Him and their stars

Chapter 1316 The Longest August 7th (1)

The DL33 galaxy, a galaxy with three naturally habitable planets, is one of the most valuable galaxies even in the Dawn Starfield that has been transformed by ancient technology.

At this time last year, King Brunhilt of Suliuka, known as the "Light of the Sky", and Yu Lian, the "Dragon of Dawn", broke through the sky from the Devil's Eye, and it was here that they fought with the plunderers. The main force of the fleet met and won in one fell swoop.

It is said that the Empire has considered naming this galaxy after Brunhilt, the "conqueror" here. This is also the consistent style of the Galactic Empire. However, it encountered opposition at the Galactic Civilization Council, and even the person involved, King Suliuka himself, did not support the idea.

It is said, and of course it is still said, that Brunhild proposed to name this place "Meleon", which is a mythical beast with the head of a lion and the body of a fish in the mythology of the empire. However, this is just a rumor of unknown meaning after all.

In short, due to the unclear sovereignty of the galaxy, this galaxy still does not have an official name, and is still widely referred to as "DL33" on the standard operating star chart.

The three naturally habitable planets in the galaxy do not have official names. People on earth temporarily named these beautiful planets after the three goddesses of the year: "Eunomia", "Dice" and "Erene". Of course, the opposite empire is also named after their legends and allusions, but that doesn't matter.

In short, on August 7, 833 in the common calendar, the fourth planet of DL40 "Eonomia", when it was just dawn, the vast grassland was boiling.

On this planet, the war machines of the Community and the Empire began to fight fiercely.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the first one to take action was not the empire, which was out of ulterior motives, but the earth, which had always shown itself to be an honest and courteous person.

What started first was a three-hour shelling. Since neither side has deployed warships that can be used for orbital bombardment on this planet, fire preparations start from the ground.

Under Akinayama Hachiman's advice, DL40 garrison commander Major General Orwell concentrated all heavy artillery fire. Before the sky was white, he launched a full hour-long concentration on the imperial garrison. bombardment.

The Imperial garrison opposite them includes a cross-headed Panzergrenadier division and three hundred-headed Stormtrooper divisions. Even if they are not the most elite troops in the Imperial Army, they still have basic tactical qualities. of. The Imperial Army quickly opened the huge fortress shield against the bombardment and managed to withstand the bombardment.

After an hour of shelling, the imperial army suffered little loss, but all of them were furious. It is really difficult for them to understand that in this universe, it is already an offense to not kneel down and tremble in front of one's own military power, but there are actually people who dare to take the initiative to provoke them!

"The people on Earth are so devoid of martial ethics! Then we don't need to be tolerant! Kill them and leave no one behind!" the Imperial Army general roared.

They didn't feel anything was wrong. The middle and low-level officers and soldiers of the Galactic Empire always believed in the equation that lacked evidence such as "one Imperial soldier can defeat three Alliance soldiers and five Earth soldiers."

Now, the Earth's army on this planet has a total of five marine divisions, including the most elite "Hell Paratroopers" and "Varangi". On the Imperial side there were four divisions.

The total strength of both sides and the number of heavy weapons are similar. From the perspective of the empire, since the numbers are about the same, I must have the advantage.

So, when the bombardment ended, the Imperial Army's counterattack began. They fired forty-six missiles in the direction of the Community's military camp. At the same time, eighty armored airships and fourteen atmospheric gunboats took off first.

However, all this could not be hidden from Akinayama Hachiman's eyes.

At this time, he was sitting on the Alpine dock repair ship in low-Earth orbit, so that the command could maintain a comprehensive grasp of the battle situation. Loyally guarding the dock repair ship were three armed merchant ships that had just joined the community's military logistics department.

He did indeed receive the standard message from his side very quickly: "Eagle's Nest! Eagle's Nest! Meat pigeon 80! Roast goose 14! Eight o'clock direction! Height 120! Distance 75!"

"Received!" Akinayama Hachiman replied with satisfaction.

