Him and their stars

Chapter 1575 Cooperation

President Nishita was a little disappointed, and a little bit horrified.

Even a layman like him in the military field knew very well that this kind of green-skinned warship with sharp edges and corners was indeed a predator from the center of the Milky Way. Although they looked like ugly building blocks made of various space junk, they were actually works of art in the field of overall engineering, and their performance and combat effectiveness were still very strong.

Moreover, due to the extreme design, in certain battle situations, it is possible to fight dozens of rounds with the most advanced warships without losing the upper hand.

Well, it is not the kind of pirate who only seeks wealth and will flee immediately when seeing a warship. This is indeed not the best situation. Of course, after all, it is not the empire's infiltration fleet, so it will not be the worst situation.

...However, I heard that those predators, not only kill and rob, but also eat people.

When he thought of this, President Nishita was a little panicked. However, as an excellent politician with professional training, he glanced around and saw that many guards had changed into mechas, and they were guarding every passage of the bridge like an indestructible steel fortress.

He also saw that Yang Mingzhao and Killian were exchanging a stack of yellow paper. Although President Nishita could not understand it, he was shocked and felt that it must be some very high-end mystical prop.

So, his sense of security returned.

The captain also came to report at this time: "The other side should have been through a long march and battle, and the ship was seriously damaged. The reconnaissance aircraft found scars on their shells, and the integrity rate was even less than 70%."

President Nishita's sense of security not only returned, but even began to grow.

"I heard that a warship with less than 70% damage on the outside means that the damage rate inside is more than half." The president asked with interest.

"... This, this is just a rumor. I just think that judging from the performance of the enemy ships, their combat readiness is at least not perfect." The captain smiled bitterly and could only answer in the most cautious way.

"So that's it, it's already the end of its strength!" President Nishita suddenly realized.

I didn't say that. The captain asked helplessly: "No matter what, we can't underestimate the enemy, and we must be on the highest alert now. Then..."

"Everything is left to you!" President Nishita laughed and waved his hand vigorously. He stood up and smiled at Marshal Alwin: "Marshal, professional matters are left to professionals. How about we sit here and watch our boys defeat the enemy?"

The old marshal would naturally not object. He is now a military adviser to the Presidential Palace. In theory, he is actually a semi-private staff of the president, and he is actually obliged to cooperate with the boss to show off.

The old marshal, who is old and sophisticated, certainly cannot not understand this kind of workplace rules.

The captain secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He personally felt that these enemy ships still posed no threat, but if there was a leader behind them who was addicted to being incompetent and giving blind orders, the problem might be serious.

Leaders ruled from behind, which was the most friendly setting for people who did things.

However, just when the two of them had just sat down, the latest images were also fed back through the transfer of the front-line reconnaissance aircraft.

Those strange-looking green-skinned wind warships fired long-range missiles at their own fighters, but they were obviously used for interception, and they did not expect to shoot them down. However, even so, they did not really achieve their goal.

The white devil fighter with light wings installed was like a petrel, flexibly getting out of the missile's search range, continuing to track and detect, and even moving forward a few steps. This was a bit provocative.

But even so, these predator warships showed amazing strategic determination. They did not rush over like other colleagues, howling like zombies seeing fresh meat, but stayed where they were. After all the warships were gathered, they slowly deployed a swallow-shaped formation for the charge.

Now, the number of this unknown fleet can be basically confirmed, with a total of 14 large and small warships. Among them, there are three medium-sized ships, but the largest one is less than two-thirds the size of the escort cruiser. The remaining small warships are also more than one circle smaller than their own Fletcher 4 destroyers.

President Nishita's mentality became more high-spirited.

"I heard that the predator's warships do lack uniform specifications, which is caused by the objective natural conditions of the galactic center. But even such warships can entangle with us for so long. In this way, the Ero people are not a demon race born for killing!"

In fact, from the macro perspective of history, humans are more like demons. Marshal Alwin smiled bitterly and said, "The Ero people are indeed a brave warrior race. Captain, what is the ratio of the predator's motherships and flamethrowers?"

"Mothership 2, flamethrower 1, and the rest are assault ships." The captain looked at the latest reconnaissance report.

"A standard raider organization. I can't believe that at this time, there are still raiders who dare to leave the galactic center! They are truly brave and fierce bandits." said the first mate.

"But even so, they are still far inferior to their predecessors." The second mate said, "I used to serve in the Cantilever Fleet and fought against the Marauders in their heyday. Their sailors are brave, the stormtroopers are brave, and the pilots are even braver. In the past, their fighters would have been pressed out long ago. How could they allow our fighters to get so close to conduct reconnaissance?"

The captain said, "All the mothership fighters are activated. Be prepared to intercept the assault ships and mothership landing craft."

Although his main job is the captain of the Azure Princess, he is actually the commander of this fleet.

The concepts of the so-called "flame-breathing ship" and "mothership" are a bit beyond President Nishita's knowledge and cognition. However, he still said, "I have heard that the swallow formation is suitable for charging, but it is actually very suitable for dispersing and escaping."

"Indeed. Your judgment is very forward-looking." Marshal Alwin praised. He really wasn't sarcastic. He thought the president should have read a few military manuals and textbooks seriously. At least he should be able to become a big shot by chatting with pseudo-military fans on military forums.

For ordinary people, this is already a great achievement.

"Let the escort warships deal with it on their own." The captain began to order: "The ship's engine and shield enter the first-level standby preheating, and the close-in defense guns are activated. All crew members begin to arm and prepare for the enemy's boarding. All hatches will be closed in five minutes!"

