Him and their stars

Chapter 1371 God’s Throne

In the virtual realm, the sound of cracking gold and iron rising up in the endless gray mist, and then, the endless sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly turned into the sound of explosions. The human image loomed in the void, and the entangled breath of spiritual energy turned into endless shock waves, continuously shattering the surrounding floating islands.

Also crushed were the virtual realm creatures lingering nearby. Under the bombardment of such terrifying power, they are equal to all living beings, just like all mortals and flowers.

However, the virtual realm lords in the distance felt the vitality of the material world from the burst of energy, which was far more powerful than the breath of millions of living people.

However, when they gradually approached, the surging breath of life disappeared again. It was as if the tsunami that covered the sky and the sun had taken refuge and calmed down in an instant.

However, among the broken spaces and gaps in the virtual realm, the stormy waves are still going on.

Lan Jiufeng had already leapt towards the golden-armored giant in front of him, who was as tall as the Pillar of Optimus. He had been completely enveloped by the golden light, and was as small as an ant. However, in the light, endless sword blades crashed out of the magnificent golden mist, bombarding the golden giant like an endless shower.

There were shocking cracks on the golden armored body that was as majestic as a sky pillar.

Duke Sadolan's voice sounded from behind the golden light curtain, still like a great bell: "I know that fifty years ago, Brother Lan was once called the Sword Sect of the Galaxy by His Majesty. But today, I will not The golden body of destruction will destroy your undefeated legend of Lan Jiufeng and his ten thousand swords returning to the clan!"

"I have never claimed to be invincible, let alone a myth. Fifty years ago, I did not provoke the emperor of your country. I only dared to sit and talk and laugh with the ancestor of the alliance. The humble reputation is not all given by you. Is that true? Brother Sa, you still don’t understand! My background is just that of a ranger who drinks a lot of wine and eats meat, but it’s only natural to ask for what you want. Brother Sa, you just don’t understand the principle of letting nature take its course, so He is always so bitter and hateful!"

The golden-armored giant was speechless for a very brief moment, and was soon replaced by Lan Jiufeng's loud laughter: "Besides, Brother Sa, is this really your domain?"

He took another step forward against the golden light curtain, and then let out a "Qiang!" The sound was clear and clear, but the sound shocked the world.

At that moment, Lan Jiufeng's body seemed to be a scabbard hiding thousands of divine swords. As a result, a colorless rain of light burst out from behind the shadows of countless swords. In an instant, the front and back of the 10,000-tall golden-armored giant were already full of light spots, as if the sky was completely surrounded by stars.

There was a muffled sound like thunder, booming through the gaps in the space.

This space seemed to shake under the impact of the force. The gray fog around it suddenly stagnated, and then suddenly was driven by the invisible storm to flow rapidly again, with endless crystal-like fragments scattered in it.

In the mirror image formed by the crystal fragments, one can clearly see the cracked and deformed Unity Fortress, the scarred Titan ship Sanshen being besieged, and the remaining Imperial fleet looking miserable like a bereft dog.

The desperate emotions of hundreds of thousands of imperial soldiers poured into this interdimensional battlefield from the mirror image of the broken crystal, crushing them like an avalanche.

The light spots quickly dispersed. Immediately dispersing, there was also the golden-armored giant transformed by Duke Sadolan.

Lan Jiufeng stood there leisurely, holding his hammer on his shoulder, like an old craftsman wielding a sledgehammer... Well, paired with his beach pants and floral shirt, he was probably a An electrician working at the sea ice bathing beach.

Duke Sartolan, who was dressed in a gorgeous marshal's military uniform, staggered back a few steps before carefully standing still. He shook his head and sighed: "Well, I never thought that I would be forced to this point today. I never thought that the Unity Fortress would be destroyed by you. The battle in another world has become the battle of this world. The winning hand.”

Lan Jiufeng's eyes swept across the crystal fragments floating in the sky, looking at the scene where the majestic giant ship was on fire and falling. At this time, the Mountain God Gundarang was like a seriously injured and exhausted lion, fighting hard in the face of the siege of hyenas, but in the end it was unable to do anything.

Even when faced with the siege of those extremely fast small boats, the Titan ship could not at least fight back when it was unable to activate its shields, more than 80% of its anti-aircraft firepower was misfired, and even its engines could not operate at full power. Can't do it.

"Have you already thought about today?" Duke Sadolan just asked, and then he laughed dumbly and said: "Hey, I'm really ridiculous. I'm still unwilling to admit the reality. If we weren't prepared, how could we lose? To this extent?”

Lan Jiufeng said happily: "I can only say that Yang Xiyi and Yang Xiaoyou have done better than I imagined. Yes, brother Sadulan, you are right. Yang Xiaoyou set up this game from the beginning. He once As I said, this fortress was originally the pass of the Dawn Star Territory. But after my little disciple broke through the star barrier and found another channel that led directly to the interior of the Star Territory, its value as a military fortress was greatly reduced.

