Him and their stars

Chapter 137 How superficial

Since we agreed that we were going to "negotiate", it was natural to be polite first. As for whether to retreat or not, it depends on the outcome of the negotiations. In this regard, the underworld is actually more particular than the national government.

A few minutes later, a luxury car drove into the factory. It was the Duke of Tiebula produced by the Alliance. It has superior performance, luxurious interior, complete functions, and a noble appearance that is a bit exaggerated. Really tasteful big shots will not use it, but it is especially suitable for the nouveau riche and the underworld.

In addition, like most limousines, this vehicle can also carry military armor and shields. Apparently that's what this car is like now.

Then, two men with tough temperaments got out of the car. At first glance, they looked like two men with red sticks. Then a man in a white suit got out. He looked like he was in his early thirties. His appearance and temperament both looked elegant and elite. He felt relaxed. You won’t show any shyness in Nephi’s CBD.

Of course, generally speaking, guys who don't wear white suits at weddings are usually sluts who don't have much talent and are gentle scum. This guy must be one of them.

"I have never seen these two people..." Uncle Six lowered his voice and said, "Maybe they are the people from the Spiritual Cult! There is no need to talk about moral principles with such people, let's deal with them all first!"

"Let them talk, but we can't be at fault!" Hachiman said.

Well, a gang of gangsters is really very particular. Yu Lian thought.

The man in the white suit looked at Akinayama Hachiman. He seemed a little surprised, but he still smiled: "Haha, Mr. Akinayama Hachiman, it makes me... happy to see you so tough!"

Yu Lian glanced at the face of the man in the suit, then looked at the two double bonus sticks, and decided that it would be better to be a quiet and beautiful man at this time.

"I have always been tough. However, the gentleman I met in the city before who was unwilling to expose himself is not so tough." Akinayama Hachiman said while pushing up his glasses.

The other party's expression didn't change much, maybe he just hid it well. Then, Hachiman said again: "Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Holos. I hope you have brought goodwill this time."

"We always bring good intentions! It's just... you and your elders always don't believe this, thinking that I am a robber who comes to your door. In fact, with the joining of our Norman gang, business can be done In the long run." The white suit shrugged: "Out of sincerity, I have asked all the subordinates who came with me to stay outside the door, and..."

He raised his hand, turned off the terminal in front of everyone, and said in the tone of a senior businessman: "Now, we can have a quiet talk. Again, our Norman Gang, and Our friends only account for 60% of the total. To this end, we are willing to use 500 million Xinxing as share capital."

Seeing that Hachiman still had no reaction, he did not interrupt him, so he continued: "Don't worry, it's just this factory that we want to invest in. We don't mean to be greedy and monopolize your ancestral secret recipe. After all, we are now They are all serious businessmen!”

"...Ha, are you a businessman?" Akinayama Hachiman looked at the two handsomely dressed men with straight faces, and asked,

"Legal religion satisfies people's spiritual sustenance, and it is also a way to explore the truth left to us by the spirit of the universe. Remember, spiritual religion is a legal religion approved by the community! But it is legal religion that needs funds Well! Asking believers to donate money is exactly what a cult does!" said the white suit seriously.

The two big men showed proud expressions, as if we were following the true God.

"Fifty million is certainly not a big amount. But in addition, what you will gain include hundreds of millions of followers of the Spiritual Religion and the friendship of the Norman Gang! Of course, there are also sales in the more distant Krul Star Territory Channels! We can continue to expand production and expand our crystal capsules and other goods to the world!"

"You just said it wasn't just the crystal capsule, but something else?"

"You have an excellent factory management team and experience. If you just produce some generic drugs, it would be a waste of resources. It just so happens that we also have such a formula in hand, which is also one of the principals of our investment." His His smile is full of affinity, and his words are full of enthusiasm and fascination. He is exactly like an elite account manager in the financial circle.

"We are all black people with dreams... uh, vibrant social groups, why should we fight endlessly only on the earth, in this small pond of community? Look at the other side of the sky, look at the end of the sea of ​​stars! We Join hands, why can't we march into the underground world of the entire universe? We have such strength! Human beings are the most noble race in the world. Human beings should not only rule the bright world, but also the underground world! The underworld of this universe has been ruled by those disgusting fat slugs for too long, don’t you think so?”

"Yes, it sounds pretty good." Qiu Mingshan said expressionlessly.

Yu Lian simply pulled up his hood to cover his head and face, retreated into the crowd, and calmly opened his terminal.

"Then..." Mr. Holos, in the white suit over there, showed a pleased expression.

"But, I still have to express my refusal!" Akinayama Hachiman said coldly.

