Him and their stars

Chapter 1567 A meeting

The commotion in the Place de la République suddenly turned from boiling, subdued, and numb to burning. However, we all know that a flame that is too majestic and violent cannot last long. Soon, the mottled flames began to dissipate.

As for the headquarters of the Guerrilla Association in the Leman Islands, this meeting included senior officials of the Interstellar Security Council and the Guerrilla Association, as well as senior officials of the Extraordinary Administration. It can be said that it included the highest security and psyker specifications in half the galaxy. The meeting also came to an end at a very fast pace.

Throughout the meeting, various parties present had a broad and candid exchange of views on the current nationwide turmoil, deterioration of law and order, and even organized supernatural crime.

In the end, everyone agreed that they still couldn't control political matters, and the only ones they could control were public security issues. Finally, everyone agrees that public security problems stem from economic problems, and economic problems must be caused by war. To put it bluntly, everyone was originally ready to join forces to carry out large-scale development of the New World, but the war has begun, and the result is completely different.

What's more important is that the two warring parties are poor on one side, and on the other side they are major military-industrial countries, so there is no chance to make war profits. The economy will naturally decline, and public security will naturally deteriorate.

All in all, everything that went wrong was the fault of the Galactic Empire!

As long as this consensus is reached, it is equivalent to setting a tone for everything, and the rest will be easier to talk about.

"So, behind many of those who instigate strikes and riots in this country are not just snakes fanning the flames, there must also be support from the empire. We should investigate in this direction and get to the bottom of it!" A certain leader of the Interstellar Security Committee Guys, I made a concluding summary.

Everyone said that this makes sense.

Claire Belmont frowned slightly and looked at Gongsun Qing, who was sitting in the corner of the conference room - this girl was involved in capturing the association's mole, so naturally she had to be present - the Countess was very angry at this conclusion, but But he was pulled back by Miss Fina Li sitting next to him.

Claire sighed silently, looked down at the terminal, silently re-read the latest news, and slowly said: "Speaking of which, what happened on the Gem Coast..."

"Yes, there have been some disturbances. The remnants of the Sons of Loha have appeared and are instigating the public. We have to take certain extreme measures." A Vaying wearing the uniform of an inspector of the Extraordinary Administration said.

He is a man with a gloomy temperament and a cold face. His name is Tuman Dodos, and he is the deputy director of the Administration.

"There were indeed some casualties, but it is impossible to ensure zero casualties in this kind of mass incident. Everything is still under control. We know how to deal with extreme situations," said someone from the Guerrilla Association. .

"Yes, I have no doubts about your professionalism in dealing with urban disasters and riots." Deputy Director Dodos said: "It's just that there are still some remnants of the Sons of Loha at large, led by Ash, a former guerrilla. ·Led by Stein. Now, another guerrilla, Val Lanner, has defected. We cannot help but have doubts about the discipline of the association at this time!"

"I can understand your doubts, so this is the purpose of convening this meeting today!" Master Lei Jietan, chairman of the association, made a very low-profile statement: "We will get everything back on track quickly." Of course , in order to cooperate with the fight, I hope that the administration will have supervisory representatives stationed in the association. "

"It's not supervision, it's all for the country. There is no need for supervision. We just need to maintain necessary contact." Krell, who attended the meeting, also tried his best to convey the requirements of "above" in a polite way.

Although some people expressed a certain degree of resistance, after all, even the bosses of the Interstellar Security Committee said that Brigadier General Krell was right, and they could not continue to insist on their opinions.

So, the discussion about the chaos in the alliance's capital ended there. It seems that for some security big shots, that is just a small opportunity for conversation.

Then, we came to the issue of the world's number one terrorist organization, World Serpent, infiltrating the Guerrilla Association. Of course, this also involves the nature of the crime of S-class guerrilla Mr. Lanster.

This is a minor but sensitive issue. You must know that this senior guerrilla has served in the association for forty years. He has experienced hundreds of battles and made countless achievements. Naturally, his personal connections are quite deep. If this person is really defeated, he can definitely involve a large number of upper-class people. of old men.

Fortunately, the vice-president of the Guerrilla Association, who was still a decent man after all, admitted very frankly that he did have a certain relationship with the World-Wide Snake, but it was too much to say that he was the head of the snake. It's insulting. He admitted that he did receive black money from terrorist organizations, but he absolutely did not admit that he was a lackey of terrorist organizations.

