Him and their stars

Chapter 1321 Good News

Elinko knew that the Community Expeditionary Force had a small cell's source wave communication, so he was not surprised why his side got the news before the empire.

She looked at the mighty Imperial fleet gliding across the sky on the screen, and pointed at one of them, which looked like a domineering behemoth: "This one is the Titan ship, right?"

"This is the Mountain God Gundaran, the ship of King Solane. He has not returned to the Sky Realm at all, but has been at the Gate of Glory, waiting for the follow-up results." Mihir Kent only glanced at it and recognized it. The identity of this ship was revealed.

Erinko pointed to an aircraft carrier with an overly exaggerated and gorgeous painting with great interest: "Is this a dragon ship? I have vaguely seen it a few times."

"Yes, a special aircraft carrier of the Astral Knights. It can't carry fighter planes, but it can carry dragons and knights." Kent looked a little numb. To be fair, the number of these battleships is not particularly large, but various types of capital ships account for nearly one-third. In addition to one Titan and two dragon ships, there are also five heavy armored aircraft carriers and fourteen battlecruisers. They are so majestic that they are like a large group of steel Leviathan beasts patrolling among the stars.

"I see. The reason why the Imperial Army stopped attacking is because they are waiting for this batch of reinforcements." Erinko said.

"If we count the time, this fleet should leave the Gate of Glory and enter the New World at the end of July. We haven't received anything about such a big thing. The intelligence department is really, really..." Kent shook his head. road.

"Too lazy?" Yang Xiyi smiled.

Kent smiled wryly and nodded. He actually wanted to imitate Yu Lian and say something like, "Everyone in the National Unification Committee is a loser", but considering that this would violate his mature and stable persona of a noble prince, he gave up.

"Hahaha, why should I be so polite to you in front of me? I think all the section chiefs from the Internal Affairs Committee to the State Council and the Commissariat Council should be shot. In addition, at the Tianyu Embassy, ​​since Mr. Qi resigned, After that, the intelligence system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also paralyzed. For this reason, the new ambassador, Dr. Hult, should be hanged from the TV tower in the Big Apple City."

Yang Xiyi's tone was a vicious digestion. However, he did not deliberately hide his volume. Almost half of the people in the headquarters could hear his violent remarks, but everyone was busy with their own things and pretended not to hear.

Erinco analyzed seriously: "This fleet is going to support the Ring of Miracles, right? I heard that King Soleyn is the number one general in the contemporary Dawn Royal Family. If he and King Suliuka join forces, , taking over the command, the main force of the fleet on Admiral Connors's side will be really in danger. However, if they want to get to the miracle replacement as quickly as possible, they must take the road of Unity Fortress. So, you are prepared to defend Unity Fortress, Prevent their turn?”

Sensing the subtle glances between the two people, Chi Shura raised his voice angrily: "...Why are you looking at me like this? Although I have never gone to a formal military academy, how can a Taoist disciple not read military books? Moreover, I But he also has the rank of reserve general. How about you two salute me now?"

Michiel Kent really saluted: "Indeed, if they cannot join forces, Admiral Conneris's fleet will have a strength advantage. They can defeat King Suliuka first, and then attack here. King Thoraine. Uh, sorry, sir, I was just describing an ideal state."

Facing Yang Xiyi's contemptuous gaze, Kent could only lower his head and apologize.

Yang Xiyi took another sip of black tea mixed with brandy: "Over there in the Circle of Miracles, if our side is not Admiral Conneris and Lieutenant General Tivington, or the one leading the army in the empire is not King Suliuka, I say Maybe we will actually adopt this strategy.”

It was as if the Imperial Army in the other half of the fortress did not exist. Kent thought.

Irene discovered her blind spot and said with a smile: "It seems that you have a very high opinion of King Suliuka! Even much higher than King Suoleon. I know that she has a face that is very harmful to the country and the people. My little junior brother is also fascinated by all kinds of rosy news. Is it because of this reason? That I have a high regard for her? "

Mihir Kent wanted to laugh, but it was a pity that Yu Lian was not here. He was even more regretful that he did not have time to control the terminal and did not record Master Elinco's words.

Yang Xiyi poured himself another cup of black tea and said helplessly: "Well, the reason why I pay more attention to the young elected emperor is indeed because of your junior brother and my good student. I hope Pan, she just has a face that brings disaster to the country and the people. However, after studying her combat, I can only say that Her Highness Suliuka is a real war genius. If we take the four traditional military strategists of our ancient East Asia To describe it, she may be the calmest, sharpest, most decisive, and of course the most terrifying soldier in our time."

