Him and their stars

Chapter 1490 Good News, Bad News and News (2)

Your current expression is as if you are going back to Heaven to stage a military coup. Giaphiel thought. However, as soon as this thought flashed through her mind, the terminal screen next to her suddenly flashed, switching directly from the warship's various performance and flight schedules to Miss Ostana Barr's unchanging business smile.

Miss Chief of Staff immediately saw the chill on Brunhildt's face and said directly: "Well, Your Highness, you look like you are going back to clean up the Privy Council and the Grand Marshal's Mansion. of."

Giaphiel confirmed the transportation status of the sound-proofing force field.

She now feels that precisely because of the existence of people like Miss Ostana, Brünnhilt's mental institution seems to be becoming more and more stable, and she can occasionally violate the integrity, loyalty and selfless knight character, which makes her vomit a little. No, it's just a little "admonition" to the master.

Of course, with Miss Ostana's temperament, she is still alive and well, and her status and power are making visible progress. This can only show that Brunhilt is indeed capable of tolerance. The magnanimity of the Holy King.

"...If I really clean up the Privy Council and the Grand Marshal's Palace, I will also clean up the Senate. Then I will tell the people that it was you who made the slander, and then send your head out to appease the people's complaints." King Suliuka He folded his hands with an expressionless face and retorted along with Miss Chief of Staff's joke.

"Then before my head is hung on the flagpole, please be sure to let the best embalmer put on makeup for me, and my expression must be as smiling as it is now. It doesn't matter if a person dies, but it is very important to die without dignity. It's scary." Miss Chief of Staff glanced at Gia Feil:

"How's it going? Gilly, but did anyone meet an undignified end?"

"Colonel Arianne Enach has sent a signal. There is an emergency in Yaochi. The frontline soldiers have lost trust in the command. She had no choice but to choose the most extreme approach."

Ostana didn't seem particularly surprised: "Yaochi has been failing, and the pressure and humiliation it has brought to the command are visible. If Major General Surmei lacks the necessary strategic determination, he will definitely lose more and more. Tragic."

"This time, Major General Surmei really lost his life." Giafel said.

"What a pity. Major General Surme and I have agreed before. This guy values ​​​​honor and aristocratic manners too much, but he is not incompetent and can be an excellent governor." Ostana sighed with regret:

"That girl Arianne, on the other hand, impressed me with admiration. She usually looks innocent and indifferent, but she is also very decisive when doing dirty work."

"Didn't you arrange this dirty work?" Brynhilt said lukewarmly.

"That's not the point. The point is, Your Highness, as for Yaochi, I suggest that Major General Maytig take over all military affairs."

"Rear Admiral Maytig? His fleet is participating in the encirclement and suppression of Yang Xiyi's fleet." Giafel said.

"They are destined to make useless efforts. The Dawn Star Territory is too big. If we couldn't keep Yang Xiyi's fleet at the beginning, it is impossible now." Miss Chief of Staff said.

Her words were very idealistic, but she seemed to be very confident in her own judgment.

"Major General Maytig is not only an excellent admiral, but also an elegant artist and an eloquent speaker. Now, he is the most suitable for the Yaochi battlefield."

"...Are you going to let him preside over the negotiations with Yaochi?" Brunhildt said.

"It can be announced to the outside world that the priority is to attack the heart. At least, he will not make the situation worse." Ostana said.

"I will consider this issue seriously." Brunhildt said: "You are calling at this time. You should have something else to report, right?"

"A good news, a bad news, and a news that I don't know how to judge. Which one does Your Highness want to hear first?" Ostana Barr asked.

King Suliuka always felt that he had heard such words somewhere, and his mood suddenly never got better.

"Given your guy's criminal record, my gut is telling me right now that there's good news and bad news going together."

Ostana suddenly showed an expression of admiration and bowed: "Your Highness Sheng Ming Wu Guo."

"I'd rather not be a sage in this area."

"The good news is that on the far shore, our fleet has entered the I Earl Star Gorge in large numbers, and will soon launch a strategy to attack the Saide Fortress. Judging from the current situation, the backdoor left by the Saide Fortress is still there. Normal operation. This miracle may have a certain success rate."

"Haha, only King Wilent and his ilk would have high hopes for such a shady trick." Brynhilt sneered: "Then what? Where's the bad news?"

"The attack on Seide Fortress should have started two hours ago. However, we did not receive any battle reports from the front line."

