Him and their stars

Chapter 1325 Marshal Li Gele’s Determination

Faced with Brigadier General Schiller’s complaints, Simon Vayali expressed his emotional stability. After all, he is an elderly person, so it is completely understandable that he likes to complain.

What's more, what he said was not wrong.

You know, until the start of this operation, the 38th Division Headquarters had not received orders from the Expeditionary Fleet Headquarters or the United Seyang Xiyi side. The so-called internal and external collusion, the so-called banquet, the so-called poisoning, and the so-called shameless sneak attack were actually planned as early as a week ago.

This is actually an automatic surveillance satellite deployed on the DL127 galaxy next to Yaochi Star. In the early morning of July 30, it captured a huge and dense mass signal. Even though the unmanned detector lost contact immediately, it still sent a copy of the signal data to the expeditionary force headquarters, the Unity Fortress, and nearby manned strongholds.

It’s hard to say whether the Circle of Miracles and Unity Fortress received the signal, but Marshal Li Gele of Yaochi received the signal that day. After analysis, it was determined that this should be a fleet containing a large number of main giant ships, and it was the direction of the Miracle Ring.

Wayali sent another message to the Circle of Miracles and the Fortress of Unity, and received responses 16 hours and 50 hours later respectively.

The former probably means "This department has already prepared. You just need to stay in your position and be careful." Lieutenant General Tivington, the chief of staff, also sent an additional telegram in his own name, conveying his gratitude to Yaochi for the investigation intelligence with a very high emotional intelligence. At the same time, he also expressed euphemistically that we are in the star ring, and our strength is several times that of the enemy. The advantage lies with us. If there is an enemy attack on Yaochi, as long as the situation is safe and the people are safe, and they stand firm and wait for help, then it will be considered a complete success.

In addition, she also casually inquired about the purchasing prices of those highly nutritious agricultural products and natural rich minerals in Yaochi.

Reading this telegram, Simon seemed to see a fat sow boar drooling, and immediately felt that this association was really rude to the Chief of Staff. One thing to say, Chief of Staff Tivington is well-maintained, and she is a domineering MILF, and her makeup is enough to dazzle the unsophisticated otakus.

As for Yang Xiyi of Unity Fortress, in addition to the same official rhetoric as the fleet headquarters, he also expressed euphemistically that as a local commander, he should "calculate victory first, then calculate defeat" and "be sure to do the worst possible Most people don't understand words such as "If you plan to break it off, then break it off."

When it is cut off, it is cut off... So, Colonel Simon Vayali, the most proactive person in the youth club, suddenly felt that he had realized it.

He thought of the operation he planned with his friend Akinayama Hachiman when he was still training in Shinyumen and engaging in exercises with the Marine Corps. At that time, the 38th Division had not yet been established, and only the Lumina Factory Guard Team, the Sand People's Self-Defense Group and the local garrison had organized militia.

Then, the elite militiamen pretended to be local fellows and went straight into the Chinese army in the name of labor troops, and took over the enemy's headquarters in one fell swoop. With the cooperation of Meng Jiao, he "shot" the commander, Brigadier General Wu Sansong.

Well, Brigadier General Wu Sansong died in the Demon's Throat strategy battle. When they first heard the news, Simon and Hachiman were a little sad. May the spirit of the universe bless his soul and rest in peace.

In this way, Simon called over Meng Jiao and several reliable group leaders, all of whom had witnessed the New Yumen exercise raid incident. After everyone discussed various implementation details, they reproduced such a surprise attack plan.

Brigadier General Schiller expressed certain doubts at the time: "But doesn't this mean that we are the first to strike? Wouldn't it be the culprit that triggered the war between the two countries?"

It must be admitted that from a legal perspective, what Brigadier General Schiller said makes sense.

There was a brief silence. At this time, it was General Longba, a "theoretical" outsider, who spoke to persuade: "As you know, this day is actually unavoidable, otherwise we would not support our expansion of the city. If the Ring of Miracles did not If it is discovered, you and I may not see this day. However, the greatest discovery of this century has already been made. This is a treasure that is enough to make the dragon kings tempted. History has told us that the Galactic Empire will definitely take action first. "

Simon said: "Sir, this mass response information is enough to prove our guess. The imperial fleet may have already arrived at the Ring of Miracles."

"I understand, I understand..." Old Brigadier General Schiller became even more depressed: "But if we take action first, will we become war criminals in the future? Will we be extradited to the empire, will we be taken away? Feeding the dragon? Will he be hanged on the highest space tower in the sky? Will his head be used by the emperor to make a wine vessel?"

"So, shall we act?"

"Okay, let's take action. Can I stop you just by saying no? Anyway, it will be me, the old man, who will take the blame for you. Isn't this what old men do?" Brigadier General Schiller said in self-deprecation.

The old man kept thinking about it, but when something happened, he really got into it. For the first time, the soldiers and civilians of the 38th Division and Marshal Li in Golla had some sincere respect for this veteran who was only regarded as a transitional figure. If before, he was only regarded as a mascot by everyone, now he can be regarded as the old man of the family - respected, but still unable to manage things.

As a result, the plan called "Operation Cerberus" by General Lomba was launched, and it was a complete success. As for during the operation, our side received "The Empire has taken action" and "Chief Yang ordered to fight back" one after another. In fact, it did not affect the rhythm of the operation, it was just a matter of course.

