Him and their stars

Chapter 1573 Big Calm Waves

"B-level green?" Yang Mingzhao was slightly startled and couldn't believe it: "I remember, wasn't this a march with nearly a million people? And it just ended for twenty-four hours."

"Actually, according to current statistics, the number of visitors has reached 1.3 million, which is larger than the Ice Valley City at the end of last year. However, in less than 24 hours, the Gemstone Coast has completely restored security. Fleet The shopping malls in the square, Golden Palm Avenue and Clock Street, the Shengquan Museum and Future Park have all resumed business. Even the Republic Square has just held a concert.”


"Yes, Good Morning Kitty's surprise concert and so on. It is said that it was an impromptu event to give back to the fans. Although there was no publicity, the number of participants exceeded one hundred thousand."

"On the spur of the moment?" Yang Mingzhao sneered.

"It was an impromptu idea." Director Hedden nodded solemnly.

"As expected of the alliance, it's shocking... well, its resilience." Yang Mingzhao sighed. Many times, the level of whitewashing peace can also reflect a country's organization and mobilization capabilities. It is obvious that, at least in this aspect, the alliance is still the first in the universe. This may be what the Blue Star Community has learned in the past century. It's an advanced skill that I can't master.

"This is already better than 90% of the community cities, even better than the earth." Killian couldn't help but be speechless.

Mr. Hedden suddenly showed an expression of shame. Although he is a bureaucrat in the intelligence department, he is also a member of the security department after all. Of course, he has a relatively direct relationship with public security issues.

Of course, no matter what, B-level green means that the city's security situation is suitable for unarmed foreign tourists. This is a rating made by the Galactic Civilization Council, which should be relatively objective.

So far, there are only a few cities such as Maple City that have exceeded this level of public security within the community.

"In this case, your Excellency the President's Nephi and his party should be better than Qingchun City, right?" Killian said again.

Yang Mingzhao glanced at his junior brother out of the corner of his eye angrily. He can no longer figure out whether his junior brother is really innocent or really dark: "Public security is a dynamic variable."

The KMT bureaucrats also showed distressed expressions: "In my duties, I am always afraid that Mr. President will be collided. That would be a diplomatic accident. What's more, this incident was caused by citizens of the Alliance protesting against the war. In addition, Parrotin The death of a congressman will inevitably lead to the formation of extreme groups. This has already happened in Qingchun City, and it is even more suspicious for the Alliance. However, I am not qualified to stop the President's schedule. I believe that the so-called B-level in the alliance direction is green.”

"...Can you also confirm the death of Ms. Parlotin?"

"80% sure." He further explained: "The embassy also has connections in this area."

Yang Mingzhao sighed silently, feeling a little sad for no reason. Of course, he has no friendship with Ms. Parotin, but he still has a certain respect for such conscientious politicians who speak out for the people.

He said: "I just saw Mr. President in such high spirits, so it's really hard to disturb him with such disappointing news."

"Isn't it the opposite?" Director Hedden's mood was a bit excited, with a hint of gloating.

After all, Mrs. Parlotin's political views are such that the Alliance of Hope can stay out of the matter, which is certainly not good news for the community. However, President Kes Nichta has made vicious comments in private more than once, such as "that bumbling moral bitch", "she should not be allowed to serve", and "must be a spy for the empire".

For President Nichita, the news of Mrs. Parotin's death should be considered good news.

Yang Mingzhao twitched his eyebrows slightly. After all, the death of a civil rights politician with a conscience was clearly the result of a political vendetta. This is a tragedy, but anyone with any conscience will feel sorry for it.

Yang Mingzhao didn't like to use such a frivolous way to explain a tragedy.

Of course, he concealed it very well, at least there was no looseness in his expression.

On the other hand, Killian Sazabi, who was next to him, immediately turned gloomy and expressed his dissatisfaction in a straightforward way.

He is just an ordinary secretary, bodyguard, and emergency doctor. He does not need to pay attention to unity and government like the senior brother.

Of course Director Hedden felt the look in Killian's eyes. This old bureaucrat in the intelligence department, when a young man half his age glared at him, looked away in fear and said with a smile:

"However, when it comes to the incident itself, it's probably just a routine question and then ignored. In the final analysis, what does the alliance's citizen riots have to do with him?"

