Him and their stars

Chapter 1546 We can take our time

Ambassador Wilbat thought about it for a long time, and then realized that he had indeed behaved quite stupidly.

However, what really surprised me was that I didn't feel the discomfort of being offended at all. She was very proud. Probably because of getting along with her daughter, she was actually very good at getting along with such mystics.

The ambassador walked to the door again, looked at the still crowded crowd of people on the street, and sighed.

"Wait until the parade is over and take advantage of the free time before President Nichita arrives to see my daughter. Take Fleur for a few days off. Yes, a few days off."

She was thinking about it while turning on the TV as usual. On the screen was the interior scene of the Union Capitol Building. In a concave ring structure like a circular arena, a woman with a slim body and a graceful temperament floated to the center on her own flying pedestal under the gaze of tens of thousands of congressmen and staff.

Marshal Esco, the acting commander-in-chief on the central rostrum, and other senior officials of the current government, looked at the weak woman on the flying pedestal, as if they were seeing a natural enemy.

Then, the whole audience burst into cheers.

Ambassador Wilbart looked at the Alliance Senator named Ermeta Parmetin with a complicated face, and for a moment he just thought, "This is what a grown-up woman should be." But she also knew that this woman was really the source of all the troubles in the Blue Star Community during this period.

At this moment, it is ten o'clock in the morning on the Nephi Gem Coast, and the war among the congressmen is about to begin again.

But at the same moment, on the equator of Nephi, in the capital of the Seven Seas, located in the middle of the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, which is called "the ancient capital of the Alliance" by good people, on the outskirts of Cuidao, Ronghui Building is about to start its business today.

The store manager and acting chef, Miss Frederica Wilbart, stood in front of a group of restaurant employees and chefs of all levels whose average age was ten years older than herself, but she seemed like a queen inspecting her troops.

"Listen up. The spirit of the universe will only give us trials that we can overcome! So, as usual today, Group A will continue to sell egg fried rice and small glutinous rice balls for charity at Qihai Plaza in the city! I want you to sell at least 1,000 eggs Fried rice and 1,000 rice dumplings, what’s the problem?”

What a big problem! We will sell 200 more copies than last time! Although the people in Group A wanted to complain like this, they really couldn't.

"You all remember this! For every egg fried rice and rice dumplings you sell, 10 more bullets will be fired into the chests of the Imperial Japanese!"

Although the people in Group A felt that they were about to be hollowed out, they still cheered up and responded. This group of people, including two Circassians, two Sumis and a Komina, indeed had a deep hatred for the empire.

"As for Group B, you still have to look after the store. This one will be handed over to you at noon! It's best not to let me hear complaints from customers, and I don't want to see any mistakes. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Ming, I understand..."

"I can't hear you! You still want to be a chef with so little energy? You'll starve to death even if you go to a fast food restaurant to fry French fries."

"Understood!" Although everyone didn't understand the relationship between French fries and being loud, the eldest lady said so, so everyone had no choice but to listen. Anyway, although the eldest lady is extremely fierce, she will still give her plenty of bonuses, overtime pay, and various business and commuting subsidies. Recently, she has hired a few more people. As employees and chef apprentices, the most they can do is complain.

What's more, Ronghui Tower has been really having a hard time recently - it's not that business is not doing well, it's that business is better than before, but it still has to spend more time and energy to receive the endless stream of media and government investigators. .

In addition, he often had to go to support anti-war demonstrations, or drive a food truck to hold street sales and so on.

Everyone at Ronghuilou is still under a lot of pressure during this period, and as a chef, Mr. Liu Dachang, the "contemporary god of food", is obviously a technical talent who is slow in words but quick in action. If it weren't for Fleur, If the underage store manager takes chicken blood every day, he might not be able to continue at all.

After the chicken blood was injected, the store manager, who was still a girl, carried his schoolbag into the kitchen and said hello to Liu Dachang, who was observing the quality of the soup.

"Teacher, I'll be back after class in the afternoon. If I get back before 5 o'clock, I can catch the rush hour tonight."

After all, she still remembered that she was a freshman in college. Although the time is much more relaxed than during the JK period, I still have to be absent from some important classes.

