Him and their stars

Chapter 1488 Decent

In fact, it is not entirely correct to say that "Shanbei Camp" was occupied.

At this time, there were more than 3,000 scared soldiers in the "Beishan Camp", more than 10,000 left-behind troops affected by the low morale of the defeated soldiers, and more than one million tons of arms and supplies. Of course, facilities such as field hospitals, maintenance factories, helipads, garages and warehouses are naturally available.

Although such a base was only built after the arrival of the Imperial Army, it is already the size of a small city. The commando team under Meng Jiao's command only has less than a thousand people, so it is impossible to complete the occupation in any case.

Even so, Meng Jiao felt that he was still very experienced in the matter of "how to destroy the city-scale base that the empire had built with great difficulty."

The assault force he led launched an attack immediately and decisively after the Imperial Army was attracted by the so-called "heavy artillery base" buried in the mountains.

At this time, the defenders of the "Beishan Camp" had just sent away their own troops and were busy responding to the defeated troops who had retreated from Marshal Li Gelu. They really did not expect that the people on earth would be so ungrateful to martial ethics.

The first thing they faced was several rounds of shelling that crashed into warehouses and power plants. These incendiary warheads fired from the mountains quickly ignited warehouses stocked with millions of tons of supplies, as well as large areas of energy sectors.

The shelling naturally came from the community's assault battalion, and the weapons were 10 AK rail guns. As we all know, all weapons that come out of the hands of a certain "Dragon of Dawn" who cannot be named have two characteristics: the mass appeal that can be processed in a small workshop, and the adaptability that can be assembled at any time.

When the defenders began to put out the fire, Colonel Mengjiao's assault force broke in directly from the separation wall on the west side and appeared directly on the campus on the west side of the base.

The invincible Highlander warriors naturally rushed to the front wearing heraldic machines. His "Scarlet Thorn" aura enveloped all the surrounding soldiers, turning them into arrows sharper than chariots.

The sentry guns placed around the base were completely destroyed before they had time to react.

At this time, the imperial soldiers who had just retreated from the meat grinder battlefield of Marshal Li Golla were resting and recuperating here. Their familiar commander had just been taken away by the military police, and everyone was in panic. Before they even had time to take a bite of hot food and receive a complete bandage, the community's hundred-eyed giant armor once again appeared in front of them.

To the current imperial soldiers, these non-human soldiers of the Blue Star Community, these strange-shaped special mechas, are now as ugly as ghosts, but also as ferocious as ghosts.

He is elusive and appears everywhere, following him like a shadow.

The shocked soldiers collapsed again. Those who were exhausted or were seriously injured and unable to move could only hold their heads and squat in defense. Those who still had the ability to move ran away like frightened sheep, bringing chaos to the entire camp.

Of course, Meng Jiao didn't think about making more heads, or in other words, his first goal was not here. He just led people to blow up the tarmac and garage, killed the commander of the base, an Angman brigadier general whose name was not important, and planted bombs in all the energy facilities. Then, before the imperial reinforcements came back, everyone was destroyed. The members retreated.

When the imperial soldiers who were about to attack the heavy artillery base returned by airship, they only saw a grand and spectacular mushroom cloud rising over the base.

...In addition, Mengjiao and the others did not plant any discordant large-scale projectile bombs in the empire's base, just some bomb arrays. As for why a gorgeous big mushroom was exploded in the power plant area of ​​the empire base, it can only be said that this is an unsolved mystery of energetics!

In short, another round of fierce offensive launched by the Imperial Yaochi Front Army after receiving reinforcements came to an end once again in such a miserable and tragic way.

In this battle, they lost a total of more than 14,000 people killed or captured. They also lost 43 large and small airships and more than 300 various armored vehicles and combat vehicles. The losses of various combat-assisting robots also reached four figures.

Of course, all this is nothing compared to half of the "Shanbei Camp" being razed to the ground.

After receiving the news, Major General Surmei was silent for nearly half a minute, and then asked: "From the tunnel again?"

There was a tremor in his voice, as if he was confirming whether his world view was still stable.

No one present answered him immediately.

Major General Surmei asked again in an almost weak voice: "So, how many tunnels do the people on earth have? This planet is actually a network, right?"

