Him and their stars

Chapter 1354 The universe is so scary

Yeager Soback still remembers clearly that his former self did not actually like the universe.

The Tirero people have always claimed that they are the "conquerors of the starry sky" and the "family of the stars". The Yeager family was once one of the noblest families among the military nobles of Tirero. The descendants of Yeager should be proud of their family name and family history. People in the Yeager family, regardless of gender, should love the other side of the universe.

However, Jaeger Soback really doesn't like the universe.

He was just a man who grew up in the Divine Grace Colony, a planet called New Misa.

When he was old enough to celebrate Children's Day, one cold winter night, he was wrapped in a thick down jacket, riding on his father's neck and looking up at the sky. He saw the majestic undulating snow-capped mountains at the end of the horizon, but he also saw the desolate and oppressive darkness shrouding the snow line, as if the abyss was swallowing up the only whiteness in the world bit by bit.

Since the endless darkness can swallow up the magnificent snow-capped mountains, how can my small body resist it? If there really is a demon reaching out from the abyss with its invisible giant hand, how can I resist it?

The terrifying feeling made his hair stand on end, and he could only hug his father's neck tightly.

However, his father was far from understanding his own state of mind. He just taught in a gentle but rigid tone: "Listen, little Yeager, our hometown is on the other side of the star sea! You have to revive the Soback family. .We should have followed the Dragon of Dawn and conquered the universe!"

This is how my grandfather educated his father, and this is how his father educated him. However, how can there be so many visions in the world that can be easily realized?

When his father died in an interstellar shipping accident, Yeager Soback also entered his own teenage life. He always felt that his fear of the universe disappeared along with Man Man. He believed that he had achieved a breakthrough, and he only hoped to live up to the expectations of his ancestors and do something in the universe.

It is August 17, Galactic Standard Time, Year 833 of the Common Calendar.

Yeager Soback is 28 years old and is leading a capable and powerful imperial fleet into a certain starry sky in the Dawn Star Territory and is about to enter the battlefield. He has already created achievements that far exceeded his father's expectations.

However, he suddenly discovered that he was still the same boy as before, without any change.

The universe is still so scary!

"...No, no enemy ships were found?" he asked.

Miss Serlu nodded solemnly.

"And the call to Fleet 77 has not been responded to?"

Miss Serlu nodded solemnly, frowned, and put her hand on the gun case at her waist.

"Why are you touching the gun?" Soback couldn't help but ask. He just felt that Miss Viscount's actions had a comic effect, and for a while he was not so scared.

"This, a subconscious action, is really rude." Miss Viscount smiled sheepishly, and then said: "But, Your Excellency, this is unscientific!"

It's very unethical for you, a psychic, to say such things, don't you know?

Captain Peggese also praised: "Indeed, this goes against common sense."

"I don't want to hear this kind of answer." Soback rubbed his hands and said with a straight face: "As a captain, you should be a smarter and more experienced shipping expert than me. What I hope to hear is more Constructive comments.”

He knew that what he said seemed unreasonable, and he was just like Party A who deserved to be hung up as a street lamp. But sometimes, when people want to overcome their fear, they need to be a little more hysterical. This is probably why some people yell when they enter a haunted house.

Miss Serlu looked at Soback with admiration. I probably think that the commander should be a little domineering from time to time, so that he can be manly.

Captain Peggese helplessly spread his hands: "But, sir, I am also an academic! In terms of practical experience in navigation, I am actually a rookie. In terms of practical experience in navigation and exploration, I am not as good as you. , not even as good as Miss Viscount."

"What do you mean by even?" Sellu said loudly.

So you, a rookie, dare to fire a salvo of port guns at a place where the battleships of both sides are crossing each other and the shortest distance is no more than 1 kilometer? Is there such a wild academic in this world?

Also, I always feel like you were mocking me just now.

He was about to say something like "Smart people shouldn't read banned books randomly, as they can easily become traitors", but Captain Peggese added: "But, maybe it's a space ghost or something."

Yeager Soback's heart began to feel cold, and he even felt that his legs were shaking uncontrollably. In order to prevent others from seeing this, he simply snorted and put his legs on the table in a self-defeating manner.

So ungraceful. Miss Serlu shook her head and will strengthen your etiquette training in the future. I have to say that as a famous general in the world, you must have this kind of chic and comfortable style!

