Him and their stars

Chapter 1519 Acridine X La Lei! empire!

Yu Lian did not answer immediately. He must be more focused on dealing with the siege.

The attacks launched by the four elite astral knights at this moment were faster and more powerful than before, as if they were being healed and at the same time being injected with spiritual energy rods.

This is also an effect of the array. Yu Lian clearly felt the changes in the enemies' spiritual energy. Although it was not chaotic, it did have an unnatural rhythm. This reaction will naturally occur when a psyker is infused with power that does not belong to him.

Of course, this isn't a bad thing. The so-called incoordination of the spiritual breath can be adjusted naturally after the battle. The same is true for the "halo" techniques that the "Throne" star ring is best at.

The only one who was still moving steadily was Shameen. He was neither injured nor affected by the opponent's buff. He still looked like he was neither happy with things nor sad with himself. Even so, he kept up with the rhythm of his comrades, and his breathing and spirit always maintained a sense of coordination.

This guy is really making great progress!

If Duke Garibian's graceful but gloomy voice hadn't sounded again, Yu Lian might have started to praise him at this time.

"Your torpedo ships will attack my Nature's Crest. They will destroy my engines, slow down the ship, and create space for the assault boats to land. Of course, they will even use gravity bullets to create a massive Opportunity to jump gangs in space. The reason why you took the risk to enter this ship alone is to stabilize the space channel, right?"

Oh haha, I was guessed correctly. Yu Lian couldn't help but glance at Xiao Hui again. According to the robot, this plan can actually work. She even calculated the mathematical model of the space channel for herself.

"But, Yu Lianqing, do you really think this can be successful?" Duke Garibian's voice contained a hint of sarcastic laughter: "Can the same trick really be used against us a second time?"

Miss Anne Romanova experienced the sense of dislocation caused by up and down dislocation, the confusion caused by interference with instrument data, and the insecurity caused by missing directions. In less than a minute, Miss Anne Romanova experienced it all.

This is a rare experience for a Baofei clan who has experienced hundreds of battles, and a thunder strike ship captain who has experienced hundreds of battles and is famous for his reputation.

If it is based on its consistent attack experience, once the lightning strike ship activates its light wings and opens the space bubble, it will start to move forward in a way that makes the crew feel extremely relaxed.

However, the trajectory of this flight was far from stable. Even if the space bubble is deployed, the violent swaying of the entire ship body can be clearly felt.

Her doubts were soon clarified. In his communication terminal, Essen French's voice sounded: "This is the neutralizing reaction of the space force field. Something is neutralizing the space bubble!"

Eisen French is currently sitting in the Seder Fortress with his technical team, and of course he is also paying attention to the current battle situation for a long time. Speaking of which, all the lightning strike ships of the New Shenzhou Squadron are actually equipped with quite complex reaction units, and even generators of gravitational waves and seismic waves, which can feed back the latest battlefield information to the rear terminals at any time.

After all, the New China Squadron is the first batch of lightning strike ships of the Blue Star Community and even this civilization era, and it must still serve the purpose of weapons testing.

Annie felt her heart tightening, and quickly grasped the joystick to ascend. At the same time, she shouted to her crew: "Send performance feedback to all formations immediately!"

"Bombardiers start dropping bombs! Launch on No. 1! Launch on No. 2!"

At the moment when the Lightning Strike Ship turned around, Anne saw the empire's huge battleships constantly circling in her field of vision, like a rotating steel city.

Of course she knew that this was just her subjective perspective.

At the edge of vision, during the battle between the Imperial Fleet and the Void Realm Lord, only dense light curtains could be seen flickering. And further away, at the edge of the field of vision, is where our own side and the remaining fleets of the empire are fighting.

There, light spear cannons and ion light-speed fire lines weave an embroidery of death in the void. The dark and vast endless sky was cut into countless fragments by colorful blades of red, blue, green, and purple.

And among the divided pitch-black fragments, the fire of the explosion flickered and bloomed, as if it was the fire of hell that was constantly devouring countless lives.

However, only the steel city closest to me actually has a sense of tranquility, and there is a strong evil spirit in it! It must be handled well!

...So, there is something wrong with this Titan ship, right? She quickly confirmed this fact, knocked on her helmet with a fist, and restarted her personal assisted driving system.

However, before that, she had decided to use manual driving. She checked the meter and her current position with her naked eyes, and began to calculate the level between herself and the enemy ship. At the same moment, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a ship passing by him and knew that it must be a friendly force.

