Him and their stars

Chapter 1526 Login

On the cosmic rolling log, Tai watched the entire process of the imperial fleet's final round of bombardment against the virtual lord. After the flashing red lights intersect, the terrifying virtual mist continues to collapse, and it seems to have embarked on the path of destruction and fall.

Immediately afterwards, after a bright helium flash and a violent space shock, the Void Realm Lord who had caused hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of injured to the Galactic Empire disappeared.

...Well, is this thing really dead? Tai'a always felt that something was wrong. If he was still an adventurer, he would probably track it down to the end. But now that he is a commander after all, with the rank of brigadier general, he has to complete the mission first.

I hope this is also in my junior uncle’s prediction. Otherwise, it would be quite a waste to let a... well, it's a bit disrespectful and a dying Void Realm Lord escape. Those are the most precious zero element resources!

All in all, our time has come! Tai'a took a deep breath and asked, "Can the engine be started?"

"Okay!" My cousin whispered, "It takes half a minute to warm up."

"Start it now! I want our vehicle to enter the first charge speed at the fastest speed!"

"It will cause damage to the engine and the hull... Hey, I'm too talkative. The high-explosive dust has been prepared and can be injected after the preheating is completed." Xiaobai said.

Tai'a expressed that he was very satisfied, but still sighed: "By the way, we actually hid high-explosive dust in the warehouse of this thing just now!"

"...Compared to hiding a virtual realm lord, the high explosive dust is still very restrained." Xiaobai's voice was very calm. However, Tai'a still heard a trace of lingering fear in his cousin's words.

She was immediately happy, and opened the communication window on the spot, and then revealed her little cousin's harmless, even Yuxue's cute baby face.

Moreover, this baby face is still calm now, but it only lacks a little color, which naturally makes it look more harmless.

Tai'a's evil intentions began to bubble, and his dark amber eyes began to flash with obvious malice.

Xiaobai is very familiar with this expression. After all, I was bullied by my sister as a child. If it were before, if you were bullied, you would be bullied. But now, after all, I can be regarded as a member of the hero ship "Red Tiger", and I am also a disciple of the Spiritual Research Association, so at least I know that I have to fight back when I am bullied.

"We are already going to war. Please stop teasing me."

Tai'a pretended not to hear, with a narrow smile still on his face: "Are you afraid? Colonel Bai Ziya?"

"Commander. I am a technician. I live in the safest place. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of." He added: "Whether it is the enemy's thousands of cannons or the huge starry sky beast, I have seen it all. .Actually, there’s really nothing to be afraid of!”

So why do you repeat it so many times? The malicious smile on Tai'a's face became more and more obvious: "Very good, the pretentious charm is very suitable for a rookie's personality. However, you are right, grandpa taught us, whether it is courage or belly, when it suits The more you endure the scene, the more it will naturally expand."

Although Xiaobai felt that something was wrong, he could only agree: "Yes, Commander!"

"...Very well, the rookie commander and a rookie technical director are starting to make irresponsible speeches! However, you guys, you all know that bullets will only kill the timid. Wait until you crash into an enemy ship When you are hit, you only need to focus on the enemy in front of you. Of course, don’t blame me when you lie on the floor and your soul starts to fly in the sky. In wars, people will always die anyway."

Is this really battlefield mobilization for a rookie like me? Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. However, there was a lot of laughter coming from his communication channel. Only then did he suddenly realize that most of his comrades were already awake.

The warrior team composed of Earthlings, Highlanders and Rumina people laughed and encouraged each other in the communication channel. They used to be pioneers, skilled workers, farmers and cowboys, but now they all have only one identity, warriors rushing to death!

They all know this and have long been aware of it.

"Will we be the first batch of soldiers to board the Titan ship?" the soldiers asked.

"I guarantee you that they will be the first batch of soldiers to seize the Titan ship." Tai'a replied.

Xiaobai knew that his cousin was trying to make a big pie, but he couldn't help but cheer with the soldiers.

Then, he heard his cousin's laughter again in his private channel: "Okay! Brother, I will protect you. Oh yes, when performing a mission, you must mention your duties. So, Colonel Bai Ziya, no, Sheng Xie Colonel, as long as you achieve 51.4% of your usual training results and follow me closely, you will definitely survive safely."

