Him and their stars

Chapter 1330: Everyone, rush to the other side of the galaxy (Part 1)

"The Free Galaxy Alliance appeals to the entire universe, please stop the war that causes pain to your loved ones and pleasure to your enemies, and cherish the hard-won peace. We have always been a responsible galactic power. We promise to the entire universe that we will do everything we can , and let peace return to our galaxy for a generation."

At the pass of the Alliance's central star sector, the orbital cargo hub of the Turanka galaxy, and on the big screen in the terminal hall, the speech of the acting commander-in-chief, Marshal Ekoca, continued.

However, in the terminal hall, most of the ordinary business travelers from all over the universe were busy with their own affairs. Those who go through formalities, those who are in a hurry, even if they are resting in place, they would rather turn on the terminal and wear headphones and glasses to catch up on TV dramas and watch the entertainment news at eight o'clock.

Living is hard enough, why can't we take some time off to have some fun? As for war, it is indeed too far away for these local residents at the core of the alliance who have not heard of war for thousands of years.

Of course, there are some people who pay attention to current affairs and still give the Acting Commander some face. For example, the two young men waiting for the flight were one of them.

"Haha, there aren't even a word or two of condemnation. This doesn't look like the words of the alliance, nor does it look like Marshal Ekoca's style. This old man was born as a soldier, but he has always had a bad temper." Qingxiu The elegant, cold-tempered human young man commented as if no one else was watching:

"No, in normal times, the alliance would definitely say that we are talking to you from the perspective of strength."

"So that's it. It seems that there is a lot of trouble in the alliance, although on the surface everything seems to be the same as before." The black and strong Lumina young man who looked like a large beetle looked at the bustling crowd around him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt the contemptuous eyes of his friends, and he couldn't help but feel happy:

"Okay, okay, we are one of those so-called troublemakers. Hahahaha, I always thought that mathematicians like you would not care about the worldly ups and downs of these political arenas."

"I really don't want to care. These are what that kid Ed said. With my memory, after he finished talking about it, he won't be able to forget it."

"The Thrift Society will be handed over to him, so you can rest assured."

"Yes, he is more reliable than you, or at least more calm than you."

"Yes, yes, this is indeed my problem, but I guess I can't change it in this life. Hahahaha~~~Brother Aragaki, I find that your speech is really getting better and better. If you are a Lumina person , I will definitely marry you."

"I'm a man. And I feel like you've said this somewhere before."

"I can't tell the difference. Hahahahaha~~~"

This four-armed giant beetle who can directly play the villain in a big-budget A-type movie without makeup is naturally the most handsome youngster of Lumina Shili Haxiang, Babalu.

Another young man who is elegant and comely but has a cold temperament is Sadaharu Aragaki, who is also the student leader of the Nephi International Student Mutual Aid Organization and the Frugal Society.

However, the latter has officially received a doctorate degree from the Department of Applied Mathematics of Ocean University, so naturally he cannot be considered a student. But the situation of the former seems a bit delicate.

"So, are you really deported?" Aragaki asked.

"We have just expelled Nephi and the Central Star Region. You can still visit other places. I have also asked the school. As long as the report and thesis are submitted on time, you can still get a degree. This is exactly what I want." Babalu didn't take it seriously, and his smile was still chic: "What about you? Go back home directly?"

"Well, Professor Zhuang and Professor Zinov have urged me several times. The People's Federation has also booked a ticket for me. The alliance's passenger ship enters from New Atlantis, where the war has not yet broken out. For the time being, It's still safe." He pondered for a moment: "I have to rush back to Earth quickly to see those bugs."

Babalu had never come into contact with those bugs, but he knew something about them, and said: "I would suggest that you move everyone to a safer place as soon as possible after you go back. I don't know if I think too much... but I always I feel like it’s not very safe over there on Earth.”

Aragaki raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and said, "Mr. Wang has already returned to China ahead of me. I will ask him to start making arrangements."

"That master from the Spiritual Research Society? Then I'll be relieved."

At this time, the announcement of "Flight NE358 direct to the earth is about to depart" was also heard in the terminal building.

"Then, take care on your journey, Davarich Aragaki." Babalu stood up.

"You too, Comrade Lao Ba. By the way, where are you planning to go?"

"Ah hahaha, I really don't know. Just take it one step at a time. Although I always know a little about reading, I still understand the principle of traveling thousands of miles. Maybe I can have the chance to meet the Mr. Tan you mentioned."

"Haha, this is indeed your style. But don't die."

"Don't worry, death does not belong to the working class!"

A fierce battle that took place deep in the dark forest finally came to an end.

The thick smoke and the smell of blood lingered in the gaps in the forest where the sun was almost invisible, and the deep sense of depression was almost nauseating. However, not long after, these palpitating auras were absorbed by an incomprehensible force and began to dissipate rapidly. It's like there is a silent and invisible air purifier, purifying all the negative atmosphere and chill here.

