Him and their stars

Chapter 1319 The Longest August 7th (Thursday)

When the central station had been taken, Lieutenant General Minontai then issued the order to "continue to march". After a brief discussion between Brigadier General McEffar and Colonel Cordy on the front line, they decided that the main direction of attack was the internal freight train track leading from the central station to Area A of the other half of the fortress.

On the one hand, it is because the route is simple and clear, and on the other hand, it is spacious and sturdy enough.

Of course, our side will choose this place as the main attack, and the people on the opposite side of the earth will definitely be able to guess it. However, this is a street fight in the fortress after all, and there is limited room for maneuvering. Moreover, when the fight has reached this level, both sides have basically figured out each other's second-level combat capabilities, and there is no longer the possibility of tactical deception. So, it's time to test the will of both parties.

"...If one Imperial soldier can really defeat five Earthlings, we don't have to consider the so-called main attack direction. The main attack must be anywhere." Colonel Kordi said.

Brigadier General McEffar, commander of the 217th Imperial Stormtrooper Division, said coldly: "You don't have to believe this, but you have to make your soldiers believe it. Also, if this battle goes well, you may also be able to have a Now you have to learn the manners of a sword-wielding noble. Such strange words will not bring honor to your family."

What else could Colonel Cordy say? Nono can only apologize and say that the sir is right!

Brigadier General Mike Fa said again: "You worked hard in the battle to attack the Central Station just now. This time, the fresh force I brought will be the main attack."

Colonel Cordy looked at the other person's leaving back and thought to himself, how come you, a Wulfling, pay more attention to this so-called noble's sense of honor than I, a human being?

Well, a Wolverine werewolf can get a title - although it is a second-class knight that cannot be passed down to future generations, he is still a noble master after all, and he should have suffered a lot. After all, people pay more attention to things that are hard to obtain. This may also constitute some underlying logic of the converts' fanaticism.

The battle begins immediately. Gunter and Razakai artificial soldiers, wearing specialized mechas for work, quickly aimed the directional gas explosives deep into the train tracks. After a fiery explosion, the obstacles in the orbit were completely cleared. Immediately afterwards, they used melt rays to open up a wider passage space.

Such operations will inevitably bring many structural risks to the fortress, and the repair expenses after the war may be higher than military expenses and pensions.

However, as the old saying goes, a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, especially in war.

Immediately afterwards, giant stormtroopers wearing heavy assault mechas squeezed directly into these narrow passages, roared and began to charge.

No way, the shield robot used as a human shield had already suffered heavy losses when it attacked the central station. The rest of them were hit by an EMP when they were exploring the road just now, and are down in place. In this case, people had to do it themselves.

Fortunately, members of the Imperial Stormtroopers would really risk their lives for a few hundred bucks a month. After all, as long as the charge is successful, these soldiers will be richly rewarded. Whether it is material or social feedback, you will be satisfied.

The leader of the charge was naturally their division commander, Brigadier General Mike Fa. In fact, this werewolf general, who was famous among the imperial army for his bravery, always had the character of a warrior who was the first to reach the top. As for the command work of the division commander, it has always been left to the human chief of staff.

He is a second-level "blood path". Although he is a psyker, probably due to his understanding and IQ, he has only been trained in the Astral Knights and cannot be considered a formal member. Even so, he also owns a "Grace" type heraldic machine - this is a heraldic machine specially designed by the empire for the large alien psykers under his command. It has been used for more than two hundred years and has not been upgraded. It's a first-class model, but a heraldry machine is also a heraldry machine after all.

The first person to enter the passage was an assault company led by Brigadier General Mike Fafa himself. They are all made up of big men with natural supernatural powers such as Wulflings, Laig Giants, and Umbars, and all of them are "good guys" who are capable of killing people.

There is a saying that compared to robots, these "loyal and brave" guys may be more suitable to serve as cannon fodder.

Then, a unit of four Astral Knights also arrived. They paused on the spot and used mystical and technological means to simultaneously monitor the battle situation inside. These noble and martially virtuous extraordinary people quickly determined that the battle ahead had reached a fever pitch, and felt that without their help, their side would have achieved a major breakthrough in a short period of time. The Astral Knights immediately put on their heraldic machines and joined the battlefield waving their light spears.

I swear to the spirit of the universe, this is definitely not taking credit!

However, their long-awaited positive breakthrough never happened.