In fact, before his cousin awakened his psychic powers, Tai'a did consider training him to become an excellent warrior. After all, as a member of the pioneer family, you must have some martial ethics. However, this kid really has no interest in this aspect and would rather spend his time converting a cockroach catching machine into a sandworm catching machine.

Fortunately, he is also a psychic after all. As long as he trains a little more seriously, his combat effectiveness will definitely be far above the average of elite soldiers.

But then again, why is it 51.4%?

Xiaobai said he couldn't understand. Of course, he was not prepared to understand, he just wanted to do his own thing well.

Behind this "rolling log for the universe" in the shape of an irregular, low and flat cylinder, several bright energy tracks were suddenly drawn. The huge body began to shift and accelerate, rushing straight towards the Titan ship.

It was only at this time that the two warring parties, who were already furious, suddenly realized that such a large "cosmic rolling log" had floated so close to them silently.

In fact, when the officers on board the Natural Crest felt the tilt under their feet, they even felt that they were affected by the gravitational influence of the Void Lord.

Many super-large fantasy beasts can control gravity and even simulate the gravity of huge stars, not to mention the virtual realm lord.

However, it was not until the most common detection instruments produced a "high-quality response approaching" signal that they finally realized that something seemed wrong with the current situation.

Their response could be described as slow, but to be fair, this really cannot be blamed on the lack of professionalism of the Imperial soldiers on the Titan ship. Their physical and mental abilities have also reached their limits, and their attention has always been focused on the Community battleship next to them, and they must always pay attention to the movements of the Lord of the Void Realm.

In fact, even when the Void Lords dissipated under the final bombardment, Commodore Lenrikin still ordered the entire ship to prepare for the invasion of the occult.

They certainly weren't paying much attention to a celestial body floating nearby. After all, the war has come to this point. Both sides have a large number of destroyed ships, and there will naturally be large debris and space junk floating around.

However, by the time the universe swept into the porthole with the twinkling lights on the rolling log, it was too late.

"What is that thing? Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up and get rid of him immediately!" the captain, Commodore Lunlikin, shouted.

"But it's already at the maximum speed!" The navigator's voice was full of worry.

"Isn't it fixed yet? I'm going to shoot the chief engineer!"

"...But you gave him half an hour. It's only less than twenty minutes now." The first mate felt that he needed to say something fair, but his voice was a bit soft.

"Then concentrate the broadsides and don't let her come over no matter what!"

The captain was still not sure what that thing was at this point, but that didn't stop him from feeling the huge danger.

Even if the firepower against the Earth fleet is reduced because of this, even if the enemy finds a flaw, it really can't be taken care of so much now.

He knew that there was a risk of losing sight of the other, but compared to being exposed to a few more cannonballs from Earthlings, he didn't want to be humiliated by a huge piece of space junk that hit his face.

However, the dense beam of light ejected from the side of the Titan ship, although it smashed the approaching "rolling log" into flames, was still unable to stop it. The Imperial Army officers and soldiers present always felt like they were cutting ice cubes with scrapers. Even if it could be completely destroyed, it might take an hour or two.

By this time, someone had already seen the full picture of the UFO.

"Is it the component that was launched from the fortress just now?"

"Oh, that thing might even be wrapped in military fortress armor. It's not surprising that it's strong."

"Is this the time for compliments?"

Immediately afterwards, there was another tremor on the Natural Crest. This was when the light cruisers and destroyers of the Community, riding on the sparse broadsides, suddenly accelerated to approach the proton torpedo where it was released.

None of the more than twenty proton torpedoes completely broke through the three-layer energy shield of the Natural Crest, which was like a wall of sighs, but they still formed a powerful shock wave, like a huge wave in the sea of ​​​​stars, constantly blowing Landing the battleship.

This is a very dangerous signal!

Small ships can get close to lightning strikes, which means that more flexible lightning strikes will soon arrive, and the powerful attacks of capital ships will also return. What's more important is that they may also initiate gang jumping!

However, before the Natural Emblem could withstand the next round of fierce attacks from the Earth's warships, the "rolling log" that forced them into a state of embarrassment changed again!

"Captain! The mass response of the ship was discovered behind the fortress! It was... a surprise attack on the landing craft!"

