Him and their stars

Chapter 1378 Today’s stormy sea

When the regent of Cathay was dragged out of the shower room by his subordinates, his body was still wet and full of bubbles, and he was considering using microwaves to blow-dry his hair.

At this time, Prince Charon's orangutan mane, the fiery red hair that was admired and envied by his followers, no longer had the domineering "burning like flames" exposed, but it was wetly slicked on his body. The whole person seemed to look smaller. It seems that from the lion king who dominated a country, he became a miserable stray cat.

...Then again, as a long-haired race, why do the Cathays have to imitate humans and take regular baths? Even if you really have mysophobia, why can’t you use high-tech electromagnetic wave cleaning that is more suitable for you?

Of course, at this tangled moment, there is no point in thinking about this issue anymore. After hearing the news, the regent of Ketai almost rolled out of the bathroom in a state of embarrassment and hit his head on the wall.

It took him more than three times the time to finally get up with difficulty, and shouted an order: "Contact the Blood Gate Fortress immediately! Let all the fleets set sail and come at full speed to support! Yes, mainly the fighter platform, let the fighter platform Release all the escort fighters! Quick, I mean all of them!"

Colonel Lanbeard, the captain of the Prince Regent's guard, responded subconsciously: "We have already done this. Your Highness, we must take you to evacuate immediately."

The guard captain's movements were very mechanical, and his expression was full of panic, but as a well-trained security officer, he still used the conditioned reflex movements to stuff the wet Charron Orangutan Mane into a protective In the server, I also put a helmet on the latter and two compressed survival bags.

But in fact, the distress signal on the Blood Lion was not sent. This heroic flagship of the Cathays was actually one of the first warships to be hit. A torpedo that exploded on its side did not completely neutralize the protective belt of its shield and armor. Most of the extremely powerful explosion energy did not explode inside the battleship.

Even so, the direct entanglement of space bubbles, force field shields, and antimatter energy still formed quite violent turbulence, instantly destroying all communication circuits outside the dreadnought.

At this time, it was less than two minutes before the battle began, and the Galaxy Defense Command located at Fortress No. 3 in the rear had not yet captured the presence of the Community ship. Even when the fire on our own dreadnought began to burn raging, we thought it was a vicious ship collision - this kind of thing actually happened quite often.

Until a Huozhao-class dreadnought that had lost its kinetic energy accidentally hit the No. 5 Fortress closest to it, causing secondary damage. They realized belatedly that they seemed to have really been attacked.

"We are sending electricity to the West End Galaxy ahead. We were attacked by the enemy's superior fleet. Please come back immediately for rescue."

"Rescue? However, the outer ring fleet is attacking, how can we come back for rescue?"

"Divide the troops! Of course we have to divide the troops!"

"So I'm asking you, who should divide the troops?"

"Quick, go ask the imperial advisor! Ask Count Heronqi to make an idea!"

"The Cathay people's fortress invites advisors from the empire to make decisions. From now on, what position do we have to guarantee at least autonomy in front of the empire?"

"You, you, you! What do you mean? You are disloyal!"

"Is this the right time to consider this kind of problem? Quick, quick, quick, in short, we must contact His Highness the Regent!"

The officers who stayed behind were not unanimous in their opinions. At this time, the entire command system of the Blood Gate Galaxy was experiencing fatal chaos and incompetence.

But at this time, there will be no one to make up for this mistake.

After all, the Blood Gate is the most important military pass for the Cathay people. Whether it is the Enbu people, the Angmans people, or even the Imperial people, they do not fully understand the mechanism here.

By the time the stay-at-home headquarters reacted, all stationed warships were sent out for emergency sailing, and all fighter planes took off for escort orders, and by the time all units that could still respond responded, a full five minutes had passed since the first attack.

Five whole minutes. So, everything was already too late.

The first thing to be bombed was the orbital fighter platform near Fortress No. 2. Most of these defensive fighters used in the interstellar world are Snow Deer-class fighters produced by the empire. The advantages are fierce firepower, thick armor, and easy operation. The disadvantage is that it lacks maneuverability, cannot cruise for a long time, and the combat radius does not exceed one astronomical unit; in addition, this kind of fighter carries many weapons and a large amount of ammunition, which brings about the problem of too long preparation time.