Obviously, friendly ships have received their own alerts and responded appropriately.

Lieutenant Colonel Anne Romanova took a breath and observed the trajectory of the two torpedoes launched by her own side in the auxiliary system after restarting. These were the two space-blocking torpedoes she launched just now when she was piloting the New Shenzhou 2 to evade.

She watched as the torpedo also expanded its space bubble and accelerated towards the majestic ship. However, when it was still quite far away from the target, there was an obvious twist.

The torpedo showed obvious twists and turns, as if it fell into the invisible water. Not only did its forward trajectory begin to twist, but its speed also slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, intensive anti-aircraft fire began to explode. Two invincible space bubble torpedoes were detonated instantly and disintegrated at a considerable distance from the enemy ship.

The material warhead was not ignited, but became invisible in the universe.

What makes Anne even more distressed is that three lightning strike ships did not have time to climb with her, and soon fell into the enemy ship's fire net. Two of them were quickly destroyed, and the remaining one, the New Shenzhou 004, simply turned the engine output to the maximum and began a desperate charge towards the enemy ship at the maximum charging speed.

His space bubble was indeed neutralized, but the ship with its light wings physically broke through the enemy's outer shield. Then he gritted his teeth and smashed out all the anti-matter torpedoes. .

This was the last tactical move of this meritorious ship that had made numerous military exploits and had records of battle cruiser and aircraft carrier kills.

She was then struck by the crossfire of two turbolaser units, and her gorgeous light wings were torn apart by long whips composed of energy fire. It's like an angel's wings were torn off by a demon.

New Shenzhou 4 finally fell to the outer wall of the Natural Crest and was completely shattered. She seemed to have fallen into a field of steel, and after being bloomed like a bright flame, she lost her voice.

However, there was still a problem with his shooting steps. Only one of the six anti-matter torpedoes hit, and it also caught the reactive armor on the outside of the Titan ship, and the warhead was directly deflected.

A violent explosion exploded on the exterior of the Natural Crest, which looked quite serious. However, everyone knows that such an attack is meaningless, just like a violent stab wound turned into a minor scratch. It looks bloody, but in fact it is neither fatal nor disabling, nor does it even cause excessive blood loss.

What's more, talking about damage aside from physical strength is just a hooliganism.

"Can the Titan ship's shield range be extended to such a distance?" Annie shouted in the communication channel.

"It doesn't look like a normal shield. It's unscientific." The experienced Colonel Gao Lanfu also couldn't believe it.

Lieutenant Jean Cook listened to the conversation between the two officers on the communication channel and said that it was really hard for him to imagine that these two people could actually be so ridiculous.

Fortunately, Chief Eisen French, who should be sitting in the Seide Fortress, also sent a message.

"Preliminary analysis shows that this is a special strong magnetic field phenomenon. It is somewhat close to the properties of a planetary magnetic field."

Most of the pilots said they didn't understand, but Lieutenant Colonel Romanova, who had the most academic qualifications, was even more confused: "Planetary magnetic field? The kind that neutralizes stellar particles?"

"I mean, it's kind of close..."

"Can this thing neutralize space bubbles?"

"Having said it all, it's a bit close. In short, it does have the effect of neutralizing neutrons and electron particles, and can form a defense against our long-range light spear cannons and positron cannons. As for why it can neutralize space bubbles, we Still analyzing." Eisen in the communication channel was obviously very troubled, and his last speech was even more hesitant: "Maybe, I mean maybe... This, this is very likely to be an alchemical effect. "

These words were a bit shocking and quite subtle, causing a moment of silence in the communication channel.

"Why don't you listen to what you're talking about? I'll leave everything to the occult. If Yu... If Chief Yu were here, he would definitely come up with a big ear." Lieutenant Colonel Romanova said loudly.

Lieutenant Cook felt that the Lieutenant Colonel's words seemed a bit unobjective.

He actually met Chief Yu once. He was such a great person, but he was very kind. He would not be the type to hit people with big-eared melon seeds. It was the lieutenant colonel herself who was likely to do such a thing. .

...But, having said that, does Chief Yu actually have this attitude towards mysticism? In Lieutenant Cook's mind, the image of an invincible and invincible tall commander like a god of war seems to have crumbled a little, but it has become more familiar.

Colonel Gao Ranfu said something fair at this time: "I heard that the biggest difference between Titan and Fearless is this mystical effect. This is quite reasonable."

