Him and their stars

Chapter 1323 Historical Materialism

Major General Aduka has recognized the identity of the other party. He forced himself to hold his head up and tried his best to look calm and strong, but when it came time to speak, he still had a stiff and bitter smile: "Lieutenant Colonel Vayali, right?"

"Sorry, because I was promoted to the third ring recently, I am now a colonel." Colonel Simon Vayali looked down at Major General Aduka and said calmly: "General, on behalf of the Blue Star Community, I would like to inform you that your country The war against our country has begun. Now it is the result of our counterattack. You are now our prisoner. Please inform all soldiers of your army on this planet to lay down their arms."

Major General Aduka coughed out a mouthful of blood froth and tried to make his voice as clear as possible: "Put down your weapons? Colonel, you don't think that such a shameless sneak attack will make the glorious Imperial Army officers submit, do you? Although I don't I know how you successfully attacked our headquarters, but the rest of the Imperial soldiers will definitely come from all directions..."

His words were interrupted by a sudden explosion. This time, the explosion erupted three hundred meters away from him, but due to its excessive power, the scope instantly spread over an entire area as large as a celestial ball. In an instant, a hangar and apron, plus seven or eight sleeping armored airships, were set on fire on the spot.

"The bombardment started ten minutes ago. I have already discussed it with Brigadier General Schiller. We don't have to worry about us night raiders, as long as we try not to affect the nearby towns. However, my comrades are very smart in what they do. Most of the shelling still hit your army’s armored camps and airports,” said Simon Vayali.

"At the same time as the shelling, there was a full-scale attack by the 38th Division of our army. In fact, three assault regiments should have entered your barracks now. I hope you will put down your weapons, just because we don't want to cause massacre."

Major General Aduka glanced around in confusion.

He saw with his own eyes that "crocodile men" and "beetle men" wearing weird mechas were constantly mopping up his men on the surrounding floors and walls. The former can fly over walls and walls as if walking on flat ground, while the latter can walk as fast as flying with four arms flying. With the cooperation of the mecha with characteristics that have never been seen before, the advantages of the body's functions are brought into full play.

In this era, there are few military industrial companies that specifically design and manufacture mechas for these alien races, especially because their body shapes are very different from humans. However, General Aduka had no time to think about the problem at this time. Now, he only felt that he was in hell, with all kinds of evil spirits and demons raging.

He saw his flight commander, Lieutenant Colonel Lotimai, running towards the burning tarmac, but halfway there his back was pierced by a large-caliber kinetic energy bullet, and he fell to the ground with only half of his torso left.

He saw Major Yoren, who was directly under the commando force of the division, carrying a force field shield to resist the siege of a Lumina and two sand people. He waved a huge shield as big as a door panel like a folding stool, and the crystal battle ax in his right hand flew up and down, actually separating the four high-carbon long knives of Lumina soldiers. The whole person danced into a big windmill.

As a result, the Rumina soldiers took a few steps back, and the two sand people raised their electromagnetic rifles and hive missile launchers respectively.

Immediately afterwards, several small missiles with armor-piercing warheads were inserted into Major Yoren's mecha just like crossbow arrows pierced the Lord Knight's armor. Following the violent explosion, he immediately fell to the ground. Even if the shock waves formed by those explosions failed to completely penetrate the mecha, they were enough to cause fatal internal injuries to his body.

Colonel Yorda Manson, the commander of the 1st Regiment who had not had time to put on his armor, stood on another tower and shouted loudly for the soldiers to stand up and resist, but soon his skull was ripped off by a bullet. He fell from a tall building more than ten meters high, and blood flowed from under his deformed limbs, covering the already messy floor.

The adjutant, Lieutenant Bintes, and several young staff officers were surrounded by a group of evil-looking sand people and blocked in a corner. Under the threat of large-caliber guns, these young officers finally put their heads behind their heads very honestly.

Hmm...well, young people, I can understand it.

Then, sure enough, those alien soldiers, who looked like evil ghosts crawling out of hell, really didn't open fire, and they really pretended to be benevolent and righteous teachers.

No, the gunfire hasn’t stopped yet, there are still people resisting!

By the way, where is Brigadier General Takai? Where is Brigadier General Tarkay?

Major General Aduka was always full of confidence in that werewolf warrior who could not defeat anything. You know, even among the Wulflings, who can be called a fighting race, he is considered to be born with divine power, and he is also a very rare psyker among his tribe.

