Him and their stars

Chapter 1549 After all, I studied media

Admiral Finn Berenkeist glanced at Krell and let out a sneering laugh.

Come on, I was despised by this greasy old guy again, and I didn’t dare to retort. If it were Yani, that girl, she would definitely be able to spray the Minister here until he can no longer take care of himself, right? Although the minister is her uncle...

If it were my best friend Yu Lian, he might have already taken action, right?

I am indeed a mortal! Claire Belmont fell into a state of self-loathing for a while, but fortunately, Admiral Finn on the opposite side didn't seem ready to pursue the victory.

He discussed the matter and began to seriously analyze the battle situation: "Judging from the battle process, the Imperial Army wanted to release a Void Realm lord in Seide Fortress, but was discovered by the people of Earth in advance and was tricked by the general?"

"In fact, if it weren't for the generals of the Lord of the Void Realm, even if the people on earth could use the cover of the fortress to repel the imperial army, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties. In a sense, they were smart but were mistaken." Krell road.

"The Battle of the High Sea can be explained in this way, but I'm afraid this battle is not that simple. Krell, you are also a psyker. You must understand a common sense now. The more large-scale mysticism is involved, The operation of the concept of psychic energy cannot be explained by ordinary theories, especially when it comes to the virtual realm. In many cases, it often takes years or even hundreds of years to fully understand the impact of similar events. "

"Hundreds of years..." Claire was a little doubtful.

We all know that overly sophisticated conspiracies that are plotted in series only appear in literary and artistic works. The more sophisticated a conspiracy is, as if it is equipped with sophisticated instruments, the more likely it is that some unexpected situation will cause problems in any link, causing the entire conspiracy to go bankrupt.

What's more, the design is still designed with a span of hundreds of years.

"For us mortals, this is unimaginable. However, for His Majesty the Emperor over there, one hundred years. He can afford to wait." Admiral Finn said.

Krell was still doubtful. However, considering that the lifespan of these nine-ringed old monsters is indeed measured in centuries, there is some awe in my heart.

However, Yu Lian has been facing this kind of enemy, but he has never flinched. Putting aside all calculations based on utilitarianism, Krell also admired his old friend.

Because of this, he felt that it was necessary for him to help his friends fight for them both publicly and privately.

"The Titan ship Nature's Crest has fallen into the hands of the people on Earth. This is the biggest military failure of the Galactic Empire in a century." Krell said.

"Indeed. However, this battle has just ended, and there are still many things that have not been clarified, which deserve our continued attention. I am very curious now, what is Duke Garibian's current status? Seriously injured? Dead? Or did he break through and enter? In such a situation, the emergence of a new demigod may be more important than the emergence of a new Titan." Admiral Finn put his hands on his chin. :

"And Yu Lian...after this battle, can he see an opportunity to take a further step?"

"The Seventh Ring who is less than twenty-five years old?" Claire felt like the mountains were rising, but he didn't even feel jealous.

"In every era, there are children of destiny and children of the times who come. War often makes their existence shine more brightly. Tsk tsk tsk, Brigadier General Claire Belmont, look at your spiritless look. Your friend is facing the truth. How about you try to challenge the possibility of becoming a saint at the age of 30?"

I'm going to be 30 soon. Creel finally couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Your Excellency, you are fifty years old this year. Have you become a saint now?"

"I am the leader of the intelligence department, not the manager of the Extraordinary Administration." He said angrily.

"...I am also working part-time in the intelligence department now, and I am your direct subordinate." Krell said. He found that he had finally gained the upper hand in the argument, and he immediately began to feel proud.

Admiral Finn opened his terminal, opened the communications of several department heads, and issued his order.

During this process, Claire's eyes couldn't help but drift to the silent TV screen again.

At this time, Mrs. Pametin should have finished her speech and was currently arguing with some members of the ruling party, that is, the members of the United Star Sea.

Although no sound could be heard, it could be seen from the momentum and expressions of both parties that Ms. Pametin was in a state of wonder.

Marshal Ecoca’s caretaker government is really ineffective! For such a long time, I couldn't even catch the other party's handle. No wonder even the rest of the world is doubting our leadership.

The caretaker government and the National Assembly are such idiots, how can they deal with the opposition parties, let alone the empire?

Creel was thinking wildly while watching Admiral Finn deploy his troops.

