Him and their stars

Chapter 1521 The Cosmic Roller is in action

"What a monster!" On the Royal Rabbit, Captain Peggese couldn't help but sigh: "But it's okay. In any case, this is a monster that belongs to our side after all."

This should be considered a compliment, right? Although there is still a little bit of yin and yang.

The captain couldn't help but said: "However, the greatest Titan ship was crippled by the most inconspicuous boat. This actually seems like an epic!"

Soback subconsciously checked the sound-proofing force field on the side, and then looked for Sellu, and found that the latter was not on the bridge now, and should have gone to the medical room inside the ship.

He is really too lazy to pay attention to this anti-system element now. As long as he doesn't speak out loud in front of ordinary soldiers and superiors, and occasionally expresses his feelings with a little purity, it is acceptable.

In fact, he himself even discovered that the Natural Crest was hit a few minutes earlier than Captain Pegsey. This was not because his battlefield sense had become sharper. However, as a psyker who is also known for his space recognition ability, "Exploration" will of course be able to capture its subtle changes immediately when he keeps his attention on the Titan ship.

Very subtle changes indeed. This little bit of damage was really not painful to the Titan ship. She even turned around and beat the Earth warship that was about to pick up the leak. Like an enraged lion, she turned around and started beating the one who was harassing her. Like a hunting dog.

So, why do so many extravagances? If five or six Titans were deployed on the front line from the beginning, wouldn't everything be alive? No matter how invincible my old enemy is, naturally there is nothing he can do?

Looking at it this way, what kind of dead warriors, what kind of subspace, what kind of virtual realm lords, aren't they all just taking off their pants and having sex? Look, if you achieve this kind of virtue, even if you win in the end, won't the scene look better?

Moreover, what are those imperial soldiers who died in vain? You rise to Demigod level, do you take over the sacrifice of Thrane's throne?

Even a person as optimistic and knowledgeable about life as Soback would inevitably have such treacherous thoughts. He was still shocked by his own thoughts, but he understood Lieutenant General Tanlyen's dissatisfaction more and more, and his resentment towards Duke Garibian became more and more serious. He had completely forgotten the set of emeralds given to him. How grateful I was when I received the gold tableware.

However, at this time, his heart trembled, and a gentle and soothing, but also full of mysterious charm and majestic voice sounded in his mind: "It's time."

It's Duke Garibian.

Soback was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

It wasn't until Duke Garibian repeated: "The time has come" that he realized that His Highness had not heard him saying bad things to cause trouble, and he felt a little relieved.

One thing he said is that he really hates this method of high-level psychics speaking directly into other people's heads. Doesn't he know that this can easily make people suffer from mental breakdown?

Duke Sadolan had already done this to you when he gave himself special devil training. Now this guy is acting like this, isn't he being disrespectful?

If Soback hadn't known that this kind of mental communication was just a communication, and it didn't have the effect of reading minds, maybe it would have split by now.

However, as a person who is optimistic about life and has high emotional intelligence, he still tried his best to calm down his mood in the shortest possible time.

"When, Your Highness?"

"The Thousand-Eyed Root Demon. It's time for us to kill it in one fell swoop!"

After all, there is an astronomical distance of millions of kilometers. Even if His Highness Garibian is really powerful, it is impossible to really upload a whole PPT with explanations, steps, details and icons. Just a few key pieces of information are enough.

Of course, we all know that in many legends, the transmission of only key information will often form the beginning of a classic story starting with the Riddler. But here, this problem does not exist.

After all, Soback is just a coward, but he is not stupid.

"Is it time to kill the Thousand-Eyed Demon in one fell swoop? So, what do I need to prepare?" He was just about to ask this question, but found that the other party's will had already left.

Compared to Teacher Sa, it’s actually a lot worse! He was able to throw me into the hell-difficulty robot training camp, and at the same time break my spirit by talking trash throughout the whole process, and at the same time, he could use some means from a distance to interfere with my passing the level.

If Teacher Sadulan was still here, would he stop this messy plan?

Yeager Soback took a deep breath and pushed all these thoughts out of his mind. He pondered for a moment, suddenly understood something, and returned to his position.

"Captain Peggese, give me access to the main gun matrix."