Mr. Liu raised his head, glanced at the purple-haired girl, and said angrily: "Say, Fleur, do you have any bad misunderstandings about me, your teacher? I am a cook and I make a thousand meals every day. How can one’s life be messed up by a small incident in the world? I have a heart of steel! I have a soul of gold!”

Which third-rate mobile game is this setting? Moreover, your Heart of Steel and Soul of Gold mean that you cut your hands every time you hear that there is a fight ahead?

If the dignified contemporary God of Cookery cuts his hand while cooking, isn't this equivalent to a nine-ring psychic being stabbed to death with a knife?

"Yes, my nephew is on the front line, but this is the path he chose. When he applied for the military academy, I had this realization." Mr. Liu sighed: "This kid, I have said it before , He is so much like his parents. But when I think about it, I’m actually a little confused about what his parents are like.”

Fleur didn't interrupt, just listened silently.

"Now, that boy has gone to a world that I can't understand, and I can't help him in any way. But he is still my child. I just need to take care of myself, protect this family, and let one of the children come back. That's the only thing I can do for him. So, little Fleur, you don't have to worry too much about me. So does Feifei, and so does Miss Yami. Hey, I'm overreacting! I know you are taking care of me. There are bodyguards on call outside this store and on both sides of the street, right? That’s an exaggeration!”

Fleur smiled sweetly: "I didn't arrange the bodyguards or anything like that. If there is an embassy, ​​then it must be Sister Fina's. If there is St. Clair Company, then it must be Sister Yamida's handiwork. I am a newcomer. College students don’t understand anything.”

"You are the most arrogant person." Liu Dachang muttered angrily, "I really don't understand, what's so good about that kid?"

"Let me tell you, teacher, just accept this kindness happily. You said that as long as you take care of yourself and your family, you are the best support for your brother. And similarly, we girls, In fact, it also requires peace of mind.”

Liu Dachang was speechless, then waved his hand impatiently: "Go ahead, go ahead! I don't have time to chat with you, I have to prepare the main course for the lunch banquet."

In this way, the real head of Ronghui House said goodbye to his loyal restaurant and said hello to the employees of the St. Clair Security Company who were disguised as street performers and flower girls across the street. I took out my mobility car from the parking lot of the seaside park opposite.

Fleur's means of transportation is a Phantom 911 suspended speed car produced by Raytheon Company. It has a smooth and elegant appearance, mediocre performance but extremely high safety factor. Of course, it pays more attention to appearance, practicality and safety than competitiveness. In short, this is a sports car for women that can just squeeze into the threshold of luxury cars, and is especially loved by young ladies.

After all, she is a college student, so it makes sense to have her own car. After all, she is also the young owner of the Zixinhui Group, so it would be more reasonable to have a "mass-level" luxury car. In other words, given her status, using a car too plainly would seem a bit deliberate.

Fleur drove the open-top sports car out of the garden area of ​​Cuidao. She drove a little bit onto the bridge next to it and drove towards Academy Island, where Ocean University is located.

She never liked walking on the closed air traffic loop, and would rather spend more time walking on the old-fashioned sea-ring bridge. This is not to say that she is an artistic girl who likes to watch petrels dance and listen to the sound of sea cries, but she really doesn't like the completely closed air traffic control channel, which feels like leaving all safety to the traffic control system.

People like them may have an insecure side deep down.

Of course, Fleur herself didn't think so. How could someone as bold as her who dared to watch TV news while driving feel insecure? It's obvious that he has a self-destructive tendency because of his overwhelming sense of security.

Then, a clear female voice sounded in her car: "The reason why I am here today is because our people have issued a message to the powerful figures in the political, economic, media and military circles. A clear signal: The country is in crisis and the people are in urgent need of real change. Such change does not lie in war! It lies in what route we should choose!"

Wow, that's it. Fleur sighed, she really said it! We have been waiting for so long, paving the way for so long, and it is only now that things have come to fruition. This is the so-called political determination.

The purple-haired girl almost wanted to applaud. If she hadn't been driving, she might have cheered loudly along with the crowd gathered at the entrance of the Capitol. She is a first-year college student and she has such authority.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a slight fluctuation in the airflow around her.