He waited until the other party came to an end, and then reported: "We are still building eight God-class dreadnoughts for the community, and two more are expected to be completed this month. This time, President Keith Nichta of the community If you come to visit, you can at least bring these two ships back to China. This is also an agreement reached by the foreign ministries of the two countries.”

"Of course that's a good thing."

"However, I recently received news that someone hopes that Taita Shipyard can slightly modify the construction plan."

"Oh? Such a thing could happen?" Admiral Fenn sipped the ice. It didn't look like drinking cola at all, but more like tasting red wine.

Then, he pointed to the top, as if I was also following orders.

"Well, that's the mandate from the Department of Defense and the Standard Shipping Association."

"What's the specific reason?" Claire Belmont frowned slightly, still asking for advice, but with a hint of questioning tone.

"How can an untested warship carry out long-term interstellar voyages, and how can it be immediately put into battle? If something goes wrong, it will not only be irresponsible to the allies, but it will also bring great negative consequences to the alliance's shipbuilding and military industries. The attack must be cautious. However, the agreements reached by the foreign affairs department and allies must be respected. This is to ensure our diplomatic credibility to the greatest extent, so we can only use some less visible methods." Admiral Finn said. .

Krell sighed: "I thought that as our friends on Earth continue to win, the situation in public opinion will gradually improve, and Marshal Esco will be under less pressure?"

"Brigadier General Claire Belmont, you just want to say that the people of Earth have once again proved their strength and can continue to fight for a long time. Then we can increase our support? That's right." Admiral Finn said .

"That's what I've been saying since just now. In fact, the community also has this plan. They do not have the national strength and military strength to hold on for a long time. The people on earth know it, the empire knows it, and we also know it. Now, the whole universe is looking at us, The future of the alliance and the future of the universe are looking at us!" Krell said solemnly.

Finn Berenkeist once again responded with a scornful smile: "Young man, don't scare me with this. When I asked Congress for funding, we could not only elevate values ​​to the fate of the universe, but also Who can you tell a grand story while holding a lighter in your mouth while kneeling and asking for money? "

Apart from paying respect to his predecessors, Krell really doesn’t know what to say now.

"Member Aimeta Parmetin, the Progressive Party, and the opposition alliance have already reached a consensus. They will definitely say that even without us, the people of Earth can win. This is a war between the Earth and the Empire, and we Why get involved?"

I did envision this kind of unfolding, but I never thought you would actually unfold it like this. Claire couldn't help but be amazed.

Of course he knows that the so-called politicians must have this level of thinking to say the opposite and say the opposite to be considered normal. But no matter what, it shouldn't be so abstract, right?

Admiral Fenn shook his head with regret, looking like a stupid elementary school student who couldn't understand: "Brigadier General Belmont, you should be a smart person, but sometimes you are so naive that you can be cute. Such a person can really do this. Good intelligence work?”

Creel did not feel that he had been insulted. Instead, he puffed up his chest as if he was not ashamed but proud, and said plausibly: "Your Excellency, I am seconded to the Intelligence Department in the capacity of the National Defense Equipment Department and the Extraordinary Administration. , I am not a professional intelligence officer in the first place! Moreover, your Excellency, innocence is a very beautiful quality. It is precisely because of this quality that I became a model worker in the Xinyumen factory. "

"Very well, model worker Claire Belmont, then you will definitely understand Mrs. Parmetin."

The alliance's chief intelligence chief also showed a meaningful smile. He waved his hand, and there was another noise from the TV that had turned off the sound.

Naturally, it came from the parliament site. However, Mrs. Parmeting's voice seemed extremely clear.

"Please remember. Today, the real threat to our people is not the Galactic Empire. Today, all conscientious members of Congress here, we must join hands to challenge the powerful forces that dominate our economic and political life. , a special interest group with a long history! This is our true mission!”

Claire always felt like he had heard these words somewhere. However, just because I heard it, I finally felt a little panicked.

Mrs. Parmetin's speech continued: "Yes, I am talking about the financial group on the Gem Coast, the medical insurance company in the Capital of the Seven Seas, the interstellar energy industry in Zalta, and the military industrial complex in Taita. The large multinational companies that have had such a huge impact on our lives are the real enemies.”

Creel finally couldn't hold it in anymore, and he whispered: "I thought she was just attacking the current government because of the recent series of vicious events."

"She is attacking the current government because of public security issues!"