Erinko looked suspicious. She is just an ordinary psychic who claims to be a "disciple of the Taoist sect", but has not read the works of military strategists and historians, and does not understand these concepts very well.

Kent did read it and shuddered.

He suddenly realized a problem. These Lion Heart Club friends, plus Teacher Yang and Senior Sister Eleanor, have been thinking about one problem in the past six months after discovering the Miracle Ring: the prospect of the Miracle Ring is really too great. Even for a galactic country the size of the Empire, it is a treasure that can make its blood boil. The dragon is always insatiable, and will definitely fight for a visible prospect.

If the Galactic Empire suddenly turns its back and launches a sneak attack without respecting martial ethics, how should our side respond?

To put it bluntly, all the plans and actions he and his friends made were suspected of "walking alone". All because of this reason.

However, if the main fleet on the Ring of Miracles side is really knocked off the chessboard, what is the point of all their plans?

"...Anyway, facing King Suliuka, whose total strength is only one-third of his own, even if Admiral Conneris cannot win or even keep the Circle of Miracles, he should be able to preserve most of his effective forces. "Kent felt that he was already thinking from the most pessimistic perspective.

However, as long as we can ensure that there are still effective forces with fighting ability, this game can be played.

Yang Xiyi nodded slightly and said in a not too confident tone: "It should be so. However, as a hopeless pessimist, I have to consider the worst case scenario."

Is there anything worse? Young Mihir Kent was a bit numb.

Natalia Elenko seemed to understand something, a very obvious shock flashed across her face, and then she looked at Yang Xiyi as if she was looking at the visual spectacle.

Fortunately, the pessimism in the command did not last long. Soon, new news came, which was sent from the DL33 galaxy. Of course it's not instant messaging, but a recorded video report.

Akinayama Hachiman, wearing glasses, still had a poker face like Furui Muha. After saluting in the video, he then read with a stick without any fluctuations: "The Galactic Empire is stationed in the DL33 galaxy, the star of Eunomia." The garrison troops brazenly launched a shameless sneak attack on us at 4:30 in the morning on August 7, 833, local planet time."

Michiel Kent looked at the time and found that it was already the early morning of August 8th, Galaxy Standard Time. Considering the time difference, Akinayama Hachiman should have sent this information in the afternoon local time.

Sure enough, I heard another report from the other party: "However, the imperial military has been annihilated by us. The 40,000 imperial stormtroopers and armored grenadiers stationed on the planet Eunomia have been killed at 17:13 Eunomia time. All put down their weapons."

Although this guy acted very calmly, Kent clearly caught the obvious irritation in his eyes that were mostly covered by his glasses.

Well, he does have the qualifications to play. In terms of record, this kid has become the number one in our 830 world without even realizing it, which is really enviable and jealous.

Of course, the garrison commander of the DL33 system is Major General Orwell. Strictly speaking, this glorious record belongs to him. However, after all, he is everyone's old instructor, and we are all one of our own, so there is no need to divide them too finely.

Yang Xiyi took off his military cap and scratched his scalp: "Oh my, I have 100,000 people in the Unity Fortress, and the empire opposite has 70,000 people, but I can barely parry it. On the other side of DL33, there are 50,000 people. But it only took one time to annihilate all 40,000 people in the empire. I really lost to my own students."

Although he was complaining, the embarrassment in his words was about to reach the sky.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Akinayama Hachiman say again: "Rear Admiral Orwell has decided to abandon the planet Eunomia and DL33, and take the Tianshan and Alpine, the predator motherships PR2 and PR3 that have been repaired, on August 8 Set off before 00:00 on the 8th of the month and rush to the Fortress of Unity."

That’s what the newsletter is all about.

Erinko noticed that Yang Xiyi's whole mood became much lighter, as if a heavy burden had been released overnight.

...well, at least part of it was released.

"You told them to wait for news from the Circle of Miracles for at least 48 hours."

"Yes! But this is the New World. Even if we have a small source wave terminal, the communication delay ranges from 12 hours to a week. Then, the commander should make his own judgment. Kent Lieutenant Colonel, this is the best news today, much better than the news of annihilating three empire divisions!"

Yang Xiyi stood up and said loudly: "Send power to the Tianshan and ask them to work harder. They must arrive at the Unity Fortress within 100 hours, that is, before dawn on August 12th, standard time."

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