Ten minutes later, several imperial soldiers who had lost their fighting spirit fled out of the passage wailing, and even knocked over the Razakai artificial soldiers who were inspecting equipment at the entrance of the passage.

The unlucky engineer was trampled continuously by seven or eight fat Wulflings and Legg giants, and died on the spot.

Of course, no one has time to take care of that poor little engineer now.

Colonel Coleman conveniently snatched a Vulcan cannon from a fireman nearby, stepped forward to meet him, and first blasted the upper body of the Legg giant running in front to pieces, and then shouted: :"Who else?"

Only then did the defeated soldiers regain their senses. One of them, Lieutenant Wofflin, tried to speak tremblingly, but he couldn't utter a word for a long time, as if his tongue was stuck in his neck.

Colonel Coleman waved his hand, and a very knowledgeable medic stepped forward. Without saying a word, he took out his pistol and fired a tranquilizer round at the lieutenant. The latter rolled his eyes, and the bloodshot eyes were more obvious, but his speech became clearer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sir, sir. This is a trap."


"Yes, the people on Earth have set up traps. There are masters hidden in their military formations."


Another defeated soldier also regained some composure, actually calmed down without taking a sedative, and quickly added: "Yes, yes, yes, he was hiding behind the formation at the beginning, and there was no sir. The division commander didn't take any action when he led us to charge. . Until the knights arrived and destroyed the sentry guns of the earthlings. We rushed forward."

"Yes, charge forward!" Lieutenant Woflin said.

"You rushed up first?" Colonel Coleman discovered the blind spot.

"No, no, no, the division commander will be the first, and then the knights." The defeated soldier who regained his senses said A.

"Yes, then it's us! We also rush forward, we are so brave." said the lieutenant.

"But then there was a flash of white light, and the company commander was killed." said the defeated soldier A.

"Yes, he was beaten to death! His head seemed to have been evaporated." The lieutenant said: "The division commander and the chief of staff have taught us that if we find that a friendly soldier has died inexplicably, it must be that the other party has a master! Yes, psychic energy can Master!"

"...Where are the knights?" Colonel Coleman asked patiently.

"The knights can't see clearly. They should be fighting with the masters of the earth." said the defeated soldier A.

"Where's Commander Mikey?" Colonel Coleman asked.

"Division, division commander? The division commander is also dead," the lieutenant said.


"Yeah, there are deaths everywhere," the lieutenant said.

"The company deputy, 1st and 3rd platoon commanders are all dead. The upper half of their bodies exploded in a daze." Broken Soldier A added vividly.

"...Isn't there another platoon leader?"

Soldier A was silent for a few seconds, then pointed at the Wolfling lieutenant: "Isn't this the second platoon leader? He ran away, so we ran away with him."

"I also watched the division commander and company commander explode, and the mentality of the brothers collapsed, that's why I ran away like this!"

Colonel Coleman pressed his temples and observed three seconds of silence for the death of Brigadier General McCay. This should be the most senior general who died on the empire's side after this battle broke out.

There is a saying that Brigadier General Mikey likes to pretend to be aristocratic, but he is really serious when something happens, and he is still a very reliable colleague most of the time.

So, Colonel Coleman crossed the Vulcan cannon in his hand and killed all the defeated soldiers on the spot, thinking that he was paying homage to his fallen comrades.

When Count Baoret and Viscount Arbaise arrived at the central station, they only received the news that all their own soldiers who entered the passage were wiped out. As for the four astral knights, there are only four coats of arms left.

"Oh, are these sent by people from Earth?" The burly Count Baoré looked at the four bloody coats of arms and recognized them at a glance. They should have been cut from the deceased's heraldry machine.

"Yes. The people on earth also said that they will properly preserve the remains of our prisoners of war and the deceased. They will do their best to give dignity to the war dead. However, how long we can be dignified actually depends on us. Yes." Colonel Coleman replied with a salute.

"If they really want to pay attention to decency, shouldn't they at least send the body back?" Count Baoré sneered: "Isn't this like letting us see the wounds on the body? But..."

Having said this, he turned to look at his colleagues.

Urbais held the four coats of arms in his hands, closed his eyes, and his breath suddenly became misty. Although the person is still the same person and still standing in the same place, except for the naked eye, no one around him can feel his presence.

The experienced imperial officers knew that this was a mystical moment for extraordinary beings, and it was not something that mortals like them could question, so they all took a step back.