"Our ancestors have always worked hard to create a vibrant and just country. In our country, there are no kings and no nobles, only citizens who pay taxes legally and enjoy their rights legally! Our country will unite the people , to create a government system and an economic system that serve the majority of people. However, as the richest civilized country in the history of human civilization, we should not have such a huge gap between the rich and the poor! And their families own more than half of the bottom citizens. We should not have 40% of the population unable to obtain citizenship and unable to earn enough for their labor. We should not have hundreds of millions of children unable to obtain basic needs. nutrition and lack of access to basic education.”

Claire Belmont's heart was filled with excitement, but it was also thrilling, and of course it made her feel more intimate.

He was sure that he had heard such words before. Although there are some differences in content, the nature is very close.

"How's it going? Does it sound familiar? Brigadier Belmont, don't say you haven't heard of it." Admiral Fenn sneered, holding his hands.

Claire Belmont sighed, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "I am also a model worker of Tulong Machinery Factory after all, how could I not hear this?"

Admiral Finn's expression was half-smiling, and his eyes were meaningful: "Don't you really forget who you are?"

Claire gave an awkward smile and fell into a brief silence.

The head of the alliance's intelligence department looked at Krell, who seemed to have received a huge blow, and added with a smile: "Me! When I was your age, I felt that my own values ​​​​were the most important. What you think represents the future. Our fathers and old people are all disgusting, mediocre and rotten silverfish, and they are the sewers of the entire universe. But now..."

"What now? Did you find out they weren't sewers? Did you find out they were right?" Claire asked casually.

"No, I found that they are still sewers, and they are even dirtier than I thought. However, the dirtier and uglier the sewers are, the more important they are to the universe, so I happily became One of them."

"...No matter how you look at it, this is a fall after growing up."

"It's not that we've fallen, but we've just found ourselves. We must clearly understand who we are." Finn Berenkeist changed his tone to a more sincere tone: "Krell, you and Taina... Moen is different. The future of the Belmont family is yours. After all, Taina is still a willful little girl who limits her vision to a relatively closed environment. She is a good girl with a strong sense of justice. , but an overly narrow sense of justice will harm others and ourselves.”

Having said this, he let out a long sigh, walked to the window and looked at the whole city: "After all, I am studying media."

Under the Nine Stars Building, most of the marchers had left the alliance's intelligence department and secret police headquarters and were moving towards the core area of ​​the city.

This city, known as the Gem Coast, is adjacent to the Sea of ​​Starfall on the Nephi equator and is bathed in warm sunshine all year round. At this time, the people walking through the crowd were also bathed in the same warm and comfortable sunshine. They firmly believe in you and walk in the sunshine.

However, at the bottom of this city, there is no sunlight.

In other words, this kind of underground world exists in all big cities in this era. All lighting comes from old light sources. The dim and dim light seems like torches lit in ancient tombs, only making the surrounding shadows darker. The maze-like winding and rugged passages are constantly intersecting and spreading out underground in the city, seeming to lead everyone astray.

The most elite of the Sons of Loha, and the only members still left on this planet, are struggling to advance in the underground passages of the city, and fighting desperately.

These former unemployed laborers, landless farmers, and former rebel soldiers have grown into the best warriors on the planet.

No, they are no longer the "Sons of Loha". Three weeks ago, when their last 37 warriors crossed the ancient Forbidden Forest and arrived at the Gem Coast for the first time, they had officially renamed themselves the "Interstellar Burning Legion", which meant using themselves as fuel. Ignite the flames of resistance of the working people at the bottom of the universe.

At this time, a battle was coming to an end. The participants were the "Burning Legion" and the patrol sentries in the underground passage. The former was the winner.

The burning green blade flickered in the shadow of the passage, passing in front of the warning robot, so close that it seemed that the expanding ozone could block the machine's sensors. Immediately afterwards, these three heads were able to suppress an infantry squad of security robots in a narrow passage by themselves, and then turned into falling apart building blocks.

Of course, before that, the controllers of these robots had all turned into corpses.

"We could have had something to talk about." The owner of the lightsaber withdrew the green lightsaber and expressed his regret in a well-educated Nephi accent.

She is Taina Morn, the second leader of the Sons of Lohar, and now the first leader of the Burning Legion. At this time, she was leading her subordinates to sneak into the Gem Coast Underground City where a million people march was taking place.

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