Him and their stars

Chapter 1564 It’s all speculation

In the underground space of the building, Taina Mohn, who was also sluggish, couldn't help but widen her eyes in horror as she watched the horrific scene happening on the screen.

Mrs. Ermeta Parotin, that inexperienced but prestigious congressman, the leader of the coalition of civil rights and opposition parties in Congress, the one who is regarded as the savior by the people and the future leader by all classes in the alliance He was the perfect choice, clutching his chest and feeling exhausted.

Miss Moen had imagined many possibilities for this operation, a good ending, a bad ending, a tragic process, and it was more likely that she would have to pay all the sacrifices but get a humiliating solution. She and her comrades were ultimately recorded in the history of the alliance as failed terrorists.

However, she never thought that just when she had already seen the hope of success, in the Republic Square on Union Jewel Coast Street, with hundreds of thousands of people and tens of thousands of military police watching, a man who was about to enter the hospital would The politician who presided over the Azure Palace fell in front of everyone.

At this time, the noise and chaos at the scene could no longer be seen or heard clearly, and even thinking had stopped. She didn't know where she and her fellow rebels from the Burning Legion would go, or even what the future of the Alliance would be. She no longer dared to think anymore.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderous sound came from the passage outside the door, as if there was a violent explosion.

Taina subconsciously turned to the door and saw Thor Lanna's figure. The young guerrilla walked through the wall and returned to the room like a ghost, and then condensed into a solid body again.

"The inner guards outside have withdrawn, but they will be back soon. There will be more people, there will be psykers, and even heavy weapons. Your men can still move, only half of them are left. ” he said loudly.

The guerrilla didn't get a response immediately, so he roared at Miss Moen who was in a sluggish state: "What's going on with Mrs. Parlotin? This is different from what you said!"

Finally, he didn't slap him with a slap, let alone slash him with a sword. From this perspective, this young guerrilla is not only a combat genius, but his self-control ability is also quite outstanding.

Of course, it may also be because Miss Moen now has a weak breath and a slumped posture, as if she is a seriously ill person who may die at any time. In her current state, not to mention fighting against guerrillas, she might not even be able to defeat a three-level dead fat house.

She is harmless now. The Lanna guerrillas made this judgment.

However, the leader of the dying rebel army gritted his teeth, forced himself to stand upright, and regained his composure.

She opened the terminal keyboard, operated it twice, and switched the camera to the Republic Square, but only received a bunch of program error messages.

"All the screens in the square are closed. This is what my colleagues in the square told me." Guerrilla said.

"This is a trap!" Taina responded in a weak voice.

"Trap? Whose trap? You? The son of Loha? The Security Department? Or Mrs. Parlotin?" It can be seen that not only does he have excellent self-control, but he is also a person who is very good at grasping key points.

"I don't know. Maybe there are...heh, it's not important anymore." The weak rebel leader tried his best to put his hand into his arms.

The guerrilla also put his hand on the lightsaber vigilantly. Although the opponent could not make a move, it was still possible for him to find some powerful weapon that would kill him together. But in fact, what she took out was not a weapon, but a small medicine bottle. She opened the bottle with difficulty, as if just this simple action took all her strength.

She gasped twice more and swallowed all the little blue pills in the bottle.

The Lanna guerrilla couldn't help but be moved. He could more or less guess what the efficacy of the drug would be, and he also knew that taking it in such a way would have side effects that normal people could not bear, but he could not object.

Sure enough, after swallowing a whole bottle of at least thirty or forty small pills, she went from a dying person to a strong person full of vitality and energy in half a minute. Even her fair skin was gleaming with joy.

That is actually the gathering of spiritual energy.

Immediately, twelve metal balls floated up, floating like satellites.

"We need to break out." Her voice was still low. However, if he was just as angry as a gossamer and lacked energy, now he is a warrior who is getting ready to go.

"But..." The guerrilla looked hesitant.

"We must break out. All the remaining warriors of the Burning Legion who are still alive are the seeds of revolution, and our cause still needs them. I led them to a dead end but failed to achieve my goal, so I must bear responsibility. . It is my duty to lead them to break out!" she repeated loudly.

"This, this question..."