She was originally driving a convertible on the bridge across the sea at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. All she heard was the moist sea breeze and the calls of seabirds. However, as a psyker, she was able to detect unnatural traces in these sea breezes.

However, it was too late to react at this time. The purple-haired girl quickly noticed that there was indeed a person sitting in the passenger seat next to her.

She hid her sigh under her smile and said slowly: "...Hello, long time no see, Sister Qing."

"Yes, long time no see, Fleur."

Gongsun Qing, whom he had not seen for a long time, was wearing a dusty gray travel coat, with a close-fitting combat power suit hidden inside the coat. She supported her cheek with her fist and looked at the profile of Miss Frederica Wilbart with scrutiny, doubt, and even sadness.

However, besides these emotions, an invisible force was already pointing at his neck like the sharpest sword.

"It's very dangerous..." the purple-haired girl whispered. She felt that if she moved rashly, her neck would be cut open.

"You can feel the danger, which can prove something." Gongsun Qing's voice deepened, and gradually became filled with a chilling aura: "I didn't want to believe it at first, Fleur."

"Well, Sister Qing, if I say that I have never had any ill intentions towards you, everyone, or him, would you believe it?" Fleur said.

Gongsun Qing leaned his body on the comfortable seat and seemed to be completely relaxed: "Don't be anxious, Fleur, we have plenty of time. Let's change our route, don't go to Ocean University, and move on."

Fleur said in a pleading tone: "At 10:30, it was Professor Mi Li's statistics class. I quite like this class. I am still a freshman, and the foundation of the first semester in school is very important. He doesn't important."

"I know, so I left a batch of recording robots. Don't worry, they are military supplies. They will not be discovered, and they can definitely record the lessons you want. I promise you." Gongsun Qing said. Her voice was calm and she even had a smile on her face.

Fleur could only cry sadly as she drove the red sports car past the ramp leading to the academy area from the Huanhai Bridge, heading towards the islands further north of the Capital of the Seven Seas.

It took Brigadier General Claire Belmont more than ten times longer than usual to finally arrive at the door of his office on the top floor of Building D of the Nine Stars Building. Fortunately, after all, he had considered the special situation before going out and arrived at the scene before the agreed time. He did not alert the secretary and security guard at the door of the office, but entered the office directly. The first thing he saw was the target of his visit, the Alliance's Central Security Chief and Intelligence Director, General Finn Berenkeist.

At this time, the alliance's number one intelligence chief, who claims to be able to monitor every rat hole in the universe, was sitting on the sofa with his back to the office door. He didn't seem to notice Belmont entering the room and was receiving another guest.

"How rude, you obviously asked me to come here." Claire thought.

It was a well-dressed middle-aged man, also sitting on the sofa. There is a collar badge pinned to the collar of his elegant coat, but it is the badge of a congressional senator.

The congressman, like Admiral Finn, was all focused on the projection on the left wall of the office.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the projection screen naturally attracted Claire Belmont's attention.

That was the Alliance Parliament Hall. A well-dressed lady was standing on the stage and shouted loudly: "The war in another galaxy has nothing to do with us, and has nothing to do with the alliance with an annual income of less than 3,000 stars. The people have nothing to do with it! Is it the Galactic Empire that is 30,000 light-years away that has scarred our country, made our people hungry, and prevented our children from growing up?”

This is a lady about fifty years old, with a slender figure, a plain face, and a gentle and clean temperament. It can be seen that when she was young, she must have been a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament. She was probably a literary girl with good looks and wisdom, or a well-educated lady.

...There is a saying that although she is old, she is still a very attractive lady.

However, when this thin lady stood on the rostrum of the parliament and gave a loud speech, she exuded the inviolable charisma of a leader.

Her name is Aimeta Parmetin, one of the leaders of the opposition alliance, deputy chairman of the Progressive Party, and a senator of the Alliance Congress.

But in fact, this woman has not been involved in politics for a long time, and she has only been officially a senator in Congress for two years. However, both ordinary people and the political elites of Gem Coast feel that this slender but energetic lady is much more classy than the acting president Esco, and is more like an elite political leader. .

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