Him and their stars

Chapter 1493 Mr. Vice President refuses to retreat in the face of danger

Yes, the second-in-command of the Blue Star Community, Vice President Hierro, had already entered the fortress a week ago. This man, who is still sixty years old this year, can actually be considered young and powerful by the standards of a politician. Moreover, he is thin, energetic, and elegant in temperament. He looks nearly ten years younger than his real age. He gives the impression that he is a scholarly politician with a graceful demeanor.

He perfectly complements President Nishita, an impassioned alpha male politician.

Of course, this man is definitely a well-trained professional politician. After hearing that the fighting on the front line was tense and that Sylvester and Yu Lian could not come to Xin Shuntian to meet, he rushed directly to the Saide Fortress without stopping.

After arriving, he first visited the wounded, then reviewed the combat units that had made meritorious service, and then happily participated in military-civilian gatherings organized by various civilian condolences.

Vice President Hierro even said that he was also an artistic young man when he was young. When the Ice Vapor Band came on stage, he jumped on stage to sing with these rock veterans.

Yu Lian could tell that the veterans of IceSteam were really shocked by Vice President Ye's singing voice, but they still held their noses and finished the performance together.

It's a get-together anyway, so it's ok for everyone to be happy.

Anyway, many ordinary soldiers will certainly be encouraged when they see the high-ranking Vice President come on stage to sing for them.

After most of the artist groups who came to the labor force left, Vice President Hierro began a tour of condolences to various sub-fortresses. He inspected barracks, inspected armaments, patrolled ships, talked cordially with ordinary officers and soldiers, and also gave important instructions to the top brass of the theater, requiring them to effectively solve the difficulties of ordinary officers and soldiers and make comprehensive combat preparations.

...Okay, all of the above are clichés. However, Vice President Hierro can only speak clichés now, and the generals in the fortress can only accept clichés. Everyone knows all this well, so they can avoid many embarrassing developments.

In fact, Yu Lian has already bought an extra month for everyone.

During this time, he rebuilt the fortress, installed new fortress cannons, built more unmanned turret clusters, repaired the seriously injured Zeus into a lightly injured one that could go on the battlefield, and received more from New China and New Seville. A hundred lightning strike ships were built.

He thought he had done everything he could, but it was not the turn of an outsider to come to the front line and point his fingers. If after finding fault, you still want to give directions blindly, then something tragic may happen that will make it impossible for everyone to get off the stage.

Fortunately, Vice President Hierro is a smart man after all. Afterwards, he held a small but decent ceremony in the fortress, and formally awarded Yu Lian the highest medal of honor of the community.

Of course, promotion is impossible. After all, Yu Lian had only been a lieutenant general for more than three months. To become a general immediately would really violate the most basic personnel system.

However, senior Sylvester has indeed officially become a general. This is all reasonable if it only comes to this point. However, several reinforcement generals transferred from the central Terra Sector and Atlantis Sector were promoted one by one, which was not very reasonable.

If it had been another time, some people might have thought that the central government was putting eye drops on Yu Lian, and there might have been a reaction in which military morale fluctuated and people became distracted.

However, after a series of battles, Yu Lian had already established absolute prestige in the outer ring war zone, and the smart and self-aware old senior Sylvester could not really jump out to fight in the ring, so everything on the defensive line was normal. .

At this point, it was difficult for Yu Lian to judge whether Vice President Hierro was sincerely coming to offer condolences, or whether he was trying to stir up trouble. However, before the latter could do anything else, they received news that the empire's main fleet had entered the far shore nebula on a large scale.

"So, Your Excellency, Vice President, the situation is clear. For at most three to five days, the fortress will become the battlefield. By then, the subordinates may have to go into battle in person with trolls and machetes, and there is no guarantee of safety. Zone."

In full view of a group of senior generals, Vice President Hierro, who looked like an elegant scholar, had a very vivid sense of struggle flashing across his face.

As a civil servant who has been a member of parliament since the age of 24, it is inevitable that he will feel fear and sadness. It would be a bit exaggerated to be really impassioned right from the start.

However, he was silent for a few seconds and then said: "But if I leave, won't I leave the soldiers and the princes behind and escape in the middle of the battle? What a shame is this? The blow to everyone's morale will also be It’s very heavy.”

Everyone nodded, indicating that Mr. Vice President was from a high position and had foresight. Yu Lian next to him was amazed.

In such a short few seconds of facial expression changes, he could actually see the character's growth arc, which is a famous performance in the movie that is qualified to compete for the Yage Mi Award.