In addition, he said solemnly that he does things alone and has nothing to do with his family, relatives and friends.

I have to admit that regardless of his position and good and evil, this person can still get along, at least he can join forces to do bad things.

In short, for the sake of his correct attitude in pleading guilty, Mr. Lanster's charges were finally determined to be insignificant "corruption" and "malfeasance in duty." Of course, they were neither "leaking state secrets" nor "endangering public security." It’s not even “treason”.

In addition, although he was expelled from the association, deprived of all honors, and sent to the Management Bureau for detention and further judicial investigation, it is estimated that he will only spend ten years in prison at most.

Moreover, the association actually left him a part of his retirement benefits, which is equivalent to the pension that a guerrilla can only receive after serving for more than thirty years. The association will directly pay it to Lanster's family.

Is this a "magnificent grace from heaven" that is very Asasi to everyone?

As for where "Tian En" comes from, it actually doesn't matter.

On the other side, Mr. Shi Xin of the Extraordinary Administration will also officially become the deputy director of the Extraordinary Administration, with treatment equivalent to that of an alliance admiral. For a human inspector, this is actually a class jump. The Nediaron inspector was very moved and didn't seem to mind that Mr. Lanster, whom he had "personally" captured, was gently let go.

This is very different from his previous persona of jealousy and hatred. From this perspective, the inspector who has moved from a front-line executor to a management position is indeed mature!

All in all, it was indeed a candid meeting, a correct meeting, and an honorable meeting.

The meeting finally decided that Claire Belmonte, who was also the inspector of the administration and the brigadier general of the internal security forces, would serve as the liaison officer to the association, but the latter declined. As a result, the Guerrilla Association could only accept a liaison group of ten people.

In addition, the meeting also decided that Miss Gongsun Qing, who has been lurking in the terrorist organization for half a year and obtained the evidence of the master rat in the association, has worked hard and has great wisdom and courage, will also be officially promoted to an A-level guerrilla. The Interstellar Security Council and the Supernatural Administration also awarded her the highest level of the Medal of Honor.

To put it bluntly, the heir to the empire's earl family is already qualified to join the association's management. She is also the youngest A-class guerrilla in more than half a century since the end of the Seventh Galactic War.

The Extraordinary Management Bureau also said that if Miss Gongsun Qing could invite "Earl Black Moon" to come out, they would definitely issue a one-ton medal to the thief. Then, the work of the administration, the association, and even the work of the Public Security Committee can be arranged. You can pick any of the five directors, five directors, etc.

However, Miss Gongsun Qing acted very angry and stood up as if she wanted to overturn the table.

Fortunately, there were many experts present, so the countess did not get angry in the end, but instead took out a letter of resignation.

After all, the Guerrilla Association is a serious legal organization, and it still emphasizes freedom of coming and going. If Miss Gongsun had made up her mind, it would be hard for them to say anything.

So, after this victorious, correct and positive meeting, the Guerrilla Association, after briefly losing their independence, also lost their poster girl.

Of course, again, this is not a big deal.

After the meeting, as the atmosphere team... ah no, as the observer, Ms. Fina Li also said goodbye to everyone, and said that this was a transparent, just, fair, and professional meeting, and she took photos of it. The images are proof. As an observer state of the Interstellar Security Council, the Blue Star Community is relieved, and even said that even the Galactic Civilization Parliament will be satisfied.

As a result, the big guys attending the meeting once again said, "Ms. Li is right," and "As the youngest master in the literary and art world, nothing can prove the truth better than your eyes."

All in all, it was so enjoyable.

Then, Gongsun Qing, who was holding a row of medals, declined the subsequent banquet. After leaving a dangerous snort to Claire Belmont, who was smiling awkwardly, he took his best friend, Miss Fina Li, to leave. .

After leaving the building, Miss Guerrilla did not go to the parking lot to drive, but went straight to the beach at the back of the mountain. She picked up a branch from the forest, suddenly shouted "Wow", and then started hacking at the huge rocks on the beach.

