Him and their stars

Chapter 1503 Isn’t it just Leviathan?

To put it bluntly, it's not that the fortress was blocked and rushed over. Although this thing is not as good as the Empire's Sky Castle, it is still a behemoth with a diameter of more than 60 kilometers and a mass of hundreds of megatons.

With the current sub-light speed engine technology, if you want to promote this thing, you can use a method that is too powerful to fly. Installing hundreds of dreadnought or large transport ship engines will always make it move. However, it is really difficult to describe how mobility and speed will be realized.

In fact, it took the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army several minutes to finally determine that part of the structure of the Said Fortress had separated from its body and was accelerating towards everyone.

After a few more minutes, everyone was completely sure of even the quality and outline of this part.

"The total mass is between 2.7 billion and 3 billion? It is twice that of the Alliance Poseidon Ship!" Lieutenant General Tanlian looked at the latest report: "Is it separated from the fortress? This will not have any structural impact on the fortress. Damage?" (Note 1)

"This may be true, but the specific impact is hard to determine," the adjutant said.

Lieutenant General Tanlian glanced at the other party and felt that after he finished this battle, not only would he have to change his chief of staff, but he would also have to change his adjutant.

The adjutant probably felt a hint of danger, and quickly reported: "Actually, in the past few years, Seide Fortress used to be a military fortress, but later there were more civilian commercial needs, so it was expanded several times. They used Lumina’s magnetic balancers made of Tion alloy are structurally connected so that costs can be controlled…”

"You mean, this is a part that was later expanded, so it is easier to disassemble?" Lieutenant General Tanlian said.

"Perhaps this is something that the people on earth have planned for a long time?"

"Besides, this part is a civilian area?" Lieutenant General Tanlian was thinking about Dongao again.

However, even if it is a civilian area, it is very likely that it has been transformed into a military area by the people on earth. Anyway, everyone knows the native methods, green skins, etc. Putting some turrets in the containers of the civilian cabin and the interstellar hotel does not involve any technical content.

However, the problem arises. What's the point of such an attack?

That thing does fly very fast, which is not surprising. If that thing is really equipped with a hundred sub-light speed engines, and then injects a sufficient amount of explosive dust into the energy structure inside, and rushes forward regardless of cost and service life, it may be able to achieve this kind of impact effect.

If coupled with the irregular cylindrical shape, it really looks like a cosmic rolling log.

However, no matter how fast it flies, can it be compared to cannonballs and beams?

"...Are you planning to hit the Natural Crest?" Lieutenant General Tanlian raised his eyebrows.

Not only her, but all the officers on the bridge also expressed difficulty in understanding, and they were all whispering to each other.

"If it's possible to hit semi-fixed fortresses and space stations, then battleships..."

"Fortresses and space stations are also impossible. Who doesn't have an engine installed on a space station now? It must at least remain stable under the pull of the planet's gravity."

"If the fortress cannot move, can't we use a railgun to slowly chip away at the armor from more than one astronomical unit away?"

"These days, even defense satellites in planet orbit must at least follow the planet's orbit, right? How could it be hit by something like this?"

"And if it really hits me, I might as well collect some ice cubes."

Lieutenant General Tanlien's ears were filled with such whispers. She suddenly felt that the current scene was indeed full of surreal absurdity, and she couldn't help but want to laugh, but she wanted to force herself to calm down.

Whether it was her intuition as a psyker and a woman, or the accumulated experience of an excellent general, she felt that the truth of this matter was definitely not that simple.

"Send a report to the Natural Emblem immediately. Judging from the trajectory of the opponent's fortress...the unknown impact object, it should collide with the Natural Emblem within ten minutes." The female general ordered.

Then, half a minute later, she got her reward.

"Sir Aynan has just reported. His Highness is still running the array, so don't disturb him. However, the crew of the Heraldry are ready for battle and can be avoided at any time."

General Tarlyon nodded. After all, it is such a big Titan. Even if it is drifting to avoid the collision, it should not affect Lieutenant General Tanlien in the observatory, right? perhaps……

The communications officer began to report: "The enemy broke through the yellow area and entered the orange area! There is still half a minute to enter the main gun range of the Lupang fleet!"

"The Lupang fleet is here to report whether to start bombarding the enemy's unknown collision objects."