"We are not completely in despair. Go out from here, pass through Corridor 16, turn to Stairway 4 to the 40th underground floor, and you will arrive at a freight transfer yard. There will be many options to break out. This is what we Last chance!”

"This, a breakout or something..."

However, before Mr. Guerrilla could finish his words, Miss Taina Mohn had already kicked open the armored door and rushed out of the door at the head of the crowd.

"Fighters, our battle is not over yet! Follow me!"

Taina Moen's body was flashing with psychic armor, and she was holding a rifle that came from nowhere in her hand. She crossed the passage and ran through her comrades who had just gone through a hard battle.

"This is the last chance! Everyone, everyone, follow me!" She encouraged everyone loudly, and her spiritual energy sprinkled on the exhausted rebel soldiers, turning them into the motivation to move forward and the strength of the battle. courage.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the retreating soldiers of the inner guard, and also saw the leader's invincible heroic figure as he entered the enemy's formation. She was surrounded by spiritual beads, as if she were surrounded by satellites. The lean and even petite body rushed between the queues of huge mechas, as if a deer was charging towards the wolves.

However, after a face-to-face encounter, it was the wolves that collapsed.

Under the impact, cutting and intensive shooting of the chanting spirit beads, the mechas of the internal defense troops looked like paper dolls, clumsy and fragile.

The morale of the rebel soldiers was so high that they let out boiling roars and shouts. In the underground passage on the 48th floor of the Capitol, the human leaders who followed them began to advance.

Although they had fought hard, they were exhausted and suffered heavy casualties. But at this moment, they are still willing to follow their leader to death.

"There's a psyker! There's a second psyker here! It's much more dangerous than the previous one! Support is needed! Support is needed!" The officer of the internal guard reported loudly to the superiors, but perhaps he was too panicked and directly opened the door to the public. put.

So insulting! After hearing this, Dali, the only second-level Lothar psyker among the members of the Burning Legion, became angry and became even more powerful in his movements. He wanted to prove to the world that the Legion was more than just that.

As for the young Lanna guerrilla, he followed the team in a daze. This time, it was him who lost the ability to think. This young guerrilla still doesn't understand how he became one of "us".

So, when he just said "the second psyker", was it me who co-authored the "first" one?

Then, he heard the headset ringing, and a familiar voice came: "Thor, what happened?"

That was the voice of Mr. Kanan Ruto, his captain and instructor in the association. He is also an A-level guerrilla and belongs to the upper echelons of the association.

"What the hell are you doing, Thor?"

I, I don’t know either? The young guerrilla said that he was still in a state of confusion and did not know how to answer for a while.

However, the other party didn't seem to be prepared to ask for an answer. He just said in a tone that was hard to be frightened: "The center of Mornbo Hollow just exploded. Yes, it was a minute ago."

Lanna was slightly startled. The Mornbo Sky Center is a building located in the Place de la République, about 3 kilometers away from the Parliament Building in a straight line. It is a high-end office building that has been around for some time. Star Network Broadcasting rented the top floor of the building as its office and studio in the capital.

In addition, the reason why it is called this building is because this building was built by an ancestor of the Moen family 200 years ago.

In addition, speaking of Moen...the leader of the terrorist organization is also named Moen!

So, the screen is black because the studio was hacked? This is unscientific. The control of the screens in the square is not the responsibility of the TV station. To outsiders, it looks more like terrorists blew up the studio!

The young guerrilla was still thinking, and then he heard the leader say to himself: "The association is also in big trouble now. We can't get involved in any more incidents."

So, what does this mean?

"From now on, you are no longer a member of the association. You are the son of the terrorist organization Loha, the most dangerous undercover lurking in the association!"

In an Alliance star field 7,500 light-years away from Nephi, the Qingqiu, a famous ultra-luxury cruise ship and scientific research vessel called "Princess Rose" by old sailors, is sailing towards the starry sky on the edge of the Alliance.

The captain reported to the real owner of the cruise ship: "Chairman, this ship will arrive at the Nine Netherworld System in 24 hours. At that time, it will be escorted by the security fleets of St. Clair and Deepwater Company. Everything goes well. If so, we will arrive at the Tiannu B galaxy in the Feimo Star Domain between January 20 and 24 next year.”

