Him and their stars

Chapter 1539 The emperor doesn’t want the plan to succeed either

But before she could laugh, she heard the emperor's voice again: "It's an interesting time, isn't it?"

"His Majesty……"

"If this so-called second war of conquest ends hastily, like the last galactic war, it will be a waste of this great era. Gai Li, I once had high hopes for Victoria Lee, but he is still young. He died young, but I was disappointed. Fortunately, another one has arrived. The earth is such a treasure!"

"So, you also have high hopes for that young man because he looks like Victoria Lee?"

"No, it's because he looks like me."


"What's more, it's not just him who is walking in front of me little by little. There are really many ghosts from the past era, and all of them are alive and kicking in this era. A great era of great changes?" The emperor's eyes were filled with excitement. He looked in remembrance, but the corners of his mouth slowly turned up, showing an arc of satisfaction; "It's a pity that Victoria Li can't live to this era. However, when you have a child, dumplings are a kind of food that takes time to brew." Delicious. The process of kneading the dough and mixing the fillings is also a process of enjoyment.”

Duke Garibian feels that he is indeed a bitch sometimes, but compared with the rulers of the Galactic Empire, his mental structure is actually very stable, at least his actions and words are logical.

Of course, it is possible that his own logic is still a mortal, but His Majesty the Emperor has been on the side of truth for two hundred years and ruled the Galactic Empire for two hundred years. What he has is the logic of a god.

The emperor put away his madness and explained seriously: "Oh, by the way, little Gai Li, dumplings are a delicacy of the earth. Mr. Qi taught me. You can understand it as the process of waiting for the green apples to ripen."

"...I know what dumplings are, Your Majesty." Duke Garibian said listlessly: "Also, why do you use this earthly delicacy as a metaphor?"

"Because aren't we talking about Earthlings?"

"Then, in this battle, your mission has been successfully completed." His Majesty the Emperor's smile was as warm as ever, still like the grandfather of the entire Galaxy Empire.

"Then, wait for your power, wait for your mission, and wait for your future. It won't take long before the empire needs you, and maybe I need you too. Don't be anxious, little Gai Li, good times are yet to come. "

"That is my only hope. Your Majesty."

"Also, be careful. You saw chaos. But I saw destruction. Gai Li, in this era, no one can truly be immortal. Each of us may wait for his destiny."

Duke Garibian said that he could no longer keep up with the emperor's thinking. She just crawled in the majestic temple, like an ant worshiping in the square of the Pantheon.

"However, as long as you live long enough, what kind of era, what kind of destiny, will not come? Shouldn't I be the one who should be careful most? Hahahaha, young people, I don't have much time. , don’t make me wait too long.”

When the emperor's figure disappeared into the void.

The Duke lowered his head in fear. It was only then that she suddenly realized that she had actually been kneeling on one knee from beginning to end. She did not think of standing up, nor did the Emperor allow himself to stand up.

"I'm just a dog of the Galactic Empire. I just do things. I don't know anything." She said to herself.

"Of course I know what I am doing. General Yu Lian, I am not a dead soldier raised by King Valente, nor his retainer, nor do I know Duke Garibian." In the shelter formed by the sky courtyard , Herrito Hewen explained to Yu Lian in a patient tone.

As the final executor of this "Alien Transformation Plan", after He Wen was discovered, with his shocking desire and wisdom to survive, he actually managed to escape and ascend to heaven under Yu Lian's sword.

Yu Lian originally thought that this guy would escape all the way to the Natural Crest and find a place to heal his wounds, but he never expected that this guy actually killed a carbine and returned to the virtual realm, taking With a stone cap crystal lurking nearby.

He witnessed the entire process of Yu Lian repelling Duke Garibian and King Wilente and seizing the Sky Courtyard. He could have continued to lurk. However, when Yu Lian was about to retreat, he took the initiative to show up and became a prisoner.

This Franmore man, now only has the half-stretched body that was chopped off by Yu Lian. He is sitting on a mobility robot. He looks like he is disabled for life and can only rely on the robot to take care of himself. It is indescribable. Poor weak and helpless.

But even so, there was no hatred in his eyes, his mood was very stable, and his tone of voice sounded like he was chatting, and of course he was making a report.

"Yes, I had nowhere to go at that time. I am also a psyker, and my intuition told me that hiding in the virtual realm is safer than hiding on the ship. Facts have also proved this. General, you should too You guessed it, the reason why I participated in this ridiculous plan is just to make a final struggle for my future. This is for myself, not for any of your highnesses. If you include this alien transformation plan. It’s an investment, so I’m actually a shareholder.”

"Shareholders?" Yu Lian looked at the Franmore man opposite him in confusion, always feeling that his stereotype had been challenged.

