Him and their stars

Chapter 1333 Civilization guides the nature of AI’s work

Although his mood was inevitably depressed and he didn't want to eat ice cream at all, Yu Lian still forced himself to calm down. He ordered Rozez to notify all senior officers of the meeting, but he followed the original plan and ordered a large vat of vanilla and strawberry mixed ice cream.

There is no way, as a mature adult, the more you don’t want to eat, the more you have to eat. This is to prevent the stomach and intestines from being controlled by negative emotions. And the more tense the situation is, the more you need to think calmly. Sufficient blood sugar may help you think... This statement has no scientific basis, especially for psychics, but occasionally a sense of ritual is needed.

After the service robot delivered the ice cream, Yu Lian took a big bite, letting the calorie bomb mixed with sugar and oil spread through his taste buds along with the cold texture. He watched the service robot leave with a cheerful voice, and couldn't help but call out the voice of another robot: "Hui Hui, you should have known this in advance, right?"

The ancient civilization-guided intelligent AI nano-cluster has basically disappeared since boarding the Fuxi, but occasionally it would suddenly pop out when I was sleeping to startle me. Of course, there are also officers and soldiers on the ship who secretly discuss strange rumors such as the "Elf of the Ship" and the "Phantom of the Valkyrie". If things continue like this, it is estimated that in a few decades, a long-lasting cosmic urban legend will be developed, right?

However, Yu Lian knew that she was everywhere. Her eyes and ears are everywhere on this ship, too.

Sure enough, as soon as she opened her mouth, Miss Gray had already grown out of the floor next to her like a mushroom. She is still the same, with perfect statuesque beauty that is flawless from her facial features to her hair to her figure. However, this time she put on a pair of thick suspender jeans, a shirt, a tool bag on her waist, and a peaked cap on her head.

Such a particularly working-class appearance immediately adds a lot of fireworks and human flavor to this perfect and aloof divine beauty.

Of course, as she first appeared, there were hundreds of petty officers on duty on the bridge, but none of them noticed that there was an extra person next to the commander's seat.

...But then again, is this girl addicted to cosplaying recently? Why does your appearance look different every time you appear?

"You are getting more and more presumptuous. Who allows you to call me that?" Miss Gray put one hand on her hips and waved a hammer with the other, and said angrily: "Also, this queen is thinking about this ship. Maybe we can come up with some upgrade plan for that neutrino engine. Don’t disturb this Queen’s job!”

"Well, isn't your job a civilized guide?"

"That's right, starting from the technical basis you have developed yourself, designing a technical upgrade plan that you can understand and implement, and then teaching it to you, isn't this civilized guidance?"

"Thank you for your kindness! I will do my best in the next life." Yu Lian sincerely thanked the other party, but then said: "So, Hui Hui, you should have received the news from the Dawn Star Territory? We The main force of the expedition fleet was completely destroyed.”

"Got it."


"About thirty-six hours earlier than you." Xiao Hui shrugged.

"A day and a half early?" Yu Lian suddenly showed an expression of disbelief: "This is nothing like my omniscient, omnipotent and kind-hearted Hui Hui."

Miss Robot said angrily: "Wow, what an insincere compliment! Also, don't call me Huihui! Gray Queen, Gray Lady, even Gray Sister if you can't."

"Okay Hui Hui, no problem Hui Hui."

Xiao Hui rolled his eyes angrily: "This girl can indeed leave some of my clones as surveillance in the galaxy you call the Ring of Miracles. However, in my opinion, all the heritage in that star field is You have found it. As a civilization-guiding AI, why do I need to leave clones somewhere? Although I have as many clones as cells, in your civilized era that has not even climbed out of the baby basket, there are no It can be regenerated. It is still very precious. I must use my precious power in more important places!"

"Really? Is it really all the inheritance?" Yu Lian still felt. There is absolutely no one in this generation who understands Xiao Hui better than herself. This girl must mean what she says.

"At least based on the area you have demarcated in the Dawn Star Territory, this is indeed the case." Xiao Hui blinked his eyes, chuckled, and then blocked his mouth with a hammer: "I also know what you want to ask. , but little brother Yu Lian, this is still prohibited."

She then showed a rather unhappy expression: "Moreover, after all, we are already in this era. The forbidden network based on the forbidden theory and the hyperspace communication based on the forbidden ability have actually been annihilated in the long river of time. Even me, once I cross two galaxies, my ability to process information is very limited. Even here in the Milky Way, Sister Cinderella, I can only keep my hearing and eyesight by invading the source wave terminal. A little bit.”