Of course, more expensive multi-role fighters are also on the empire's shelves. But again, the Kaitai people have limited funds and manpower, so if they can spend a small amount of money on battleships, it is already very good.

Of course, the Cathay Kingdom has also considered designing and producing its own fighter jets. But facts have also proven that even though these are ultra-small aircraft for individual soldiers, their technological content is much higher than that of large freighters and passenger ships.

Anyway, after all, the mission of this kind of fighter is only to provide air defense cover for facilities in the galaxy. There are never any high-difficulty combat requirements such as sublight speed interception, escaping enemy pursuit, or fleet penetration, so the combat radius is not a big problem. .

However, the long preparation time posed the most fatal problem at this time.

At this time, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry named "Rumina Squadron" also arrived.

Most of these torpedo ships were produced in the New Seville shipyard, and most of the pilots were locals, hence their name. Of course, they are not Lumina people. Their body shape determines that these powerful warriors are not suitable for operating spaceships, but there are also many human workers in the Red Maple Factory.

A pilot team composed of the children of human workers, driving a lightning strike ship made by their Lumina workers. This is probably the most perfect unity of civilizations for common prosperity.

As for the Blood Gate, before the first escort fighter was sent out of the hangar by the electromagnetic track, the airport where they were located suffered a disaster.

Facts have proved that compared with various warships, these space hangars are so fragile. Even the torpedoes launched by the unbuilt torpedo strike ship Hubaoqi, and even the turbofan laser group and small missiles can easily penetrate the orbital airport.

At this time, the New China Squadron led by Anne Romanova did not stop or turn around. Instead, it separated directly from the burning battleships and passed by the smashed orbital airport at extremely fast speeds. The airspace began to accelerate straight away, drawing a 15-degree clockwise direction around the low-Earth orbit of Planet 4, and rushed towards the dock area.

There were not many torpedoes left in their hands, so they simply smashed out the remaining ammunition. As a result, 4 orbital shipyards and more than 20 large and small warships were hit on the spot. The high-heat energy shock waves kept biting and pulling, pushing the burning steel corpses throughout the airspace.

In addition, when the tiger and leopard riders of the New China Squadron passed through their hunting grounds at high speed, they even spilled a series of mines, the only weapons left in the cabin.

For a time, the airspace was densely covered with deadly traps. Even the enemy ships that had barely escaped being struck by lightning just now found it difficult to set sail immediately.

In this way, in just ten minutes, the lightning strike fleet produced results comparable to those produced by the outer ring fleet in the previous twenty-four hours. It suffered only one death and three injuries, and began to return the same way.

"Let's go back to resupply. If everything goes well, we can return to the battlefield in an hour." Annie reported to the remaining company of the Dragon of Dawn.

Of course she and her subordinates were not returning to Nantianmen, but to their own mothership.

The sneak attack fleet led by the Fuxi no longer hides itself. As early as when the attack was launched, they had already jumped into the Blood Gate Galaxy.

These capital ships had not yet entered combat status immediately, but the back-mounted lightning strike ships immediately deployed their light wings and directly entered a sublight speed charge state.

"Approved. However, I earnestly hope that you will do it in vain." Yu Lian replied.

"The same goes for lower officials."

Looking at it in detail, the two people's words were really a bit complacent, and it sounded like an arrogant soldier would be defeated. But with the current situation in the world, even the most cautious and steady commander here really can't think of a reason to overturn.

You know, the third batch of tiger and leopard cavalry led by Colonel Gao Lanfu also arrived on the battlefield. This group of lightning strike ships that achieved great results in the "Battle of the High Seas" has been officially named the Rogue Squadron out of spite of a certain commander. However, these people's fighting methods are not "robbery" at all, but very "trapped".

They rushed over from the back side of Planet 4 along a counterclockwise orbit, and quickly passed through a row of heavy automatic turrets with ease.

Immediately afterwards, 12 torpedoes hit Fortress No. 6 on their only way.

However, it is regrettable that the space bubble anti-matter torpedo, which is almost a special attack on battleships, has limited damage to the fortress's too thick fluid metal armor. After a violent explosion, the fortress fell into a state of paralysis and deformation. It also lost the ability to command the fort and other facilities, but at least it managed to survive with difficulty.

However, this regret is just a small episode after all.