"Thank you for your hard work." Amida Berenkeste smiled.

The captain did not interrupt further and exited the communication. This is a very pragmatic technocrat who is just obsessed with his job.

Soon, Princess Rainbow Rose received another piece of news compiled by her assistants in her study, which was of course about the Gem Coast.

When a civil rights congresswoman was assassinated in full view of hundreds of thousands of people, you can imagine the uproar there would be.

However, the Guerrilla Association, the Security Department, the Internal Guard, and the Falling Star Fleet are all on guard around the area. There are more than 50,000 military police who have entered combat status in the entire Gem Coast urban area, and there are an equal number outside the city. A large number of soldiers and medical teams are on standby, and within a hundred miles, there are even three digits of psychics. It can be said that we are not prepared.

Because of this, the violent agencies to maintain order entered the scene in a very timely manner, and finally did not form a heart-wrenching chaos like Ice Valley City.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if the chaos in Ice Valley City was replicated in the majestic alliance capital, it would no longer be a shameless issue, but a matter of the alliance's international reputation being severely damaged.

But even so, it is still certain that the number of casualties caused by the commotion at the scene should be more than a thousand.

Of course, this is only the case now. As of now, the riots are still ongoing. Although the military and police have controlled the damage below a critical point, this does not mean that the commotion has stopped.

After all, it was a protest rally with more than one million people. After all, there were 20 to 30 million permanent residents of Gem Coast. After all, this was the capital of the Alliance. No matter how capable and powerful the military and police force was, it was inevitable that they would act with caution.

Of course, what's more important is that even with such tight security, someone still entered the security perimeter and shot a congressman at the door of the Capitol.

This unfolding is truly incredible. Even the well-informed assistant team under Princess Rainbow Rose had never seen such a scene, so they even reported it with trepidation. I was afraid that the eldest lady would think that I was making a false report to tease her.

Fortunately, the eldest lady’s reaction was quite natural. She really deserves to be Princess Rainbow Rose!

...Well, actually, if you think about it carefully, she became the Queen of Rainbow Rose, which must have happened recently.

"So, dead?" she asked simply and clearly.

This way of asking questions fits her personality very well. You know, whether you are a banker on Platinum Street, a shipping magnate in Turanka, or the head of the military-industrial complex in Zalta, all you have to do is assess the risks.

Even if the commander-in-chief was assassinated, their first reaction would be to determine life or death.

"It has been sent to the hospital as quickly as possible, and the rescue is ongoing, but it is not optimistic." The assistant captain whose name was not important did not use ambiguous words such as "it is said" or "it seems". In fact, with the ability of Princess Rainbow Rose's team, they had already figured out the trend immediately.

Now, maybe the people of the Progressive Party were still confused because of the assassination of the party leader, but the people on the Qingqiu, more than 7,000 light-years away, had already figured out the hospital and the list of attending doctors, and even started to track the condition.

"It may be a little early to send condolences to the Progressive Party and the Hilf Charitable Foundation in my name." Yani asked.

"That's true." said the assistant deputy captain whose name was not important.

"However, no matter what you do, even if you remain silent, you will always be maliciously interpreted by people with ulterior motives." The assistant captain whose name is not important added.

Miss Bei nodded reservedly and motioned for the two of them to continue.

The assistant captain added: "According to reports from on-site guerrilla members and the security department, members of the terrorist Sons of Loha have also sneaked into the vicinity. They are likely to be related to the assassination. They are investigating."

The assistant deputy captain said: "But this is not in line with the cleanup. If they came to assassinate Marshal Esko, it would make sense. But Mrs. Parlotin has been asking for a re-investigation of the Ice Valley City incident. She is actually the son of Loha. Potential allies."

Miss Bei was noncommittal: "Where is the scene?"

"There was an explosion at the Moen Broadcasting Control Center. Fortunately, the on-site response was timely and did not cause too many casualties. It is now suspected that this was the work of the son of Loha."

"In the final analysis, it's all speculation, right?" Yamida laughed.

The secretaries nodded.

"Then, just keep waiting. Wait until the weather calms down."

Aides breathed a sigh of relief. Since the eldest lady did not give instructions, it meant that there was no urgent task that required hard work. If you just continue to observe, it will be a relatively easy job.

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