The viscount glanced at the admiral with a sweet smile, then looked at Captain Pegsey over there, and his face fell decisively: "Captain, this is not the venue for the Seven Incredible Ghost Stories in Space City."

"I know. But maybe it's some kind of ghost in the void? I'm not a psychic, but this thing should exist, right?"

"I am a psyker. So I know that virtual ghosts will not appear in space, and they will appear in ships. The more people there are, the more likely they are to appear." Sellu said loudly.

This time it was Captain Peggese who was shocked. He looked around subconsciously, raised his collar to cover his neck, and said with a wry smile: "Okay. Sirs, I would rather encounter an invisible space Leviathan. As long as its skin can absorb large amounts of Most electromagnetic waves, gravity detection, mass induction and heat sources can achieve a certain degree of invisibility in the universe."

"A Leviathan that can become invisible and kill destroyers?" Soback bared his teeth.

"Space Leviathans that can kill destroyers are not uncommon in the universe." Captain Peggese said.

I fucking know it! I also know that there is a Leviathan in this world that can only be killed by dispatching a fleet!

Because of this, I find this universe very scary. So, how did I, a small colonial guard hunter, become the fleet commander? When can I get the logistics and personnel work I want to do?

Not to mention Soback's own psychological activities, Miss Serlu also felt the chill inexplicably.

"So, is there such a thing?" she asked.

"I've never heard of it. I've read all the space biological illustrations, but there are no similar records." Captain Peggese said: "However, this is the New World, the Dawn Star Territory, and it is not easy to discover new space species. strangeness."

Sobek's face looked very ugly. He admitted that what the other party said made sense, but just because it made so much sense, the situation always seemed particularly dangerous.

Viscount Sellu comforted him: "Well, if it is really Leviathan, I can accept it. It is better than a virtual lord suddenly appearing out of nowhere."

If it was really the Void Realm Lord, with her or Sobek's spiritual perception ability, she should have felt it when she entered this galaxy. That's why Miss Viscount ruled out this possibility.

...Of course, there are indeed lord monsters in the virtual realm that like latent form. However, this kind of thing is very nerdy and will not come into the real universe. At least there is no record of this in current history.

But no matter what, if you continue to linger in the same place, there will be no results.

"We can only go to the energy source to check." Captain Peggese said.

"Indeed, the empire's fleet cannot be scared away by the commander's suspicion," Viscount Serlu said.

I really wanted to be frightened by my own suspicion and run away. Soback was about to say this, but at this moment, Teacher Cheap's words rang in his mind: "Listen, Yeager, I am also very afraid of the universe. .When I was young, I even got a disease that would kill me if I boarded a spaceship and left the atmosphere. Hahahaha, actually I am still afraid of it now. So you know, why I became a marshal, but even after a while Is it the reason why you don’t even have a serious flagship of your own?”

Soback always felt that the teacher should be comforting him at that time. However, Duke Sadolan then told him: "Don't try to overcome fear. In the final analysis, it is actually a kind of escape. Accept him, integrate him, and understand him. Fear can also be transformed into your own power."

These words are different from what my father taught me.

Yeager Soback's old-fashioned but kind father had been with him for sixteen years, but he had only known his cheap master, Duke Sartolan, for sixteen months, and the total time he had taught him was no more than sixteen days. But he felt that what the cheap teacher said seemed more correct. However, I always feel that there is something evil about it.

At this time, he heard the voice of Miss Viscount: "Sir, the entire fleet should be on combat alert. All marines should wear armor, and all crew members should also wear anti-Dutch suits and helmets."

"Just do it."

In this way, the Soback fleet headed by the Royal Rabbit deployed its shields, opened its main gun doors, and moved toward Planet No. 4 in this system, which was the end of the irregular energy source just now. Judging from their trembling and cautious looks, this is what the fleet decisive battle must have felt like.

Three hours later, Soback, who was fully focused on combat readiness, still inexplicably maintained a strong spirit and a full sense of tension. At this moment, he could already see the original appearance of Planet No. 4 with the naked eyes of a third-ring psychic.

He knew that these were actually the results of training from his cheap teacher, Duke Sadolan. Even for a mere "exploration", I was able to use techniques such as "Silver Will" and "Lion Heart" to force myself to cheer up and stay focused.

