Him and their stars

Chapter 1376 The sky is clear today

Regent Charon Apemane always believed that this war might be an opportunity for the Catai people. If he could change his approach, push the kingdom to its peak, and complete reconciliation with the Terrabi people, he would be worthy of his life and his good friend Orson Blackfin who went to heaven, right?

Of course, to achieve the lofty mission, we still need to do the things we do in a down-to-earth manner. Regent Charon immediately received the message from the Blood Gate, stating that a dry dock and maintenance team had been arranged for the injured dreadnought, and that sumptuous meals and barracks had been prepared for all crew members, and even There is a certain amount of "entertainment content".

The empire's advisory group is even arranging sumptuous meals and preparing to invite Prince Regent Charon to have dinner. It is said that there is also dragon meat flown in from the Shengyuan Star Area.

Prince Charon almost drooled. After all, he had spent a whole day and night battling wits and courage with the Outer Rim Fleet in the West End System, and he really needed to eat and drink and take a good rest.

However, he still patiently asked about the preparations for the replacement fleet at the fortress. After learning that the battleships of the Angmans and Embu people had already set sail, he felt a little relieved.

"The Angmans people's Huoxuan class is an old ship from fifty years ago, and its performance is far inferior to our corona. However, the four Adamantite class battle cruisers in the hands of the Enbu people are modified from the Imperial Glory Pioneer class. , the firepower is quite fierce, and the speed is extremely fast. Just now, the Earth Fleet tried to divide and outflank us. We suffered a loss, but it also caused a considerable degree of damage to the enemy. It even injured the Lord God. Now, the fearlessness of the outer ring fleet The ships have returned to the rear formation and are on standby."

"It is even possible that they have retreated to Nantianmen." Staff A said.

"By investing new forces now, we can expand the results." Staff B said.

The regent pondered for a moment and felt that these two were typical Kaitai advisers who took things for granted, but what they said was not completely unreasonable.

He thought about it carefully and finally made a decision: "Tell them that after arriving at the West End Front, they will attack the left wing of the outer ring fleet! However, pay attention to the rhythm of the attack. If the enemy dreadnought turns back, they need to retreat to a defensive position. .”

The staff officers looked at each other. If it were anyone else, these arrogant big cats would have clamored against it for being "too conservative". But after all, they were the Regent's confidants and they really didn't dare to oppose the latter's opinion.

Perhaps His Highness the Prince Regent had performed his duties as commander of the coalition forces well before, and his prestige in the coalition fleet had been greatly improved. His orders were quickly recognized by the friendly forces on the opposite side.

The general on the Ammans side was so moved that he almost burst into tears. He really felt that His Highness Charon Mane was a kind man, leaving all the dirty work of filling in the battle lines to himself, while giving the good thing of counterattacking the enemy to the limelight and gaining military exploits to the friendly forces. Isn’t this the proper spirit of internationalism?

Therefore, when the returning Cathay warship and the advancing Angmans warship passed each other in the airspace, the latter even used lights to signal salute.

If the empire's advisory group wasn't still watching from the Blood Gate Fortress, they might have fired a few salutes.

Charon Mane was also pleased with the reaction of his allies. He suddenly realized that after this battle, his prestige among the allies had increased a lot. If the time is right in the future, maybe he can be treated like the leader of a vassal state - yes, these vassal states are ultimately dogs of the empire, but there can also be a boss among the dogs.

The regent quickly stopped his thoughts and forced himself to calm down. He decided to take a short shower, spray some incense, change into clean clothes, and then attend the dinner with the Imperial Advisory Group.

Of course he knows that eating is a platform and making friends with others is the goal. Since he wants to beg for help from his overlord country, it is best to keep himself in the best condition.

At this time, it was already 5:48 pm on September 6. Of course, the major fortresses in the Blood Gate Galaxy were still in a state of combat readiness, but many officers and soldiers left their posts and began to prepare dinner.

After all, we all know that it is impossible for ordinary people to maintain a high-intensity alert state for such a long time. What's more, the battle in the West End Galaxy ahead has lasted for a day. Although it is fierce, it is not dangerous. At least the Earthlings on the opposite side have not shown the ability to break through the defense line at all. Therefore, the defenders naturally became a little slack.

Even the officers on duty who had to be on standby in the dry dock of the star port and the radar department were busy and even turned on the Imperial Broadcasting Station in the Sky Territory.

"The spokesperson of the Imperial Privy Council, Viscount Ewart, once again stated at the press conference that this is a special military operation of a punitive nature. The Galactic Empire does not seek total occupation of the Earth, nor is it prepared to deprive it of its sovereignty. It only requires blue The demilitarization and demilitarization of the Star Community is the basic need of the Galactic Empire for its own national defense and security, and it is also the necessary possibility for the restoration of peace in the Galactic society. Once this goal is achieved, all trade agreements and development cooperation plans signed with the Blue Star Community will be It will start again. The hope for peace of a generation has not been shattered, but has just suffered a slight setback."

The ordinary soldiers thought it was a piece of fun. After all, they were on the front line and could only listen to the broadcasts from Tianyu Royal TV. Even the usual news and political propaganda were a rare break.

Prince Charon Mane, who was taking a bath, couldn't help but marveled at what he heard. He said that the reason why he could only work as a dog for the empire was that the gap was indeed all-round. This shameless energy alone is enough for the Cathay people to learn from for a thousand or two thousand years.

