Him and their stars

Chapter 135 The most famous urban legend on earth

"Count Black Moon" is one of the most famous urban legends in the entire earth and even the entire community. This is a chivalrous thief who helps those in danger and those who are in need, and acts chivalrously and righteously. He will always appear under the moon in the dark night, punishing evildoers, fighting evil, robbing the rich and giving to the poor, and making the princes proud.

This is understandable. When citizen culture develops to a certain level, similar urban legends will always appear.

However, the story of this grand robber can be spread so widely, but there is no novel, animation, game, film or television work praising his story, which is very questionable.

That's not surprising, because this urban legend is true. All the big shots in the world know it.

The "Earl of Black Moon" actually has a history of nearly five hundred years, and it appeared entirely with the empire's rule over the community. At the earliest, he (or she?) didn't have any special nickname, but he always liked to appear in black clothes, was agile and elusive, so he was nicknamed "Night Owl".

This guy is indeed a guy who has a lot of desire to act.

He once stole millions of gold dragons from the Imperial Governor's Mansion, and then rained gold coins over the downtown area of ​​the Big Apple; he also once bombed the Imperial Dreadnought docked in Hawaii, and even creatively displayed the scene of the explosion. Draw a black cat showing its middle finger proudly.

What's even more exaggerated is that in a gathering of millions of people, in front of countless onlookers and a group of guards, he cut off the head of an imperial governor who was famous for his cruelty with one sword, and then carried the bloody The heads walked away. There were nearly 10,000 guards present, as well as psychics stationed there, but they could not stop them.

The next day, the Governor's head was found nailed to the spire of the tallest building in the Big Apple, covered in ice.

...As a result, the empire's names for him ranged from "Night Owl" to "Ghost" to "Moonlight Demon". At its highest, the bounty amount reached 100 million gold dragons.

As for how this so-called "Earl of Black Moon" came about, it is even more legendary.

That was over a hundred years ago. On a whim, His Majesty the Emperor came to the earth to play.

It is said that this brilliant and invincible emperor is actually a very casual person at heart. He likes fighting, patrolling, and excitement. He also likes the culture of the earth, especially the poetry of East Asia. He especially likes the song " It takes ten steps to kill one person."

As soon as he heard that there really was such a legendary figure on the earth, His Majesty the Emperor became very interested and at the same time also suffered from chuunibyou. He took out a snow jade aurora statue of the goddess of victory that was carefully carved by the imperial sculptor's master, and announced on the spot that if The demon under the moon can steal it under his nose, and he will exempt the entire Blue Star Dominion from taxes for one year, and will also implement a more relaxed rule for the people on earth.

Of course, if the demon loses or is captured on the spot, he does not have to die, but he must serve the empire. His Majesty the Emperor has prepared the title of earl for him.

Then, this was the most legendary battle of the Rogue.

There are different opinions on the specific method, but he did take the statue of the goddess from the bedroom of the invincible Emperor, and disappeared into the night under the moonlight.

The emperor couldn't catch up, so he smiled instead of angry, and then turned into a hearty laugh, and even said "I lost!". Not only did he fully fulfill the bet, but he also ordered the Imperial Heraldry Academy to confer the title of Earl of Black Moon, and opened a special account into which earl-level annuities were paid every year.

Although no one has ever claimed it, after more than a hundred years, that account must have accumulated an astronomical figure, right?

From then on, the official gang name of this legendary thief was "Count Black Moon"! Moreover, this earl is also officially certified by the Imperial Heraldry Academy.

For the emperor, this was actually just a standard public relations stunt to show his open-mindedness and enlightenment, and it was a great success. Anyway, from now on, people on earth hate the empire, the Governor-General's Palace, and the nobility, but there are really not many people who hate the emperor and the royal family.

But on the other hand, ordinary people have indeed benefited.

The above is the story of the legendary thief "Count Black Moon", and they are all true stories.

After independence, his deeds still happened occasionally, but they were not too shocking. As for whether he is the real person or the imitator, it is really unclear.

The history of Earl Black Moon is really too long. Is he a member of those mysterious immortal races, or is he a top psyker who has gained a long lifespan? Or maybe he is not a person, but a name passed down from generation to generation?

Of course, ordinary people believe that he is actually an immortal knight and a guardian of the poor; of course, Yu Lian prefers the latter.

He had dealt with Earl Black Moon several times in his previous life. I feel that the guy's temperament is actually sad, like the dragon knight who has neither his right hand nor found a wife and can only play with birds. He is so sad, and has the temperament of the legendary hedonist and pretentious criminal. is far apart. Either he's not the same person, or he's been hit hard recently.

Overall, Earl Black Moon is indeed an anti-system element, but he is also a patriot who sympathizes with the lower class people, hates the lawless powerful, and hates foreign invaders. He is indeed worthy of the title of "Xia".