Strictly speaking, this veteran pilot who has experienced many battles is the top officer of the Thunder Strike Fleet. After he spoke, Miss Romanova naturally had nothing to say.

The colonel added: "The actions of New Shenzhou 4 back then can prove that penetration can be achieved through physical methods."

"But..." The decisive Lieutenant Colonel Anne Romanova hesitated for the first time.

The situation just now also proves that without the ability to get close to the enemy's face, it is difficult for the lightning strike ship to enter the most suitable attack position when intercepted by the enemy's main ship's defense and control network.

Just as Anne was about to dissuade her, she heard Colonel Gao Ranfu laugh and say: "There is no time to hesitate now. No matter what the plan is, someone still has to conduct a probing attack on the enemy ship again. And ah, Lieutenant Colonel. Rogue Squadron The pilots, before flying the torpedo ships, actually flew assault ships and bombers."

"There are also those who fly sublight speed interceptors." A pilot added.

"Yes, there are also sublight speed interceptors!" The colonel followed suit.

In fact, there are also people who drive racing boats and express boats. Lieutenant Jean Cook thought, but something stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it for a while.

"There is no space bubble. We will still bomb the enemy's capital ship! Rogue Squadron, follow me!" Colonel Gao Lanfu laughed and moved his rudder, drawing an elegant arc in the air, facing the nature The Heraldic Number pounced.

The five lightning strike ships belonging to the Rogue Squadron in the queue followed their commander without any hesitation. Lieutenant Jean Cook was certainly one of them.

The kid is still debating whether he should remind his superiors that he actually drove a racing boat and a courier boat in the past.

However, at this time, in the channel that only belonged to the Rogue Squadron, I also remembered the voice of Colonel Gao Lanfu, "Okay, the time to attack has been... Damn, the time to attack is really not good. However, please imagine, in In the past wars, when would the Empire's Titan ship be forced in front of a small boat like ours? So, please be proud of it. Hahahaha!"

A burst of laughter also came from the channel, and there was a cheerful, uninhibited but fearless atmosphere.

"Okay, I've analyzed it. The space bubble is useless anyway, so just open the light wings to the maximum penetration... I'm the first one, and then Lieutenant Colonel Snart... Well, oops, Snart Lieutenant Colonel Special has died in the battle, so he is directly a member of the Pioneer Party and the Lion Heart Club."

"Everyone here is a member of the Pioneer Party." A pilot laughed.

"I'm not, but I just joined the Lionheart Club." Lieutenant Cook whispered.

"Very good! The stage belongs to us!" Colonel Gao Lanfu laughed loudly: "Remember, watch my moves. After I physically break through the enemy ship's magnetic field, I will activate the space bubble immediately! You have to find the right time! I still say the same thing, as long as you train well...ah, get the rhythm right! There is nothing to be afraid of! The enemy's Titan ship is right in front of you! The Blue Star Motherland is watching us! Everyone, everyone. , obey my command and activate the light wings!"

However, when the light wings of the five lightning strike ships bloomed like the wingspan of an angel, Colonel Gao Ranfu shouted again: "The people on earth do not need an emperor! Go to hell! Emperor!"

"Go to hell! Emperor! Fuck your whole family!"

"Sukabule! Dragon Kings!"

"Come here and get your ass kicked by the Earth grandfathers! Imperial devils!"

Lieutenant Jean Cook followed his seniors and teammates in the assault. He has left all life and death, war, enemies and friends behind. He saw the colonel's lead plane break through the magnetic field shield of the enemy fleet like a petrel fighting against the raging waves.

He felt that he had broken through a force field barrier, and the sudden turbulence pushed his love machine as if it had deformed.

However, after his heart beat fiercely for several rounds, he restored the balance of the lightning strike ship again. He saw the roaring fire coming towards him, which was the intensive line of fire blasted by the Titan ship towards him.

"If you master the rhythm well, there will be nothing to be afraid of."

Lieutenant Cook murmured and turned on the space bubble generator of his love ship, adjusting his shooting angle. To his own senses, it seemed like a long time had passed, but in reality it might have only been a moment later.

Then, the Natural Crest's intended attack target, one of the stern main engines, was incorporated into the central axis of the sight.

"Acridine! Galactic Empire!"

"Lieutenant Jean Cook, successfully damaged engine B of the enemy Titan ship and is returning!"

"The Rogue Squadron...returns in one flight!"

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