Him and their stars

Chapter 1501 Is this part of the plan?

"The Zanar fleet lost six guard ships, ten arsenal ships... and four armored aircraft carriers."

If you only count the first half of the report, it will probably prove once again that big and stupid things like frigates and thin-skinned things like arsenal ships are about to be launched on the stage of history, and the second half of the report will make the most hard-hearted Generals are bound to feel the pain.

As we all know, the Empire's armored aircraft carriers have the most number of stormtroopers and armored grenadiers instead of fighter planes and pilots.

Lieutenant General Tanlian knew that the number of stormtroopers and marines who instantly turned into cosmic dust due to the sinking of these battleships alone was already over 20,000.

However, she had to keep herself cool and calm for a long time, at least on the surface.

"The aircraft carrier, please move back. The opportunity to attack the fortress has been lost." She ordered.

The chief of staff thought for a while and said: "The Earth fleet's tactical movement and attack selection just now were very precise, and they must be experienced in hundreds of battles."

"So, who is it? Who is in command on the Zeus?" Tanlian said coldly.

"Sylvester?" the chief of staff muttered.

"Him?" Lieutenant General Tanlian thought for a moment and extracted a little bit of information from the ravines in the cerebral cortex. She suddenly realized that she had dealt with Admiral Sylvester. That was ten years ago, during a military exchange at the Galactic Civilization Council in Huaxu.

...Well, he really doesn’t seem to be such a ruthless type. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that these ten years have transformed him from a step-by-step technocratic general into a decisive and fierce general.

However, it is not uncommon for young people to grow up like this, but it is too unconvincing for middle-aged people to change like this, right?

"Yu Lian, is the Fuxi really over there?" The chief of staff seemed to be asking a question, and seemed to be talking to himself.

Lieutenant General Tanlien was slightly startled, and suddenly felt that what the other party said made sense, and he immediately fell into deep thought.

But at this time, he heard the chief of staff say again: "Will our fleet be committed to the frontal battlefield?"

You are the Chief of Staff, shouldn't you come up with a few executable combat plans quickly? If you raise doubts but don’t answer them, what use do you have?

Lieutenant General Tanlien took a deep breath and forced a calm smile: "The battle has reached this point, and it is no longer our turn to continue to play the leading role. Let the entire fleet keep a safe distance and prepare for the Natural Crest. Good cover.”

She paused and then asked: "Where is Admiral Rosanio's fleet?"

"Count I - T1 galaxy is still six hours away from this galaxy." The adjutant paused: "In addition, Marshal Ikenroga's team has also set off. It is expected to arrive here within twenty-four hours. "

"The battle report here has been sent to the Four Seasons God."

The female general's expression was calm, but the adjutant could always feel the hidden low pressure. However, at this time, besides nodding his head, he really didn't know what else to do.

Fortunately, Lieutenant General Tanlian seemed to be just confirming.

She did not ask the two officers for their opinions, and the latter did not immediately request instant messaging. In fact, she had already made her attitude clear. However, the female general said what could she do? She was also desperate. The reason why I didn't get angry was because I thought it would make me look particularly incompetent and angry.

I am responsible for my own problems. The worst case scenario is that I will retire in disgrace and go home to raise horses, but I definitely cannot shoulder more blame. It is absolutely impossible in the next life.

At this time, Lieutenant General Rhaenys Tarlyon seemed to feel the shadow blocking the starlight, and couldn't help turning her head to look at the left port window.

The Titan ship Nature's Emblem, which was more than twice as large as the dreadnought ship Yan Guanglong, slowly surpassed him like a towering steel fortress. The huge hull almost blocked all the view outside the porthole for a while.

It is now December 7, 4:25 a.m. Galactic Standard Time. The Natural Crest passes between the Tarlian fleets and faces the miserable Zanar fleet. , as if he wanted to take the lead on behalf of the other party.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Duke Garibian took the initiative to connect with all the generals.

Her expression was still calm and awe-inspiring, but at this time, she finally had a hint of gratitude: "You have actually created strong conditions for this battle, and you all have merit and demerit. I have asked the adjutant to do this." The record is ready and sent directly to Tianyu."

Come on, although he is a mystic who gives me the biggest headache, he is still a very particular person. Lieutenant General Tarlyon thought. If you were to be chosen as the new King of Thrane, I would give you my vote.

Of course, if it is to choose the emperor... then forget it. The emperor can be a strong person in the field of psychic energy, or preferably a strong person, but he must not be an occultist.

Lieutenant General Tanlian said: "Be more careful. Your Highness, may the spirit of the universe and the dragon of the morning bless your military fortune."

"Thank you, General Tanlian, thank you very much. I am sure now. Sure enough, such a majestic blessing is more suitable for me!"

Within the Natural Crest and the observatory, spiritual light flows in a complex and vast array. The psyker standing in the center of the array opened her spiritual person, allowing the power generated by the alchemical array to be injected into her body, making herself a part of the circulation of these spiritual veins.