He immediately discovered that his remarks seemed to be disrespectful to the "Holy Land Planet", which was equivalent to being disrespectful to the Enlightened One and even the spirit of the universe, so he had no choice but to make a prayer gesture with a sad face.

"Forgive me, Spirit of the Universe, forgive your sad and confused people. But, what should I do? How can I get your guidance."

"You guessed it right." The person present finally answered, it was Colonel Arianne Aichner who had just returned to the headquarters.

"...This, what's wrong? The spirit of the universe guides me?"

The baby-faced Hoshimi official and navigator muttered for a moment: "This planet is mesh-shaped."


She added in her answer: "Within the continent of this planet, there is indeed a huge underground world, which is composed of a huge underground cavity and a network extending in all directions. Within the cavity, there is even an ecology that is different from the surface, but harmonious. system."

When the empire's siege troops were bombarded by the mysterious force from the sea, the navigator and Miss Hoshimiguan took people to the beach for an inspection, and now they finally returned.

This young female officer with a baby face still looks expressionless and listless, but she talks a lot and seems to have gained a lot of information.

"I found this out from the Island Whale."

"Island whale?"

"It's the giant phantom beast that appears offshore from time to time, the one that smashed an entire array of our detectors."

Major General Surmei immediately thought of the huge shadow that appeared in the offshore sea, and immediately stood in awe of the colonel in front of him: "You talked to him."

"Spiritual communication is always possible. They are also phantom beasts with certain intelligence, but they are not very friendly to us." As soon as Colonel Arianne said this, nosebleeds began to flow from the beautiful Qiong's nose.

Under the worried eyes of Major General Surmei, she expressionlessly took out a handkerchief and wiped it clean, then stuffed herself with a tissue, and then showed a thumbs up expressionlessly to indicate that she was fine.

Major General Surmei doesn't know much about psykers. Since the other party said that he was fine, of course he could only treat it as fine.

"In other words, the enemy's soldiers and civilians can continue to persevere in underground hollows?" This is probably the most creative insight he has made since the war began.

Colonel Arianne nodded and added, "They probably started farming in the underground hollows."

"...On the other side of the sea, is there a passage into the underground of Marshal Li's Grad City?"

Colonel Arianne nodded, but then shook his head: "Yes. After the enemy's unmanned submarine was built, it entered the sea directly by sea. However, if we want to explore it now, we will need more time. In addition, , the huge phantom beast in the sea of ​​this planet is hostile to us."

"...Isn't there hostility towards the enemy's unmanned submarines?" Major General Surmei felt that this was unfair.

"It exists." Colonel Arianne continued to nod: "It's just that most phantom beasts cannot detect unmanned submarines using that kind of shell material."

Major General Suermei immediately felt that it was even more unfair. He always felt that he was being played by some dark hands.

But theoretically, I shouldn't have such subtle emotions. Since the enemy has mastered stronger and newer technology, it is equivalent to a hard power advantage in some aspects. You should also accept this fact.

Am I so unworthy of losing? Major General Surmei smiled bitterly in his heart. He was now beginning to doubt himself. Compared with the lack of ability, the lack of courage frustrated him even more.

"There is also good news." Colonel Arianne added.

"Oh?" Major General Surmei didn't have much hope, but he still turned his head.

"I just took a detour to the battlefield in Beishan. The two nuclear bombs you just dropped left huge craters, but the reflective residue has almost dissipated. It dissipates faster than normal. More than ten thousand times.”

Is this planet so magical? Suermei was slightly startled, but after being shocked, she showed a look of ecstasy and breathed a sigh of relief. He finally no longer has to worry that the planet will suffer irreversible environmental damage.

But then, a worried look appeared on his face.

The war had reached this level, and he had almost despaired of the possibility of coming here to serve as governor.

"The fungus under the crater has also begun to grow. In a few months, the grass will grow." Colonel Arianne said in a calm tone: "This planet is a miracle."

"Yes, a miracle beyond my imagination." Major General Surme gritted his teeth and whispered: "Colonel, I hope you can convey my apology to His Highness. I hope you can inform His Highness Brunhilt... …”

His voice was pleading, and his expression was very respectful. He didn't seem to be addressing his subordinates at all, and certainly not like he was addressing a young girl half his age. This general, who was born in a noble family, was actually not prepared to pay attention to his dignity at this time.

