Him and their stars

Chapter 1349 How could the people deserve it?

You must know that the Three Kingdoms United Fleet has already assembled a force equivalent to 1.5 times the outer ring fleet at the Blood Gate. Before the four God-class ships returned home, the dreadnoughts were 9 versus 4.

...Of course, now it’s 9 versus 8. However, the good news is that the main force of the empire has not arrived yet. They probably didn't expect that they would lose six dreadnoughts on the high seas. Even with the empire's capabilities, it would take some time to deploy troops and generals.

After Yu Lian thought for a moment, he said seriously: "So, two officers, we must take advantage of the fact that the main force of the empire has not arrived to defeat these massive Imperial Alliance troops first! This week, maybe, This is the last window.”

Lieutenant General Sylvester took off his military cap and shrank back on the chair, as if he was a little uncomfortable with Yu Lian's rhythm.

Admiral Bonaparte's eyes lit up, probably because he felt that these words were particularly in line with his own taste.

However, after a moment of joy, he still said worriedly: "I have also considered this issue. Before your fleet arrives, the result of my discussion with Vice Admiral Sylvester is to first consider relieving the crisis on Nantianmen. , and then let’s talk about the far shore. But you should have read the battle reports from the past few days, right?”

Yu Lian nodded: "This time, they acted very smart."

The combined fleets of the three countries gathered at the Blood Gate clearly had a strength advantage, but they did not attack Gibraltar with all their forces. Instead, they took turns sending some medium-sized fleets to conduct exploratory attacks. If the strength of the community fleet they encounter is equal to or smaller than theirs, they will come over to start a battle; but once they are superfluous, they will immediately flee and retreat all the way to the Blood Gate.

This is a very typical tactic of exhausting the enemy.

Admiral Bonaparte certainly considered killing him himself. However, after all, the Blood Gate Galaxy has also been a military fortress operated by the Cathay cats for a long time, with groups of unmanned turret battle lines and fortresses.

The strength of the outer fleet fleet is already inferior to that of the opponent, so taking the initiative to attack would be a disaster.

Yu Lian calculated: "If it is a joint fleet of the three countries, the people in charge should be the Cathay people, right?"

Admiral Bonaparte smiled and said: "There are at least a hundred kings prostrate under the throne of the void, but Catai's Elvis is indeed one of the most favored."

This is not because the empire's vassal states are divided into three levels, but simply because the Cathay cats are the best at fighting.

Although they are brave and foolhardy, they are so reckless! Although they like to get carried away, they are really reckless! Although they often overturn the car, they are really reckless!

Precisely because they are reckless and stubborn, Dad Empire still loves them. Therefore, after the Battle of the West End System, the Cathayans had obviously lost all their battleships and one-third of their national defense force, but they were still forced to milk them by their father.

They even have 6 corona-class ships, and their performance is still higher than the old independence of the Blue Star Community.

Of course, the current treasury of Cathay's big cats is so poor that it can starve a mouse to death. The citizens even pawn cat tails, and the whole country is saddled with a debt that took 100 years to pay off. But for these loyal and brave giant cat warriors, Say, this is a price you can pay!

Admiral Bonaparte added: "If those Angel-class battle cruisers were still there, I would have thought that the command of the fleets of the three countries had been taken over by the empire. But now, there are only arsenal ships and guard ships left in the Blood Gate Galaxy. Yes, it’s quite worth pondering. Yes, I think that the command of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces is indeed in the hands of the Kaitai people now. "

After all, the Blood Gate is the territory of the Cathay Cats, and the Cathay Cats fleet is also the largest among the coalition forces. Moreover, compared to the Bakvi Birdman, who is better at shipping business, and the Ammons Monkey, which is more suitable for mechanical labor in factories, the Catai Big Cat is indeed the best at fighting.

"However, being so flexible and strategically determined is not like the style of the Kaitai people." Yu Lian thought: "Perhaps they are just executing the battle plan prepared by the empire? They just keep pestering and harassing them. , and delayed until we were completely exhausted. Once the imperial commanders arrived, they could bring their main force, which was recharged, and these Imperial Alliance troops to overwhelm us with overwhelming force."

"This is what troubles me." General Bonaparte said with a bitter smile: "To keep guarding is to commit suicide slowly. To take the initiative is to die."

"Perhaps what the imperial devils want is to make us suffer like this. We can't wait any longer now."

"... Even with the addition of your four main god-class ships, our combat power is only the same as that of the Three Kingdoms United Fleet of the Blood Gate. If we take the initiative to attack, we will have an inherent tactical disadvantage. Once the losses are too great and we cannot win, We can still only retreat to Nantianmen. But at that time, if the main force of the empire comes, how can we resist it?" Lieutenant General Sylvester couldn't help but ask.

More importantly, if the outer ring fleet really collapses, who will save me? This is probably what he wanted to say.

"However, according to the current development, it will be difficult to resist the main force of the empire once it arrives." Yu Liandao.