If it was my old self, no, even the self last month, I'm afraid I would have been exhausted by the pressure.

He did feel obvious growth, which should be the result of Duke Sadolan's special training, but he really couldn't be happy. For psychics, the faster they grow, the richer their imaginations become, and the more sensitive they become and the easier it is for them to have random thoughts.

Take that planet for example. It is a brown earth-like planet, but the atmosphere on the surface of the planet does not seem so friendly. It lingers on the surface of the planet, and under the light of the stars, it just appears in the universe as a blood-red spot that is extremely depressing. It is inexplicably reminiscent of the vortex of the blood pool hell.

...Okay, this is clearly thinking driving imagination. You need to stand up! Jaeger Soback!

Sobek, Sobek, at least you can't be sorry for your teacher's teachings! Yes, accept the fear! Fusion of fear! Feel the fear! Well, isn’t this the most suitable place for practice for Duke Sadulan’s disciples?

He forced himself to cheer up again, and calmly ordered the fleet to prepare to launch reconnaissance drones. At the same time, he also turned the power of all enemy tracking radars to the maximum, all the gunners of the gravity tractors of the close-in defense artillery missile towers, and all damage control We must also be prepared to start a war at any time.

Then, the radar officer informed that an obvious mass projection was felt.

Soon, the location of the destroyer's wreckage appeared on the holographic space map.

After another half minute, the current live scene was also projected over. On the video screen, it is more like minced meat than the corpses of the two destroyers. If it weren't for the material analysis and residual communication ripples that confirmed that these steel fragments indeed belonged to the destroyer of the 77th Detachment, no one would have been able to recognize that it once belonged to the Apocalypse Eagle battleship.

Qingmu released all the fighter planes and opened a huge warning network with a radius of one million kilometers.

The destroyer arrived at the scene of the battle and began to search for survivors. Of course, judging from the current situation, this may only be regarded as a human effort. Compared with the slim hope of survivors, the black box and logbook on the battleship are more important.

All of the above are very common rescue steps, and the soldiers took action without Sobek's orders.

Of course, the Royal Rabbit and its cruisers have always launched a combat mode within the safety warning range, and continue to maintain a battle-ready state with the shields full and the gun ports fully open, with all combatants working without sleep.

No one expressed dissatisfaction. Didn’t you see that the commander was like this?

Therefore, starting from today, Yeager Soback will soon be able to achieve the achievement of becoming the king of the Imperial Guard Fleet.

After a while, even Miss Serlu, who was usually the most dedicated to her duties, inevitably showed signs of fatigue. This girl had been wearing a half-ton heraldic machine for more than four hours.

Just when Soback was hesitating whether to let everyone take turns to rest, the technical department also sent the latest analysis report.

"Are there traces of neutron burns on the fragments?" Miss Serlu was startled.

"Lance cannon?" Captain Peggese asked.

"We also considered this issue at the beginning. However, the armor fragments of the ship did not seem to be exploded internally, but more like they were cut open. Except for a small amount of edge burning, the material structure of those fragments was very stable. "

The head of the technical department, Colonel Visa, had an expression of disbelief, and even undisguised panic and horror on his face.

For such military technicians, the most terrifying thing is probably to encounter destructive phenomena that are difficult to understand.

"Oh, it's like being cut by a lightsaber?" Soback asked casually.

"Yes, yes, he was cut by the lightsaber!" Colonel Wesa suddenly realized, and the fear on his face suddenly disappeared: "You are indeed a commander! As long as you understand the source of the phenomenon, your subordinates will not be afraid!"

I'm even more scared, right? What kind of thing can cut the hull of a ship from the outside with a lightsaber? Well, even if those powerful men above saints can do it, then who can take the trouble to cut up a mere destroyer so completely?

As soon as Soback shuddered, Colonel Visar said again: "No wonder we can't find the remains of the ship's terminal, and we can't find the bodies of most of the crew members."

Miss Serlu couldn't help but said: "Could it have been disintegrated? It was the lightsaber of the alliance profiteer just now, but this time it is the atomic light spear of the Knights, right?"


"I guessed it right?"

Captain Peggese knocked his palm with his fist and concluded: "So, we are facing a space Leviathan that can become invisible and can use large light spears and lightsabers. Is this what you mean?"

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