However, perhaps it is precisely because he is a child of a great noble that he understands the principle of "the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door". He also knew that Colonel Arianne Enach must have a way to contact King Suliuka.

"Say it." Colonel Arianne's baby face was still expressionless, but her voice was still very soft, with a clearness that was not polluted by the evil world of the five turbidities, and a very girlish feeling.

Major General Surmei felt a little relieved and said quickly: "If I want to take all Yaochi, I still need support. I need the support of the Blade Claw Guards Division composed of two Enbu people."

The Bladeclaw Guards are the ace marines of the Enbu people, and perhaps one of the most adept at underground tunnel combat in the galaxy.

Of course, after all, the Enbu United Ministerial State is just an independent country that obeys the Imperial Emperor as its suzerain, and it still has a seat in the Galactic Civilization Parliament. To dispatch the ace marine force of this country, even the Generalissimo's Office has no say, but the Privy Council has to come forward to discuss it.

Colonel Arianne nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

"In addition, we may need at least one unit of Astral Knights. We also need two or three Star Viewers." At this point, Major General Surmei twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment and squeezed out a sentence that even he himself felt embarrassed. Awkward smile.

Speaking of which, isn't Colonel Arianne Einach a star officer? Asking for support from other Hoshimi officials in front of her can be completely understood as distrust of the latter's ability. Wouldn't it offend people to death?

Such low emotional intelligence is really inconsistent with the self-cultivation of a well-trained aristocratic child.

However, what can Major General Surme do? He is also desperate!

He felt that if he didn't take down this planet, he wouldn't even have a chance to discuss the future.

However, this young Miss Hoshimi Guan should be a very talkative person. Although she is taciturn and likes to fish, she is also very reliable at critical moments. She will not act like a monster in military discussions, and she never discounts her orders. She does not rely on being a subordinate of His Highness Brünnhilt at all. Proud of being favored.

Such a good girl will definitely understand her difficulties.

What's the saying? People who can fish are good and considerate people. If they understand their own difficulties, they will certainly understand the difficulties of others.

Thinking of this, Major General Surmei almost burst into tears when he looked at Miss Colonel.

"I understand what you mean." Colonel Arianne nodded.

"Then..." Major General Surmei suddenly became excited.

"But, it's no longer needed."

"This, what do you mean..."

"His Royal Highness Brunhilt taught me the measures that should be implemented in this situation."

Major General Surmei's heart suddenly became cold. The harmless, even cute baby face opposite Yuxue still had no special expression, but he inexplicably felt a fatal sense of crisis.

However, the major general suddenly found that there was nothing he could do. He couldn't get up, walk, move his arms, or even make a sound.

He could only watch helplessly as Colonel Arianne Einach across from him slowly put on his gloves, took out his gun from the cabinet next to him, and pointed it at his temple.

Major General Surmei felt the cold muzzle of the gun coming to his temple. He looked at Miss Colonel's baby face in despair, as if he saw two big words in those listless eyes: "Decent!"

yes! I've already made others decent, and it's my turn. Isn’t this the Tirero people? He thought so.

Major General Surmei held his own gun and fell in the office. His temple was pierced by the beam, and there was no sound. This was what his adjutant and guard captain saw.

Obviously, this traditional general from the traditional noble family of Tirillo could not tolerate the humiliation of defeat because he could not start the war and lost troops and generals, so he chose to understand himself. He also used his life to apologize for his mistakes in decision-making.

When the guards were decorating the general's body, they later found a handwritten suicide note from the office, which confirmed the above speculations.

Then, Colonel Arianne Einach began to issue orders as a matter of course, and the entire army returned to the base and began to build a defense line on the spot. The warships also returned to low-Earth orbit, maintaining a safe distance from Marshal Li Grad.

The Imperial Army in the Imperial Yaochi actually has a few brigadiers, but they are only responsible for a single aspect of work and do not have the prestige and ability to oversee the overall situation. Now that someone is willing to make the decision, it naturally means that someone is willing to take the blame, and everyone feels relieved.

Although Miss Enach is only a colonel, she is a psychic after all, a Hoshimiguan, and a member of King Su's shogunate, so she should be able to shoulder the blame. perhaps……

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