"Yes, the shareholders. I risk my life under pressure. If the plan succeeds, I will be an official investigative judge. Then, I will return to politics in about ten years, and I can serve as a planetary administration commissioner in a wealthy star sector. . This is the condition.”

The empire’s heart is really big. Sure enough, it’s because the family has a big business and can afford it, right?

"Uh, but your brother..."

"In the process of serving as an investigating judge, if I can catch my unscrupulous traitor brother with my own hands, my career as a judge can end early. This is considered a military merit, and those who can be knighted may be able to go to the border sector or the New World colony. Become a governor."

"This can really help your Hewen family earn a fortune." Yu Lian made a fair comment.

"There is no way, I really want to make progress." Herrito Hewen's eyes were full of sadness: "I am not as arrogant as the unscrupulous rebel brother. I don't think I can bear the grievances of the entire race, so I just hope I can take good care of my family.”

In this other timeline, he did it.

This is a very interesting performance. Human supremacy exists in every corner of the galaxy. There is also systemic, structural, institutional, and even instinctive discrimination against ordinary non-human races within the Galactic Empire, but it always guarantees individual talents. Upward channels that can stand out.

In addition, the emperor and the nobles often lavished money on slum areas, which could reduce the resistance of foreign races to the greatest extent.

From this point of view, although the imperial people are cruel, their level of rule and governance is indeed very high.

Yu Lian thought about it and said: "This doesn't sound like investing, it sounds more like gambling. And it's the kind of gambler who is ready to go crazy after losing. Although I know this is a racial stereotype, But I feel like you Flemors really don’t know how to do business.”

The Flemish man smiled bitterly and said: "I understand what you mean, but I have no other choice. What's more, I always have to obey His Majesty the Emperor's request."

"So, you are saying that this Raushizi transformation plan was actually approved by Emperor Elithel?"

Franmore nodded: "Although I urgently need a way to advance, I still have basic sense. If it weren't for His Majesty the Emperor's order, of course it would be impossible to participate in such a messy plan."

Indeed, the Grand Inquisition is the psychic secret police of the Galactic Empire, and should answer only to the Emperor. Both King Wei and Duke Gai have little influence on him. Only the emperor can guarantee the future of the Flemish people.

However, it can be heard that he is still full of resentment towards this "Alien Slaughter Plan". Yu Lian felt that he should evaluate it rationally, fairly and objectively.

"Personally, I think this plan is quite imaginative. You sneak in as a dead soldier, outline the array, and then lurk in the subspace. You can adjust the aerial courtyard to release the breath of strangers at any time to attract the attention of the lord of the virtual realm. Finally, launch the attack. Logically speaking, there are many cases of using mysticism to achieve decisive victory in fortress attack and defense, but using the arrival of the virtual realm lord to attack the enemy is also crazy. If successful, it should be possible to log in. It’s a textbook.”

"You also said that this is the first time." The Flemish man smiled bitterly: "Although I am not good at military affairs, I also know that the primary focus of military operations is the success rate, not imagination."

This is too absolute to say. Who says war doesn't require imagination? Without imagination, it will just be a fool's errand.

……What? You said that what the empire needs most now is to fight stupid wars, then that's no problem.

"Anyway, this is His Majesty's approval after all. Of course I can only choose to believe it."

"You're not worried that King Wei is deceiving you." Yu Lian said with a smile. He didn't think that Herrito Hewen had ever met the emperor, and it was absolutely impossible for him to hear from the emperor. At most, he had only heard from King Wei.

"His Royal Highness Wilent is indeed a bit...well, a bit mystical, and sometimes his movements seem to be too strong." The Flemish man commented with a very high emotional intelligence tone: "But, I have never heard of him having any It’s a precedent for breaking a promise. What’s more, it’s His Majesty. Who can deceive someone in the name of His Majesty?”

After all, he is the master who has ruled the Galactic Empire for nearly two centuries. The people of all ethnic groups in the empire, whether they are nobles and citizens who are separated from the country, or servants and slaves who were born as cattle and horses, all regard him as the true god of the world.

Emperor Elithel is indeed a powerful person whose power is comparable to that of a true god. If there is really a reckless person who uses his old man's name to defraud, maybe he will be heard by me, and he will definitely be punished by God.

"His Majesty must have high hopes for this plan. I think that for him, whether the plan can succeed or not is not important. What is important is whether the plan can be implemented." Franmore said in a determined tone.

The half of his body that was chopped off by Yu Lian was still smelling burnt, and the scales on his body also had very unhealthy dry cracks, but his own mood was very stable, and he even entered a state of calm thinking.

"How can you see it?" Yu Lian asked.

"If this alien transformation plan is really important to Your Majesty, then why not intervene personally? He is actually capable of intervening. Your Majesty is not an irresponsible person. In the last galactic war, he was able to personally intervene. There is no reason to sit back and watch the empire suffer such a defeat, unless his vision has reached another dimension."

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