Although the average age is only a second level, it is a "bloody road" that can advance and kill enemies with blood. Coupled with this innate divine power and combat sense, it can naturally achieve a combat effect of one plus one greater than two.

Otherwise, how can a scumbag who has not even graduated from middle school and is still a non-human being be able to become a brigade commander, a general star, and a knight?

So, what about others?

Immediately afterwards, more violent noises were heard, coming from upstairs.

Major General Eduka saw with his own eyes a huge figure flying out of the headquarters. If it wasn't Brigadier General Takai, who could it be?

This is also the place where I just fell out. However, Major General Aduka is on the third floor, while the latter is on the sixth floor.

The werewolf general must have also been blasted out. His body obviously lacked balance, and he fell to the ground with a thud, forming a large font. However, he jumped up again,

Psykers are so nice! I fell like this from the third floor, but this guy didn't even do anything from the sixth floor. Major General Aduka was actually a little jealous for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a heraldic machine, also painted in the typical blue color of the community, appeared from the breach on the sixth floor, and then jumped down lightly. The mammoth machine, estimated to weigh at least half a ton, carried two swords as thick as door panels in its hands, but it fell to the ground lightly like a dancing girl.

In this way, Brigadier General Takai, who had just climbed up, was vaguely sandwiched between Simon Vayali and another community psyker.

"You have fought hard. You are worthy of the empire's grace and military pay. Now, general, you can think about your own life." The heraldry machine holding two swords upside down said.

Major General Aduka could tell that it was Colonel Mengjiao from the community. I have seen it a few times myself.

Then, Brigadier General Takai calmly threw away the battle ax in his hand and showed a magnanimous smile: "That's right, you removed four ribs and an arm, damaged my internal organs, and knocked out several front teeth. . Beaten like this, I am worthy of the salary given by His Majesty. Okay, I surrender... Uh, Brother Meng, I am a general after all. Basic treatment can be guaranteed, right? Meat and wine every day. Bar?"

Major General Aduka on the side almost lost his breath when he heard: "You, you, you surrender like this? You traitor! You must have done it all carefully! I remembered that you still have some friendship with this Highlander barbarian. After drinking, Drinking, and even having a martial arts contest! We were in cahoots at that time, right?"

"No, don't make it sound like I'm a traitor. Brother Meng and I did hit it off, but I keep a clear distinction between public and private matters and have never betrayed the country or my colleagues. We have made friends through martial arts, but we have never discussed official or state affairs. Let’s exchange martial arts, wine, fishing, oh, and "Original..." which Brother Meng recommended to me.

"Original?" Major General Aduka's eyes widened.

Brigadier General Takai coughed hard, and then said proudly and plausibly: "In short, sir, we did fight hard. But after all, I am just a crude killer, and I was sneak attacked to the headquarters by the commando team of the community. This is terrible Can’t it be considered my responsibility?”

Major General Eduka felt that the other party seemed to be reasonable, and he immediately became angry and said: "Shameless! You are a glorious noble of the empire!"

"It is only a life-long noble that is passed down to one generation, and there is no way to pass it on to future generations. The annuity of the title is equivalent to an extra salary." Brigadier General Takai blinked his small black bean-like eyes and said matter-of-factly.

Then, he raised his hands and allowed several Lumina soldiers to step forward and put special psyker handcuffs on him.

Major General Aduka was furious. He had always thought that his colleague was a fool, but this was the first time he saw this person look so calm and wise.

"Then your family will also be citizens! They will be citizens of the empire for generations to come!"

"But, I am a celibate! I have no children or a wife. My father and mother have died a long time ago. I grew up in Mimo's hometown, eating a hundred meals from the folks in the village... Well, this is what I said A bit flaunting myself. In fact, I am just a gangster. With a little brute force, I became a gang leader when I was thirteen or fourteen years old! Hahaha, being popular, drinking, bullying men and dominating women is definitely a scourge in my hometown! Oh yes, You must have never heard of this place. It was just a small city in the Shengyuan Star District. However, it was burned down three months ago. Because of the rebels, because the rebels of the Sumi Liberation Organization purchased supplies there, and then they were burned. ”

The werewolf brigadier general sat down next to Aduka in handcuffs, showed a smile like a Samoyed, and advised: "One thing to say, I joined the army and left home when I was thirteen, saying that I have no attachment to my hometown. I must have lied to you. However, I still feel a little discouraged. Of course, sir, you are actually a good person. I really don’t want to see any tragedy."

