Him and their stars

Chapter 157 Chapter 156 The pursuit after the decisive blow

After several leaps, Yu Lian had already crossed three intersections, jumped down, and fell into the alleyway in the building. He grabbed a protruding billboard and swung into the room through an open window.

"Sorry, ladies, please continue." Yu Lian sincerely apologized to the frightened tenants, and then moved on.

"Sorry, sorry, gentlemen, please continue." Yu Lian continued to move forward and passed by the two gentlemen who opened the door and came out to check.

He went down directly to the next floor and passed through the window on the left. A force field flickered and slid into the opposite building. He ran quickly through the corridor, and when he went out, he was already above an alley.

In the narrow alleyway, you can still see the huge light-year arena, where the sound is overwhelming and the courage is everywhere.

"Definite kill! Definite kill! Definite kill! We have defeated our opponent! Our arsenal will continue to move forward!" He heard the heart-rending cheers of the DJ at the scene, which almost shook the entire city.

Then, cheers came from the stadium, like thunder, almost shaking the heaven and earth.

Who said that people on earth have no future? Yu Lian cheered in his heart, then jumped up, landed on the ground without a sound, and then stuck his figure in the alleyway. He walked quickly while controlling the drone in the sky to leave the stadium.

The drone's probe is still sharing its field of view with itself. Several security airships have arrived at the scene and are slowly sailing towards the sky above the stadium. Of course, if the team really loses because of the referee, it will indeed have to prepare concussive bombs to suppress the fans' commotion.

However, they won. In the most difficult situation, he defeated his opponent...

More and more fans surrounded the stadium and sang loudly. They didn't smash and grab, they just got together to win and celebrate the victory as if they had won the championship. Reasonable fans all know that it is difficult for the team to move forward, but they still feel like they have won the entire universe.

However, so many people poured into the surrounding area, completely paralyzing traffic in the ten blocks around.

At this time, anyone who wants to leave from the main road may have to spend several hours just to get to the subway station. The others were fine, but for Lieutenant General Vincent and his party who were about to leave, they had to find a way.

If you can't take the big road, you have to take the small road. The imperial-style temple-like buildings around the Lightyear Stadium are not particularly tall. There are stairs and air corridors connecting the buildings, which give them a sense of design. But in this way, the alleyways naturally formed on the ground by the building gaps appear to be a bit tortuous and complicated, and may even lead people to a dead end.

Even locals who have lived in the foggy city for decades may get lost in it, let alone others.

However, for Lieutenant General Vincent, the maze-like alleyways between these buildings are the most suitable and safest passage for them to escape.

Of course, Lieutenant General Vincent can indeed afford Yu Lian's attention. Since the future villain would take the risk of meeting Representative Applewood in a place like this, he naturally had a perfect plan for his evacuation route.

He might have even anticipated that there would be conflicts and riots at the stadium, and that nearby traffic would be completely paralyzed, so he had already prepared a plan for himself.

However, now that he wanted to evacuate safely, quickly and without being discovered by nearby residents, he would only choose to use these alleyways. And the only way for them to pass through the neighborhood from Lightyear Stadium as quickly and safely as possible... Yu Lian jumped up and came to the sky corridor, looked around and smiled.

In the narrow alleyway between the two temple-like buildings in his eight o'clock direction, three unremarkable-looking men wearing ordinary coats were walking over in a hurry.

Their pace was fast but not in a hurry. Although they were close to one side of the wall, they did not look around furtively. They have been walking in a warning formation, but even if you are not an expert, you can't guess what they are doing.

Even if someone around saw them through the window, they would just think that these people were in a hurry and would never suspect that their whereabouts were sneaky and suspicious, so they would call the police or something.

The one scouting the way in front is the guard Mir, who is responsible for blocking bullets at all times; the one behind is the sentinel Nogo. As for the target of this trip, Lieutenant General Minqi Vinson is in the middle.

If Yu Lian guessed correctly, the sentry named Nogo should have developed spiritual awareness at this time. In comparison, although the Eagle Eye technique allows him to see further, he can only see in front of himself, but not around him.

They were indeed cautious and steady, and did not let down their guard even in this situation... But, to be honest, it was a bit too much. Although Lieutenant General Vincent is a villain and conspirator who must die, that is a matter of the future.