Just like when the uprising broke out in Lone Night City, President Nishita's first reaction was "What? Riot? The mob rebelled? Where is the sector government? What does the sector government do? What, what, what, it has been put down. ? Oh, that’s okay.”

From beginning to end, he believed that the so-called Lone Night City incident was just an ordinary local citizen riot. This kind of thing has happened in all dynasties, and it is not worth the thought of the head of state.

In the final analysis, most politicians are actually traditional conservative men who are always slow to respond to the latest developments, the latest public opinions, and the latest changes.

Although President Nishita seems to be an excellent politician with great charisma, he should not have gone beyond this category.

However, there are some things that you can ignore when you are a leader, whether you are pretending to be open-minded or a fearless person, but when you are a subordinate, you don't dare to take it seriously.

"Let's use Haihui Temple as a reference value for B Green on Gem Coast. If the shooting in Sunny Spring City happened on Gem Coast, especially at the meeting between the President and Marshal Esko, it would be a diplomatic disaster." Yang Mingzhao said.

"Yes, if this affects the morale of the troops on the front line, you and I, and everyone involved, will be sinners of the community." Director Hutto added.

You don't need to add this. Yang Mingzhao glanced at the other party. He really doesn't understand why this kind of old bureaucrat likes to put pressure on people who work. Could this be a better way to highlight his dedication to his job?

No, Lieutenant Colonel Bohm, the captain of the guard, really felt the pressure was rising. He quickly wiped his sweat and said: "The alliance has also agreed that President Nishita will stay at the Navigator Hotel in the Sea City during his time in Nephi. Stay. The place has not been affected by the riots, and the security level is still A. Also, high-rise buildings are not allowed on Xiajiao Island where the Navigator Hotel is located, so security control should be easier for Mr. President. , at least better than on the Gem Coast.”

"And it is more convenient to participate in activities from the Capital of the Seven Seas." Yang Mingzhao said with a smile.

"Yes. If you want to go to the Capitol, you can take the airship directly from the hotel. It is safe and convenient. We have already contacted each other." Lieutenant Colonel Bohm said.

Director Hutto nodded and forced an unnatural smile: "It is true that there is a risk of being shot when riding in a car. If you are riding in an airship, there will be no real missile attack, right? Those ultra-pacifist thugs , If I could get this kind of weapon, I might have used it yesterday.”

This is supposed to be a joke, right? So, Yang Mingzhao led everyone to laugh together, which finally did not make the scene cold.

"Mr. President will be in Nefi for a week, and this should be the busiest and most stressful week for everyone."

"More than a week." Killian added: "After Nephi's affairs are over, we will have to stay in Turanka and Gundanyu for three days each."

When I go to Turanka, I naturally want to inspect the construction progress of the main god level. When he arrived in Gundanyu, he was invited to participate in the joint military exercises of the alliance and its allied countries. Fortunately, these two galaxies are within the central star region, so it is not too troublesome.

"That's nearly half a month. This is our battlefield. Before that, please make sure to eat well, sleep well, and recharge your batteries." Yang Mingzhao said.

Everyone once again said that Director Yang is indeed Director Yang and speaks the best. Everyone really felt that being on the Azure Princess, surrounded by our own escort warships, was indeed safer than being on Qingchun City, and it was probably safer than being on Nephi. Only on this giant cruise ship can everyone experience the rare sense of peace of mind.

As a result, the Secretariat members and security team leaders present also stood up and left, preparing to take a rest. Even Killian was ready to retreat.

"I still have evening classes." Killian said to his senior brother.

It hasn't been long since he awakened his psychic powers. Compared with those geniuses who could lift trucks with telekinesis when they were babies, he probably doesn't have much talent. However, he was still directly included in the spiritual research association's door, and he also got Exclusive psychic weapon and Taoist name "Fish Gut\

,"He was flattered and really wanted to improve.

Of course, this refers to spiritual energy.

"Thank you for your hard work. Master has sent you your evening class homework for next month. Be careful not to overdo it." Yang Mingzhao waved to his junior brother: "I will wait for news from Nephi."

Then, like a magic trick, he took out a pair of mahjong from behind his seat, and then arranged a handful of golden cuties on the table. Naturally, there were enough golden dragons.

Although there is a war going on, everyone may be hating the Imperial people, but who would hate the Empire's gold coins?

