Him and their stars

Chapter 1552 This is the interesting part of the alliance

Chapter 1547

Having said this, Vice President Lanster also sighed: "Miss Gongsun, if you don't disappear during this period, but come to the association to cooperate with our investigation, maybe the situation will not be so complicated."

"Of course, it is more likely that we have lost the possibility of follow-up results of the investigation. In the end, Miss Gongsun's crime of murdering her colleagues still cannot be cleared, and we also lost the opportunity to find out the truth. The Guerrilla Association is not as pure as the public imagines." Inspector Shi Xin still said something fair.

"What you say always makes sense." Lanster agreed expressionlessly: "If it were really a pure organization, the association would definitely not be able to exist today."

Gongsun Qing expressed his gratitude very sincerely: "I know, Mr. Lanster, you have been helping me."

The vice president shook his head and said: "I am your introducer! Helping you is equivalent to helping me. However, Gongsun Guerrilla, I cannot help you for long. Your name is still in the Imperial Heraldry Academy In the noble list, the status of the heir to the Earl of Yongdi cannot protect you under the current international situation. It will only give you. Some people have even suggested that you are suspected of being an imperial spy and should be assigned to the alliance to carry out sabotage. work."

"I understand. This, this... I'm really sorry." Gongsun Qing's smile seemed a little troubled, and he had nothing to say for a while, so he could only continue to apologize sincerely.

Anyone who can think with their brains knows how absurd this inference is - even the Galactic Empire does not have the luxury to send an heir to the earl family, a psychic and combat genius visible to the naked eye, to perform a narrow escape mission. Sabotage the mission. What's more, the target country is not an enemy country in the legal sense. After all, the Alliance and the Empire are not at war, and trade between the two countries has been ongoing.

However, we all know that the larger the organization, the more bloated and unwieldy its decision-making body is, and the easier it is for bureaucracy to arise, and it will always lead to conclusions that cannot be reached even by thinking on one’s knees.

"I have also carefully reviewed your investigative report on Ethan Pill, and it does make some sense. However, in the absence of conclusive evidence, Gongsun Guerrilla's detailed report is just speculation, and even slanderous. Suspect. I can't even take your report to the council," Deputy Director Lanster said.

"That's why I asked you and Mr. Shi Xin to meet here alone... I'm really sorry." Gongsun Qing was still full of apologies.

Vice President Lanster sighed: "I should apologize to you. The Guerrilla Association claims to be an international volunteer organization, but it is essentially a mercenary and law enforcement organization. Brother Shixin understands this very well."

The dragon inspector smiled and said: "We have to accept the dual leadership of the Congress and the Grand Commander. The first-level inspector who does management work has changed from a super policeman who prevents and punishes occult crimes to a big shot in the cabinet and Congress. They are our occult advisors, but you only have to accept the leadership of the council, which is much freer than us."

"Old man, I think you are more like mocking us as a mercenary organization." The vice president forced a smile.

"It's not sarcasm, but an explanation of the facts. The Extraordinary Administration, the garrison and special service troops of the Ministry of Security, and even the Alliance Star Fleet across the star sea, are they not mercenaries?" Inspector Shi Xin didn't know what past events he was thinking of, his voice With sadness in it.

Gongsun Qing muttered in a low voice: "Mr. Guimo said the same thing in front of me. But he read it from the "Yuan"."

Frey Wellbart glanced at Gongsun Qing calmly, and lowered her head again, as if she was preparing to continue to act as a background figure with no sense of presence.

Although she also knew that this was meaningless. When he landed on this island, there were two more senses scrutinizing him, and his aura was completely locked in an instant.

One is the vice-president of the Guerrilla Association, and the other is a first-level inspector of the Administration. Each of them is stronger and more dangerous than Gongsun Qing, and each of them can easily kill himself.

Vice President Lanster said to Gongsun Qing: "Okay, girl, tell me your conclusion now. And what's going on with this Miss Frederica Wellbart?"

Inspector Shi Xin also said: "Her identity is not simple. She is not only the heir of the Zixinhui Group, but also has two uncles who are serving as congressmen and mayor respectively. Her mother, Ms. Lina Wilbat, is Lan Ambassador of the Star Community to Nephi.”

