Him and their stars

Chapter 1569 The Pure End

"Thor, thank you very much. Without you, our action today would have been a meaningless blind action." Taina held the hand of the former guerrilla fighter and expressed her gratitude with her last strength.

Thor Lanner, who had inexplicably become a traitor to the association, shook his head with a heavy face.

He looked at the woman who was about to leave with admiration, and only confusion and sadness were left in his heart. He no longer knew why he had become a member of the Burning Legion in a muddle, but he no longer cared about such things.

"...But, think about it carefully, we were actually acting blindly from the beginning. I actually lost my life before I figured out this truth."

Her words finally broke everyone's defense, and low crying appeared at the scene. However, her smile was more frank: "Don't cry! You are so spiritless, and you still dare to make a revolution? I am the one who will die!"

Dali, a Lothar rebel soldier, did not cry. He has been following Taina Morn for some time, and they are familiar with each other. In his image, the young leader was actually a melancholy and quiet girl. Even when she was smiling, she always had a sense of melancholy and brokenness. But now, when her life was about to end, she showed unprecedented brightness.

As a comrade of the Burning Legion, he felt that he should be sad for her departure, but as a friend, shouldn't he be happy for her relief?

For a moment, the Lothar psychic didn't know what expression he should make.

Taina continued to chatter: "I have never been a firm rebel soldier, let alone a revolutionary. I am a young lady who grew up in an environment of luxury. The only special thing is that I have a very long rebellious period. My life is arranged by others. In the past, it was my parents, and later it became my elder sister of the same generation. In the future, it may be a husband I have never seen, or even future children. I thought I was fighting for the ideal of justice, but in fact it was to prove myself, to prove that I am an independent person with free thoughts, not a puppet disguised as a human being."

No one interrupted her.

Lanna Guerrilla even felt that it was a kind of happiness for a dying person to have the time and energy to say so many words.

"I'm leaving my life here not only for you, but also for me. I just want to tell her that she can't calculate everything. I'm not her dog, not her puppet."

Dali and Lanna looked at each other. They naturally didn't know who it was, but they could guess that it must be a big boss of the Thirteen Families. This one might be the biggest and most powerful demon that everyone needs to defeat.

"I'm sorry, thank you all for tolerating my willfulness. You are actually much purer than me. Dali, Val, we agreed that you are not allowed to die here! Now I know that Nephi is the most powerful base of the enemy. We need to change the world and think seriously about the future. So, go find Ash and give him all the treasures he lent me. Also, tell him that I am sorry for him and the previous agreement is invalid. I left him something in the safe in Chanchuan City. He knows the specific location and password." At this time, Ash Stein had already left Nephi with the remaining personnel of the "Son of Loha" and arrived at the border between the Tuoshan Star Region and the Halba Alliance Kingdom. Everyone agreed to meet there. It is said that Mr. Ash Stein successfully found a semi-abandoned space city in the border galaxy and temporarily settled everyone down. This is also everyone's way out. Dali's eyes became more and more dim. He really couldn't imagine how Mr. Ash, who was working for everyone, would react when he heard this bad news. "Dali, I'll leave everyone here to you."

The young Losar warrior didn't delay any more and nodded vigorously. He was a psychic and a veteran of the rebel army, so he was the only candidate.

"However, you are not very familiar with Nefe, so..." Taina looked at Lanner again, her eyes sparkling. It is hard to imagine that a person who is about to die still has such power in his eyes.

"I will find a way." Thor Lanner said, "Even Nefe can find a smuggling ship. I have a very reliable smuggling friend who can take us away."

Isn't this guy a guerrilla? The Losar people couldn't help but look at Lanner, thinking that the composition of this new comrade was also quite complicated, but he said it didn't matter. However, in this context, the complex composition is really a blessing.

Taina added: "I recorded three more letters, all in my terminal. Please give them to Mr. Qi Bingwen and General Yu Lian of the community. If you have a chance, give the last one to... Well, no, just send it directly to the headquarters of the Rainbow Rose Foundation. They know who to give it to."

After finishing the last words, the first leader of the Burning Legion finally sighed with relief. She exhaled a bloody turbid air, and her eyes gradually became blurred.

On December 12, 833 of the Common Era, at 22:48 Nephi Standard Time, Taina Morn's time stopped at her 23-year-old youth.

In this way, Ash Stein, who was 5,000 light years away, automatically became the successor leader of the Burning Legion without his knowledge.

Everyone on the boat stayed with Taina until she completely left, then they began to gather their emotions and take action. In accordance with Taina's instructions during her lifetime, they took away the zero element that was separated out after her death and kept it as a public resource for the rebels. Then, he cut off another strand of hair, put it in a titanium pendant, and handed it to Ash Stern during the meeting.