"I'm already past the age of second grade. The idea of ​​unifying the underground world sounds like the plot of a third-rate black manga for teenagers! Not many readers will read it these days!"

This time, not only Horos in the white suit, but also the two double-bonus sticks showed quite ugly expressions.

"In addition, we are just a gangster, a gray group of people who exist because the world is not perfect. A truly efficient and powerful society has no room for us. So, please be sure to correct your identity! A mere gangster , you are still clamoring for reunification, are you really afraid that you will not die quickly enough? It is impossible for a real big man to let a foot wipe threaten him. Mr. Holos, have you and your master graduated from high school? "

Yu Lian was very impressed by Akinayama Hachiman. Just this concept of social analysis already smacks of class understanding. In a world where the technological and cultural trees are skewed, occultism is rampant, and everyone's sociological cognition is somewhat inconsistent, this is already a very forward-looking performance.

Horos sighed: "I originally thought that when you were young, you would be a person with dreams! You would be someone who could communicate! However, in the final analysis, the Akinayama family is still a group of stubborn delusions!"

"Hey, isn't this so-called communication your ultimatum? Ever since I was intercepted and killed in the city, our war has already begun." Akinayama Hachiman said coldly.

Horos also sneered, retreated to the car, and sighed: "Yes, what a pity!"

Everyone in the Nine Ghosts group laughed ferociously and started playing with their firearms! Uncle Six shouted loudly: "Very good, let's start the fight! Let's make a big fuss here! The Big Apple City is very lively today, no one will bother us! We can make a big fuss!" "

Indeed, this is the outskirts of the Big Apple, and there are no residents within dozens of miles. Even if the gongs and drums are played loudly, it will not disturb the residents. On the other hand, everyone is now aware of the situation in the Big Apple City. Just holding the defense line in the uptown area is already stretched thin. In this case, will the police really come to prevent them from starting a war?

"Young men! I've long disliked that pretty boy in a suit! Bring his head! Don't be afraid of smashing these bottles and jars! The boss has said that we have defeated the Norman Party and the cultists. Congratulations to you!”

Looking at the opposite side, the two men in black had already assumed a fighting posture, and the man in the white suit, although his expression remained unchanged and looked very calm, had already opened the car door.

"Think about yourselves! You are already surrounded! Hahahahaha, Demon Boy drone? They are all useless in front of the alliance's epoch-making technology! Young master of the Akinayama family, you are right about one thing! Ours The war has begun, and the so-called communication is to create time for my men! Now, the Big Apple City is in a state of chaos, and no one will care about our situation here, so let us make a fuss. "

He laughed and got directly into the car.

Everyone in the Nine Demons Group ignored him and looked around nervously. However, outside the building complex, there were still vast fields and plantations, and nothing could be seen clearly. Among those crops that are growing happily, there are many enemies lurking in ambush!

"If you don't want to join! Then surrender! Or be destroyed! Akinayama Hachiman, put down your weapons! I will spare your life! The premise is that your elders in Japan must give up the formula of the crystal capsule and cooperate fully !”

"Hachiman!" Uncle Liu was also a little nervous. The reason why he was so reckless before was because he was very confident in the security network he spent a lot of money to buy, but now, this confidence is beginning to waver.

Akinayama Hachiman shook his head firmly.

"Kill others without mercy!" Bai Sui opened his personal terminal in the car and ordered loudly. Of course, what he ordered was not the two well-dressed men, but the "ambushes" who should have been lurking nearby.

"Kill without mercy! Leave no one alive!" He said again, probably to increase his momentum.

However, nearly ten seconds after the command, nothing happened.

Everyone in the Nine Demons group was still a little nervous, but some were already beginning to be confused.

The man in the white suit was the most confused, but he still tried to keep his expression calm. He paused and looked around, then loudly said: "Attack immediately!"

Another ten seconds passed, but still nothing happened.

The scene gradually became a little embarrassing. The two handsome men standing by the car shrank back a little expressionlessly and tilted their heads unnaturally.


Still no one paid attention, and some people in the Nine Ghosts group started to laugh.

Horace was anxious and yelled directly at the terminal: "Wicks! Foley! Where are your people? Aren't they in place yet? Answer me right away!"

Only then did he suddenly realize that there was silence behind the terminal and no one answered.

At this time, intensive gunshots rang out almost at the same moment. It came from the direction of the city gate.

"You just want to take advantage of the negotiation to let your elite troops wear new stealth equipment to sneak into the surroundings and then launch attacks, don't you? How superficial!" Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses and said to himself A terrifying sneer forced its way onto his face.

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