"Yes, a template that represents the friendly and friendly relationship between the Alliance and the Earth. Just like President Keith Nishita who is on his way over." The voice of the vice president of the Guerrilla Association had a hint of irony.

Fleur didn't like the feeling of being discussed as a person, but she could only pretend that she didn't hear anything.

Gongsun Qing came to the rescue and said: "It doesn't matter, our Gongsun family is also a model of friendship and goodwill between the empire and the earth."

Sister Qing, you are really... so gentle. Miss Wilbart burst into tears and almost started crying.

Then, the other party went straight to the point in a very frank tone: "She is one of the masterminds of the Ice Valley City incident and a snake head."


Before the two big guys showed shocked expressions, Gongsun Qing added: "Member Emeta Parotin is her accomplice, and of course she is also the head of the snake. This is what I have discovered during this time. ”

Fleur thought it was okay, it was just a snake head.

Vice President Last said in a deep voice: "I told you that I need your explanation. A more detailed explanation. Otherwise, it is just the most malicious slander." The inspector pondered and said: "So, the reason why you took the risk to bring Miss Wilbart to talk to us alone is that you think the association and the management bureau have actually been infiltrated by the snake?" Gongsun Qing shook his head: "I think that the snake is actually a tool of the real big shots. The Ice Valley City incident was just a spontaneous civil rights struggle between ordinary workers and discriminated alien races, but under the manipulation of the snake, it turned into a vicious conflict." The inspector said: "I don't quite understand. You said that the riot in Ice Valley City was manipulated by the snake?" Gongsun Qing nodded: "I have obtained all the evidence that Senior Aisen Pierre manipulated this action behind the scenes, and I have also confirmed that he is the executive officer of the snake, codenamed 'Fluorescent Butterfly'." "A senior B-level guerrilla is the head of the snake. In the past, it should have been a piece of news that alarmed the council to hold an emergency meeting overnight. But now, I actually think it's just an appetizer." Last smiled bitterly. "This shows that the times have changed, and everyone's psychological tolerance is also undergoing subtle changes." Shi Xin said: "However, Miss Gongsun, you just said that Mrs. Emeta Parrotin is also a snake head?" Gongsun Qing continued to nod. "What a violent theory. When Master Parrotin was still alive, he was our old president!" said the vice president. "And it doesn't make sense. She is now in Congress, demanding a thorough investigation of the problems in Binggu City and giving justice to all the victims. What's the point of doing this?" Mr. Shi Xin also said that he really couldn't understand it. This time, Gongsun Qing had a long silence, until everyone thought she had nothing to say, then she said faintly: "For this war." "War?" said Inspector Shi Xin. "This is a war that is beyond all our expectations. The Alliance cannot leave, but there must be a perfect reason for not leaving." Gongsun Qing glanced at Fulei, who closed her eyes and mouth, and smiled meaningfully, speaking as if you were reciting an aria: "... Perhaps there are other well-thought-out considerations, but that is beyond my knowledge. The only thing I can be sure of is that we are all humble puppets, trying to perform a predetermined play on a grand stage. We are nothing more than that." Four lightsabers suddenly popped out from behind her, as if they were brought into the air by invisible arms, and then they simultaneously bloomed with sun-green flames, unfolding directly behind her like a peacock feather spreading its screen. The interlaced energy of the flames seemed to ignite the sea breeze and ozone, creating a cloud of turbid mist in the humid air. Behind the mist, the outline of a figure emerged from the mist, still maintaining a tiptoeing action ready to sneak up and attack. He was a boy who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, delicate and tender, with a medium or even thin physique. He was a beautiful boy who could be regarded as a school idol in middle school, and he was also a literary herbivore. But other than that, that was all. He really didn't look dangerous.

Moreover, he looked very harmless, as he was forced to stand at attention halfway through his journey and looked confused.

"Waste... there's really no hope!" Fulei covered her face and turned her head away, pretending not to know him.

"I, I tried very hard too." The boy explained loudly: "I rushed here as fast as I could."

"Very good, please introduce yourself." Gongsun Qing said.

The boy coughed and cleared his throat, and bowed in a pretentious manner: "Lawbreaker, salute you. Miss Count... Oops!"

