of Temint next to her, she already laughed: "The fruit is delicious. Master Lan, I heard that the true sages of the earth are born into the world. Isn't this the legendary fireworks in the world?"

"It's not that mysterious. When I was young, I never made any progress in my practice. At that time, I was really preparing to be a promising cook. Few people know that even though that old boy Liu Jungao is still alive, I am the only one who is very good at cooking. Junior brother." Lan Jiufeng showed a smile full of evil humor:

"I don't understand. When I was traveling in the empire, I would always see such serious and overthinking people, and I felt dumb. Why, after half a century, you are still so virtuous! We are still so virtuous. I feel very dumb.”

There was visible embarrassment on Duchess Themint's face.

Duke Sadolan still looked like he was neither happy with things nor sad with himself. He said calmly: "I'll teach you, Brother Lan, the war has begun."

Lan Jiufeng was not surprised. His smile was indifferent and distant: "I guessed it."

"As a background to settle our grudges, this is the best thing to do." Duke Sadolan said.

Lan Jiufeng's smile showed a hint of obvious sarcasm: "You've got it wrong. Brother Sadulan, war is not our background, we are just one of the inconspicuous preludes of war."

Duke Sadolan certainly understood what the other party meant. He tilted his head, but his mood remained unchanged. But the whole person's aura became solemn without any transition.

"We always seem to have different understandings of spiritual power and transcendence, but in fact, you can't argue with scriptures. In the end, you can only use the sword to speak."

He opened his fingers, and the sword hanging on his waist fell into his hand. Duke Sadolan pressed the sharp sword edge into his palm, and with a gentle touch, the steel sword body decomposed into endless iron filings and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, Duke Macedo and Duke Themint also began to move slowly.

"Three to one~~~~" Lan Jiufeng dropped the dumbbell and spoke in a longer voice.

"Sorry, I don't talk about martial ethics anymore." Duke Sadolan said.

"If you still talk about martial arts, then I will look down on you even more. Brother Sadulan, I can really see that you have matured!"

Lan Jiufeng glanced at the powerful empire men who were vaguely surrounding him. Their aura was calm and their steps were steady and calm, but their psychic energy, which ordinary people and even most psykers could not perceive, was condensing.

Maybe there is a real danger of being killed. But what is it compared to half a century ago? And, compared to the man he was half a century ago, what is he?

"A question, Brother Sadulan. Perhaps only a remnant of that era like you can answer it." Lan Jiufeng slowly moved the skewers on the grill to one side, and put his hand in the still-burning skewers. In the blue fire grill.

Duke Sadolan's eyelids twitched slightly, and his shoulders slowly sank.

In his eyes, Lan Jiufeng was an old Bu Xiu wearing a floral shirt and beach shorts who was keen on going to the most comfortable beaches and chatting up bikini girls who were only his granddaughter. However, he knew that for them, the appearance that could be captured by the naked eye and the appearance in the physical sense were actually all illusions.

In the world of spiritual energy, this old man is actually a burning sun.

"Tell me, Brother Sa, how did Marshal Li die?"

Sadulan adjusted his steps so that his figure faced the opponent sideways.

"This is a historical issue. It is written in every primary school textbook. He became sick due to overwork and died young."

"Ahahahaha, you know this is not the truth."

"This is the truth of history."

"This is not the truth that I can agree with." Lan Jiufeng also put his other hand in the blue fire of the grill, with a hint of sadness in his voice, and gradually a hint of hope: "He Dead. Therefore, this war that should have started fifty years ago has been delayed until now. Brother Sadulan, you don’t know how much I look forward to this day."

"Are you looking forward to the war?" Duke Themint asked in surprise.

"How can a country and its people know their own limits without being tempered? People cannot praise suffering, but if suffering cannot be avoided after all, it is the true fire of steelmaking!"

He paused, and with both hands took out his weapon from the charcoal basin of the oven.

"Fortunately, the younger generation's battlefield has finally been handled by reliable younger generations. And our battlefield is right here." Before he finished speaking, a red halo emerged from the gray-blue flames. When it lights up suddenly, it looks like the scorching sun hanging in the blue sky.

"We are the guardians of the empire, and we can bear the darkness for the empire. But you, Mr. Lan, are always just an arrogant swordsman in your heart, an anti-system element who uses force to violate the prohibition. Your arrogance has never changed!"

The iron filings that seemed to have returned to the atomic state suddenly began to rub together, and lightning flashes of lightning surged out from under the Duke's open arms.

In an instant, a universe seemed to emerge from him. The battle begins.

When Major General Yeager Soback regained his consciousness, he saw Miss Serlu at first sight. There was an obvious look of worry on her face.

"You have been in a daze since just now."

"...How long have I been in a daze?"

"It's only about two or three minutes. Your Excellency, are you..."

"I'm meditating, thinking about the avenue of heaven and man and the eternal truth of the universe. After all, I am also a psychic." Soback rubbed his temples and casually wiped the "sweat" from the corners of his eyes. The sight of his mentor's back almost brought tears to his eyes. He felt that it was best not to let others know about such things that were detrimental to his majesty and character.

Heavenly Avenue? The universe is eternal? Miss Serlu showed an endearing smile: "You are truly worthy of being Your Excellency!"

Well, she didn't believe it. Soback couldn't help but rub the corners of his eyes with more force.

Miss Serlu said: "We still have the last jump left, and we are expected to arrive at the Circle of Miracles within two hours."

"What about inside the Miracle Ring? What are the movements of the main force of the Earth Expedition Fleet?"

"The gravitational wave communication from the headquarters on the Ring of Miracles has just arrived. The people on earth have not yet noticed that this is the arrangement of the main force of their fleet."

Miss Serlu sent a 3D star map model and fleet geometric model, and of course also included a lot of photos.

"In addition, in order not to alert the enemy, everyone has been keeping their peace during this period. The party venue on Continent 1, which is scheduled to be the handover of the control areas between the two armies, has also been expanding. The work has not stopped until now."

The party venue was actually quite well-kept. The soldiers of both armies repaired the place and turned it into a city-sized one. Most of the amusement facilities were built with scraps of military supplies. Although they have a wasteland feel, they are also very fun. At least there, when ordinary soldiers of the two armies work together, they really don't doubt the "friendship of a generation", right?

Yeager Soback went there once and originally thought it would become a tourist attraction in the future.

After all, we still failed to live up to this era!

He let out a breath of thick air, feeling stuffy in his heart. However, he still bared his teeth and took a deep breath: "Send power to the Dawn Angel. We have arrived at the Circle of Miracles. The journey is smooth and helpless!"

He and his squadron waited in place for nearly two hours before receiving a reply asking him to stand by where he was.

Stay put is a good order. Soback thought. Whether retreating or attacking, he just likes to act with large troops.

If His Highness Brünnhilt asked him to go to the front station to conduct fire reconnaissance or something like that, he would be like a widower.

But then, the gravity source radar on the ship showed a mass reaction, and then they saw the Angel of Dawn, painted in gold and silver, suddenly swaggering into the local system surrounded by several large capital ships. middle. That elegant and majestic figure still looks like a queen of the void.

Immediately afterwards, a new communication was sent, but the voice that sounded was the real queen's voice.

"Sir Sobaek, be prepared and join me in the battle!"

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