The remaining remains were pushed into the sea in small wooden boats and lit with torches. The boat will carry the torch and ashes and naturally sail to the depths of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars. ,

Then, under the guidance of the former guerrilla Silana, they drove a small boat out of the Falling Star Sea and went to the Lonan Islands in the western hemisphere of Nephi to find a smuggling ship that could take them away.

There are some bearer promissory notes and a small amount of precious metals in the cargo hold, which can be used to buy ship tickets or even make some supplies and weapons.

In addition, when everyone broke out in Republic Square, Mr. Edko, the chairman of the Frugal Society, also said that it would be best to meet at the Ronan Islands in a week. This was actually before the Ice Valley City incident when the previous leader returned. Things were decided when Mr. Mo was still here. It's just that some radical students believe that mere street movements will definitely not be able to save the alliance, and hope to join the resistance organization.

Of course, the rebel soldiers welcome this issue. They all felt that having top academics from the Frugal Society join would formalize the organization. In this way, the Burning Legion will become more and more like an ideal and systematic organization, rather than a peasant uprising.

Of course, while you are on the road, you cannot cut off contact with the outside world. Because of fear of being monitored, everyone's personal terminals have been modified and cut off from the Star Network. However, after all, Taina was once a reporter for a major newspaper, and she left behind a large commercial terminal on the ship that had been passed down several times. It was said to be the model most favored by pirates and smuggling ships.

However, the news heard from the terminal made everyone find it unbelievable.

They switched to twenty news channels, and only two mentioned the protest rally on Gem Coast, but the incident lasted less than half a minute, and the words were understated, as if it was just a small-scale security incident.

Of course, the assassination of Senator Emeta Parrotin was covered in great detail. After all, that person was the leader of the opposition alliance, a very popular political star, and he fell in front of so many people, so it was impossible to ignore it lightly.

As a result, the news is filled with various commemorative programs. Mrs. Parlotin, who had just passed away in the hospital, suddenly turned into a living saint, as if she was about to be ranked alongside Yagomi Berenkeist.

The rebel soldiers were just annoyed when they heard it, so they adjusted the program to the more solemn World News Channel. This channel is a friendly channel of Xinghai United, which is in power, and can even be directly regarded as a mouthpiece of the ruling party.

Sure enough, the news in his mouth was all about the ruling party. Marshal Esco, the acting commander-in-chief, had submitted his resignation to Congress, and it was quickly accepted.

Although the old marshal was not a professional politician and was always missing a muscle in this area, he was not a fool after all. At this level, even if you think about it on your knees, you know that the only way to maintain your decency is to know your own tastes.

He was very sensible and kept his dignity. At least he was much more dignified when he was impeached and stepped down.

In addition, the Congress stated that it will start the general election in January next year and try to simplify the election procedures to welcome new national leaders to the Azul Palace.

Therefore, Marshal Esco, who had a strong sense of responsibility, followed the trend and took up his last post at the request of the members of Congress.

Ironically, in the last six months of his term, he will be a head of state without the pressure of election or impeachment. He will also be a commander-in-chief who will have no constraints and can govern with peace of mind.

If you are a very active politician, you can accomplish many major things in half a year.

Therefore, Marshal Esco said that he would do his job well. His last important job is to entertain President Nishita of the Blue Star Community who is coming for a state visit.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that there was another important foreign affairs event here. On the other side of the galaxy, the largest war since the Seventh Galactic War has entered its most brutal and intense stage.

"The president of Earth is still coming?"

"I know, I know, that old lunatic Esco is actually a hopeless war maniac! The Alliance will involve us in the war. How can such an old insect become the commander-in-chief?"

"But the war has already happened. We can't let the empire really swallow the people on earth, right? How long can the people on earth resist?"

"I hate the master of the Alliance, but I also hate the master of the Empire."

The rebel soldiers of the Burning Legion had complicated thoughts and were talking a lot. They really do not want to get involved in the war between the empire and the community. However, due to the simple values ​​​​and correct outlook of the rebels and revolutionaries, they naturally have no good impression of the empire. Of course, they really cannot say that "the life and death of the people on earth has nothing to do with us." What does it matter?"

In fact, this can indeed have something to do with them.

The rebel soldiers may just feel that if the alliance government really focuses on foreign affairs activities and war, everyone's situation will be better and it will be easier to escape from Nephi, right?

In any case, at least at this time, the soldiers of the Burning Legion were somewhat grateful to the arriving Commander Keith Nichta.

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