Before the Lawbreaker finished his self-introduction, four lightsabers floating behind Gongsun Qing stabbed directly at his head. It was clearly guided by telekinesis, but the trajectory was mysterious and magnificent. It looked like it was held by a top swordsman, and it stabbed directly at his head.

"I thought we could still have a good talk." The voice of the Lawbreaker was full of artificial sadness, and then he let the lightsaber sink into his head.

His body seemed to have a black hole, which took all the flames into it and then extinguished them completely.

Gongsun Qing was a genius psychic and warrior. Everyone who knew her had no doubt that she could become a saint, or even challenge the higher side of truth.

However, she was only a 24-year-old girl who had just entered the fifth ring. She could not be the opponent of the "Lawbreaker" with thirteen faces.

However, Vice President Last and Inspector Stone Heart did not join the battle.

Unknowingly, a cold rainstorm had fallen on the scene. The sound of the rain blocked the starlight, blocked the sea breeze, and blurred the outlines of the two of them and the factory behind them.

Everyone knew that this sudden downpour was definitely not a natural phenomenon.

Then, four bright green flames spread out at the same time. That was the guerrilla leader's move. He had simultaneously unleashed the deadly physics of two double-headed lightsabers, dancing out an impenetrable rainstorm of light, which fiercely sprinkled into the rain and fog beside him.

However, the first-level inspector of the Extraordinary Management Bureau has been divided into countless phantoms in the rain and fog. After the thunder roared, the flames actually burned in the heavy rain.

"It's you." The Argonian sighed behind the rain and mist, neither angry nor happy.

"No, it's actually you." The guerrilla replied.

So, who is who between you two? Frederica Wilbart magically took out an exquisite silk parasol, and used the open umbrella cover and rain screen to cover her silent sneer.

"This is the interesting part of the alliance!"

"Yes, that's how the alliance is, no one knows who they belong to." Gongsun Qing replied.

"Then who are you?" Fleur smiled and said, "You are not Sister Qing."

On the other side, a blue lightsaber like a clear summer sky flashed and danced on the top floor of the Jiulianxing Building. In just a short moment, it intersected with a dark red flame of light hundreds of times.

The entangled energy field, accompanied by a suppressed "buzzing" sound, condensed into a violent airflow, pushing away all the furniture in the room on the spot.

The ebony coffee table of the planet Kome, the handmade velvet rug of Cardolan, and the golden figurine of Nobu were all torn apart and crushed by the psychic stance in the shortest possible time.

Immediately afterwards, after the impact of Red and Blue, the two of them were shaken away at the same time and distanced themselves. Claire staggered back several steps before finally regaining his balance. But Admiral Finn had already taken this opportunity to leap to the door of the office.

He wanted to take the opportunity to go out, but saw that the office door had been closed tightly at some point. Doors made of military armor plates have popped up on both sides of the wall of the well-decorated office, tightly sealing the entrance and exit of the door.

"This is your home court. It's impossible for me to come to a place like this without making any preparations." Krell said: "Just five minutes ago, your highest authority over all security facilities in this building was removed. Lifted. Now, the person with the highest authority is me.”

Admiral Finn Berenkeist turned around and let out a rough breath, but he didn't know whether he was expressing appreciation or regret:

"So, Krell, you said this building is my home court? Where is my home court?"

His expression was filled with obvious frustration. As the top person in charge of the alliance's intelligence and homeland security departments, and the commander-in-chief of millions of internal security forces and secret police across the country, he muddleheadedly lost control of the headquarters building and even the office in his own office. This is indeed It is a great shame and humiliation.

Creel smiled: "But the structure of this office was designed by you personally, Uncle Finn. The entire office is made of composite armor materials, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are also covered with three layers of nano-coating, and even the inside of the room is covered with It also has a propeller hidden inside it. It can be ejected from the building at any time and turned into an escape capsule."

Admiral Finn Berenkeist did not answer. A spiritual light hung from his fingers, flashing with a cold light like a sharp blade.

"Someone once told me that anyone who builds his place like a fortress is not a decent person."

Infinite psychic energy gushes out from every pore of Claire Belmont, covering his body and turning into a transparent armor.

"I didn't say not to try to resist, because I believe that you are a rational person and a decent person. Last warning, Uncle Finn, put down your weapons."

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