Asher Stein observed everything around him with a face full of surprise, but soon forced himself to relax.

He loudly greeted everyone: "Everyone, quickly check the battlefield and collect all available equipment and supplies! Right now, we only have half an hour in total."



Although they had gone through a fierce battle, the emotions of these soldiers still sounded very full, as if they could fight seven or eight more times at any time. But Ash knew that this was not a true representation. Even he, a psyker, now has thin cheeks, yellow complexion, and bloodshot eyes, let alone other ordinary people.

As the soldiers began to clean up the battlefield, he walked slowly to Taina Moen's side.

The former reporter of "Pioneer News" has lost a lot of weight. How can she still look like a pampered young lady?

However, at this time, Ash had no time to feel distressed anymore and whispered: "This is not a long-term solution. The strange natural spirituality of this dense forest will quickly break down the battle remnants and our scent, hiding our whereabouts. However, come here to encircle and suppress us." There will only be more and more enemies, and it will only become more and more difficult for everyone. In the past two weeks, we have only experienced five battles in total. But this week is only halfway through, and we have fought three times. You You know, the fact that everyone can persist until now is actually due to the influence of psychic energy."

Taina Moen, who was looking at the map, put down the terminal and nodded slightly: "I also know that everyone can continue to fight because it is actually affected by your aura. The enemy really did not expect that you, a 'ranger', can use it." Throne' and 'Guardian' aura abilities."

"It's not my ability, it's his." Ya Xiu took out the antique cigarette rod he got from the ruins of the Enlightened One in New Jade Gate, took a strong puff, and his whole spirit suddenly lifted. Blood suddenly appeared on his scorched face.

"You look like a moon candy addict now, and you are hopeless." Taina giggled.

"You can remove the 'image'. This is much more serious than moon candy. No matter how mysterious the Enlightenment's Noble Phantasm is, it is not used in this way. This is an iron rule of mysticism... Haha, what an extravagant iron rule, I The day I woke up, I never imagined that I would need to consider this kind of problem one day. Just like a pauper who never thought that one day he would need to consider how to repay a bank loan worth billions. Kuye, why am I so bitter? .I am just a harmless person!"

Ash wailed a few times, but because he didn't, he managed a smile: "However, I never thought before that I might die like a hero."

"You can't die yet." Taina interrupted the other party directly, and then opened the map. This is a detailed map of the Great Dark Forest that Ash has never seen before.

"We are almost passing through the Misty Mountains. After passing here and going north along this route, we can find the entrance to an underground ruins in up to three days. There are ruins from the royal government era, protected by the power of the ancient kings. Avoid all detection.”

"Relics of ancient kings?"

"Yes, before the Age of Interstellar Discovery, when the Ainol family was the overlord of the northern ice sheet, the Timasi family ruled the vast plains in the south, and the Berenkeist family dominated the sky and oceans in the ancient times, that ruin existed. . However, it is not under the management of the alliance government, and we don’t even know it exists there.”

"You take all the women, children, wounded, and most of the soldiers along this road. The Kuangkuo Underground Palace in the ruins can protect you and give you a chance to rest temporarily."

"Me? You?"

"Listen to me first! If you continue along the ruins, you can enter the ice sea. Zhuoquan Company has a private airport there. Give them cash, and an experienced captain will take you anywhere in a legal way."

But where can we go now? Ash just felt at a loss. However, what confused him even more was the hidden meaning in the other party's words: "I'm asking, why you?"

"I will take 100 strong volunteers and go south with great fanfare, along the Ailu River. As long as we pass through the big forest all the way, we will be very close to the Gem Coast. Hahaha, 100 people from the pile of dead people What will happen to the Avengers who crawl out of the cave and enter the prosperous Gem Coast? You can even imagine it with your knees, right? As long as the eagle talons of the imperial court are not stupid, they will definitely pursue us with all their strength."

"But, you..."

"Shut up, Ash, I am the leader of the Sons of Loha now, you have to listen to me!"

I, I am not a son of Lohar, I am still a guerrilla. Ash wanted to say this, but he couldn't say it at all.

Taina Moen then showed a decisive and firm expression: "We have to continue to fight, but I actually don't know what to do. I just know that we can't recklessly start an uprising at the core of the enemy's strongest strength. I I don’t know how to get there, or even how to find it, because I am a member of the Moen family and should be their enemy. But, Ash, you are the same person as them, and you might be able to find me. Sorry. I'm... I'm hurting you, I just asked you to be a bodyguard."

Having said this, Taina Moen smiled sweetly, gently held Ash's face, and kissed him gently on the lips: "What you just received was a small deposit. Don't worry, I am still a Moen family no matter what." Where is the person? Even if I am really captured, there will be a lawyer from the reinforced company to exonerate me. Yes, we will definitely meet one day! The remaining balance will be continued when we meet again .”

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