"The Earthlings' assault landing craft is approaching us using the fortress as a cover!"

It turns out that this is what the people on Earth had in mind? But, how dare they?

Everything that happened today completely subverted the military common sense and cognition of most Imperial soldiers. After today, if they are still alive, they might be able to see another world.

Of course, Brigadier General Lunli King is a well-trained imperial noble general after all. No matter how surprised he is, he will not be shocked to pieces. He still gave the order decisively: "All crew members, wear armor!"

The first mate and boatswain quickly conveyed the order.

In fact, for ordinary soldiers, wearing anti-German suits and mechas for long periods of time is never a very comfortable experience. Generally speaking, after one or two hours of wearing your nails, you should come out to get some air. It would be better if you can rest for the same amount of time.

The soldiers of the Nature's Crest had just fought with various virtual monsters logged into the ship half an hour ago. They thought they could finally take a breath, but they didn't even wait to dry the inside of the mecha. I was able to get back into the narrow space that smelled of sweat and blood.

Naturally, some people couldn't help but complain, but in the end they could only hold their noses and obey orders.

In fact, they all know that this giant ship can no longer prevent the enemy from joining gangs.

"Do you want to send an alarm to His Highness?" the first mate couldn't help but ask.

Brigadier General Lunli King finally showed an expression of hesitation that could not be concealed. Of course, after a brief thought, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Are you asking me to abandon ship?"

The navigator shook his head as he listened. Duke Garibian did say something similar, "Don't disturb her until she abandons the ship." But don't you know how to adapt it? Yes, it is true that making some changes may bring trouble to His Highness, but isn't this the captain's duty?

If you dare not take any blame, what kind of leader should you be?

Although the navigator thought so in his heart, when the words came to his lips, he discussed: "We may need support."

The captain nodded obediently: "Indeed, send a message to the Tarlian fleet and the Sobek fleet immediately. We need support. We need marines on the ship, and that fortress part... Let the Sobek fleet join the bombardment! It must be Destroy it now!"

The communications officer hesitated and stood up. As if he mustered up all the courage in his life, he reported in an almost tragic voice: "...the battle damage rate of the Tanlian fleet has exceeded 40%, the Yan Guanglong was also damaged, and the remaining ships of the fleet The branch is moving towards the No. 3 gravity well."

Strictly speaking, Lieutenant General Tanlian's operation complied with imperial military regulations. The empire's squadron admiral can judge whether his side still has the ability to continue fighting based on the current battle situation, and also has the right to make a decision to retreat.

Of course, if it is the scene of a fleet battle, the commander present can also veto the squadron admiral's retreat order.

But the problem is that before General Rosanaio arrived, Lieutenant General Tallian was the highest-ranking imperial general on the scene. As for Duke Garibian, she does not have a secular military position in the strict sense. Moreover, isn’t it impossible to contact him now?

"What is transfer? This is running away from the battle! This is an act of betrayal regardless of the safety of friendly forces! Get me through the Yan Guanglong immediately! I want to speak to Lieutenant General Tanlien face to face!" the captain roared.

"The response over there is that Lieutenant General Tanlian has been injured and is in a coma. Retreat was also the last order she gave before she fell into coma." The communications officer's expression was frightening, but his words were clear.

Even if Captain Lunlikin thought on his knees, he was sure that the woman must be playing himself. But after all, he had no evidence, and it was impossible to actually intercept the friendly fleet to find evidence, so what could he do?

"Where is the Sobek fleet? Where is the Sobek fleet? As long as the Sobek fleet launches an attack..."

"The Royal Rabbit has come to report that they are being bombarded by the enemy Zeus group and are trying to resist."

The Imperial officers and soldiers on the Natural Crest also knew that this was actually a polite statement. After all, the Sobek fleet is just a temporary second-level squadron. It doesn't even have a dreadnought in its hands. Facing the fierce attack of the Earth fleet, what else can it expect?

But why did they face the onslaught of the Earth Fleet? Isn't it because the Tarlian fleet gave up its defense line?

Rhaenys Tarrion! You are so sinful!

"It's all the fault of that woman...that Lieutenant General Talian! I must sue her! This is all her fault! Report it to Marshal Ikenloga immediately, this is all his fault! I want her to Court martial!"

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