Him and their stars

Chapter 1364: Blood Gate Meeting

In the early morning of September 2, 833 Common Calendar, more than a thousand large and small warships from the outer ring fleet had assembled in units according to the predetermined tactical plan. The jump engine is undergoing final charging, and the shield generators and capacitors of all main guns are also undergoing final inspections.

At the same moment, on the bridge of the flagship HMS Republic, Admiral Bonaparte had personally lit a huge brazier, burned three sticks of incense, and made a deep ninety-degree bow.

Since the Commander has shown such piety, of course, a series of senior generals behind him could only do the same thing.

Admiral Bonaparte stood up, patted his sleeves, and once again regained his awe-inspiring posture that remained unchanged despite the collapse of Taishan Mountain. However, he still looked at Yu Lian, whose face was covered with black lines, with expectant eyes.

"It's your turn," the commander said.

Well, since it is not a so-called encounter, of course this complete victory ceremony cannot be cancelled. Even though I don't believe it, as long as the majority of officers and soldiers believe it, it still has practical significance.

In addition, Yu Lian is now the most powerful psyker in the entire fleet. Therefore, he could only perform the ceremony in person.

Yu Lian bared his teeth and first sacrificed a large number of exquisite swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks one by one. When they gradually dissipated in the air-conditioned wind pressure of the bridge, he picked up another exquisite one. Pray for the victory doll and carefully throw it into the brazier.

Seeing this exquisite doll, which could cost at least four figures in a doll store, being swallowed up by the flames, Yu Lian actually felt a little guilty. At that moment, he actually had a strange feeling of empathy with those Hexagram pilots who bombed hospitals and kindergartens.

"Hahahaha, what is this? What kind of low-level cult ritual is this?" In Yu Lian's ears, loud laughter like that of a hero rang out. However, among the hundreds of senior officers and psychics present, only he could hear this voice.

Needless to say, of course it could only be Xiao Hui.

This was the first time that Yu Lian felt helpless and unable to fight back at Xiao Hui's ridicule, so he just pretended not to hear. He took a deep breath, stood up, turned around, raised his right arm and shouted to his comrades: "The spirit of the universe will protect our victory!"

"Sacrifice victory! The great Blue Star community will win!" the officers shouted in response.

Yu Lian once again felt a sense of dissonance and surreal absurdity. However, once he accepted this setting, he actually found it quite interesting.

Now, he is basically happy with this weird sense of ritual.

"The spirit of the universe must be with us!" he shouted again, and then received a louder response.

When the victory prayer doll, based on the Empire's Igwenna the Great, disappeared in the flames, the prayer ceremony came to a successful end.

General Bonaparte said to everyone: "The combat meeting has been held four times. Do you all know what you are going to do? As long as you all fulfill your duties, we will definitely win. Then, disband!"

After everyone left, the commander stopped Yu Lian again and lowered his voice: "The former enemy's reconnaissance fleet has come to report, and the combined fleet on the other side of the Blood Gate has also moved."

"This is also expected. If they don't respond at all, we will have a headache." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Leave the main battlefield to me. Your retreat is safe. If the raid fails, don't hesitate and turn back immediately." Admiral Bonaparte said: "You must know that it is because you left enough room for maneuver that I Approved this battle."

"Understood!" Yu Lian saluted: "Xiaguan has never been the type who likes to risk his life and perform extreme operations."

"..." His Excellency the Commander's expression suddenly became subtle, with an expression like "I have never seen such a shameless person."

"There is a saying that the only extreme operation performed by Xiaguan was actually at the God of War Festival, which is why such a stereotype came into being. But at that time, I was just risking my own life, but now the lives of so many soldiers are around me, that is That’s another story.”

"I hope you will do what you say. Young man, you are the future!" He held Yu Lian's hand: "Then, see you at the Blood Gate!"

"See you at the Blood Gate!"

General Joseph Bonaparte was indeed not the type to be passionate and domineering, and he did not like to give speeches to the soldiers before the war started, but he gave people the feeling of being as tough and calm as a mountain.

He is the type who cannot be expected to fight a magical battle that will leave a mark in history, but if you entrust him with a certain position, a certain galaxy, a certain fleet or even a certain army, you don't have to worry about stretching your crotch.

I really don’t understand why, for such a type of brother, the younger sister, Eleanor, is the completely opposite type?

"Yes! Who do you think I am! Move the ship over!" Commodore Eleanor Bonaparte jumped up from her commander's position and shouted loudly.

This is the Dawn Passage DL29 star system. The Eleanor Bonaparte fleet (actually) commanding the Thirteenth Fleet has already encountered the empire's search fleet here. Of course, or in other words, he was actually caught up.