"...But this is a shameless sneak attack by the Earthlings on us!"

Brigadier General Keita smiled even brighter and lowered his voice: "Look at what you said, don't we also have this plan? The subordinate has also seen the document of Order 66. As soon as you came back, you started to order the staff and formulated several plans. A plan to sneak attack on Yaochi, this couldn’t be more obvious.”

"Why didn't I realize before that you are actually very smart!"

"Hey hey hey, after all, the official is just a Wulfling, and he is a Wulfling with a title and military power! The higher-ups want me to be a killer, so of course I can only be a killer. But, General, It’s better to listen to my brother’s advice. How your Majesty and the elders in the Privy Council want to fight is their business. Those of us who are working below must be able to afford to lose."

Major General Aduka blushed and wanted to curse again, but his attention was attracted by the sound of the main entrance of the barracks. It was a heavy siege armored vehicle carrying a disintegration drill, and it had already blown down the gate with a roar.

The redness on his face faded away immediately, and he let out a heavy sigh, then he lay down on the ground filled with the smell of blood, and lost consciousness.

...Well, regardless of whether the imperial general really passed out or faked it, anyway, the remaining 5,000 imperial soldiers finally laid down their weapons, and they behaved better than the bachelors in the DL33 galaxy next door. .

Of course, this is actually quite understandable. On DL33, there was an armored grenadier and an elite stormtrooper division on Nomia, but here on Yaochi, there was only one stormtrooper brigade, and most of the soldiers were not even human.

To put it bluntly, after all, Yaochi was occupied and landed by Earth forces at the beginning, giving them the upper hand. The empire had no intention of relying on this force to capture the planet from the beginning. It just made a casual move.

The combat quality of the troops used to apply eye drops is only average. Of course, they cannot be expected to fight to the last man without fear of life and death.

Soon, the main force of the 38th Division rumbled over and began to clear the battlefield and transport prisoners of war.

"Please rest assured that there is a special area for you to live in the underground city of Yaochi. It is spacious, bright, clean and sanitary, with good ventilation conditions. You will enjoy the standard treatment and personal safety of prisoners of war, and will keep your personal belongings except for weapons and dangerous goods." Property. In addition, we will arrange for you to perform some labor and pay you." Simon explained the prisoner of war policy to the imperial soldiers who put down their weapons.

This is quite new. Although the prisoners of war did not believe it, they could not express doubts.

On the other side, Meng Jiao also said to Brigadier General Takai: "We have also disarmed the members of the Chamber of Commerce in the town, but they seem to be civilians and cannot be detained with you. However, please don't worry, we need you as hostages. Yes, I will never harm your subordinates."

"I don't doubt this at all. You are the subordinates of the Dragon of Dawn. Strictly speaking, you should be comrades-in-arms with those Sumi Liberation Rebels. You should not be as cruel as the Empire." The werewolf Brigadier smiled and said: "Just, listen to you Do you mean you are not planning to evacuate this planet?"

Meng Jiao thought for a moment and finally admitted: "Yes. The 38th Division is prepared to defend Yaochi and Marshal Li Gele."

The werewolf Brigadier sighed: "I understand, with us as hostages, we won't be afraid of the Empire's orbital bombing."

"...Well, according to our analysis, even if there are prisoners of war, the imperial fleet is very likely to carry out the bombing, and will hesitate for a few hours at most."

Brigadier General Takai thought about it carefully and found that his colleagues flying battleships in the sky might actually be able to do these things.

"However, this is a perfect Gaia planet, the most precious gem in the universe. No one can guarantee whether a large number of neutron bombs and positron rays will cause irreversible damage to the planet's perfect natural balance and climate conditions. Compared with destroying a perfect planet, the compensation for the casualties of land attack is nothing to mention." Meng Jiao added.

"To put it bluntly, this planet is our hostage!"

Brigadier General Takai felt that this was something the empire could do, and he suddenly felt a little depressed.

Meng Jiao said embarrassedly: "Haha, I didn't say this, but my boss, the Dragon of Dawn, said it when he left."

"He expected that we would go to war a year ago?" The werewolf brigadier general was shocked and looked like he wanted to worship.

"...He means that it is never too late to prepare in advance. Even if there is no war now, there will definitely be war in the future. If there is no war within ten years, there will certainly be war within thirty years. This is the general trend !”

Brigadier General Takai suddenly realized: "So that's it. This is the so-called historical materialism in "Principles of Theory"! I learned it!"

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