But no matter what, Yu Lian would not believe that this kind of person would collude with the underworld cult.

So, to sum up, Yu Lian feels that he deserves the truth! It should be Akinayama Hachiman and his Nine Ghost Group, who are doing a profitable but unethical business! But he was targeted by the hostile organizations Norman Gang and All Souls Unity Sect, and they were ready to take advantage of him!

However, at this time, the great partner of justice, Earl Black Moon, decided to eliminate these underworld scourges at once and bring peace to the citizens of the Big Apple City. He simply killed all three of them at once.

"Indeed, this explanation is also logical." Akinayama Hachiman nodded: "It's just that I don't remember that I have done any evil deeds that would offend that person!"

"So, what exactly is your industry?"

"It's not a big deal...Our Nine Ghosts group has enclosed a piece of land on the outskirts of the Big Apple."

"Oh, enclosure!" Real estate is actually very unethical, but it shouldn't be something that Earl Black Moon does personally, right?

"Then, factories, warehouses, worker dormitories and living quarters were built there, helping to solve the employment problem for at least a thousand people in the entire Big Apple City!"

I believe you are the one with the devil! Yu Lian's face darkened and he said, "You can't be controlling..."

"Yes, we are producing crystal capsules."

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief, and then was a little surprised: "Crystal capsule? The one from Lannoser Company? The special medicine used to treat space radiation sickness?"

After receiving a positive answer, Yu Lian sighed: "Brother Hachiman, you are actually selling fake medicine..."

"It's not a fake drug, it's a genuine high-end generic drug! Moreover, in fact, the Enosel Pharmaceutical Company of the Republic of Minlan is the pirated one. The crystal capsules of our Nine Demons Group are secret recipes passed down from generation to generation, and are much higher than the so-called genuine ones they sell. Do you know where it went? It’s just that my ancestors didn’t know much about international law, so that bastard company stole the secret recipe and registered the patent first, and sold it so expensively. Now I only sell one-fifth of their price, and the medicine is still effective. Even better, let's see if they die!" At this point, Akinayama Hachiman was already a little proud, and he pushed up his glasses expressionlessly.

"Hmph, the stupid community government can't support legal entrepreneurs like us, so we have to do it ourselves. Besides, our Nine Demons Group is different from those bastards who sell anesthetics! All we do are good deeds! "

"Young Master, if you say this, all your colleagues will be offended! Aren't the things they sell allowed by the community's laws? How can this be considered selling anesthetics? At most, it can only be called private sales..." said the big man in black.

"Yes, young master, this is to allow citizens of the community to legally smoke... ah no, legally enjoy the freedom of high-end luxury goods!" The man in the trench coat also explained seriously.

Yes, the laws of the Community allow the existence of soft drugs, but they are all exclusively sold by officially designated merchants. After all, the profit of this thing is much higher than that of steel mills and machinery factories.

"Well, I'm different from those glamorous bitches who smuggle high-end consumer goods. I only do good deeds!" Hachiman said proudly with no expression on his face.

Yu Lianze no longer knew what expression to use.

"In short, our channels have been laid out. Nephi and Tianyu are waiting to receive the goods...but so many things have happened! The Norman Party and the All Souls Unity Church are just that, even Tangtang Earl Black Moon has sent us black letters."

Yes, every time Count Black Moon does something big, he will give his target a black notice. This is what he does when it rains gold coins, he chops off the governor's head, and he steals the emperor's goddess statue!

...It’s really a hedonistic and pretentious setting full of classicism!

Akinayama Hachiman snorted: "Our plantations and crystal capsule factories have provided more than 1,000 jobs to the citizens of the Big Apple! Moreover, we have also saved the lives of countless people who cannot afford the genuine medicine of Enosel." 'Poor people! No one can seize this piece of pure land!"

Having said this, he stared at Yu Lian closely, and the behind his glasses seemed to glow again: "We are fighting to protect this piece of pure land! Fighting to protect civilians affected by diseases! Fighting to fight against cults! Fighting to fight Fight for the rich and ruthless powerful! Even if Earl Black Moon arrives in person, I will say it! So, my dearest friend of the soul, don’t be afraid! Come side by side with us!”

This kind of second chapter with a poker face and a smooth pronunciation of the stick pronunciation is even more terrifying than before!

Yu Lian finally resisted punching the other person's glasses in the center, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "However, you went to the city to visit the Sharing Foundation today, and then you were Intercepting and killing is terrifying if you think about it... Brother Hachiman!"

Akinayama Hachiman nodded. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the big man in a trench coat sitting in the passenger seat turned back and whispered: "Young Master, the situation has changed. The Sixth Master asked you to come over quickly."

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