The enemy's fleet was nearly twice as large as our own, including one battlecruiser, two aircraft carriers, and four heavy cruisers. However, she said her mood was very stable.

"Don't worry, we have already occupied the high ground." The young commander assured everyone, and even took the initiative to meet the enemy fleet.

Well, although the commander was a young beauty, her authority in this fleet was already absolute. Although the captains had some doubts, they still followed the order.

Ten minutes later, the Aurora, located at the arrow of the fleet, should have entered the rail gun range of the three battlecruisers, but the other party did not fire.

"You see, they really want to capture us." Eleanor said with a smile: "Uri snatched this ship from them. Only by snatching it back will the Imperial people feel that their shame has been wiped away."

"You haven't thought about what if they don't want to?" Ina asked.

Eleanor said: "Then run. Anyway, this is the theoretical limit of the effective range. At this distance, you can still avoid the bombardment. Full left rudder, dodge, and then run."

"Oh, just run away?"

"Ina, do you know why our Thirteenth Fleet has never been defeated once since it was established? Because we never fight a battle that we cannot win. Hahaha~~~"


"What's your expression?"

"No, I'm just thinking. If it were you in the past, you would have said that those who can't be beaten should be beaten, and those who can't be beaten should be beaten even more. Soldiers must have backbone, and those who fight are elites." Ina said seriously. Said: "I always feel that you have been contaminated by some people's poisonous gas."

Eleanor couldn't help but shuddered and said angrily: "Please don't describe me as a reckless man who shows off his courage! After all, I have been a fleet admiral for three years, so don't I grow up?"

Ina nodded solemnly, then quickly shook her head: "But the current military strength and combat effectiveness should be far superior to ours? Are we preparing to escape now?"

"Now, of course it's not necessary." She adjusted her collar and sneered: "You can try to hit it."

Just like that, the Thirteenth Fleet suddenly made an extremely smooth arc movement within the opponent's extreme range, and at the same time, it launched hundreds of long-range sub-light speed missiles directly towards the front of the opponent's fleet.

There is a saying, at this distance, the absolute damage caused by these missiles to the empire is actually almost worth mentioning, but the sense of ridicule and humiliation is completely overwhelming.

The Imperial fleet began to accelerate into a charge state and began to violently bombard the Thirteenth Fleet.

Of course, both sides are high-speed battleships, and neither one has a speed advantage nor can they close the distance. No matter how fierce the bombardment is, it will have no effect.

As a result, the battle situation fell into a sour kite state.

...Of course, it’s not necessarily a kiting tactic. The Thirteenth Fleet has no range advantage and cannot fight while running. Secondly, Eleanor did not have enough fighting time.

If the battle continues and reinforcements from the empire arrive from all directions, our side will be like a rabbit whose hole is blocked by hounds. Sooner or later, we will be forced into a desperate situation.

However, it is obvious that the imperial fleet did not know the truth about the annihilation of the Silas fleet, and did not pay enough vigilance to the few ships following the Aurora. When the chasing fleets of both sides were pulled into a ring, the twelve Beiwei suddenly turned around, unfolded their light wings and rushed towards the imperial fleet.

The ships wrapped in space bubbles easily broke through the anti-aircraft interception firepower of the Imperial fleet and pounced directly on their sides.

However, compared to the Silas fleet that sank at the end of the Dawn Star Territory, this batch of Imperial fleets was at least not caught off guard by the sneak attack. The hard-tempered Imperial crews began to act skillfully when they were slapped on the back. evasive actions.

Therefore, in this round of bombing, three of the four heavy cruisers were hit by a torpedo each. The battlecruiser Alien Guardian was even hit twice at a very close place, and a huge gap suddenly appeared in the hull.

If it had been in the past, this would have been considered a perfect bombing. However, the pilots of the community who had already had a feast of the Silias fleet felt that the attack was not going well. They could only force themselves to suppress their disappointment and quickly distance themselves according to the movements during training.

The mentality of the imperial fleet on the opposite side is completely opposite. They only felt that they had suffered a heavy loss, so they became angry.

Soon, fighter planes taking off from the two aircraft carriers swarmed in and pounced on the "strange assault ship" that had escaped.

"The commanders of the empire are very keen." Ina analyzed seriously: "They know that the most powerful space-killing light-wing ship is actually a small fighter plane."

"Their minds are also very clear and their rhythm has not been disrupted." Eleanor glanced at the star map. Above, after the imperial fleet used fighter planes to drive away Beiwei, it still kept moving clockwise, trying to cut its own tail.

"However, I don't believe they can calm down forever!"

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