"Should we start volleying?"

"Kill those roast geese! Release the meat pigeons to the friendly forces behind. Remember, your prey is actually those black donkeys!"


Then, more than twenty multi-functional fighter jets were seen emerging from the highest clouds and pounced condescendingly towards the enemy troops on the ground.

Well, although those three armed merchant ships are merchant ships and their firepower is not as fierce as the assault ships, they are actually the spoils of the Thirteenth Fleet's suppression of bandits in the New World in the past few years. They are all pirate ships. The cabin has been frantically remodeled. Since it can accommodate small assault speedboats used by pirates, it can naturally accommodate fighter jets.

These merchant ships have been doing supply work between the Dawn Star Territory and Nantianmen, and they took this opportunity to secretly deliver a squadron of Phantom fighters to DL33.

Now, these ghost fighters, which have been hidden for half a year, finally have a chance to show off. But as a result, the escort force around the Alpine no longer exists.

Soon, Akinayama Hachiman received Major General Orwell. This old instructor from the National Defense University and the commander of the garrison is now sitting in the headquarters on the ground and feels that he is actually much safer than his comrades in the sky.

"Lieutenant Colonel Akinayama, how is the situation over there?"

"The entire Rogue Squadron has been dispatched. The Imperial Army's fire platform will be blocked soon."

"I'm talking about you! And your ship! That guy Yang... uh, I mean, Commander Connery attaches great importance to your maintenance work here. We can't lose the big for the small." Major General Orwell said : "The Empire does have a space station in the orbit of Erinye."

"I know. There is also a squadron of X21 Blood Skulls and two squadrons of X15 Blue Demon Bees in that space station, and there are also three patrol ships in the system."

To put it bluntly, the Blue Star Community is dishonest, and the empire on the other side is also dishonest, and both of them know that the other side is dishonest. Of course, this small move will not have any fundamental impact on the strategic balance. The two families can actually make do with each other.

Major General Orwell said: "I have estimated that the combat forces of the two sides on the ground are basically balanced. However, it is completely different on your side. The Alpine, Tianshan, and the thing you just repaired, a certain In a sense, it is even more important than a few divisions on our planet."

Akinayama Hachiman said: "I know. However, there is only one squadron of ghost fighters. In any case, it is impossible to be the opponent of the three squadrons of the empire. It is better to concentrate in one place..."

"Then on your side, how will you deal with an attack? What, have you installed cannons on the Alps and Sky, or have those ships been repaired?"

"Don't worry, sir. The Imperial base is no longer a problem."

Major General Orwell was startled for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I know that you used Tianshan to collect huge icebergs from Planet 5, polished them into a cone shape that could be used for impact, and installed a one-time sublight propulsion weapon. But you don’t think that you can destroy the space station by hitting it with this thing, do you? This is not writing a novel.”

"It is impossible to destroy nature. However, I buried three space bubble torpedoes in the dug ice crystals. I also asked my friends in the Omnic Brotherhood to write a program."

Brigadier General Orwell was silent for a short time again and said: "...Okay, as long as you have an idea."

During the conversation between the two, an entire squadron of ghost aircraft, carrying an equal number of drones, had penetrated Eunomia's atmosphere. Within a few minutes, the pilot had already sighted the Imperial fleet. Of course, armored airships in the atmosphere can also perform air superiority missions, but they are as clumsy as a chubby meat pigeon in front of the ghost machine. As soon as they met, the ghost planes suddenly broke into pieces, and several airships were shot down in an instant.

However, the Phantom fighter planes did not continue to tangle with them, but concentrated their firepower on the gunships that had larger targets and were better aimed at.

The constellation-class aerial gunships equipped by the empire are huge monsters suspended in the air relying on anti-gravity engines, with a length of more than 300 meters. It is said to be a gunboat, but it is actually a condescending firepower output platform.

However, when faced with the Phantom fighter that occupied a higher position than them, they were really reduced to a fat goose waiting to be grilled.