Three minutes later, Viscount Albais opened his eyes: "Hanshou and Sword Dancer, these are not ordinary earthly extraordinary beings, but disciples of the Spiritual Research Society."

"The disciples of the Spiritual Research Society have been here for a long time." Count Baore said: "Sonny Grant, Kale King, and Natalia Elenko. They arrived here two months ago. The fortress is hit."

After all, they are three of the seven sons of Lingyan, three saints, including Ireneko, known as the "Blood Shura". No matter how secretly they operate, their target is still too big. With such a presence, if the Empire knew nothing about their arrival, then all the heads of military intelligence from the Generalissimo's Office to the Ministry of the Interior should be shot.

What's more, before the war started, there were three eight-ring "demigods" sitting in the Unity Fortress. If Duke Sartolan and the others could not detect the auras of a few "mere" saints, they should be killed by His Majesty the Emperor and fed to the dragon.

"But they shouldn't be here." Count Baorei said.

Viscount Eris nodded and said: "Yes. The seven members of the Spiritual Research Society have grown up together and practiced together. They have the same mind and a tacit understanding. They also have the combined formation that the Spiritual Research Society is best at. At this time, they should be in the virtual realm. Help Lan Jiufeng fight."

"Or, they might let their old man fight against the three demigods on his own, while he hides in the fortress and attacks us secretly?" Count Baorei added.

The two senior astral knights looked at each other and found it difficult to make a decision for a moment.

Finally, Viscount Albaise said: "Perhaps we can relax a little. Even if we only use flesh to press it, it is only a matter of time before we capture this passage. We can advise Chief Minontai to be more conservative."

Count Baorei hesitated for a moment and asked: "The battle on the other side of the virtual realm is still going on?"

"I can only capture a little bit of information through the seal left by Duke Themint and the Noble Phantasm brought from Hoshimi Pavilion. At least until just now, the scale of victory and defeat has not tilted."

"They have been fighting for a day, when can they... Forget it, although I have never been to the virtual realm, I also know that the order of time there is messed up." Count Baorei said.

He stood there and pondered for a moment: "Okay, let me test it myself."

"Your Majesty, prepare the next wave of commandos immediately," Colonel Coleman said.

"No need, as long as I am on my own." He grinned and walked straight to the passage, looking defenseless and full of flaws.

On a battlefield full of dangers, there is only one explanation for those who dare to take this stance: a "saint" with a sixth ring or above! At this level, all armor, whether it is the latest power armor on the technological side or the heraldic machine on the alchemy side, will actually become a constraint on the performance of its original strength.

In fact, Count Baorre is a "Fearless One", a psyker of the sixth level of the "Blood Road", and is only one step away from the seventh level. Everyone will know that when he becomes the seventh ring, it is the time to become the knight commander.

This is a giant man in his early forties, with a stout figure, a huge body, solid muscles, and a powerful body, like a tyrannosaurus whose whole body is full of strength and violence.

Just standing there was filled with a daunting sense of oppression. But in fact, this man was never a foolhardy man, but an elite warrior with a clear head and a fine mind.

At this time, he had already reached the entrance of the passage, opened his hands, and two huge battle axes appeared out of thin air in his palms. Then, he held his battle ax upside down, stepped over the remains of his dead soldiers, and walked towards the deep Earth army formation and the mysterious psyker with steps that he did not recognize.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone? Does anyone want to be the next person killed by Nostan Baoré? Or wants to be the person who kills Nostan Baoré?"

While roaring like this, he crossed his two battle axes in front of his chest.

In fact, apart from the rather mystical way they appear, their shapes are very similar to the Empire's most common stormtrooper battle axes.

As we all know, this kind of battle ax is made of high-carbon crystal. The standard version is eighty-five centimeters in length, weighs six kilograms, and can be used with one hand. With the bonus of power armor or exoskeleton, you can play for a whole day.

However, the battle axes in the earl's hands were all over 1.5 meters tall, and the double-edged ax body looked like a wheel. Even if it is really as ordinary as a standard battle ax, just based on its size, the destructive power it can produce can be imagined.

Likewise, based on its size, it can definitely act as a shield if it is stretched across the chest.

His judgment was correct. When the tomahawk sealed the vital points on his chest, he suddenly felt a fiery breath coming towards his face, as if a volcano was erupting in front of him.

He had already guessed the identity of the other party - Natalia Elenko, the "Red Shura", known as the most powerful among the seven sons of Lingyan.

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