In fact, according to Lieutenant General Tanlian's idea, just let the opponent's unknown roller hit. Although this thing looks menacing, it will take several minutes to roll over after all. Even a rookie helmsman who just graduated from aviation school can predict it in advance.

However, this thing has an engine installed after all, and it rolls with amazing power, and it may even have the ability to turn. When the time comes to run rampant in one's own fleet, even if it is difficult to actually hit the ship, the insult is still quite strong.

After all, they were the fleet of a majestic galactic overlord. It would be fine if they were beaten to a pulp by the warships of the Earthlings. But if they were beaten to pieces by the rollers thrown by the opponent, they would really lose their face.

"Prepare for bombardment!"

Lieutenant General Tanlien glanced at the Natural Crest next to him and found that the other party's signal light was flashing. He moved his huge body and began to avoid it. In this way, it should be able to avoid the impact of the enemy's "giant cosmic rolling log", and also give the imperial warships a firing range.

Ha... I thought you were going to fight hard. Lieutenant General Tarlyon thought maliciously. She feels that her current mentality is like a villain, but she is not ready to change.

"The enemy has entered the shooting range!" the communications officer loudly reported again.

Lieutenant General Tarlyon swung his right hand down hard, as if he was swinging a machete with all his strength.

"Shoot!" the adjutant shouted in response to the commander's order.

"Shoot!" Such orders also began to spread throughout the fleet.

Immediately afterwards, the blazing energy intertwined into a mighty photon wave, sweeping towards the charging unknown object. But before this time, thousands of sub-light speed missiles were like deadly arrows before the beam cannon bloomed, forming a barrier of white light and blazing flames.

However, at this moment, a communication from the rear floated to the bridge of the Yan Guanglong like snowflakes.

"The order from Admiral Rosanaio on the Thor?" Lieutenant General Tanlian frowned. Her instinct told herself that the old general's request at this time would probably not be a good thing.

The chief of staff quickly read the telegram, with a hint of surprise in his voice, and even a hint of panic: "Admiral, Chief Rosanaio wants us to stop the bombardment immediately!"


"Yes, he said, it was a trap! We were fooled!"

By the way, weren't we the ones who laid the trap in the first place? Lieutenant General Tallian felt that his mind was a little hard to turn around again, which made him very frustrated.

But now, no matter what I say, it's too late. The sublight-speed missiles, which were as dense as a rain of arrows, had enveloped the unknown object separated from the fortress in the raging waves of flames.

But then, everyone saw a strange sight.

The explosions one after another began to merge, began to stagnate, and began to disperse. It was as if there was an invisible force absorbing the light and heat of the explosion. A moment later, a void and dark star gate, wrapped in unpredictable energy flow, appeared in everyone's void.

It was like a huge and beautiful prominence, like a veil woven with the holy light yarn of the sun, swaying in unpredictable ways over the sea of ​​stars, as magnificent as a dream.

However, the changes that everyone has seen are not just that. Immediately afterwards, in the glorious "solar prominence", a huge body slowly emerged from the period, like an indescribable devil who came from hell to the living world.

As a result, the flame-wrapped aperture turned into a turning point where light and darkness collided. It is a place of extreme splendor and extreme horror.

Many soldiers screamed involuntarily. At this moment, even the imperial warship closest to this giant is two to three million kilometers away. It was impossible for them to see the giant figure clearly with their naked eyes. At most, there was only a blur of light. However, through the monitor, they could see that an indescribable thing that was as tall as a walking tree had stepped on the broken flying object.

It... no, there shouldn't be any eyes-like organs on his body, but everyone clearly felt that he was indeed staring at them and every imperial soldier.

This may be the ultimate fear of giants, or it may give proud humans a rare feeling of being devoured by natural enemies.

Then, the giant thing jumped up from the scrapped roller, its huge body fell into a transparent state, and floated towards the stunned Imperial fleet like a ghost.

Vice Admiral Tarlian was perhaps the first in the fleet to react. She shouted in a voice that was close to a roar: "Fire! Fire! Stop that monster!"

At this time, Admiral Rosanaio's order was completely meaningless.

On board the Natural Crest, Duke Garibian slowly opened his eyes and let his soul withdraw from the deep spiritual world. Now, she is certain that the virtual lord known as the "Eyeless Root Demon" and "Thousand-Eyed Root Demon" should have arrived in the real world.

Right now, He should be destroying the Cade fortress.