She was just doing it to vent her anger. She didn't apply any psychic energy to the branches, and her movements were all done with old strength and no skills. However, she is also a talented swordsman and warrior after all. Even if she is just chopping randomly, she still has a mysterious flavor that is anti-physics and anti-science. So, when the branch in her hand was finally overwhelmed and broke on the spot, the huge rock weighing at least four to five tons also fell to the ground in pieces.

"A good sword. It's better to lose in a dangerous situation than to make a mistake! This is the best swordsmanship!" said Fina, who was standing behind her.

Fina has been following her since just now, and of course she watched the entire process of the countess cutting rocks with tree branches.

However, this "don't make too many mistakes" thing always seems to be ironic to me. Gongsun Qing said angrily: "Humph, yes, I finally got started. If you hadn't pulled me, I would have pointed the sword at those guys."

"Don't be stupid, little girl." Fina said with a smile: "The meeting just now, the committee members are all online projections, let's not forget it. Among the big shots at the scene, except for Mr. Belmont, which one can you beat?"

Gongsun Qing was indignant, but had no way to refute, and finally stamped his feet in anger.

She has never doubted her swordsmanship and fighting abilities, and is even more confident to launch a campaign against the truth in her lifetime. However, she is still young after all.

"I am at least confident that I can kill one or two in a sneak attack. For example, the deputy director of the bureau nearest to me is named Tuman. I always feel that he is the worst one in the whole room!"

Fina nodded mentally. She did know that the deputy director of the Administration named Tuman Dodos was a cruel official who was not recognized by his relatives, but to put it bluntly, he was the loyal dog of the Rainbow Rose family, so he was naturally the most appropriate villain.

"However, you still didn't take action. Doesn't that show that you are mature?"

"I couldn't even hold back Mr. Creel, let alone him." Gongsun Qing said.

Well, it must be admitted that Krell's detestability has indeed increased by several orders of magnitude since he changed from a funny playboy to a hawk-dog leader and a politician. Although he himself should still be very distressed, isn't this also his own choice?

Fina couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Xiao Qing, you have said before that Claire Belmont is a rare good person among the big figures in the alliance's literary and artistic circles."

Regardless of his official status, after all, Claire Belmont owns an economic company and likes to invest in literary and artistic works. He should be considered a person in the literary and artistic circle. perhaps……

"Yes, Selena said the same thing. When I was an actor, I also thought he was a good person." Gongsun Qing sighed: "Fina, do you know? I originally planned to finish filming "Skeleton Squadron" "After that, he joined Mr. Krell's economic company."

"...I heard that Huanyu also wants to sign you. And he said he is prepared to praise you just like Selena."

Gongsun Qing nodded but then shook his head: "But, do I have Selina's talent?"

Yu'er swore that you would be able to win the Yage Mi Award for Best Actress before you turn thirty, but I won't tell you. Feifei thought.

Gongsun Qing added: "Besides, I don't like Princess Rainbow Rose either. I don't know the reason, but I just don't like her."

Fina couldn't help being moved, and hugged her passionately: "Girl, you are really a good girl!"

Gongsun Qing didn't understand why the other party was so moved, and could only laugh twice with Fina, and then said solemnly: "Fina, I became a guerrilla and an actor. The total time is not short. However, in this short career, I have learned one thing. Whether you are an actor or an artist, there are limits. "

"Oh, you have resigned from the association and are not an actor now?"

"Yes, I can't do it anymore! The universe is so big that it can no longer accommodate me to continue studying art. Fina, this is all your fault!"

"What does this have to do with me?"

"It was you who asked me to experience life. I listened to your words, and I really went. Then, I saw too much of the world that I couldn't see before. That is the real world."

"Their world is real, and your previous world is also real. Xiaoqing, if you think what you see now is real, isn't it naive?"

"I understand that only the future of everyone constitutes the real world. But, Feifei, it was you, it was you who destroyed my ability to live in my own world."

"When did you, this girl, master the power of sophistry?"

"People, people also grow up."

"...That's too much! Girl, the one who asked you to investigate Luoha's son is obviously Yu'er."

"But, what if you hadn't said that only by experiencing life and understanding the real world can one truly become a performing artist? Moreover, I am an actor. Isn't it normal to hear what the director says? Oh, by the way, I am no longer an actor. ”

I revised the last chapter but it didn't pass. I guess it was still too sensitive, so I gave up.

All in all, the plot is that Taina is in trouble. Book friends’ lunch boxes are on their way

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