Now, he has been imprisoned by the empire for eighteen years and has just returned to the country. He has long been out of touch with the times. In the eyes of the world, he is just an outdated old man who has lost all his power, status and reputation. He can just do some trivial things to make some pension money. All his plans are just the beginning, who would specifically target him?

Therefore, it is understandable to be called "Coward Vincent". While Yu Lian was thinking this, he jumped out of the corridor and climbed to the top of the building. With a gentle movement of his spiritual energy, he swept down all the flower pots on the edge of the roof.

"Enemy attack!" Lieutenant General Vincent jumped up and shouted, which shocked the two bodyguards around him.

Guard Mir took a step back, pressed Lieutenant General Vincent against the wall, and blocked the opponent with his body. The skin under his coat began to become colder and harder, with a metallic sheen appearing. On the other side, Sentinel Nogo also put his hand on the pistol under his coat, but did not pull it out immediately.

He seemed to feel that there was someone in the direction where the brazier fell, but whether it was a deliberate attacker or a playful child, he could not be sure.

And to be honest, he prefers the latter.

Being ambushed? Being attacked? Why? They didn't do anything, it's illogical!

As soon as he thought this, one of the flower pots whirled and hit him, and it broke instantly with a "whoosh". The soil inside hit the other flower pots like bullets, causing a chain reaction and turning into a large mud mist directly in front of the three people.

Only then did Nogo realize that they had really been attacked.

Without saying a word, he pulled out his pistol and pushed Mir at the same time: "Take the general and go! Take the main road!"

Nuo Ge's judgment was very clear. The other party's attack came from behind. Once on the road, he would be safe.

But by this time, they were already too late. The black shadow emerged directly from the mud mist, so fast that Nogo had no time to react, as if it teleported directly out of the black mist.

……This unscientific! I have already developed spiritual perception, he can't be so fast! Force field flickering? This is impossible!

Unless, ah, those flower pots were infused with psychic energy and had formed his flickering medium?

Nuo Ge, who had received special education, immediately thought of this possibility, and his heart suddenly went cold. He knew that force field flickering was just a very basic step combat skill. To put it bluntly, it used psychic energy to give the body explosive movement speed and sprinting ability. Because it was too fast, it looked like flickering to ordinary people. However, when you practice to a high level, you can indeed achieve the effect of space jumping in a short distance through the medium wrapped in spiritual energy.

Theoretically, it is still within the category of "low-level" combat skills such as Stand Flick, and the requirements for spiritual energy and body are still within the category of low-level, but the skills required are quite sophisticated. Even high-level players can't. Very few can reach this level.

Therefore, this is a high-level person who hides his power!

Nogo made this judgment quickly, and for a while he no longer had the will to fight. All the close combat and gun fighting skills were completely forgotten.

He raised the gun almost mechanically and subconsciously wanted to pull the trigger, but such a stiff movement was naturally within Yu Lian's estimation. The latter disarmed the opponent's pistol with a click and pull of his right hand. He raised his left hand, slipped a butterfly knife out of his sleeve, and plunged it directly into the opponent's throat.

Nogo, the sentinel of the first ring, did not even have time to scream loudly and lost his life on the spot.

However, on the other side, Guard Mir had already carried Lieutenant General Vincent on his back and ran dozens of meters away.

His guards strengthen his physique and strength, but we all know that once his physique evolves, his speed and explosive power will also increase accordingly.

Yu Lian directly put the pistol on his back and started charging in the direction of the opponent's running.

Then, almost at the same moment, the Hummingbird drone, which had already completed its historical mission, also got out of the gap in the building and appeared directly in front of Lieutenant General Mir and Vincent.

Mir was startled for a moment, and the drone hit him head on with a desperate attitude.

"Bang!" The Hummingbird drone hit the guard's strengthened body and fell apart on the spot. However, the ultra-small electric bomb that had been carrying it exploded directly.

This thing is not fatal, but it still forms an arc that can paralyze people. Even guards like Mir are instantly paralyzed and stiff.

If Mir hadn't noticed something was wrong the moment the hummingbird swooped over, and threw Lieutenant General Vincent out at the critical moment, the latter would have fainted.

"General, run away...\u0026()*()@#!¥" The paralysis of the electric arc made it difficult for him to control the corners of his mouth for a moment, and a look of pain and humiliation appeared on his face.

Lieutenant General Vincent got up from the ground and started running without looking back. He knew that as long as he ran to the road and into the commotion, he would be safe.

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