Him and their stars

Chapter 1506 Human destiny

Yu Lian looked down at the stunned Frank Moor who was standing in the center of the courtyard. He stared at Yu Lian hanging in the sky with wide eyelidless eyes. Yu Lian's figure was reflected in those round, dark eyes. Until the other party landed directly in front of him, the glazed expression in his eyes did not fade away for a long time.

Yu Lian smiled: "What's so shocking about this? When the body of the Eyeless Root Demon descends into the universe in the real space, its body and shadow will switch. Of course, this will create a gap between the virtual world and reality. I Isn’t it reasonable to take the opportunity to get in and find it based on the residual spirituality left by Lord Ethereal?”

The Franmore people probably felt that there was some truth in what they said. There was disbelief in their eyes, but they still couldn't help but said: "But, this is a virtual realm after all!"

"Didn't you come in too?"

The other party was speechless for a moment.

"How about it? As the real originator of this war, how does it feel to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai in the virtual world and watch the clouds rise and fall? Mr. Herrito Hewen."

This Flemish man was, of course, Gerrito Rivers, who started all the events. His defection, no, his righteous act of "pursuing freedom and justice" gave the empire a reason to attack the city. However, while the empire and the community were negotiating, he himself disappeared silently from the Seide Fortress.

As a result, the conflict turned into a firefight, and the firefight expanded into a full-scale war.

Now, with the expansion of the scale of the war, everyone agrees that with the empire's consistent style, it is possible that it will really have to reconquer the earth before it can stop.

And Herrito River, the man who represented the beginning of the war, is no longer important. Most of the soldiers and civilians participating in the war have even forgotten the existence of this Franmore.

This is easy to understand. In my previous life on Earth, everyone knew about the World War, but most people would not be able to remember who the Serbian young man who shot and killed Archduke Ferdinand and his wife was without looking up the books.

Of course, this is just public perception. But in fact, most of the universe is now looking for traces of Herito River. Both the warring parties, the alliance behind the scenes, and even the Galactic Civilization Council need to know about his existence. As a result, the white and black circles in the entire galaxy also started to move. The news about this Franmore man has long been the most valuable information in the intelligence market.

However, even the dignified Sharing Foundation cannot provide reliable information, let alone other cats and dogs?

"I have heard that the Imperial Privy Council used 50 million gold dragons to go to the Sharing Foundation to find out your exact information, but they did not accept the business." Yu Lian looked directly into the other person's eyes, as if he wanted to take all the other person's money at once. His thoughts were completely clear: "So, this is the empire making a show? Let me just say, how can the contents of the transaction with the Sharing Foundation be spread out?"

The Flemish man took a step back and put on a stiff smile: "When you get here, you must have a lot of guesses and judgments. Is my answer important?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Herrito Hewen is indeed a man. But is it worth it?" Yu Lianda said.

There was a hint of helplessness and bitterness in his smile: "This is a choice of fate... You should understand, General, we are Flemish people, and the situation in the empire is very difficult. As the creator of "The Theory of Principles", You should understand this best, even better than us."

You’ve also seen the co-author!

"Now that my brother has embarked on that path, the original plan can no longer be established. The Hewen family is also a famous Flanmore family with a long history, but that is not important. What is important is walking within the Galactic Empire There are more than 8 billion Flemish people. If we want to survive, we have to do more." Herrito Hewen sighed: "General Yu Lian, I can understand the larger truth, but this cannot solve the final problem. Real issues. We want to survive. Survival is a war in itself."

At this time, Yu Lian finally heard a little resentment in the other party's words. This is understandable, he has now become a dead soldier, but you must know that more than a year ago, he was one of the rising political stars in the imperial capital, serving as the mayor of the space city Huhuai City.

In addition, as a young and energetic municipal governor, in addition to being the parent of 3 million permanent residents of the imperial capital, he also holds important positions in the military industry department, industrial planning department and policy research department.

One can imagine how highly respected Gerrito River was. In fact, a non-human being has such a position. It also shows that Prime Minister Valpolis appreciates him.

In addition, Mr. Hewen is also a psyker, and received basic occult training in the initial training camps of the Knights and the Inquisition in his youth.

If he hadn't been admitted to the Wisdom Palace University and passed the first-class Imperial Civil Service Examination, he might have been a promising executive judge and astral knight by now.