The first and second mates were obviously a little disappointed, but they still accepted the order and made their own arrangements. The crew members on the Azure Princess are actually active officers, and they also have a desire for military merit.

If there weren't a group of big shots on board, they would have been happy to drive the Azure Princess to the front to fill the line - although this ship is a cruise ship, it is a large ship of the dreadnought class after all, and after Navy Day, I don't know who fooled them, the National Defense Committee really installed military armor, shields and large naval guns on the Azure Princess. Large warships are naturally unbeatable, but beating up most pirate ships should be no problem.

The situation is just as everyone judged, the predator fleet began to move forward, but it was just moving forward, not charging. They don't look like sprinting predators at all, but more like a group of hungry but trembling hyenas, who only dare to carefully test outside the safe range.

"You seem to be saying that the predators who are still in the Galaxy are actually only the old, weak and sick? Their reaction really proves this point." The president's eyes lit up, as if he was a wise commander who found a loophole in the enemy's formation.

"They really don't have the determination to fight. They should be looking for an opportunity to break out." The old marshal made a judgment based on his lifelong experience in military service.

"Break out? Oh, yes, that's right, we are located between gravity wells 1 and 3, just blocking their way." The president glanced at the star map and was in a trance again. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have a good judgment of seeing the big picture from the small details. Doesn't this mean that he actually has a military talent?

When he thought of this, Mr. Nishita immediately stood up.

His eyes were firm and full of charm, his head was held high, and his posture was tall and straight. If he hadn't been holding a big sword in his hand, he would have been a high-spirited king leading the army to a great victory.

"Should we..."

You said three minutes ago that "professional matters should be done by professionals"? Marshal Alwin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just when he wanted to stop the other party, he was interrupted by the prompt tone of the emergency communication.

The source of this communication came from the report of Rear Admiral Eric Hall of the Alliance Grand High Seas Fleet.

The general of the Alliance said that the 6th patrol fleet of the Grand High Seas Fleet led by him had arrived at the next star system. They were originally sent to welcome the community delegation, but they found this unknown fleet on the way, so they accelerated and arrived nearly 20 hours earlier than originally planned.

Fortunately, it seems that everything is not too late now.

The captain of the Azure Princess received a detailed report from his subordinates. They are the 6th patrol fleet of the Alliance Grand High Seas Fleet, composed of 1 light carrier, 2 heavy cruisers, 4 light cruisers, and 8 destroyers. Their mission is to be responsible for combat patrols and law and order maintenance between Sunny Spring City and Oselmen.

Although it is said to be a patrol fleet for maintaining law and order, its total force is equivalent to the entire national defense force of many small countries with only one mother star system. With such a fleet, it can defeat 99% of the pirate fleets in the universe. Even if it encounters plunderers or even the fleets of some hostile powers, it is enough to deal with them until the main force arrives.

And there are 20 such patrol fleets under the organization of the Grand Sea Fleet.

The Alliance is really generous. President Nishita looked at Major General Hall who saluted him with envy. The other party's typical earthling appearance with brown hair and gray eyes made him a little dazed.

"I am indeed from an earth immigrant family. My ancestors immigrated to Nephi." Major General Hall introduced himself like this.

President Nishita naturally felt very cordial: "Seeing that the earth expatriates can also create achievements in a foreign country, we are really proud of our compatriots who have spread their branches outside Terra!"

Rear Admiral Hall obviously had professional training in diplomacy, and of course he showed just the right amount of emotion.

He then told everyone that the Alliance had come to the conclusion that the fleeing predators were the culprits who robbed the Mayne freighter a week ago. Now that they have been trapped in a galaxy, there is no reason to ignore them.

"We have naturally formed a double-sided situation with these predators. Such a good opportunity cannot be missed." Rear Admiral Hall persuaded: "The Mayne is also a large freighter belonging to the Poseidon Fleet. There were nearly a thousand victims who died in the robbery a week ago. If the Alliance knew that the President had brought justice to these poor victims, they would be grateful to you. You will definitely receive a warmer welcome during your visit to the Alliance."

President Nishita didn't know what the so-called time when the Mayne was robbed was. However, the other party's second half of the sentence made him very excited.

"What should I do?"

"You just need to deploy your fleet on the spot, arrange your fighters, and intercept the escape routes of the predators to the No. 1 and No. 3 gravity wells. My fleet will arrive at the battlefield in half an hour, launch an assault from the enemy's rear, and drive them into your encirclement. In short, it is the so-called woodpecker tactic."

This is equivalent to doing the dirty work by yourself, and giving the main credit to the friendly forces. It can be said that it is not noble. President Nishita quickly understood this and immediately showed a touching look. He said that when you go abroad, you can still rely on overseas compatriots! Since Major General Hall is so noble, I will not be hypocritical and must cooperate well.

To put it bluntly, isn't this a double-sided sandwich? And pretending to be a "woodpecker"... Yang Mingzhao on the side heard his eyebrows jump straight. He always felt that this statement was a bit unlucky, but there was no evidence.

But no matter what, from the current point of view, this cooperation is beneficial to our side, and even Marshal Elwin has no objection, so it is difficult for me to say anything.

Major General Hall behind the screen said again: "This battle may delay everyone for less than half a day at most. Please rest assured that after this battle is over, we will guide you. Our general will welcome you in Nephi, but the Secretary of State has already arrived at Oselmen to welcome you."

Obviously, all the preparations made by the alliance are very consistent with their great power demeanor, which really satisfies President Nishita. He now has a rather strange premonition. He always feels that if this diplomatic activity is regarded as his battlefield, he has seen the dawn of a great victory.

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