After a period of chaos, the air strike force of the imperial garrison was completely wiped out.

However, the ghost fighter did not stop at all and continued to pounce on the imperial armor cluster on the ground.

"At seven o'clock, 3 black donkeys! Distance 30!" "There are 2 more black donkeys at two o'clock, distance 40!" The pilots quickly fed back the information they obtained to the Alpine in orbit.

"Free attack. Repeat, free attack." Akinayama Hachiman said.

The 24 Phantom fighter jets of the Rogue Squadron drew a domineering arc in the sky, and then swaggered toward the ground like birds of prey pouncing on their prey. When they were still 2,000 meters away from the ground, they spread out and went towards their respective targets.

In fact, as early as when the empire's airships and large gunships took off, more than four hundred armored vehicles of various types also began to move forward. The most majestic among them are the twenty-eight AT-AT29 all-terrain armored walking machines.

This huge war machine can operate on anti-gravity air cushions, pulleys, tracks and huge hydraulic feet. However, if fighting on the plains, most people will adopt the last method. This is probably because once the huge hydraulic feet are deployed, this war machine will be 25 meters high, looking like a giant beast covered in armor.

In addition, it is equipped with two main power field shields and a thick two-layer memory alloy armor belt. One phase wave cannon, two ion cannons, three blaster cannons and three Vulcan cannons, plus a hive missile launcher, make it an integrated offensive and defensive firepower delivery platform.

In addition, its spacious cabin can also accommodate a squad of armored grenadiers - I mean the kind wearing power armor and carrying a full set of heavy weapons.

In the vast colonies of the empire, once this war beast lands on the ground, most of the resistance soldiers will lose their minds and collapse in panic.

As for whether there are problems such as the front projection area is too large and the hydraulic pressure is top-heavy, it is not too important. At least in this era, before today, it was not too important.

But today, the code name of this weapon is called "Black Donkey" by the soldiers of the community, and the Constellation-class air gunship is called "Roast Goose", both of which are used by the Galactic Empire to suppress colonial movements.

Thus came their doom.

After the Phantom fighters used up all their ground firepower, sixteen of the twenty-eight ATATs were destroyed by the "Palm Technique" that descended from the sky. Nearly one-third of the nearly 400 Sickle assault tanks code-named "Rabbit" were destroyed in the flames.

Such results are not unfruitful. Although it is strictly a sneak attack without moral ethics, the officers and soldiers of the community have always maintained an extremely high morale.

"Nine o'clock direction, Pigeon 48, distance 120! Oh, the Imperial Army's armored airship wants to come back for support."

"Twelve o'clock direction... sparrow 100, distance 300. The reaction of these guys is not slow."

"It's a pity that I have the upper hand. Besides, it's impossible for the sparrows to catch up with us."

The pilots exchanged joyful emotions.

The so-called Sparrow refers to the drones used by the Empire in the atmosphere. However, the firepower and protection of this kind of drone are limited, and most of the time it can only be used for reconnaissance. If it is used to perform air control missions, although it cannot be said to be capable, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

"Let the Rogue Squadron return. Leave the remaining enemies to our comrades." Akinayama Hachiman ordered.

At this time, a technical sergeant seemed to have received better news, and he couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Sir Qiu Mingshan, Tianshan called back, the attack has been successful! The attack has been successful!"

The officers and soldiers on the bridge cheered, and many young people looked at Hachiman with a little admiration. The latter continued to wear a mysterious poker face, pushed up his glasses, and said in Gujing Muha's voice: "The battle is not over yet, everyone returns to their positions. Always maintain communication with the front line."


Seeing that everyone's attention was back on business, Akinayama Hachiman calmly opened his terminal under the table and entered his current thoughts on the keyboard at a flying pace.

"Such a record can prove that many superior equipment are only effective in asymmetric operations to suppress the revolting people. How to fight enemies of the same size and technical level on the surface of the planet requires innovation in tactics, equipment and even organization. Thinking and creating... Tsk, that guy actually expected it again."

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