In fact, as the fleet commander, he certainly has the authority to take over the gunnery authority of any department or unit of the flagship. If communications are not interrupted, other warships can be remotely controlled using the command matrix.

However, again, as a qualified living person, among other things, emotional intelligence must be online. Sobek still respects the authority and status of his subordinates very much.

Captain Peggese didn't ask any further questions. A reliable person will never talk too much at critical moments.

Yeager Soback adjusted his seat, completed the connection between his personal terminal and the ship's main gun central control, and took out a pair of lightweight, high-tech sighting glasses.

However, after a brief hesitation, he took off his sight glasses and took out a very retro-looking rifle from the cabinet next to the seat. This thing has the shape of a typical early gunpowder gun, with rather elegant patterns outlined on the gun body.

This thing looks like it should be in a museum, but it is Sobek's family heirloom. He adjusted and removed a hand-length telescope from the gun.

It’s also the type that should be put into a museum.

Captain Pegsey sighed. He felt that the painting style was so beautiful, and decided not to continue reading.

As for Soback himself, he had already activated the Eagle Eye Technique and began to adjust his perception, turning his spiritual sense into sight, looking for the direction of shooting.

"Grasp the reality of this world. Let the illusion become reality, let the senses become reality, and let the expectation become reality! Believe in your own will and construct your own reality..."

He murmured in his mind and recited the words taught to him by his cheap teacher, Duke Sartolan.

Then, he suddenly felt warm in his heart. It was the will of another psyker that came into his spiritual realm and gave him strength.

For a moment, he even thought that his cheap master, Duke Sartolan, had been resurrected.

However, he soon realized that it was Miss Viscount Serlu. I don't know when, she was already standing behind her, letting the spiritual light flow to the ground step by step.

"I have only learned the Encouragement Aura before, and the Silver Will Aura is just a beginner, so I can barely use it. I hope it can help you."

It's more than just a helping hand, it's even more powerful than a tiger! In Soback's current field of vision, the unpredictable and indescribable giant was clearly a structure made of a flow of information and energy. This is a feeling that he cannot describe in words, and it is also a mysterious feeling.

He had a trace of fear, feeling as if he had glimpsed the reality of the world that he could not bear.

However, he was also a little excited, feeling that he seemed to have taken a step towards the truth.

He now knew what Duke Garibian meant by "the time has come." On the other battlefield, Duke Garibian actually had the absolute upper hand, right?

Does this mean we are finally winning?

The Nature's Crest stands still, and the Void Lord has fallen. Even if your battleship breaks through Vice Admiral Tarlyon's desperate interception, will you still be able to recover? My "old enemy"...

Soback had mixed feelings in his heart, whether he was happy or sad, but even he couldn't figure it out clearly. He put all random thoughts behind him and focused all his attention on the torrent of information in his vision.

This guy knows that his current task is to confirm the existence of the core information and energy nodes from the other party's information flow. For this kind of monster that cannot be inferred from carbon-based organisms or even material concepts, the torrent of information is the essence of its soul, and perhaps the node where its vitality is intertwined.

He knew that Duke Garibian had done his best for this step, and it was his turn.

Speaking of which, this scene looks quite familiar. It seems that I have had experience in this area in the past years, but I don’t feel nervous at all!

Yeager Soback was pleased with his growth and suddenly felt full of confidence. Of course he didn't notice that the Tanlian fleet's defense line was about to collapse. Even the Yan Guanglong was on fire and was turning around to escape... ah no, retreating.

The four main god-class dreadnoughts of the Blue Star Community will join the siege in half an hour at most.

Of course, Lieutenant General Tanlian actually sent a "retreat" signal to Sobek very loyally, but Captain Peggese did not dare to respond. Even if he is an anti-establishment element at heart, he is still a serious elite soldier who knows his priorities well.

However, Nature's Crest's mood remains stable. They don't think there will be any problems with four more dreadnoughts.

Anyway, in another ninety minutes, Admiral Rosanaio's main force arrived, and now even the forwards had entered the gravity well. Can't we hold on even for this little time?

The war is entering a feverish stage.

Of course, it was precisely because of entering this stage that no one noticed that a thick "cosmic rolling log" had been floating and had reached the cosmic point not far from the Titan ship.

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