Yu Lian couldn't believe it. Xiao Hui’s settings are there. This erroneous robot lady can make mysteries, tell riddles, and play word games, but she really can't lie.

"What's more, what does the conflict of civilizations in this era have to do with the leaders of the previous generation? Even if I really know, I am too lazy to tell you." Miss Robot said matter-of-factly: "Okay, you can go there yourself While you are busy with your worldly duties, I am going to continue studying this new ship."

Does this girl really think that the Fuxi is her own?

"In addition, I know you are very unhappy now and want to find fault, but after all, it is an intelligent civilization-guiding machine AI, and it is not professional to comfort people. Although my sister has also integrated the mechanism of the universal service AI, but I have to unlock the module. But there are some prohibitions and prohibitions that need to be achieved, as well as necessary triggering events.”

"A necessary trigger event? What kind of love simulation is this?"

Yu Liang just said this, but Xiao Hui had already waved his hand and disappeared into the wall without any explanation, still like an elusive Ah Piao.

But I have to admit that after complaining to this Riddler robot, Yu Lian found that his mood was actually a little more stable.

Fifteen minutes later, all the fleet executives, Chief of Staff Commodore Mkawa and the chief staff officers below, Commodore Tovey, the captain of the Fuxi, and Vice Admiral Kuransov, the deputy commander of the fleet who was sitting on the Zeus (online) , plus the captains (online) of the other three God-class ships, as well as Yu Lian, the (si) division (ling) chief (guan) of the combat department of the military headquarters, and his temporary adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Zeshi, are all here. Concentrated in the conference room.

...Hmm, it seems like someone is missing? But that's not important.

Then, when Luo Zeshi told the bad news, Yu Lian felt the low pressure in the conference room with his naked eyes. He even clearly saw that Lieutenant General Kuransov on the opposite side had put on a mask of pain.

Speaking of which, this man with a tough face seems to have an old problem with stomachache, right? It was really hard work.

Of course Luo Zeshi was in a very low mood. However, as an elite young officer who paid great attention to character and integrity, he decided to stay calm as much as possible and try to explain the battle situation in an objective and clear way.

Of course, not all the news received from the New World was bad. However, classmate Chester Rozez is a pragmatic person after all, and decided to tell the worst news first.

"It is now basically confirmed that the Battle of the Ring of Miracles broke out on August 8, at 14:25 Galaxy Standard Time. And at 15:30, the Imperial Astral Knights rode a dragon and boarded the Independence. At 15:40 When they were separated, the Independence was brought into range by the main guns of the Dawn Angel and the Vulcan and completely locked. At the same time, the landed Astral Knights also stormed the bridge with overwhelming force. The Blue Guard guarding the bridge All the members were killed in the battle, and the defense was immediately lost. After Admiral Conneris issued the order to the entire fleet to break out, he immediately swallowed his gun and committed suicide. At 15:47, the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Tivington, ordered surrender again, and the battle It was declared over immediately.”

"It's only 1 hour and 22 minutes in total, right?" Lieutenant General Kuransov held his stomach and wore a mask of pain, and screamed out through his teeth: "I went to the Gold Club and ordered a dozen girls, they are worse than this Hold on long!”

Yu Lian was immediately in awe. Lieutenant General Kuransov was estimated to be in his sixties, and he also had a stomachache. This kind of old man still has such fighting ability, even if most of the part is blowing, he should be very admirable.

But then again, is there really no problem for senior military officers to go to the gold club?

Chief of Staff Mkawa coughed hard, and then said:

"But how did the empire's battleships and dragon knights include the Independence within the attack range in the first hour of the war? Although the main force of the expedition fleet was gradually withdrawing back to the country, not a single dreadnought ship left. Until now , there are eight dreadnoughts in the Circle of Miracles, right?”

"Five of the eight dreadnoughts were sunk, two including the Independence were captured, and the remaining one, the Liberty Flag, was seriously injured and escaped, and its current whereabouts are unknown."

"Captured? How can it be captured? Any warship can be captured, but this Independence cannot be captured! That woman, that woman! That sow boar!" Kuransov said in the middle Jiang must have just taken medicine and has regained his energy. He gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to tear "that woman's" throat to shreds.

Everyone knows that "that woman" should refer to Chief of Staff Tivington.