None of them noticed that just ten minutes ago, a huge fleet of more than 180 new lightning strike ships had activated the stealth mode and jumped into the Blood Gate Galaxy. They quietly began to carry out operations in the direction of the fortress group. Tactical maneuver.

Nearly 200 lightning strike ships sound like a very large number, but the total volume and mass may not be as good as a heavy cruiser. In the vast universe, they are like a grain of sand in the ocean. Once they enter the silent stealth state, they are almost undetectable.

In fact, what is most likely to expose oneself is the moment when the jump occurs.

Since the Blood Gate Fortress has not responded until now, it means that they have indeed not noticed their own actions.

However, for the sake of safety, the Lightning Strike Fleet still followed the original plan and hid in the orbit of giant planet No. 6 in the Blood Gate Galaxy. They moved 15 degrees clockwise, and then suddenly accelerated into planets No. 6 and No. 5. In the asteroid belt between. By this time, we can even hear the sound of radio stations in the galaxy.

Yu Lian on board Dawn Dragon 001, while observing the instructions on the dashboard, also turned on the Empire's Star Network radio station, listening to the news from the Sky Territory leisurely.

"So, apart from the empire's consistent shamelessness, what else have you heard?" Luo Zeshi asked.

"It means that Tianyu has also received bad news from the New World. This press statement is actually a signal from the empire. If the people on earth are willing to surrender, it is still possible to get a decent ending."

"A decent ending? This is not in line with the empire's consistent style. There is no shortage of elected emperors who died in battle in history, and there is no shortage of Titans that were sunk, but there are few empires that have surrendered and sued for peace. Even for the If they join the alliance, they will only relent when neither side can survive." Luo Zeshi said.

"This is the view of outstanding soldiers who are familiar with war history, but it is often not the view of policymakers. This signal is not meant for us."

"To the Co-Prosperity Party and Mao Yuanzuo?"

“…for everyone.”

Everyone in the ship was confused, but Luo Zeshi, the only one who understood, sighed silently.

The Gongon princes of the earth are the Gongon princes. Whether they are the pro-empire Co-Prosperity Party or the pro-alliance political allies, they are just two sides of the same coin. Even if the People's Choice Party holds high the banner of patriotism, what is the essential difference between it and the former two?

However, Colonel Mina Walter laughed and patted Rozeshi on the shoulder so hard that the latter almost vomited.

"You don't have to think about it so much. We are soldiers and we just have to do our duty. Whether the big shots on earth are iron-clad patriots or groveling capitulators depends on our current actions to some extent, right?"

Seeing Yu Lian and Luo Zeshi looking at her, the handsome eldest sister said with some dissatisfaction: "Your Excellency, your look in your eyes makes me feel ashamed. After all, I am about to break through the fourth ring. Now, it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a general. Of course, soldiers can’t get involved in politics, but if senior officers don’t have any political acumen, they don’t even know where to work, right? Sooner or later, they will lose everything.”

"That's right." Yu Lian smiled and said: "Colonel Walter, I have cooperated with the soldiers of the Blue Guard many times, and you are really the most special one."

Colonel Walter suddenly felt that he had been highly praised and his face was radiant.

I vaguely remember that you said similar words to Brigadier General Chaimen, Colonel Nani, and Major General Mallowan, right? Luo Zeshi glanced at Yu Lian.

At this time, Major Anne Romanova on the New Shenzhou 1, who was at the forefront of the fleet, sent the latest report.

"The first attack fleet has entered the orbit of the fourth planet of the Blood Gate. The distance from the Blood Gate Fortress No. 2 and the No. 3 Dockyard is less than 1 astronomical unit."

"Order all crews to prepare for attack. In addition, repeat the attack plan."

"After the bombing is completed, immediately unfold the light wings and move to the direction of Gravity Well No. 2 as quickly as possible!"

"very good."

"In addition, sir, at the 7 o'clock direction of our attack group, at a distance of 0.75, we found that Corona Level 3, Huo Xuan Level 3, and Diamond Rock Level 4 are just outside the fortress defense zone. This is not part of your plan. Are you guilty?"

"It's just that all heroes come together with the same strength." Yu Lian said with a smile.

At this time, a clear and melodious mezzo-soprano suddenly sounded next to his ears. It was a very standard broadcasting tone, but it had a refreshing rhythm: "The sky is clear today, and the visibility is excellent. Solar Storm Frequency 12. It’s a good weather for outings, visiting relatives and friends, killing people and setting fires.”

When Yu Lian heard the news, he only saw Xiao Hui, sitting upright in the navigator and co-pilot's seat, wearing a snow-white professional skirt. Under the skirt were long legs wrapped in black stockings and high heels, which looked like a training exercise. Dressed like a well-trained female news anchor.

"Your voice now has the power of reassurance and encouragement. It must be imitating the spirit of speech, right? It's such a shame. It would be great if the whole fleet could hear your voice." Yu Lian raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. .

"That's cheating." Xiao Hui said seriously: "Sister, I am an intelligent civilization guidance AI, and I don't take sides."

Yu Lian chuckled: "Then, R2D2, I'll take care of everything!"

"I have no idea what your name is, and I always find it very funny."

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