As a result, many people who were originally planning to take a rest suddenly didn’t want to leave. This also included Director Hutto and Colonel Pom, who immediately didn't want to leave.

You know, Yang Mingzhao's hobby of mahjong can only be described as "people are addicted to food". How can this be playing mahjong? It’s obviously giving away benefits!

In short, such a person with no foundation in the alliance's political arena or civil service system was able to take control of President Nishita's secretariat in a short period of time, not just by relying on the brute force of a psychic.

Killian looked at his senior brother with admiration, feeling that he would never be able to reach this point in his life, and for a moment he only felt admiration.

"Big Brother, thank you for your hard work." Killian was moved to tears.

As a result, the sound of building the Great Wall began to be heard in the salon decorated in the imperial palace style. This elegant and luxurious palace style is immediately injected with a relaxing atmosphere.

In fact, Yang Mingzhao is not too disgusted with this kind of social occasion where money is thrown around. He is a psychic, he is the third generation senior brother of the Spiritual Research Association, and like his master Tantai Jing, he has the style of a gentleman, and he has a gentlemanly air even when he is sitting on the chair. For people like him, the value of favors that can be exchanged for even throwing away coins is much higher than that of others.

No, after a few rounds of mahjong, Yang Mingzhao had already learned from Director Hutto that the Alliance Security Department was undergoing major surgery. Because of this, he agreed that President Nikita could stay in the relatively safe Capital of the Seven Seas. The number of national armed security teams carried can also be increased to more than two companies. In addition, the Kuomintang is ready to use the experience accumulated during the Guye City incident to cooperate with the other party.

Because of this, Lieutenant Colonel Bohm felt high-spirited even though he felt a lot of pressure. You should know that although foreign heads of state who visited the alliance in the past also had special service teams attached to them, the number was limited, and all deployments and movements were subject to the alliance's arrangements. But now, Nephi has adopted such a low profile, which makes Lieutenant Colonel Bohm feel as excited as running on the steps of the Azure Palace.

Later, he learned from a colleague who was responsible for liaison with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the higher-ups intended to mention the ambassador to the alliance, Ms. Lina Wilbart, to the position of deputy minister. This can actually be seen as President Kes Nichta's decentralization of important power departments in the cabinet.

Yang Mingzhao felt that it was a good deal to get this information for less than 50 gold dragons. Anyway, it was not me who paid for it, but the People’s Federation.

After a few rounds, when the time reached 2:25 in the morning on December 14, Yang Mingzhao was still in high spirits, but the rest of the exhausted mortals realized the huge difference between themselves and the psykers. There is a huge gap. When I see the gold coins I won in my hand, I feel like I have clearly been favored by a big boss.

However, just when everyone was finally ready to leave, they received a notification from the first mate who was on duty on the bridge. They received a communication from the Alliance's Grand High Seas Fleet headquarters.

This is not surprising. In fact, before the start of this visit, the two sides had communicated well. Once President Nishita's fleet left Sunny Spring City, the Alliance's Grand High Seas Fleet would also join the voyage.

It was originally agreed that there would be two destroyers, which is also the standard escort for most foreign heads of state's fleets after they enter the alliance's borders. It is said to be an escort, but in fact it mainly serves as a pilot, a guide and a guard of honor.

However, after the Qingchun City incident, perhaps for appeasement, the alliance replaced the escort force with one light cruiser and three destroyers, which was basically the highest courtesy standard.

During the Third Galactic War, the Empire and the Alliance joined forces to obliterate the Eloran Empire. When the Imperial Supreme visited the Alliance, this was the standard.

In short, if it is regarded as the escort ship of the community, it really constitutes a double-digit fleet. In this regard, President Nihita's sense of honor was greatly satisfied.

The alliance stated that the escort fleet had naturally set off, and it was agreed to meet up with the Azul Princess before 8 o'clock this morning. At this point it is still a procedural conversation. But then, the other party also said that their deep space probes deployed in the galaxy, an important transportation node in the high seas, discovered some unnatural fleet movements.

"Unidentified armed ships? More than 10 in number? Are they moving in our direction?" Yang Mingzhao frowned.

Director Hutto said: "If it is in the Grand Sea Star Territory, it would not be surprising to see unknown armed forces."

"Yes, for safety reasons, the Alliance fleet that came to join them added a heavy cruiser and a light carrier," the second officer said.

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