The Rogue Squadron passed directly above the orbital dock group, and while avoiding the mines left by friendly forces, it also completed its own "bombing". The reactors of the battleships were detonated, and flames erupted one after another. The energy turbulence set off violent waves, shocking the survivors of the combined fleet who narrowly escaped death. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry shuttled between the gaps of the torn beams, as if they were really trampling the iron knights reaping the appointment in the enemy's formation.

By this time, almost no one would consider the possibility of resistance anymore.

However, the battle is still not over.

Lieutenant Jean Cook and three friendly ships, under the order of Colonel Gaulanve, left the main force formation slightly and accelerated towards their own battlefield in the 5 o'clock direction.

That was the first exchange of fire in this battle, and there were seven or eight heavily damaged battleships standing there. They were burning and collapsing, but not completely sunk after all.

Therefore, Lieutenant Cook threw two torpedoes carrying neutron warheads through the hole on the port side of the Blood Lion's hull. A ruthless murderous storm swept across the entire ship in an instant, and then, the three Tiger and Leopard Cavalry that followed one after another did the same thing.

In the blink of an eye, more than 8,000 officers and soldiers still alive on the ship lost their lives.

The flagship of the Kingdom of Cathay, with all its personnel killed, still followed the route originally set by the captain and helmsman, rushed forward crookedly, and then crashed into the Enbu people's Leixing III dreadnought.

In the violent explosion, the two majestic giant ships finally began to disintegrate.

The pilots of the community only felt that they had finally killed two of the most important iron turtles, and their morale was high. However, it was not until the end of the war that everyone noticed a detail. Before the Blood Lion was completely destroyed, he failed to successfully launch any lifeboat.

No one knows what the last order Charon Mane gave during his lifetime.

However, perhaps some people felt the sadness of the coalition commander, and after all, there were brave coalition pilots who took off in fighter planes. But again, if they could have taken off ten minutes earlier, they might not have been able to stop the surprise attack by the people on Earth, but they probably wouldn't have lost the ability to fight back at all.

Before Beiwei arrived at the battlefield, the White Devils' fighter planes finally arrived.

In the face of new fighters equipped with light wings, the old and fragile snow deer is indeed as fragile as a fat deer in front of a pack of wolves. The coalition pilots failed to complete the escort mission, only to fall prey once again and exposed all their own operational airfields.

Facts have proved that the orbital airport cannot stop the lightning strikes and new turbolaser cannons of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, nor can it stop the tiny aerial bombs and missiles of the White Devil.

If the number of kills of the fighter planes at the airport can be counted, all the pilots of the White Devil Squadron will be regarded as aces today.

Only then did the fleet led by the Fuxi start to come here belatedly.

Their combat mission is to attract the attention of the enemy fleet and, when necessary, provide support for the torpedo ships with long-range gunfire from the dreadnoughts. However, looking at the situation now, it is already good to be able to catch the leaked poop in time.

On the other side, in the cab of Dawn Dragon 1, Yu Lian couldn't help but be shocked by the battle situation.

"I knew this attack would have a very high success rate, but I didn't expect it to be so smooth. How could the majestic Blood Gate Fortress become incapacitated so quickly?"

Rozeshi mused: "In April last year, a quite violent palace coup occurred in the Kingdom of Ketai. Charon Mane transformed from a destitute former crown prince to the regent of the kingdom. He He put his father under house arrest, killed his three younger brothers and two younger sisters, and naturally also purged the Kaitai military force."

"You mean, all the outstanding Kaitai officers were killed?" Yu Lian asked.

"No, all the outstanding Kaitai officers were killed by you during the Battle of the West End Star Territory." Rozeshi shrugged: "What I mean is that after the coup, the combat effectiveness of the Kaitai Kingdom Army actually increased. Expectedly. Their performance since the beginning of the war is not too bad. However, this kind of military organization is based on the words of a strong man. It will show good efficiency and execution in a short period of time, and it will appear to have combat effectiveness. Yes. But when a strong man loses his leadership, he behaves like a troll who has lost his head."

He paused and showed a gentle and warm smile: "We should learn something, we should learn a lesson, so that we can live up to the lesson the enemy taught us with blood."

"Davarishi Rozeshi, I always feel that your words are very meaningful." Yu Lian glanced at the other party.

"I'm just speaking out of my feelings. The key depends on your interpretation." Luo Zeshi still looked kind-hearted.

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