At this time, she had abandoned her body and slowly floated over the fortress.

At this time, she could finally peek into the original appearance of this huge space city in a physical way. Her vision passed through the outer energy shield, the inner fluid metal armor, and the armor further inside. Her will swept through the barracks and hangar, bypassing the cabins one after another.

Then, she felt the largest independent cabin in the fortress, or rather, it was a hemispherical space formed by hydraulic metal pillars and transparent dome materials.

It is said that before the war began, Admiral Sylvester really wanted to turn this place into a civilian urban agglomeration. He almost succeeded. what a shame.

If it weren't for the war, this man would actually be qualified to become an excellent district governor.

She finally felt a faint sting. Duke Garibian knew that even using his own power to let his spiritual sense span such a vast sky would be a burden on his spirit. However, she still felt joy.

Operating such a large-scale psychic array for a long time really kept her spirit running at its limit. At this time, she had already felt her own limits, and even felt the opportunity to break through them.

...It is said that His Majesty the Emperor's will can even span distances measured in light years, and kill a psyker with just a mental shock. What kind of power is this? What kind of state is this?

She once thought it was a legend, but now, she has seen the possibility.

One day, is it possible for me to reach such a state?

Duke Garibian's heart was filled with enthusiasm, full of longing and ambition for this possible future.

She didn't take it as disrespectful. If a psychic does not have the ambition to climb to the top and reach the side of truth, it is impossible to become a saint.

But no matter what, she is just an ordinary saint, and she still has her limits after all. The heavy feeling of fatigue soon became a kind of burden, and the image observations of the real world quickly dissipated in her mind. However, in contrast, the spiritual vortex observed in her mental vision had turned into a huge wave.

Under the huge waves, an indescribable giant seemed to be emerging.

"Come. Come. The starry sky of reality is your hunting ground! Come here, Eyeless Root, Ten Thousand Eyes of Shadow, come and hunt."

She whispered in her heart, letting her spiritual energy condense into an anchor point, guiding the direction of the indescribable thing.

Now, Duke Garibian has completely fallen into his own world of spiritual resonance. Of course, she was completely unaware that on the battlefield in the real world, changes that were beyond everyone's expectations had already occurred.

"A high-energy reaction occurred in the direction of the fortress?" Lieutenant General Tanlian looked at the adjutant suspiciously.

She had already received information that the fortress and the surrounding branch cities at angles to each other were equipped with high-power and powerful heavy fortress cannons with extremely long ranges.

The Earth's defenders never skimp on artillery shells and energy, and often start bombarding the Imperial fleet beyond the effective range. What they want is not to hit the target, but to deter them from a distance.

Does the Fortress have high-energy reactions? What's there to report?

"It can't be that the natural heraldry number has been hit." Lieutenant General Tanlien said a joke casually. She still has a lot of resentment towards Duke Garibian.

The adjutant couldn't smile, so he could only twitch the corners of his mouth and handed over the report: "It's not like a powerful bombardment, but more like an energy reaction formed inside the fortress. In addition, the mass vibration effect was also detected."

"Mass shock?" Lieutenant General Tanlian glanced at the result report and was stunned: "Good guy, 3 billion tons? Is this also part of the Void Transformation Plan?"

"So, what exactly is this void transformation plan?" The chief of staff was also shocked.

"I don't know. I just know that His Highness will make a big deal. Marshal Ikanroga and Admiral Rosanaio should know, but they didn't go into too much detail. The tasks assigned to us include monitoring the enemy. The movement of the main force is to escort the Natural Crest and His Highness Garibian. Send an alert to them."

The female general felt that if not all the tens of thousands of people on the ship had fallen asleep, they would have noticed this scene long ago. In theory, there is no need to remind them. However, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

The chief of staff continued the order and then asked: "Does our fleet want to spread out the artillery array?"

Lieutenant General Tanlian pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and added: "The seriously injured ships of the Zanar fleet will retreat to the rear according to the original plan. However, let him keep all the arsenal ships."


In fact, the crew of the Natural Crest had also noticed this scene. However, ordinary officers had no idea whether they should disturb the Duke who was in the observatory.

In fact, even the Duke's own guards and maids hesitated. They are all the closest ministers of His Highness Garibian, and even the head maid is a psychic. But because of this, they knew that when high-level psychics were operating large arrays, no one could disturb them.

Isn't the reason why they guard the entrance and exit of the observatory with loaded weapons just to ensure this?

"Well, if the fortress has a high-energy response, just use a high-energy response. If there is any movement from the people on earth, just let it be intercepted by the Tarlian fleet." At the end, the Duke's maid and captain of the guard, himself also has the first-class knight Marquis Ainan Lord Sha, made such a judgment.

She still felt that her duty was to allow the master to operate the array without interruption.

On the other side, the battle that took place near the seventh planet in this galaxy, the blue gas giant planet, has finally come to a conclusion.

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