We all know that in the Galactic Empire, the awakening of non-human psychic powers is likely to be a curse rather than a blessing, but if you have received training from the official psychic group, it will definitely become a highlight on your resume.

Politicians in the imperial capital all recognized that if Herrito Hewen had not died unexpectedly, he would have at least become a minister of the cabinet and the chief executive of the sector. Of course, the deputy prime minister in charge of policy and alien race affairs can also be considered.

...The Privy Council is of course inaccessible. So far, the Galactic Empire has had no non-human members on its Privy Council.

Of course the Prime Minister is unlikely. There have indeed been non-human prime ministers in the history of the Galactic Empire, but they were all very special cases, and they were the excessive products of compromises between many parties.

But even so, the deputy prime minister is still the pinnacle of a Flemish man's life.

If there hadn't been a little accident at the 250th God of War Festival, and if his brother Peleliu Hewen hadn't become the leader of the rebels, his life plans should have been realized step by step.

In fact, in another timeline, these life plans really came true. Gerrito Rivers did become Vice-Chancellor in the era of Queen Brunhilt, becoming the first hereditary lord among the Flanmores and the first Privy Councilor.

There is a saying that at the God of War Festival, Yu Lian heard the surname "He Wen" and had a few more words with the young man named Peleliu from Flemmore.

Everything that unfolded later happened naturally, and he really didn't give any deliberate guidance.

As for Peleliu Hewen, who was unknown in his previous life, he has become the leader of the Franmore Rebel Army in this life. He is much more famous than his brother, who was the deputy prime minister. Yu Lian can only say that this may be the reason why everything in the world has changed. Let’s work together”.

"Your brother...you haven't been in contact with him for a while, right?" Yu Lian asked.

Herrito said frankly: "He is no longer my brother. At least not legally. I have indeed not seen him for two years. If we meet next time, maybe only one person will survive. "

"You are the administrator of the Prime Minister's Office, so you don't need to be so radical." Yu Liandao.

"Thanks to you, my current organizational relationship has been transferred to the Grand Tribunal. Hahaha, this is probably a return to the roots. If I had failed to pass the first-level civil servant examination, I would probably have become a judge. In the Galactic Empire, there are only a few ways for non-humans to get ahead."

"...So, is this hedging his bets?" Yu Lianda said.

"It's okay if you understand it this way. It's only thanks to His Highness Wilente's great blessing that I can enter the shadow of this world and hibernate here for a long time."

"Indeed, you are the brother of the leader of the Franmore Rebels. No one can be more convincing than you in defecting. What's more, you have served as mayor and managed the orbital arsenal in Huhuai City. Even for the Alliance, you are a A very valuable person. As long as you enter our defense zone and express your intention to come, even if our border soldiers have doubts, the higher-ups will definitely accept you. Even if the Earth side is calm-minded, the Alliance will not let them calm down. ." Yu Lian sighed. This can probably be regarded as a conspiracy.

"Actually, the Earth defenders in the fortress have been very careful." The Franmore people said something fair.

This is true. Senior Sylvester is more like a step-by-step intellectual. If there is any quality that he has as a general that affects the soldiers under his command, it would probably be... well, diligence and stability. You know, after the Red Maple Factory resumed production capacity, the old senior reinforced the front line of defense on the far shore several layers. Of course, his style will also affect the soldiers of the far shore fleet.

After Helito Hewen was sent to the fortress, he was also placed under house arrest. The measures taken to guard him must not be lax.

"However, they will not think that as soon as you enter the fortress, the plan has already begun."

"I did do the work of a dead soldier, but the probability of survival is actually quite high. I just need to stay in this courtyard until the battlefield is over. By that time, no one will care about a Flemish man who defected and disappeared. The empire just has one more ordinary Judge Franmore. And, with your knowledge, of course you will understand, right? As long as safety can be guaranteed, for psykers, the virtual realm, this mysterious virtual realm , it must be the best place to practice."

Having said this, the Flemors showed a grateful expression and saluted to a high tower directly north of the courtyard - this direction was, of course, determined based on an astrology pattern in the center of the courtyard.

Yu Lian also found the coat of arms of the Wilente family from the main entrance of the tower.

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