Lieutenant General Sylvester wanted to repeat the Chairman's words. As long as we hold on firmly, there will be a way. But he himself didn't know it, so how could he expect others to accept it?

"If we want to take the initiative, we must have an executable attack plan that takes into account all aspects of the situation." Admiral Bonaparte said.

"So, I have a plan! Attack!" Yu Lianda said.

The two generals were speechless for a moment and immediately fell into silence.

"First, use all your strength to defeat the fleets of the Three Kingdoms in the Blood Gate Galaxy, demolish the Blood Gate Fortress, and lift the siege of Nantian Gate. Then, we will then cross the far coast along the mountain-sea channel and defeat the Bakvi Bird Man and the Enbu Mole."


"I've done the math. It takes a month for the main fleet of the empire to get from Wanwang Pass to Nantianmen, and at least three weeks to get to Saide. And from Nantianmen to the far shore, it only takes about ten days at the fastest. Voyage. Therefore, Commander Bonaparte, I hope to gather a group of mobile high-speed fleets to seize this time difference."

Well, this sounds quite simple. Of course, putting the elephant in the refrigerator is also very simple, and only requires three steps.

Perhaps because it was too simple, the two generals couldn't fault it for a while, so they remained silent for nearly half a minute. Finally, Admiral Bonaparte spoke slowly, his voice inexplicably dry: "Gu, what are the specifics?"

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and said, "I wonder if the two officers have read the battle report of the Grand Duke Sea Star Territory."

Admiral Bonaparte began to think.

Lieutenant General Sylvester blushed, probably a little angry.

However, just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Yu Lian, "Also, Commander Sylvester, before the war, did you pay attention to the exercises of your Bazan Squadron and the New China Guard Fleet? And the Leviathan incident that happened in the Tianshu star system in the New Shenzhou star area at the beginning of this year?"

Lieutenant General Sylvester glanced at Yu Lian doubtfully. Of course, he had carefully reviewed the whole story of the Leviathan incident in the Tianshu System. After all, his Bazan Squadron was also one of the participating parties. However, disasters like this kind of star-studded space Leviathan, although rare, are not so rare as to be a spectacle in the entire galaxy. In the past, they were treated as natural disasters in space.

Immediately afterwards, there was the discovery of the Miracle Ring. The situation suddenly became tense, then suddenly relaxed, and then suddenly exploded. His attention was completely diverted by these overwhelming situations, and naturally he could not devote too much attention to "natural disasters".

Admiral Bonaparte frowned and fell into thought.

At this time, the small meeting in the outer ring war zone was also interrupted by the adjutant's report. They reported that a transport fleet was carrying a batch of military supplies through the mountain and sea channels and arrived at Nantianmen.

"Mountain and Sea Channel? Are you coming from New China?"

"...To be precise, Rumina left New China first, and then came here."

Admiral Bonaparte finally thought of something, his eyes lit up, but he was frightened by his imagination, opened his mouth slightly, but said nothing for a while.

He looked at Yu Lian with complicated eyes, a bit of breathtaking respect, but more like he was looking at an uncontrollable madman.

"You know, in fact, with your reputation in the outer ring fleet, even if you really use all your troops to attack the Blood Gate, everyone is completely willing."

Yu Lian nodded: "Yes. That's why I can't betray everyone's trust."

In the Kingdom of Katai and the Blood Gate Galaxy, a military meeting at the highest level of the coalition is also in progress.

The Kyeyang colonel from the Imperial Military Intelligence Agency stood straight like a robot and reported in a professional and stern tone: "The latest news was an hour ago, that is, August 30, 833. At 17:28, the four Lord God-class dreadnoughts of the Blue Star Community and their special fleet have arrived at Nantianmen."

He paused and then said: "In addition, our intelligence department has determined that the Blue Star Community has established a theater system. The first line of defense of the community we face is the outer ring theater. By Joseph Bonaparte Lieutenant General William Sylvester and Lieutenant General Yu Lian will serve as deputy commanders respectively."

The big crimson-haired cat sitting in the main seat wearing the uniform of Marshal Kaitai, when he heard the name "Yulian", the muscles on his face jumped uncontrollably, and he directly moved his scarlet hair. The red blood mane twitched.

Probably because the hair on his body was too thick, it was only a very subtle tremble, but it was very conspicuous.

So, everyone looked in this direction, as if they saw a wildfire starting to dance.

The old human sitting directly opposite saw this scene, his expression was stern, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "His Royal Highness Charon Mane, with our current strength, we cannot push back the outer ring fleet relying on the Gibraltar Fortress. What's more, , they also added four God-class ships. The combat effectiveness of this new type of dreadnought has been fully demonstrated through the battle on the high seas."

The Cathay general known as "His Royal Highness Charon Mane" let out a gritted teeth sigh. When he spoke, his tone was completely calm: "I understand, Heronqi. Earl. With those four main gods, the people of the earth are in full swing. If they go to war rashly, the outcome will be unpredictable, and it will also undermine the empire's overall strategy. Don't worry, Your Excellency, the little king is not talented, but he is also willing to serve the Holy Galactic Empire I have devoted all my blood to our hegemony. No one understands my position better than me."