Of course, Yu Lian wanted to stuff a kilogram of antimatter material into the belly of the MILF chief of staff, tie it to a space bubble torpedo, and launch it all the way into the black hole. However, it is useless to talk about this now.

"...should there be fourteen more battlecruisers?"

"A total of nine ships were sunk, three were captured, and one was seriously injured and its whereabouts are unknown. The remaining Chimera had already fled to Yaochi, and finally established a relationship with the temporary headquarters of the expeditionary force in Unity Fort. In fact, the current battle report is also compiled by the staff team on the Chimera."

"..." Chief of Staff Mkawa pinched his man hard and asked in a deep voice: "As far as I know, the Expeditionary Fleet Headquarters is not defenseless against the empire's sneak attack. This is also the main force of the fleet and the dreadnoughts. One of the reasons why they have never withdrawn from the Circle of Miracles. That mother wild... that Tivington... ah no, that lady chief of staff still formulated a complete formation named 'Two-Headed Dragon'. I see After that, there are still some rules, and the defensive counterattack should be somewhat efficient. If the war develops in the most optimistic way, it may be possible to completely annihilate the enemy."

"Yes! If it is the most optimistic trend, it is indeed possible, but the so-called most optimistic situation has never happened in reality. But I have never thought that what happened in reality is actually the most pessimistic one. Situation." Lieutenant General Kuransov also sighed heavily, gritted his teeth and said:

"Lieutenant Colonel Rozer, do you have a more specific battle report? With Commander Connery's virtue...well, calmness, it is impossible for the flagship to be in front of the battle. The Independence must be located on the body of the two-headed dragon, that is, In the central cluster. I still can't figure out why it was penetrated in one hour and twenty-two minutes? Why didn't the two heads of the two-headed dragon and the fast strike fleet with the fourteen battle cruisers as the core execute an outflank? Task?"

Even an elite officer like Luo Zeshi couldn't answer for a while. As everyone knows, the current battle report was compiled and sent by the Chimera battle patrol who barely escaped from the Ring of Miracles. Maybe they themselves are in a state of confusion, and naturally there are many ambiguities and even contradictions.

Maybe, if you want to see the detailed battle report, you have to wait for the announcement from the empire.

"The battle report only stated that the phalanx of protective ships that served as the frontline protection of the central cluster collapsed within 5 minutes. The two latest Imperial Titan ships, the Angel of Dawn and the Vulcan, showed firepower that defied common sense. and protective capabilities, covering four dragon ship motherships of the Astral Knights as assault arrows, and penetrated our defense line in the shortest time. According to the battle report, within 25 minutes of the start of the battle, the Chimera was unable to contact the Independence The command headquarters has been reached, and it is even impossible to contact Vice Admiral Picard on the Liberty Flag and Vice Admiral Seyo on the Ring of Miracles. The entire fleet is in the embarrassing situation of fighting on its own."

"Perhaps the empire has adopted some newer communication jamming technology?" Chief of Staff Mkawa hesitated.

"So, we still don't know the situation on the Miracle Ring? There are five Marine divisions, more than 70,000 people, and nearly 30,000 inspection and engineering teams." Lieutenant General Kuransov frowned. Locked, worried.

"...Yes, they are already alone." Luo Zeshi said helplessly.

As a result, the low air pressure in the conference room suddenly became so heavy that it could scare children into tears.

Yu Lian felt that he still had an obligation to ease the atmosphere, so he pretended to be relaxed and said: "The imperial army should not rashly bomb the Ring of Miracles. The continents on the ring can also be farmed and produced. These 100,000 The situation of the main army may be better than that of the main force of the fleet.”

Everyone thought this was reasonable, but in fact they did not receive much comfort.

Yu Lian added: "Okay, everyone should think so. At the beginning of the year, in addition to the eight independence-class ships, the expedition fleet also maintained as many as twenty-two battlecruisers in the Dawn Star Territory, and the total force exceeded 1,200 ships. After the signing of the "Mugubai Agreement", eight battle patrols were withdrawn in the past six months, and the force dropped to 845 ships. At least, they did not all die in the Circle of Miracles. From this perspective, This peace agreement is not completely meaningless."

So, out of basic respect for His Excellency the (acting) Commander, everyone finally forced a smile.

Yu Lian continued: "I guess this matter will no longer be a secret soon. Please be prepared to appease all the soldiers after you go back."

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