Sure enough, all the famous actors in acting are widely involved in the brutal growth of the political arena. I don’t know why the major directors don’t come to Capitol Hill to collect materials.

However, Mr. Vice President really thinks too highly of himself. He actually thinks that his existence can determine the morale of the soldiers? Even though he was visiting, chatting, laughing and even singing on stage during this period, he still had some homework to do if he wanted the soldiers to treat him as one of their own.

To put it bluntly, even if he passes away now, few people will be sad. At most, it was just a few emotional sighs.

However, Vice President Hierro always believed that he was important. He talked like this: "President Nishita is the supreme commander-in-chief of the entire army. Can we be regarded as deputy commander-in-chief? In normal times, that's it. My duty is indeed to coordinate affairs in the center of the earth. But now, since we are encountering problems on the front line, The enemy cannot retreat. This is the time to show the indomitable courage of us people on Earth and to show our determination to resist. We must tell the Imperial people on the opposite side that although the community is large, we have no way to escape! "

Well, having said that, the Vice President also showed extraordinary courage and determination, and it was difficult for the fortress to refuse. Moreover, the other party also frankly stated that he was just a guard, had no understanding of military affairs, and would never interfere in any command matters.

He even held the hands of Yu Lian and Sylvester, and said enthusiastically: "I also have a regiment of guards here. They are all good men with guns and clubs. If necessary, just use them as a reserve team." ."

General Sylvester immediately showed emotion that fit the atmosphere of the scene and shook the Vice President's hand vigorously. Yu Lian immediately stood at attention and obeyed the order, saying that he would never betray the country with his passion.

To be honest, the vice president's bodyguards are all drawn from the Earth Garrison. To put it bluntly, they are "floating boys" from the capital area. If the original Solar System Fleet was a road specimen, these are the hanging lantern mascots. Each of them may look like Kong is powerful, tall and mighty, and they are all good at operating mechas and weapons, but their fighting will may only be limited to exercises.

But, again, the leader’s good intentions must be followed. How you handle it will test your ability to work.

Yu Lian directly invited the Vice President to the main headquarters in Area A of the fortress to stay with General Sylvester. The vice president's guard was also directly sent under the unified jurisdiction of the headquarters guard regiment.

As for himself, he set up his headquarters in Area D, which is closer to the front of the fortress. Once a war breaks out, he will go to the so-called "former enemy headquarters" to take command, and even set up camp directly on the Fuxi when necessary.

In short, the main theme is "Out of sight, out of sight, out of mind."

General Sylvester showed a tacit smile, and Vice President Hierro even expressed his understanding. As for whether it is a true understanding or a false understanding, it actually doesn't matter. Mature adults must understand the truth that people cannot be broken apart even if they are difficult.

Of course, Yu Lian's own headquarters is very close to Area F where "advanced" psychic operations took place previously. However, there is no need to explain this kind of command details to Vice President Hierro in detail.

Privately, Yu Lian asked Luo Zeshi directly: "So, do you think Mr. Vice President is really fulfilling his duties when he is so brave, or does he have other ideas?"

"...As the frontline commander, you directly expressed your distrust of the vice president. If this spreads, it will also be a political catastrophe." The loyal adjutant said helplessly.

"Vice President Hierro is a politician with general knowledge. Even if he hears my unbridled remarks at this time, he will ignore it. However, there is an extreme occult bomb inside our fortress, and I have to be cautious. Some."

Luo Zeshi nodded: "I have reviewed all the Vice President's entourage and guards, and there is no doubt so far. His guard captain, Colonel Zhang Huangyuan, is a psyker, but he has been pampered and has not fought with anyone for several years. The rest Soldier, I'm afraid you can't beat me if you tell me one thing."

"...You started checking the third generation of someone's family when they first arrived, right?"

"You also said that there is a big occult bomb in the fortress. We must be careful. Not to mention him, all the civilians who came to the army during this period, I watched them like thieves, and slept every day They only dare to close one eye." Luo Zeshi sighed: "But we have to let them come. Otherwise, the secret will be exposed, right?"

Is this guy calling the Vice President a thief? Is that what it means?

Yu Lian looked at the dark circles on Luo Zeshi's face and realized that this guy had indeed lost weight again. He immediately patted his shoulders gratefully: "Thank you for your hard work! As expected, my achievements, Yu Lian's, are all due to everyone's efforts." Ah! When the war is won, I will definitely build a monument for everyone’s livers.”

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