His words seemed very sincere and even gentle, hardly like a typical Cathay man.

"Moreover, even if we are less than the main god level, we do not have the ability to conduct a full-scale attack for the time being. Although the Three Kingdoms United Fleet has a large number of troops, its training is limited, the performance of the ships is uneven, and it lacks the tacit understanding developed in long-term operations." His Highness Charon He glanced at the friendly generals present: "Sorry, everyone, please forgive me. Until now, our fleet has not been able to conduct mixed operations. Once the scale of the battlefield spreads, everyone can only focus on their own affairs. In the same situation With the same military strength and the same ship performance, we can never be the opponent of the outer ring fleet."

The Bakwe and Embu people present nodded solemnly in agreement.

Count Heronqi looked at the other party deeply, hiding his doubts in his sight.

Through this period of getting along with each other, the old earl certainly already knew that Prince Charon Mane was not a typical Cathay man. But every time I see this guy analyzing problems like a highly educated human elite, I feel extremely strange. It feels like seeing a fat cat cursing on the keyboard.

The Cathays are a manic, angry, vengeful and reckless fighting race. Of course, the crown prince of Cathay also has this side. More than once he loudly reprimanded a general in front of ordinary soldiers, and more than once he shot a senior officer to death on the spot. However, when he really needed to use his brain, he always remained rational and pragmatic.

This time seems to be no exception.

However, Count Heronqi still remembered: This Crown Prince of Kaitai should have a life-and-death feud with Yu Lian who had just arrived at Nantianmen, right?

When Prince Charon launched the Battle of the West End System with high spirits and wanted to seize the Nantianmen in one fell swoop, he was beaten to death by the Outer Rim Fleet. Among them, the most ruthless one was Yu Lian, who had not yet become famous at that time.

The Dragon of Dawn, who was "roughly born out of the cottage", rushed directly to the Cathay people's flagship, forced to kill Charon Orangmane's most trusted staff officer and guard captain, and almost drove away his crown prince. Bit.

"Furthermore, strictly speaking, the community's Dragon of Dawn and I have no personal grudges. It's a thing of the past. Now, we are all fighting for our own righteousness, but we must not let anything get in the way because of recklessness and arrogance!"

These words may sound selfless, but they should not come from the mouth of a notorious Crown Prince of Cathay. What is the difference between this and the Hexagram Sect’s claim that all four peoples are equal and racially inclusive?

Even though he has maintained this persona for a whole month, the foreign generals present still find it very novel.

Of course, all the Catai cats present nodded their heads and took orders, as if they had become well-behaved and obedient primary school students.

This is no longer a typical issue, but it is clearly against the nature of the race, right? Count Hronchi thought.

Could it be that I pushed too hard? The old earl couldn't help but feel a flash of pity in his heart when he looked at the sworn Charon Mane. Of course he knew how powerful he, the knight commander of the Astral Knights, was in intimidating the generals of these vassal states.

He suddenly felt that as the chief military adviser of the Galactic Empire stationed in the United Fleet, his main job was to prevent the empire's overall strategic direction from being affected, rather than to force the subordinate countries to obey according to their heads.

Therefore, as long as it does not affect the overall strategy, the frontline commanders of these dependent countries should still be allowed to give full play to their subjective initiative.

Sure enough, when doing diplomatic work, we still need to pay attention to methods.

"Your Highness, you are the commander of this fleet until Marshal Este arrives. As long as you make various response plans and keep enough reserves, I will not organize your actions. The Grand Marshal's Mansion and Este The marshal won't mind either. If you capture Nantianmen before the main force of the empire arrives, we will only congratulate you, and His Majesty the Emperor will definitely award you with a medal in person."

"Well, how can the little king have the right to meet His Majesty!" Charon Mane quickly stood up, put his hand on his chest, and bowed in the direction of Tianyu with fear, and then said: "I am just the hegemon of the empire. He is a loyal hunting cat who pounces wherever he is needed, but he usually does not dare to waste the power given by the empire."

Well, this guy not only looks like a professional human military officer, but also a professional human politician. Count Hronchi thought.

At this time, I saw the other party hesitated for a moment, his eyes evasive, and the mane on his face was twitching, as if every hair was brewing with the miserable emotion of being weak, helpless, and humble.

Then, the Kaitai Crown Prince seemed to have finally made up his mind and said cautiously: "Speaking of which, Earl... Xiao Wang has drafted a statement about some emergency assistance. Can you help me review it? Xiao Wang He is just a crude martial artist with no culture, and he does not know whether some of the wording conforms to the format and etiquette standards."

In the astonished gaze of Count Heronqi, the big Cathay man, who was a full head taller than him, rubbed his hands again, like a pitiful beggar fleeing into the city, with a desolate and sad expression on his face. look.

"To be honest, if the empire doesn't take action, famine will really break out in the Kingdom of Cathay. Your Excellency, why should the people of Cathay deserve it, and why should the people of Terrabi deserve it?"

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