If Lieutenant General Tanlian had basic military knowledge, he would definitely not miss this opportunity.

Of course, it would be best to wait until the Void Realm Lord and the Earth defenders fight until both sides are injured. This is the best time to harvest the results of the battle. If possible, she hopes that she can be the last person to kill the "Eyeless Root". The experience of making the virtual realm lord fall instantly will become an important step for him to climb to the top.

At this moment, she was even a little excited.

In history, there is no shortage of examples of high-level psychics killing lord-level virtual creatures in the virtual realm. Of course, there is no shortage of examples of virtual realm lords coming to the real world and being defeated by masters. You know, the skull of the Void Underlord that descended on the "Shengyuan Star Region" half a century ago is still on Elun Star, and has been converted into a museum.

However, the Void Realm Lord was not used as a weapon in the decisive military attack of the national war.

In this way, wouldn’t I have made history?

Although it was King Wilent who planned this kind of thing, it was me, Garibian, who carried it out.

Of course, as a royal noble who pays great attention to propriety, this smug smile only appeared on her face for a moment and then disappeared immediately.

She glanced at the four psykers on the outer star positions of the array. They were all third-ring Star Viewers, the backbone of psykers. With their current strength, if they want to preside over a psychic array of this size, even if they are a great auxiliary, of course they need to do their best, and now they naturally look like their bodies have been hollowed out.

Duke Garibian began to think about how to appease and reward him. These few are all his best friends, and they have made great achievements this time, so they must not be disappointed. Even if he is really transferred to the Knights, he still needs to keep some of his own people in Hoshimi Pavilion.

However, she suddenly felt her heart tightening and shuddered involuntarily, as if she felt a very bad aura.

By this time, her perception in the real world had been restored. After casting his spiritual sense, the Duke had captured the fluctuating extreme emotions outside the Star Observation Pavilion.

It was a feeling of confusion, panic, and panic among many people, and it was even slowly brewing into a mass panic.

Then, someone really knocked on the door, and naturally it could only be her head maid, Dame Einan.

Duke Garibian sighed, caressed the Noble Phantasm on his wrist with his fingers, calmed down the turbulent spiritual world, took a deep breath, reached out and opened the door of the Star Gazing Pavilion with his telekinesis.

Outside the door, the members of the guard headed by Maid Ainan were there, as well as Colonel Duda, the first mate of the Heraldry.

"Your Highness, this ship is about to enter a state of emergency maneuvering." The colonel saluted and said solemnly: "In addition, you are also required to make a decision on the current emergency state."

Duke Garibian didn't even bother to ask what the so-called "state of emergency" was.

She has clearly captured an indescribable and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuation, which is getting closer and closer to her.

She turned her head and saw a giant object drifting in the starry sky on the light screen that bounced off her side. Only the vague outline of the thing was translucent, but some shapes could be vaguely discerned. It was a monster that was over ten thousand feet tall, like a tree trunk covered with branches, but without a single leaf. In other words, it's like a cosmic stick insect.

"The unknown target is approaching us." Chief Duda said: "The ship's shields and engines have been fully deployed. In addition, the main gun is also ready. However, there may be an impact reaction for a while."

The first mate is an old Sumi sailor who has experienced many battles. He may have seen all kinds of storms and waves, but he still behaves very calmly. This is actually understandable. If such a behemoth, which is more than ten thousand feet tall, is within the atmosphere of the planet, it will naturally be a terrifying giant that covers the sky and the sun. Just by virtue of its body that fills the sky and the earth, it is enough to scare most people. Lost my soul.

However, in the universe, this kind of body shape is nothing. If you recover from the shock of its initial appearance, you will realize that the space Leviathan, which is much larger than this, also exists, and the glorious, brave and powerful Imperial Army has not failed to deal with it.

"The speed is very fast. There are still three minutes left before us." The first mate continued: "However, we have already calculated it. The speed of that thing is far from the opponent of the Herald."

It seems that the Titan ship is ready to fly the kite. This is also a standard tactic used by Imperial warships to defeat the giant space Leviathan.

"The rest of the fleet is also ready! Artillery support is available at any time. In addition, the people on earth will not be allowed to find any loopholes." Colonel Duda looked confident.

Note 1: Regarding the issue of warship quality, it was probably caused by Eve’s ship data when it was first set, but after people discovered it, the more I thought about it, the more something was wrong. So, I’m eating books again.

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