As for why the time was just right, I can only say that it was fate, which is wonderful.

"The situation here should be reported immediately to Commander Yang of Unity Fortress and the Circle of Miracles," Simon said.

"It has been sent out a long time ago. I prepared the report myself. The paperwork of the report is very important. I don't feel comfortable teaching it to you brats." Brigadier General Schiller said.

Of course Simon knew that this was the old man's protection for him, and he was immediately grateful.

This was probably the pride of the veterans of the Revolutionary War. Even if you are not very capable, you can really do something if you have something to do!

"Now I just hope that news from the Ring of Miracles will come over quickly. There is a conclusion there. As long as the war situation remains stalemate, Yaochi under our control can become a strategic node. Supply, maintenance, and even serve as the home port of the break-up squadron. It's all okay, just hope you can get through this war like this." Brigadier General Schiller sighed.

As a veteran, he still has some strategic vision, although not much. In addition, after half a year, he really fell in love with this perfect holy land planet and this vibrant new city. Before the war started, I even considered retiring here.

He really hoped that Yaochi and Marshal Li Gele City could survive this great battle unscathed.

Simon pondered for a moment: "...Well, what if the Circle of Miracles loses?"

As soon as he said these words, he immediately began to regret it. Then, he saw with his own eyes that the old Brigadier General Schiller's face suddenly turned pale, the blood drained away, and he even broke out in a cold sweat.

"Sir, what are you doing..."

"It hurts, it hurts... Damn it, labor and management have a stomachache." Brigadier General Schiller waved his hand, clutched his stomach and walked out: "Dismissal... Forget it, come with me to Area D to have a look."

Simon said helplessly: "Since you are starting to have stomach pain, shouldn't you rest now?"

"At least we need to see the progress over there! The people from the Engineers Guild have boasted about their design, but if we don't see it completed, I won't just have a stomachache!"

On the afternoon of August 8, 833 Common Calendar, the Ring of Miracles. An imperial battlecruiser was drawing an irregular arc, cruising in the outer orbit of the galaxy.

This battlecruiser is naturally in the shape of a typical imperial spindle, with warm and smooth lines and a gorgeous and elegant shape. However, the painting uses two colors, one is a moist and bright white like jade, and the other is a blazing red like a fire. The whole ship suddenly looked coquettish.

On the bridge, the owner of the battlecruiser, Rear Admiral Yeager Soback, was holding his stomach and putting on a mask of pain.

"So, this is the first time I've heard that psychics can have stomachaches." Miss Serlu shook her head and looked at her superior, but she still thoughtfully gave him hot water and stomach medicine.

You don’t even think about it, we are being pointed at by 10,000 main cannons from the people on Earth! You guys, on the other hand, can still remain calm in this situation. You are clearly the monsters.

Although Soback thought so, he calmly took the medicine from his stomach and drank it with hot water. Then he said seriously: "If I tell you, I was not scared because of the enemy's front-line reconnaissance just now. Instead, he was using the supreme mystical method to sense the movements of his mentor, Duke Sadolan, but was frightened by the indescribable but overbearing mental fluctuations, which led to the current situation. Can you believe it?"

Viscount Serlu suddenly realized it, and immediately showed an expression of admiration again: "That's it. It's really you!"


"That's what I'm saying. This ship is just for reconnaissance in front of the enemy, and the Earth side probably doesn't know that the war has started yet. Although we entered the opponent's realm, we were not bombarded. Moreover, even if the Earthlings really fired So what? You have led us across thousands of mountains and thousands of years, so what does this little battle mean?" Miss Serlu was full of confidence.

You really believe it!

"With the performance of our new ship, the Royal Rabbit, and the abilities of Captain Pegsey, the Earthling fleet cannot catch us." Viscount Serlu has always been full of confidence in her superiors. , is also full of confidence in the new ships and new captains of our fleet.

Yes, Yeager Soback, who is now the Rear Admiral of the Imperial Navy, has officially become the admiral of the guerrilla squadron directly under the jurisdiction of King Sulyuka. The commanding battleships under his command have also been added to a battle cruiser and two light carriers. .

Under such circumstances, it would be inappropriate to continue to use the heavy cruiser Buran as the flagship.

However, he is now a major general, and he is still a "Wolf of Dawn" who is valued by the empire's high-level officials, so he has obtained a latest battlecruiser, officially named "Yu Rabbit".

This name sounds particularly auspicious and harmless, but it is actually a famous mythical beast in the classical mythology of the empire and a messenger of the Lord of the Gods.

He will appear as a lovely jade-like white rabbit, bringing good luck and good luck to kind-hearted people, and will also lovingly bestow health and happiness to good children. At the same time, He will also show his anger during battle in the form of a flaming red rabbit, setting off a sea of ​​fire that destroys evil and suppresses evil and filth.

The former is the auspicious royal rabbit.

The latter is to suppress the demon and control the rabbit.

Because he is the messenger of the Lord of the Gods, he is called Yutu for short.

Because in the myth of Tirello, he is also the patron saint of children and is very popular. It is also mutually beneficial to give Major General Soback, a young general with good roots and a bright future.

In addition, the empire has always named its secondary capital ships (battle cruisers and aircraft carriers) after various mythical beasts and angels, so there is no problem in calling them Yutu.

As for why he and his new flagship were alone in the Circle of Miracles, it was a long story.

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