Once the strategic balance is broken, the disadvantaged side will only be trapped in an isolated city even if it takes all the fortresses. But the party with the upper hand can use it as a transit point and a jumping-off point to completely control the main channels of the Dawn Star Territory. In this case, it would be better to destroy it. Although I don’t know much about military affairs, I admit that what Yang Xiaoyou said makes sense. "

"It is simply a crime against civilization!" Duke Sadolan shook his head, his face full of regret.

"Of course, all the above are based on the premise that the war breaks out and we lose the strategic advantage of the New World. Brother Sa, to be honest, it is you who started the war. Aren't you the ones who committed crimes against civilization?" Lan Jiufeng still failed, He looked like "I've never seen such a shameless person".

However, a ferocious and malicious smile appeared on Duke Sadolan's face: "The earth is not bathed in the glorious power of heaven and lacks the teachings of His Majesty the Emperor. Although we are all human beings, we are not the same kind of people in our bones. You guys , it really needs to be corrected."

Lan Jiufeng smiled and decided not to behave like a lunatic. He acted like a winner.

"...But, shouldn't you have felt the situation at the Circle of Miracles a long time ago? Why didn't it affect you at all?"

"If I say that everything is as expected, would you believe it?"


"If I said that everything is a choice of fate, would you believe it?"

"...Making fun of it!"

"Human beings follow the earth, earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and Tao follows nature. The human heart may be destroyed or illusory, but the human heart is nature. Why should we care about the changes in the four seasons? Hahahaha! Brother Sadulan, you still don't understand after all!"

"Don't think that you will win!"

The cloak on Duke Sartolan's back suddenly boiled and flew, and amidst the roar of hunting, flames and thunder accompanied the airflow, spinning rapidly around his figure.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, you're in a hurry." Lan Jiufeng smiled slightly and took off the war hammer on his shoulder. He still put on a posture full of flaws, as if he was letting the other party do whatever he wanted.

He could see that the invisible energy between heaven and earth and in the universe was transformed into deadly murderous intentions by Sadulan's spirit. If he uses his own words, this is a way to seize the creation of heaven and earth and seize the spirit of all things. The Duke of Sadolan half a century ago would not have been able to do this.

"Brother Sa has made rapid progress. But, you know, the moment you failed to activate the vastness of the universe, the battle has already failed."

Rolling flames and thunder burned in the void. However, when he came into contact with Lan Jiu Peak, he never made an inch forward. This invisible circle formed an absolute realm where no progress could be made.

Immediately after the silent confrontation, a trace of transparent smoke gradually emerged from behind Duke Sadolan.

Lan Jiufeng showed a smile: "It turns out that this is the vastness of everything... However, the power of this treasure lies in the laws of the rules. If you use this as a weapon to activate thunder and fire, isn't it equivalent to giving little Remy to me? Are you going to use the terminal to play the card drawing game of the 2D dead house? What stands out is that it is a waste of natural resources."

The fire and thunder stopped for a moment, and the curious voice of Duke Sadolan came over: "Who is little Remy?"

He probably felt that if he really didn't say a word, wouldn't it look like he had lost?

"Oh, the captain of the Star Fairy Team, a girl group that just debuted this year. These girls are pretty, kind, and nice to talk to. Although they don't sing very well, they gave me a terminal when I went to support them for the first time. .”

"...There has actually been a change of people. What about the Space Girls team you were chasing before? And this starry sky fairy is obviously after that 'elf of the stars', Miss Selina Mayo, right?"

"Brother Sa, you are very understanding! I have known you for more than sixty years, and this is the first time I have seen you understand the fireworks in the world."

"That's not the point. The point is, Brother Lan, your taste is getting more and more worrying. Is your naturalness so out of the ordinary?"

"Me, even morality jumps left and right, let alone nature?" Lan Jiufeng laughed dryly with some embarrassment: "Let's talk about the vastness of your universe. You want to activate the absolute rules of this treasure, At least three conditions must be met, right? First, you must unfold this Noble Phantasm in front of me. Second, the sure-kill fields are actually one-time, and you must go out and build the fields you need. Third, you have to force me to enter your territory and never leave during this period, I guess, it should be 100 minutes?"

"It's actually 90 minutes, but to be on the safe side, we can only increase the time as much as possible." Duke Sartolan said calmly.

"All of the above must be completed within the specified time, right?"

This time, Duke Sadolan did not answer.

"You almost succeeded just now. Once those laws are activated, I will definitely die. Haha, does it seem a bit pretentious to say these words now?"

Duke Sadolan smiled and nodded, still a little unnaturally frank: "This will make me feel hugely insulted. I am already this old, and I still have to bear such an insult!"

"But it's not me who makes you feel humiliated. Brother Sadulan..." Lan Jiufeng clicked on the glass fragments scattered in the air.

He paused again for a brief moment, and then suddenly burst out laughing loudly, so much so that he almost shed tears.

After a long time, he stopped laughing and appeared from behind the flames. At this time, his face showed unprecedented optimism and calmness, and he said slowly: "...Brother Lan, are you ready? This is the final blow.

Lan Jiufeng nodded slightly: "So, Brother Sa, do you understand?"

"Hahaha, I still don't understand. But it doesn't matter anymore."

A moment later, the two swords intersected, but no sound was made.

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