Giafel's brows twitched slightly: "I have a very ominous premonition."

"You don't have to be detailed. The far shore must have suffered another defeat, and it must be related to our arrangement. We have once again trapped ourselves, so we have become a laughing stock again. However, considering that Marshal Ikenluojia is there, , the situation should be under control." King Suliuka poured himself another glass of wine, took a sip, and suddenly ordered:

"Ostana, send a letter to Admiral Misaro immediately. If there is an unplanned change, please be sure to advise Marshal Ikenluojia to protect our precious mystical combat power as the first priority."

Miss Chief of Staff suggested: "It is better to send a formal announcement to the Four Seasons God as Minister of the Privy Council and Chief Marshal. You now have such authority."

"The wording must be rigorous, so that the frontline commanders cannot have the feeling of being blindly commanded by the rear." King Suliuka said.


Seeing that Brunhild still looked uneasy, Giafel comforted him: "Marshal Ikenloga is cautious in his military use, and he is a veteran general who is very good at listening to opinions."

"Of course Mr. Iken's strategic determination is more than one order of magnitude better than that of Surme, but he has an army of tens of millions of people under his command. How can the matters that need to be dealt with be only at the military level? Sometimes, Even though he knew that he was gambling and there was a possibility of failure, he still had to do it." Brynhilt shook his head and said:

"That's why I've been saying that the military should be lean and simple. All the so-called joint fleets of soldiers from more than three countries are not serious about fighting, but armed parades and political shows off."

Her words dissed most of the emperors, but everyone remained calm.

"In addition, if the battle situation on the front line stabilizes, I need a detailed battle report. This matter can be left to, well, let Major General Yeager Soback do it."

Brünnhilt is happy to let his subordinates express their opinions on a matter, which can provide him with a different perspective. She also always believes that it is very helpful for frontline generals to do more staff work, or do paperwork and reporting work like adjutants, for personal growth.

Of course, if the opponent was a strong general like General Misaro or Lieutenant General Biffick, she would not be so demanding.

As for Soback...Brünnhilt thinks that he is very good at identifying talents, but now, he is not too sure about this person's qualities. However, considering his past achievements and that person's regard, he should be a capable commander with both civil and military skills, right? Even a generalist in military and political affairs, right?


Brünnhilt added: "In addition, please tell the Privy Council again that my time is limited. After arriving in Tianyu, I need to convene the highest military meeting immediately."


"At the meeting, I will self-examine the gains and losses of the war during this period, but I also hope that other relevant people will be mentally prepared. So, adults, please be prepared."

Giafel and Ostana exchanged a look across the screen. As King Suliuka's most trusted right-hand man, they all heard a certain solemn evil spirit in each other's joking tone.

"If you really want to cleanse the Privy Council, the time is not yet ripe. At least you have to wait until Gilly becomes the leader of the Astral Knights." Ostana said.

Brünnhilt smiled and said, "Really? That's such a pity! Gilly, how much longer do you need me to wait?"

Giafel confirmed the status of the sound-proofing force field again, and said in a gentle tone like a kindergarten teacher: "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I will try my best to make your expectations come true as soon as possible."

Brunhild glanced at his best friend: "Yes, you are a good girl, you have made long-term progress in putting on airs, and I hope this is an improvement in the way of being an official. In addition, send a letter to the imperial anteroom , inquire about the possibility of His Majesty the Emperor coming to the military meeting."

This time, Ostana did not agree immediately: "Before the war started, His Majesty showed up once in the Senate on September 1st, and then never showed up again. The noble Supreme Being did not even give a speech to the whole people. In front of the Emperor The news given by the Office last month was that His Majesty the Emperor’s wise eyes have once again fallen on the path of truth and must not be disturbed at will.”

"So it's just an inquiry. I don't want to disturb his old man's practice with worldly matters, but what to do is decided by His Majesty, not the Imperial Palace." Brynhilt smiled gently, but his eyes were firm and sharp. He looked like "If you don't agree, I will go to Longlin Palace".

In order to prevent the Lord from being suspected of "assassinating the king and killing the driver", of course the chief of staff had no choice but to accept the order.

The queen then asked: "Okay, what is the good or bad news you just said?"

A strange expression flashed across Ostana's face: "This is the latest rumor obtained from the Black Tree Agency, about President Nishita Keys of the Blue Star Community."

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